Requirements for a custom android View - android

I'm interested in using a custom View to draw, measure, and display a set of buttons that is dependent on a back-end for my application. This requires me to implement this in Android dynamically. Would you help me get started?
Here we go: first in my MainActivity I instantiate my custom class which inherits from TableLayout which is also a view:
var keyboardView = new KeyboardView(this, layout, droidLayout, this.Colors);
Then I set the content view to the fresh instance of my custom class: SetContentView(keyboardView); Here's my class's constructor which just helps me get scope on all of the info I need:
public KeyboardView(Context context, KeyboardLayout layout, int droidLayout, Dictionary<string, int> colors)
: base(context) {
this._Colors = colors;
this._Context = context;
this.KeyboardLayout = layout;
//this.ButtonLayout = ll;
this.DrawingCacheEnabled = true;
this.DroidLayout = droidLayout;
I've also overridden both OnMeasure and OnDraw:
protected override void OnMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
int h = 100;
int w = 100;
//Overall keyboard/View dimensions //Difference between Canvas size and KeyboardDimensions?
this.SetMeasuredDimension(w, h);
protected override void OnDraw(Canvas canvas) {
var bt = new Button(this._Context);
bt.Text = "laaaa";
Now what's happening is that OnDraw and OnMeasure both get it, in fact, OnDraw seems to be getting hit lots of time -- more so then I wish to count. However, the one button that I added via AddView is NOT drawn on the screen. If you guys could help me get this one button on the screen I can get to writing the core logic!
On a side-note: I can draw stuff on my screen if I set an XML layout file as the view as such: SetContentView(Resource.Layout.LayoutName) But, since the nature of my program requires dynamic views being added all the time, I'd rather avoid writing lengthy Layout files. Thanks guys! Bump my question up if you think it's a worthwhile one!

In general, this is a good place to start. In particular it details how to add custom attributes, how to perform custom drawing, and how to design custom events that make sense in the context of your own application.
Also, it looks like you're trying to use C# style syntax in Java, which won't work for things like inheritance. Reading some java tutorials might help you out.
This is a good resource for that and should help you get up and going. Good luck!

Don't forget to call the super() to allow the parent class to do what it needs to do for the overridden method.
protected override void OnDraw(Canvas canvas) {
Related link


Custom ImageButton, which method to override for simplest RadioButton interface?

I am in the process of making a custom view that is essentially an ImageButton with added logic so it also have the behavior of a RadioButton. All I want to do is have it built into the view that when the user clicks the button the image is changed, an internal boolean is marked true to note it is selected, and an interface method is called to let the RadioGroup it is a part of to unselect all the other views within it. I don't want to impact the existing behavior of the base ImageButton whatsoever.
I've only made one other custom view before and that was by following a tutorial almost exactly to the letter and since there are so many different methods inhereted from View that deal with clicks/touches (i.e. onTouch, onClick, motion event, etc.) taking it all in has left me a bit confused. I am fine writing the interface itself, its the modification of ImageButton where I'm not too sure how to attack it.
So, I ask you all: What method/methods do I need to override to add this simple functionality, while not impacting the current behavior of ImageButton, nor screwing up the ability to set an onTouchListener for the button that will perform additional actions on click without compromising this built in radio button logic? If I need to override something that will mess with the default behavior I mentioned, what do I need to put in the new method to restore that functionality?
This is what I have so far:
public class RadioImageButton extends AppCompatImageButton implements RadioCheckable {
//Default constructor
public RadioImageButton(Context context) {
//Constructor with defined attributes
public RadioImageButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
//Constructor with defined attributes and attributes taken from style defaults that aren't defined
public RadioImageButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);
// Setup
private void initView()
private void parseAttributes()
The approach I would like to take would be something like:
...All other code I already showed
mChecked = false;
void onClick(...)
mChecked = true;
setImageSource(R.example.checked_image); // Or I can use a selector resource
*Call to Radio Interface*;
mOnTouchListener.onTouch(v, event); //Handle user onTouchListener
and leave all the other code alone, though I'm sure it isn't quite that simple.
I thought a good start would be trying to find the source code for the default ImageButton class and set mine up to be a near replica so I can understand how it works and then modify from there, but all I could really find was this:
and there is no way that is the actual source because pressing Ctrl+O shows many more functions that ImageButton defines that are not inherited from another class; regardless, that link is not at all helpful as its basically a giant comment with little to no code.
Thanks for any suggestions that will help me accomplish this in the most straightforward way.
EDIT: #pskink - Looking through the code you provided, it seems like it is trying to generate a matrix in order to transform the provided drawable (src) so that it fits into a new rectangle (dst) while maintaining the aspect ratio and positioning (hence ScaleToFit.CENTER). I would assume the destination rectangle would be the bounds of the view the drawable is contained in, which in this case is the RadioButton, but while stepping through the override of the "draw()" method it doesn't quite seem to be doing that, though I'm not quite sure how cavas.concat(matrix) is resolved so I'm not positive. Regardless it doesn't seem to work as intended or I am somehow using it wrong.
While maybe not the most robust method, it seems like the most straightforward, yet effective way to handle what I wanted to do was to leverage the Matrix class and its powerful scaling/transformation tools, specifically "setRectToRect()". Creating a custom view that extends RadioButton instead of ImageButton allowed me to make use of the existing RadioGroup, while manipulating characteristics of the button's drawables in the new classes Constructor achieved the behavior I was looking for.
Custom RadioButton class:
public class RadioImageButton extends {
int stateDrawable; //Resource ID for RadioButton selector Drawable
D scaledDrawable; //Post-scaling drawable
public RadioImageButtonTwo(Context context) {
public RadioImageButtonTwo(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
private void parseAttributes(AttributeSet attrs)
TypedArray styledAttrs = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,R.styleable.RadioImageButtonTwo);
try {
// Obtain selector drawable from attributes
stateDrawable = styledAttrs.getResourceId(R.styleable.RadioImageButtonTwo_button_sDrawable, R.drawable.test_draw2);
} finally {
styledAttrs.recycle(); //Required for public shared view
private void initView()
scaledDrawable = new D(getResources(),stateDrawable); // Create scaled drawable
setBackground(scaledDrawable); // Apply scaled drawable
setButtonDrawable(android.R.color.transparent); // "Disable" button graphic
See more on setting up a custom view here:
Custom drawable class "D" that includes fitCenter scaling thanks to #pskink:
class D extends StateListDrawable {
private Rect bounds = new Rect();
private RectF src = new RectF();
private RectF dst = new RectF();
private Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
public D(Resources r, int resId) {
try {
XmlResourceParser parser = r.getXml(resId);
int type;
while ((type = != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
if (type == XmlPullParser.START_TAG && parser.getName().equals("selector")) {
inflate(r, parser, Xml.asAttributeSet(parser));
} catch (XmlPullParserException | IOException e) {
public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
Drawable current = getCurrent();
bounds.set(0, 0, current.getIntrinsicWidth(), current.getIntrinsicHeight());
matrix.setRectToRect(src, dst, Matrix.ScaleToFit.CENTER);
Note that for whatever reason setting the button drawable itself to this custom drawable breaks the scaling, so changing the background to the custom drawable and setting the button drawable to transparent was the only way this worked. This custom drawable could easily be expanded upon to have more scaling type options and another view attribute could be defined to allow the user to choose the scaling type through XML.
This custom ImageView that mimics the (pointed out by pskink aswell) could also prove helpful in this task, as it too utilizes the Matrix class to implement multiple types of image scaling:

Patterns for custom view initialization compatible with layout preview

I'm wondering if there are any good design pattern for initializing custom views (for example passing in a model/renderer). In particular I'm interested in patterns that allow for Android Studio layout preview to work (or something like mirror to work).
For example take a simple game structure:
public class GameSurface extends View {
int mComputedParam;
Renderer mRenderer;
GameState mGameState;
public PlaySurface(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
public PlaySurface(Context context) {
// What are other ways of achieving this?
public void init(GameState gameState, Renderer renderer) {
mGameState = gameState;
mRenderer = renderer;
protected void onSizeChanged(int newWidth, int newHeight, int oldWidth, int oldHeight) {
// Game state is used to calculate some layout/size/render information on the fly
mComputedParam = (newWidth - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight()) / mGameState.level();
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
// Render can be swapped out based on level or user settings, etc
Something like this will crash the Android studio layout preview since onDraw and onSizeChanged both throw null pointer exceptions if called without the init().
Would there be some other approach that makes this possible? Some ideas off the top of my head:
Have a default renderer and model to fallback to in the layout preview. If this is a preferred solution, is there a way to detect that my code is being run in the layout preview?
Have an option to choose the renderer via some sort of XML attribute, e.g. custom:renderer="#values/default_renderer" and then specify one for layout preview view tools:renderer="#values/preview_renderer". It seems like there might not be good support for this (see Limitations section). This also might not work in some situations where instantiating the renderer couldn't easily be done in a static/preview context.
Perhaps there's a way to run some setup code in the layout preview that I've overlooked?

Is there any way to create skew animation for a View with ObjectAnimator in android

I want to create skew animation for a View in android.
So, I have rectangular view (this is normal/start state), at the end it should looks like this:
I can do such a thing with android.view.animation package using Transformation of TYPE_MATRIX. So I can create Matrix and use preSkew method, apply this Matrix to my custom animation and then start this animation on a view. So this is OK.
The problem is I want to do this with ObjectAnimator.
Because using android.view.animation package is not recommended to use.
But I can't get the solution for this problem with ObjectAnimator class.
If I have ImageView, I can use method setImageMatrix for ObjectAnimator (and also create custom MatrixEvaluator to evaluate corresponding matrices for each factor),
but I want to get solution for this problem with a View class, not for some subclass of it.
And the main reason is, that TextView, for example, doesn't have public method like setMatrix, and I want to get the solution for TextView too. So get the solution for base View class is the main desire.
There is another solution: create custom, for example, SkewTextView, in which onDraw method we use canvas.skew method.
But this is worse solution even than using android.view.animation package, because you need to create wrappers for any View subclass you want to skew.
So, I don't know, how I can skew View with a ObjectAnimator (as View class doesn't have public methods like setSkew or setMatrix).
How would you solve this problem?
Have you any idea of how to solve this problem?
Is there a solution for this problem with ObjectAnimator?
Any help (or even thoughts) is greatly appreciated
Well without subclassing this might be a bit tricky. My main idea is to use TimeAnimator, which will provide you time callbacks in conjunction with Camera (which can use Matrix transformations). Or you can use TimeAnimator and make a Bitmap from the View you want to skew, make the original View invisible, and draw the Bitmap on each TimeAnimator step applying a Matrix to it. But I'm not sure if this is the optimal way to do that, since you will have to create a new Bitmap on each frame
EDIT: No, Camera approach is not the way to do that as it is stated in comments below
I created a skew animation using Android Property Animation APIs in my project (GitHub Link).
What I did:
Created a custom view (SkewView) and added a SKEW_X property to it.
public class SkewView extends ImageView {
private static final String TAG = "SkewView";
public static final Property SKEW_X
= new FloatProperty("skewX") {
public void setValue(SkewView object, float value) {
public Float get(SkewView object) {
return object.getSkewX();
private float mSkewX;
// ...
public float getSkewX() {
return mSkewX;
public void setSkewX(float skewX) {
mSkewX = skewX;
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
if (mSkewX != 0) {
canvas.skew((float) (mSkewX * Math.PI / 180.0f), 0);
Used ObjectAnimator to animate this property.
ObjectAnimator skewAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mTarget, SkewView.SKEW_X, 30);

Avoiding object allocations in onDraw() (StaticLayout)?

I have a custom view which I quickly learned to not do object allocations in and moved all my Paint allocations into a different method, fine.
I need to use a StaticLayout however for some text that had some spannable 'stuff' applied.
layoutBpm = new StaticLayout(bpmValue,
textPaintBPM, arcRadius, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 0, 1,
This seemed to make sense to me to have in onDraw but I am of course getting warned to avoid this. It is important to me that I do everything I can to avoid any performance issues so I am trying to do this properly.
I can't seem to find any documentation I can understand that explains what some of the parameters to StaticLayout actually do (float spacingmult? float spacingadd?), but the third one there I think is maximum width for the StaticLayout text which I can only get from onMeasure as it relates to my canvas size. This leaves me wanting to put the assignment in onMeasure or onDraw, neither of which it seems I am meant to do. Is it okay to put StaticLayout assignment in onDraw or is there a better way to do this?
Hope this makes sense, I am very new to this. Thank you for any help.
(edit: I assume putting this assignment in a method and calling from onDraw/onMeasure is just being silly and will stop Eclipse warning me but wont actually help?)
The reason for the warning is because, very often, you do not need to recreate an object multiple times in a draw operation. onDraw() could be called hundreds of times compared to other methods in a View. Most of the time, the objects being recreated are being recreated with the exact parameters. Other times, it's simply less overhead to change an object's state than it is to create a new object.
In the case of a StaticLayout, you only need to create a new one when the text changes or when you adjust the padding, spacing, or maxwidth. If the text changes often, then you may want to consider DynamicLayout which will remeasure itself every time. Remeasuring costs more overhead than creating a new object, but there's no way it's happening more often than onDraw() calls.
If the text doesn't change often and you absolutely MUST use a StaticLayout, then you can get away with something like this structure.
StaticLayout myLayout;
String textSource = defaultSource;
Paint textPaint = defaultPaint;
int textWidth = defaultWidth;
public CustomView(Context ctx) {
public void setText(String text) {
textSource = text;
public void setWidth(int width) {
textWidth = width;
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
private void createLayout() {
myLayout = new StaticLayout(textSource, textPaint, textWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 0, 1, false);
Basically, you only create a new layout when something changes. Else you just reuse the last object you created.
One way to skip a measure pass is to call View#measure on the newly resized view itself. So your createLayout() method would be something like this.
private void createLayout() {
myLayout = new StaticLayout(textSource, textPaint, textWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 0, 1, false);
int textWidthSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(maxLayoutWidth, MeasureSpec.AT_MOST);
int textHeightSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(maxLayoutHeight, MeasureSpec.AT_MOST);
myLayout.measure(textWidthSpec, textHeightSpec);
Basically what this does is tells the layout the maximum the View can be. It will measure itself and it's children. The forceLayout() will be invoked on the parent (your custom view) which will re-layout the other contents based on the new measurements.
I should note that I have never done this with a StaticLayout so I have no idea what will happen. It seems like this type of measurement might already be handled when the View is created, but maybe not.
I hope this helps.

Overriding onDraw() for an EditText widget with a blank implementation has no effect

I am trying to create a "hidden edit view" which will give me the functionality of text editing within a 3rd party GUI on Android. I figured that the easiest way to make it not draw would be to just override onDraw() with a no-op; however it's having no effect. I've added a log statement to check that it is being called. Does anyone have an idea why it's still being drawn?
private class HiddenEditText extends EditText
public HiddenEditText(Context context)
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
Log.e("DBG", "onDraw()");
// ...
EditText EditTextGreen = new HiddenEditText(this);
EditTextGreen.setLayoutParams(new TableLayout.LayoutParams(TableLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, TableLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));
layout.addView(EditTextGreen, 0);
Another way of achieving this result, is to specify the background of the EditText as transparent:
<EditText android:background="#android:color/transparent" ...
The background is drawn by View.draw(). onDraw() is invoked by View.draw(), so you need to follow Mannaz' advice and set the background to a transparent color or just set it to null.

