Jar mismatch! Fix your dependencies when using appcompat_v7 and Facebook sdk. - android

I am using appcompat_v7 library and facebook sdk in my project and both the library have android-support-v4.jar.If I delete any of the jar the corresponding library is not working and having both jars is not allowed.
What should I do? Kindly help me out...

The conflict is due to different versions of the jar.
Make sure you have the update support library from the android sdk manager
Copy android-support-v4.jar to libs of both the projects. The jar can be found #
Clean and build your project

remove android-support-v4.jar from FACEBOOK SDK and add android-support-v4.jar as external jar facebookSDK properties -> java build path -> libraries -> add external jar (i had remove this problem like this )

Try removing the dependency library from both appcompat_v7 and your project. To do that got to build path=>configure build path. Then select the dependency library and click on remove.
Add the support library by Android Tools=>add support library.
Do this to both projects.Then you are good to go

Its really simple
Just right click on your project as well as on the library project >android tools >Add support Library.
This will update your support library to the latest which solves the problem.

This question is ask many times while everyone are start-up android development in learning stage.
I think everyone has same environment of android but they configure differently according to projects.
I had same issue while creating new project every time and i found solution on below.
I added library appcompat_v7 into project and remove jar android-support-v4.jar from lib folder of my new project and blink ERROR was gone.
Add appcompt_v7 library project
Remove android-support-v4.jar from project lib folder
Wow error was gone

Best way to fix this issue is to look out for both jar files path. If you have "appcompact folder" in your eclipse then look into libs folder. In libs folder you have jar files.So, It's better to remove jar files from your application folder. Then at the time of compilation it will take jars from "appcompact folder".Don't keep jars in your app folder which leads to "Jar mismatching error". Error is mentioned below:
Found 2 versions of android-support-v4.jar in the dependency list,All versions of the libraries must be the same at this time.
Path: /home/vinny/workspace/appcompat_v7/libs/android-support-v4.jar (Keep this jar as it is)
Path: /home/vinny/Downloads/Demo/libs/android-support-v4.jar(Remove this Jar )
Jar mismatch! Fix your dependencies
Note : Remove jars from this path "Path: /home/vinny/Downloads/Demo/libs/android-support-v4.jar" T(Application's folder path)

Safdar Akrami is right, but also to do it on facebook SDK project!
Just right click on your project as well as on the library project >android tools >Add support Library.
This will update your support library to the latest which solves the problem.
if you have problem with the other projects that depends of facebook SDK project, you can fixed in this way:
Fix Project Setup
Add project "appcompat_v7" to build path of FriendpickerSample for example

Try removing the dependency library from both appcompat_v7 and your project. To do that got to build path=>configure build path. Then select the dependency library and click on remove. Add the support library by Android Tools=>add support library. Do this to both projects.Then you are good to go


Found 2 versions of android-v4 jar in dependency list

I have integrated facebook in android. and now when i click on the fb button i get this error.
Found 2 versions of android-support-v4.jar in the dependency list,
If you are adding more than one library project to your project, and these projects requires android support 4 library. then make sure that all of these projects use the same android support library (The newest). So, get the latest version of the library and copy it to the lib folder of your projects.
Try to delete the extra android-support-v4.jar library from libs folder.
Go to libs in project by going to windows explorer and delete the support file in libs.
Now go to workspace and open the appcompat folder copy the v4 file and paste in Yourprojectname>libs
Now goto eclipse and clean the project and restart eclipse
all errors will be gone.

"Android Private Libraries" doesn't appear in project

The "Android Private Libraries" item is missing from my project (it doesn't appear in the Project Explorer in Eclipse)...
It appears as though it isn't getting built into the project either, as I'm getting various errors regarding jar files in my "libs" folder...
It does appear in Java Build Path (yet it appears to be empty - no jar files appear under it in the Libraries tab), though, and I did make sure it is checked there.
If it is of any relevance, the project at hand has a lot of Android library project dependencies as well, and in those library projects the jar files under libs/ do appear under Android Private Libraries.
I found the problem - I just recently added a new library project as a dependency, and it had an earlier version of android-support-v4.jar in its Android Private Libraries than the one I was using, so that ended up causing the entire Android Private Libraries folder not to be generated in the end project.
Found this out by looking at the Android Console after trying to build.
May be try the following steps
Check and install Android SDK Build-tools in Android SDK Manager.
Package Explorer -> Right click the project -> Android Tools -> Fix Project Properties.
Project -> Clean
Check this Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22
Please update question with eclipse screen shot to get more clarity on problem you face :)
check console
you can find android-support-v4.jar in two paths
Go to those path manually and replace the android-support-v4.jar with larger size
thats it!!it works for me:-)
this question is duplicated with Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22
Firstly, you may need to check out our "Problems" view in eclipse for any useful information there. In my issue, it said that two versions of android-support-v4.jar were found in workspace. this error prevented the importation of private libraries. Issue was fixed after I removed one of the jar file.
I removed android-support-v4.jar from java build path in properties and it worked for me.
Remove the oldest jar file from the libs folder and replace it with the same jar file that's being referenced in the other project. If they both have the same version it should work and you should see your Android Private Libraries folder again.

using android-support-v4.jar and ViewPagerExtensions.jar together causes jar mismatch

how to resolve issue of jar mismatch i need to use both libraries ?
i am working on integrating ViewPagerExtensions.jar in my project library available from https://github.com/astuetz/ViewPagerExtensions
any help or advice would be greatly appreciated
This error means you have two different versions of the android-support-v4.jar, one in your project and one in the ViewPagerExtensions library.
Simply replace one or both jars by the most recent android-support-v4.jar.
just copy one .jar from one of the libs folders and put it on the other librarys libs folder. So that both libraries use the same version of the support library.
This is a more elegant fix than deleting and adding files!
You just need to :
Right Click the project App Free
Go To "Android Tools" > "Add Support Library"
Approve the permissions and let it update the library
Repeat this process for the project App Library
The Android Support Library will then be in sync (:

Conflict in jar with multi-library project

My project include some library project. An error is popped up.
"All versions of the libraries must be the same at this time."
I find that these library project use android-support-v4.jar.
Anyone know how to solve it?
Please go to libs folder of your main project and copy / replace the android-support-v4.jar file to the libs folder of all attached to your project libraries projects. It should solve the library conflict issue.

Android Library Projects in Eclipse - Jar files doesn't show up in the r14 sdk tools

I have updated my SDK tools to r14. In this link it is told that the library projects will show up as jar files in the projects which uses the library project. But the jar files are not showing up and the <libraryproject>_src folder is still visible. While migrating to r14 from previous version is there any specific step/settings that I need to follow/change so that the library projects are included as jar files? Should I first export the library project as jar file and then include it? I would like to know if anyone has done this and how they have done it?
I got this to work.
I rebuilt the library project and a <libraryproject>.jar appeared in the bin folder. Then I removed the reference from the project which uses the <libraryproject> and added it in the same way as before.
Project properties -> Android -> in the Library section I added the reference to the <libraryproject> and it created a Library Projects in the current project containing the <libraryproject>.jar file.
Fortunately, there was no switch case statements involving the resouce IDs in my entire library projects. For those of you who is not able to get it to work right away, I would suggest them to go through the link I have posted in the Question.

