Cannot understand how FragmentPagerAdapter works under activity destruction - android

I'm testing my app with 'destroy all activities as soon as user leaves it' to simulate the OS killing my app.
In my main activity, in onCreate, I instantiate all the fragments, add them to a list and then:
mSectionsPagerAdapter = new SectionsPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager(), fragments);
mViewPager = (ViewPager) super.findViewById(;
Here is the adapter code:
public class SectionsPagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter {
private List<Fragment> fragments;
public SectionsPagerAdapter(FragmentManager fragmentManager, List<Fragment> fragments) {
this.fragments = fragments;
public Fragment getItem(int position) {
return fragments.get(position);
public int getCount() {
return fragments.size();
public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) {
switch (position) {
case 0: return getString(R.string.section_one);
case 1: return getString(R.string.section_two);
case 2: return getString(R.string.section_three);
case 3: return getString(R.string.section_four);
return null;
Now, the problem (crash) lies here, in an action bar item:
PostsFragment fragment = (PostsFragment) mSectionsPagerAdapter.getItem(mViewPager.getCurrentItem());
Say the activity was opened, then destroyed on the back button. When I return to this activity and press the refresh action item, the app crashes. Why? When the activity is created again, it creates a new pager adapter, with all new 4 fragments. But onCreate of these fragments is never called, none of the members are initialized, so the reloadDataFromServer fails loading into a listview that hasn't been initialized yet.
HOWEVER, the onCreate of the previous referenced fragments IS called, but we no longer have a reference to them because we recreated the FragmentPagerAdapter with new fragments. This is driving me INSANE! Why is onCreate not called for the new fragments?

In case someone has problems with this, I'll explain my solution. Basically what happens is fragments that were created before are restored on recreation of the activity after a destruction. This may be a duh moment for some of you.
My problem is essentially having incorrect references to fragments.
First, I changed the setOffscreenPageLimit to the full (#tabs - 1). This means all fragments are created at the start and held in memory. I'll explain why this helps later.
This means in onSaveInstanceState, we can use putFragment on all 4 fragments with the outState Bundle.
In create, if savedInstanceState is null, we can create all 4 fragments from scratch. Otherwise, you can use getFragment on all 4 fragments and place them into the new pager adapter to hold as reference.
You may ask why I set setOffscreenPageLimit to max. I had problems with figuring out which fragments to save with putFragment. isAdded() did not seem to always work properly, neither did isResumed(), so it was easier to just save all of them because we know all 4 were created and were in the fragment manager at all times.


Loading Fragment UI on-demand

I am currently running into a problem where my app is trying to load too many fragments when it opens for the first time.
I have BottomNavigationView with ViewPager that loads 4 fragments - each one of the Fragment contains TabLayout with ViewPager to load at least 2 more fragments.
As you can imagine, that is a lot of UI rendering (10+ fragments) - especially when some of these fragments contain heavy components such as calendar, bar graphs, etc.
Currently proposed solution:
Control the UI loading when the fragment is required - so until the user goes to that fragment for the first time, there is no reason to load it.
It seems like it's definitely possible as many apps, including the Play Store, are doing it. Please see the example here
In the video example above - the UI component(s) are being loaded AFTER the navigation to the tab is completed. It even has an embedded loading symbol.
1) I am trying to figure out how to do exactly that - at what point would I know that this fragment UI need to be created vs it already is created?
2) Also, what is the fragment lifecycle callback where I would start the UI create process? onResume() means UI is visible to the user so loading the UI there will be laggy and delayed.
Hope this is clear enough.
I'm already using the FragmentStatePagerAdapter as ViewPager adapter. I noticed that the super(fm) method in the constructor is deprecated now:
ViewPagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm) {
super(fm); // this is deprecated
So I changed that to:
ViewPagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm) {
BEHAVIOR_RESUME_ONLY_CURRENT_FRAGMENT: Indicates that only the current fragment will be in the Lifecycle.State.RESUMED state. All other Fragments are capped at Lifecycle.State.STARTED.
This seems useful as the onResume() of the Fragment will only be called when the Fragment is visible to the user. Can I use this indication somehow to load the UI then?
The reason your app loads multiple Fragments at the startup is most probably, you're initializing them all at once. Instead, you can initialize them when you need them. Then use show\ hide to attach\ detach from window without re-inflating whole layout.
Simple explanation: You'll create your Fragment once user clicks on BottomNavigationView's item. On clicked item, you'll check if Fragment is not created and not added, then create it and add. If it's already created then use show() method to show already available Fragment and use hide() to hide all other fragments of BottomNavigationView.
As per your case show()/hide is better than add()/replace because as you said you don't want to re-inflate the Fragment when you want show them
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity{
FragmentOne frg1;
FragmentTwo frg2;
public boolean onNavigationItemSelected(MenuItem item){
if (frg2 != null && frg2.isAdded(){
if(frg1 != null && !frg1.isAdded){
frg1 = new FragmenOne();
fragmentManager.beginTransaction().add(, frg1).commit();
}else if (frg1 != null && frg1.isAdded) {
return true;
// Reverse of what you did for FragmentOne
return true;
And for your ViewPager as you can see from the example you're referring to; PlayStore is using setOffscreenPageLimit. This will let you choose how many Views should be kept alive, otherwise will be destroyed and created from start passing through all lifecycle events of the Fragment (in case view is Fragment). In PlayStore app's case that's probably 4-5 that why it started loading again when you re-selected "editor's choice" tab. If you do the following only selected and neighboring (one in the right) Fragments will be alive other Fragments outside screen will be destroyed.
public class FragmentOne extends Fragment{
ViewPager viewPager;
public void onCreateView(){
viewPager = .... // Initialize
viewpAger.setOffscreenPageLimit(1); // This will keep only 2 Fragments "alive"
Answer to both questions
If you use show/hide you won't need to know when to inflate your view. It will be handled automatically and won't be laggy since it's just attaching/detaching views not inflating.
It depends upon how you initialize your fragment in your activity. May be you are initializing all your fragment in onCreate method of your activity instead of that you can initialize it when BottomNavigation item is selected like below :
Fragment one,two,three,four;
public boolean onNavigationItemSelected(MenuItem item){
Fragment fragment;
one = Fragment()
fragment = one;
two = Fragment()
fragment = two;
To decide how many page is load in you view pager at one time you can use :
To get the resume and pause functionality on fragments you can take an example from this link.
Please try this.
i was worked with the same kind of the Application, There were multiple tabs and also Tabs have multiple inner tabs.
i was used the concept of ViewPager method, In which there is one method of onPageSelected() for that method we were getting the page position.
By the Use of this position we are checking the current Fragment and called their custom method that we created inside that fragment like onPageSelected() defined inside that fragment.
With this custom method onPageSelected() inside the Fragment we checked that weather the list are available or not if list have data then we are not making the call of Api otherwise we are calling the Api and loading that list.
I think you have same kind of requirement to follow if your Tabs have inner Tab or viewpager you can follow same concept inside of that so if your current fragment of viewpager method onpageSelected called at that time your viewpager fragment initialized.
you have to call just initialization like data binding or view initialization need to be called in onCreate() method and other list attachment and api call to be managed by the custom method onPageSelected that will be called based on ViewPager onPageSelected.
let me Know if you need any help for same.
You can try to have Fragments with FrameLayouts only in ViewPager. The actual Fragments could be added to FrameLayout in onResume() (after checking if this Fragment isn't already attached). It should work if BEHAVIOR_RESUME_ONLY_CURRENT_FRAGMENT works as expected.
I would recommend you use BottomNavigationView.setOnNavigationItemSelectedListener to toggle between the fragment UI whenever it is needed.
navigationView.setOnNavigationItemSelectedListener(item -> {
switch(item.getItemId()) {
// you can replace the code findFragmentById() with findFragmentByTag("dashboard");
// if you only have one framelayout to hold the fragment
fragment = getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
if (fragment == null) {
fragment = new ExampleFragment();
// if the fragment is identified by tag, add another
// argument to this method:
// replace(, fragment, "dashboard")
.replace(, fragment)
The idea is simple, when the user swipes or selects a different tab, the fragment that was visible is replaced by the new fragment.
Just load fragments one by one. Create the main fragment layout with many placeholders and stubs and then just load them in the order you like.
Use FragmentTransaction.replace() from the main fragment after it loads.
Have you tried the setUserVisibleHint() method of a fragment
override fun setUserVisibleHint(isVisibleToUser: Boolean) {
// Do you stuff here
This will only get called when a fragment is visible to the user
How about you maintain just one ViewPager? Sounds crazy? In that case, you just change the dataset of PagerAdapter when you switch between the bottom tabs. Let's see how you can accomplish this,
As you mentioned, you have 4 fragments, which are assigned to each individual tabs of the bottom navigation view. Each performs some redundant work i.e. holding a viewPager with tab layout and setting the same kind of adapters. So, if we can combine these 4 redundant tasks into one then we will be able to get rid of 4 fragments. And as there will be just one viewPager with one single adapter then we will be able to reduce the fragment loading count from ~10 to 2 if we set offScreenPageLimit to 1. Let's see some example,
activity.xml should look like
<TabLayout />
<ViewPager />
<BottomNavigationView />
It's optional but I would recommend to create a base PagerFragment abstract class with abstract method getTabTitle()
public abstract class PagerFragment extends Fragment {
public abstract String getTabTitle();
Now it's time to make our PagerAdapter class
public class SectionsPagerAdapter extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter {
public Map<Integer, List<PagerFragment>> map = ...; // If you are concerned about memory then I could recommend to store DataObject instead of PagerFragment and instantiate fragment on demand using that data.
public int currentTabId =;
private List<PagerFragment> getCurrentFragments() {
return map.get(currentTabId);
public void setCurrentTabId(int tabId) {
this.currentTabId = tabId;
public SectionsPagerAdapter(FragmentManager manager) {
public Fragment getItem(int position) {
return getCurrentFragments().get(position);
public int getCount() {
return getCurrentFragments().size();
public int getItemPosition(#NonNull Object object) {
public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) {
return getCurrentFragments().get(position).getTabTitle();
And finally, in Activity
SectionsPagerAdapter pagerAdapter = new SectionsPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager());
bottomNavigationView.setOnNavigationItemSelectedListener(menuItem -> {
This is the basic idea. You can mix some of your own ideas with it to make a wonderful result. Let me know if it is useful?
Answer to your questions,
I think with my solution you can achieve exactly the same behavior of the video as I already did it in a project. In my solution, if you set offset page limit to 1 then only adjacent fragment's is created in advance. So, fragment creation will be handled by adapter and viewpager you don't need to worry about it.
In my above solution, you should create UI in onCreateView().

I've got a weird bug when using a ViewPager inside a Fragment

Okay i'll try and make this as clear as possible. I have a Fragment called CheckerManager which contains a ViewPager. This ViewPager will allow the user to swipe between 3 Fragments all of which are an instance of another Fragment called CheckerFragment. I'm using a FragmentPagerAdapter to handle paging. Here's how it looks
private class PagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter {
CharSequence mTabTitles[];
public PagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm, CharSequence tabTitles[]) {
mTabTitles = tabTitles;
public Fragment getItem(int position) {
switch(position) {
case 0:
return CheckerFragment.newInstance(MainFragment.DRAW_TITLE_LOTTO);
case 1:
return CheckerFragment.newInstance(MainFragment.DRAW_TITLE_DAILY);
case 2:
return CheckerFragment.newInstance(MainFragment.DRAW_TITLE_EURO);
return null;
public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) {
return mTabTitles[position];
public int getCount() {
return 3;
I know that the ViewPager will always create the Fragment either side of the current Fragment. So say my 3 CheckerFragments are called A, B and C and the current Fragment is A. B has already been created. But my problem is that even though I am still looking at Fragment A, Fragment B is the 'active' Fragment. Every input I make is actually corresponding to Fragment B and not A. The active Fragment is always the one which has been created last by the ViewPager.
I've looked at quite a few things to see if anyone has had the same problem but i'm finding it difficult to even describe what's wrong. I think it's something to with the fact that all of the ViewPagers fragments are of the same type ie - CheckerFragment. I have a working implementation of a ViewPager inside a fragment elsewhere in the application and the only difference I can tell is that each page is a different type of Fragment.
Any help would be appreciated!
PagerAdapter adapter = new PagerAdapter(getChildFragmentManager(), tabTitles);
ViewPager viewPager = (ViewPager)view.findViewById(;
I feel pretty stupid but I found out what the issue was. In my CheckerFragment I would call getArguments() to retrieve a String extra and I would use this to determine how to layout the fragment. Problem was I made this extra a static member of CheckerFragment. So every time a new Fragment was created it was using the most recent extra.
Moral of the story - Don't make your fragments extra a static member if you plan on making multiple instances of that fragment.

Android FragmentPagerAdapter : react to a fragment becoming visible

An Activity uses a FragmentPagerAdapter with two Tabs (and a fragment for each tab).
At first, only the Home fragment is visible, and the Run fragment is not.
tabsPageAdapter = new TabsPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager());
viewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(;
The FragmentPagerAdapter looks a bit like this :
class TabsPagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter {
public TabsPagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm) {
public Fragment getItem(int index) {
switch (index) {
case 0: {
return Fragment.instantiate(MainActivity.this, HomeFragment.class.getName());
case 1:
return Fragment.instantiate(MainActivity.this, RunFragment.class.getName());
return null;
When an Async Task in the Home Fragment succeeds, it notifies the Activity to show the Run Fragment.
This makes the RunFragment visible, but it calls none of the lifecycle methods :
onCreate (which makes sense, since it has already been created before)
Unfortunately, I need some code in the RunFragment to run at this moment (it can not run before, since it depends on side effects of code that was run in the HomeFragment.)
I tried :
using the lifecycle methods (none seem to be called)
keeping a reference to the RunFragment in the MainActivity ; this does not work, as the reference to the RunFragment ends up being "null" from time to time (or it is not null, but its reference to getActivity() is null)
How would I attack this ?

Swapping fragments in a viewpager

I have a ViewPager with 3 Fragments and my FragmentPagerAdapter:
private class test_pager extends FragmentPagerAdapter {
public test_pager(FragmentManager fm) {
public Fragment getItem(int i) {
return fragments[i];
public long getItemId(int position) {
if (position == 1) {
long res = fragments[position].hashCode()+fragment1_state.hashCode();
Log.d(TAG, "getItemId for position 1: "+res);
return res;
} else
return fragments[position].hashCode();
public int getCount() {
return fragments[2] == null ? 2 : 3;
public int getItemPosition(Object object) {
Fragment fragment = (Fragment) object;
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
if (fragment.equals(fragments[i])){
if (i==1) {
return 1; // not sure if that makes a difference
In one of the page (#1), I keep changing the fragment to be displayed. The way I remove the old fragment is like this:
FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager();
And then just changing the value of fragments[1]
I found that I cannot really add or replace the new one or it will complain the ViewPager is trying to add it too with another tag... (am I doing something wrong here?)
All the fragments I display have setRetainInstance(true); in their onCreate function.
My problem is that this usually works well for the first few replacement, but then when I try to reuse a fragment, sometimes (I have not really figured out the pattern, the same fragment may be displayed several times before this happens) it will only show a blank page.
Here is what I have found happened in the callback functions of my Fragment I am trying to display when the problem happens:
onAttach is called (but at that time, getView is still null)
onCreateView is not called (that's expected)
onViewStateRestored is not called (why not?)
onResume is not called (I really thought it would...)
If it changes anything, I am using the support package, my activity is a SherlockFragmentActivity
EDIT (to answer Marco's comment):
The fragments are instantiated in the onCreate function of the Activity, I fill an ArrayList with those fragments:
char_tests = new ArrayList<Fragment>(Arrays.asList(
new FragmentOptionA(), new FragmentOptionB(), new FragmentOptionC()));
The I pick from that list to set fragments[1] (that's all done in the UI thread)
I fixed this by changing test_pager to extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter instead.
I am still confused as to what PagerAdapter should be used depending on the usage. The only thing I can find in the documentation says that FragmentPagerAdapter is better for smaller number of pages that would be kept in memory and FragmentPagerStateAdapter better for a larger number of pages where they would be destroyed and save memory...
When trying to do (fancy?) things with Fragments, I found FragmentStatePagerAdapter is better when pages are removed and re-inserted like in this case. And FragmentPagerAdapter is better when pages move position (see bug 37990)

How to call some method for Fragment which is in FragmentPagerAdapter?

I have following issue. I have ViewPager and FragmentPagerAdapter for it.
All I need to do is call some method from my Fragment which is in ViewPager when this page was selected.
I tried to keep all my Fragments in List inside my adapter, but the problem is that when I rotate my device Adapter use previous fragments. New fragments were created after rotation and I have list of them, but I don't now how to get access to previous fragments. I have references to new fragments only.
Here is my adapter:
public class MainPagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter {
private List<Fragment> fragmentList;
public MainPagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm) {
fragmentList = new ArrayList<Fragment>();
fragmentList.add(new TaskPageFragment());
fragmentList.add(new HistoryFragment());
fragmentList.add(new TestFragment());
public Fragment getItem(int i) {
return fragmentList.get(i);
public int getCount() {
return 3;
Of course when I trying to access to fragment which was only created like an object, I can't get access to Activity Context.
Fragment fragment = pagerAdapter.getItem(i);
if (fragment instanceof SelectionListener) {
Here is onTabSelected() method call is shown. It's my interface which I implemented to each fragment in ViewPager and when it gets called after screen rotation I get null Context
Device configurations can change during runtime (such as screen orientation). When this happens the Activity is restarted. This is done so your activities can adjust to match the new device configuration, and since fragments are within Activities they are also 'destroyed'.
However your issue may be solved with something simple, since from what I understand from your question you are not looking for UI configuration changes and assuming you are using API 11+.
public void setRetainInstance (boolean retain)
Since: API Level 11
Control whether a fragment instance is retained across Activity re-creation (such as from a configuration change). This can only be used with fragments not in the back stack. If set, the fragment lifecycle will be slightly different when an activity is recreated:
onDestroy() will not be called (but onDetach() still will be, because
the fragment is being detached from its current activity).
onCreate(Bundle) will not be called since the fragment is not being
onAttach(Activity) and onActivityCreated(Bundle) will
still be called.
public MainPagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm) {
Fragment frag = null;
fragmentList = new ArrayList<Fragment>();
frag = new TaskPageFragment();
frag = new HistoryFragment();
frag = new TestFragment();

