My CPU is Intel i5-3470 processor, and I'm trying to run Google Maps in the Android emulator with steps mentioned in that various blogs and wikis. All blogs/wikis says to create a emulator with the ARM processor.
When I'm trying to create an emulator, that option is disabled, and so I cannot change the processor information in the Android emulator creation step. Is there a way to create an emulator of such configuration, and is it possible to run Google Maps in the Android
Emulator with i5 as my processor?
The Google Android Map API is not able to run Google Maps on the Android emulator. You must use an Android device for testing your app.
In another case, if you still want to use it through: then it requires installation of separate APK files into the emulator image. Use Google Maps on Emulator.
It is possible now. You have to create a AVD using "Google APIs Intel Atom (x86)"
According to an article in the Android Developers Blog, regarding the release of Android Studio 2.0:
Android Emulator - The new emulator runs ~3x faster than Android’s previous emulator, and with ADB enhancements you can now push apps and data 10x faster to the emulator than to a physical device. Like a physical device, the official Android emulator also includes Google Play Services built-in, so you can test out more API functionality. Finally, the new emulator has rich new features to manage calls, battery, network, GPS, and more.
Great! That's exactly what we need. Later on the article they explain how we can get Google Play Services in our emulators.
Trying out the new emulator is as easy as updating your SDK Tools to 25.1.1 or higher, create a fresh Android Virtual Device using one of the recommended x86 system images and you are ready to go. Learn more about the Android Emulator by checking out the documentation.
I have SDK Tools 25.1.1 installed. I have a fresh Android Virtual Device running x86 system image.
No Google play services :-(
What am I missing?
When you create your virtual device, be sure to choose the one "with Google APIs". If that isn't an option, you will have to use the Android SDK manager to download the Google APIs for each API level you want to work with.
i'm trying to test my ionic app on genymotion but it's very slow (animations take up to 2 seconds to play, transitions are laggy)
I could not find a solution so i tried creating a test project from scratch to see if it worked smoothly on genymotion. I tried just running these commands on the command line to build a new example project.
ionic start myApp tabs
ionic platform android
ionic run android
after that the example app gets started on genymotion, but it's still very slow. is this normal?
I'm answering my own question hoping that it will be helpful to someone in the future.
After testing on a real device I discovered that apparently genymotion does not work well when emulating cordova apps (this might have something to do with the webview version genymotion uses, but i dont know), and android's SDK emulator is just horrible and unusable.
I tested my app on a real device and it works OK, so the emulation was not representative of the actual performance, not even using genymotion that has been known to be very fast, at least for hybrid apps in the current version
In the end testing on a real device seems to be the only way to be sure.
The best solution I've found is the following
Install "Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image" for your preferred SDK version (I'm using 6.0.0)
Create a new AVD with the following settings:
Target -> Google APIs (Google Inc.) - API Level 23
CPU/ABI -> Google APIs Intel Atom (x86)
Memory Option -> RAM -> 1024 (too much ram causes the emulator not to start)
Emulation Options -> Use Host GPU -> Checked
From my experience, this was the best performing emulator. Hope this helps.
You can use sdk version 4.2 , it is still better than 4.4 for now to run ionic in genymotion.
I am using Google plus login in my app. For this I've added dependency
compile ''
in build.gradle. I am using emulator with api 19 with arm system image. It works fine on this emulator. But I tried the same in another system with x86 emulator . But it shows the message this app won't run without google play services. My sdk is updated with latest version of Google apis and Goggle x86 System image. But still it shows update message and I am not able to run app on this emulator. What is the problem here?
Have you considered using your own phone to test? Anyways if you that is not an option. Please try to use Genymotion emulator instead:!/download
I wouldn't really consider using the android built-in x86 emulator because it is really really crappy. HAHA! Hope this helps :)
Well I will be starting to develop android apps. I am very new to this platform. I have installed android studio and SDK. I now need to install "Google API Intel x86 system image". This is because i checked the "virtual device(1 GB)" option during android studio's installation wizard. is this the emulator? can i develop apps without this API? or what is it?? It is a large file and i do not have much fast internet connection. Is it necessary to download and install these ?can anyone explain me?should i
As ChrisCM said, this is an emulator image.
Plus, if you don't have your own device to test, I recommend to use Genymotion -
This is an emulator image, for a particular version of the Android API. For the Intel x86 images, you also need the Intel HAX emulation option installed. Though, if you have your own device, testing on a device is a lot more convenient. The emulators, even the faster x86 versions, are quite slow, and a bit unstable. There is no reason to download this, unless you wish to test on an API version that you don't have a device for.
This question has many parts.
Some info about my system:
64-bit Ubuntu Linux
I am wondering what the stock emulator is that comes with Android Studio (A.Studio) (if indeed it has a name).
A helpful answer would include comparing this emulator with other emulators. A list of pros and cons of using each different emulator would also be helpful.
Perhaps there is a more fundamental ~thing~ about using different emulators; information on that is welcome if anything comes to mind.
Finally, i have never used an emulator besides the one that has come with Eclipse or A.Studio. What do I need to know in order to plug any emulator into any IDE? I have had issues with IDEs being "fragile" and breaking frequently, FYI.
You can use genymotion, for fast speed the quality, both for the eclipse and Android studio, get it here.
Also you can set up the Google play service for using Google Maps and downloading apps from Google play store.
Get the package and how it use it , please refer to here.
The emulator used by Android Studio is the exact same one used with Eclipse. It is in fact included with the Android SDK (which is in turn included in Android Studio) and used by various development environments.
The way it works depends on what kind of system image you use it with. For most recent Android versions, there are 2-4 different system images - arm, arm 64-bit, x86, and x86 64-bit (the 64-bit ones are Lollipop only, and fairly experimental at this stage of the game [early 2015]).
There are also Google API versions of these images (they include various Google apps such as Google Play Services) which can be used if these components are needed by your app.
For development purposes, the x86 system images are your best bet as performance is vastly improved by the emulator not having to emulate the ARM architecture - you need to use HAXM (by intel, also available in the Android SDK) to get any real speed benefits with x86 images though. The emulator also provides GPU acceleration (it must be manually enabled for each emulator device) which allows it to use your physical GPU for rendering instead of emulating these operations in software.
The way the development environment (Android Studio) connects to the emulator is via ADB (Android Debug Bridge). This means that it can work with virtually any emulator (such as Genymotion, which runs via VirtualBox). However, there is native support for using the Android Emulator from within Android Studio (this is configured by selecting emulator in the Run/Debug configuration)...when using another emulator (such as Genymotion) you should select USB device (in Run/Debug configuration) and make sure that the ADB instance is connected to your emulator via TCP (Genymotion does this for you automatically at startup).
This should give you enough information and I will not re-post all the various instructions on how to do any of the above as they have been posted as answers to various questions here on SO.