User interface and selective sync in google drive / google spreadsheet - android

Hi I am new to android development and planning to develop a spreadsheet application, which should allow the user to
1) Create and edit a spreadsheet file in local device
2) Have file level control to allow/disallow syncing with google drive. Google credentials could be asked only if the user is interested in syncing.
My questions are:
1) Does google Drive/ Google spreadsheet provide any APIs for user interfaces? What will be the best way to implement the user interface?
2) Is selective syncing possible using google drive / google spreadsheet API?

The two spreadsheet api are: google-apps-script and google-spreadsheet-api ...
Google apps script has good docs and is of good quality, but I suspect google-spreadsheet-api
will be a better fit for android development, but depends on your needs.
The google demo gives a good overview of the spreadsheet api.
There is also ethercalc - it is a web based spreadsheet, good quality, all open source.

Yes you can. Google providing API for this. Kindly check this google developers link for more information. I hope you are familiar with designing of spreadsheet like layout and all in your app. If that thing is achieved, you can do it this also by putting small effort.


How to Make LBS applications in Android

Anyone has a tutorial of making LBS applications like this? I want to make an application to determine the trajectory of the city's public transport me, but I did not find his examples everywhere, if you have please help me to develop it, thank you
It is a concept design of my application layout
To develop an android app which uses Google API's would be a combination of Google Maps API, Location Api, Direction API and also Places API(if you want to fetch the details of your source and destination). If you are developing this app for a special transit system in your city than you would specifically need their own set of API to populate your app data.
But if you want to develop something with free open source Google API you can first make use of the Google Play Services by first referring into your app project and then getting the API key, enabling the direction api "ON" in your developer console and writing code.
Please refer to this tutorial in order to get a better insight of the transit system app you want to develop. You can customize you app UI accordingly once you have the data coming in.
Here are the bunch of links from Google's official documentation regarding implementation of all API's.
Hope this would help!!

Google Docs / Drive for editing Spreadsheet on Android

I want to simply use my Google-Account to read in Table Rows from a Google Docs File. The examples provided by Google are over-engineered,
1) Setting up a Play Service
2) Activating Drive SDK
3) Using OAuth
4) Activating Intent
The Quick-Start Example provided by Google needs a lot of configuration as well. A Google Announcement of "sweat less google-drive" api on youtube is not the reality or maybe i am on the wrong path.
Could someone give me an advice?
It seems that i am not the only one struggling: Current Android Google Spreadsheet API Example for writing
The Google Drive Android API doesn't support reading or editing Google Spreadsheets content, however the Google Sheets API 3.0 has a Java wrapper that you should be able to use on Android. See this link for more info:

Access to Google Drive from self implemented Android application

My Problem is, that I want to use any SDK or API to access my google drive from my android phone without using an existing google drive app on my android phone.
I read the instructions on this side: google drive sdk
The code examples does only work for desktop applications and the "integrate with Android" topic on the side does not provide any example how I can access my google drive from my android application.
I already read android-api-for-google-drive here but this leads only to more links and how-to's which are far to complicated and fuzzy.
Has anyone experience with connecting to google-drive from an android application and could help with any example code or "clean-and-short-explained" tutorial?
Luckily, just after you asked this question, Google released their Play Services (see this link), which makes it a heck of a lot easier to access files using the Drive SDK & Drive API. Please see my post on Google Plus that gives a step-by-step walkthrough and code example on how to integrate an Android app with Google Drive documents:
In the tutorial, I reference a particular Google IO 2012 talk (slides at, but please read my G+ post because I go through the various flaws, pitfalls, and omitted details from this presentation.
Before you start coding anything, get yourself signed up for the Google APIs (see this link), get into the API Console, and turn on both the Google Drive API and Drive SDK.
Good luck & have fun!

Listing all available files in Google Drive through Google Drive SDK

Previously, in desktop application, I am using Google Document List API, to list out all available files in Google Drive.
However, Google Document List API is not supported in Android platform. In order for this to work in Android platform, I need to use Google Drive SDK.
I do not see Google Drive SDK provides such functionality. So, what Android developers can do, to achieve list out all available files in Google Drive purpose?
See the answer by #Nivco to this post.
Admittedly, not a great set of options, but probably the "HTTP REST API plus XML parser" is your best bet in the near term...

Is there any software for automatic application uploading for Android Market developers?

Does exist some software for developers that is able to upload applications into Android Market (Google Play)? I want to automate this process, because I have very many apps in Market. Official or unofficial, no matter.
The API ( here is for emulating the android marketplace to pull data. You'd have to mimick the login onto the android marketplace developer center then use some kind of DOM Crawler like (symphony dom crawler to navigate and use GET/POST to mimick the calls for uploading).
Login to Google with PHP and Curl, Cookie turned off?
I'm not aware of any official API that allows this. I doubt Google would be keen to implement it as it could encourage submission of vast numbers of auto-generated apps.
The nearest I've seen is this unofficial API to read data, but as far as I'm aware there's no facility to submit apps:
Google has presented a new API to work with Google Play Developer Console. Here is the link for it's description:

