libSpotify is crashing in Android - android

I'm doing an app that requires Spotify in Android. But when i run libSpotify "sp_session_create" i get a SIGSEGV. The version of libSpotify that i'm using is v12.1.51 BETA - For android ARM
sp_error initialise(const char * asKey,
const char * asFolder,
const char * asUserAgent,
bool isPlaylistCompressed,
bool isMetadataOnPlaylist,
bool isPlaylistInitialUnload)
sp_session_callbacks asCallbacks;
memset(&asCallbacks, 0, sizeof(asCallbacks));
asCallbacks.logged_in = Callback::onSessionLogin;
asCallbacks.log_message = Callback::onSessionLog;
sp_session_config asConfiguration;
memset(&asConfiguration, 0, sizeof(asConfiguration));
std::string asDirectory = asFolder;
auto asDirectoryCache = asDirectory + "/cache";
auto asDirectorySetting = asDirectory + "/setting";
const auto asApplicationKey = "Key goes here...";
asConfiguration.api_version = SPOTIFY_API_VERSION;
asConfiguration.application_key = asApplicationKey;
asConfiguration.application_key_size = sizeof(asApplicationKey);
asConfiguration.cache_location = asDirectoryCache.c_str();
asConfiguration.settings_location = asDirectorySetting.c_str();
asConfiguration.user_agent = asUserAgent;
asConfiguration.compress_playlists = isPlaylistCompressed;
asConfiguration.dont_save_metadata_for_playlists = isMetadataOnPlaylist;
asConfiguration.initially_unload_playlists = isPlaylistInitialUnload;
asConfiguration.userdata = this;
asConfiguration.callbacks = &asCallbacks;
sp_error asError = sp_session_create(&asConfiguration, &_asSession);
return asError;

The crash was due to cache folder.

Edit: Spotify's new Android SDK is released! You should strongly consider moving your project to the new SDK, since libspotify is now deprecated for that platform.


How to Use Edit images in OpenAi Kotlin Client

I am using openAi client with android kotlin (implementation com.aallam.openai:openai-client:2.1.3).
Is the path wrong or is the library missing?
val imgURL = Uri.parse("android.resource://" + packageName + "/" + R.drawable.face3)
try {
val images = openAI.image(
edit = ImageEditURL( // or 'ImageEditJSON'
image = FilePath(imgURL.toString()), // <-
mask = FilePath(imgURL.toString()), // <-
prompt = "a sunlit indoor lounge area with a pool containing a flamingo",
n = 1,
size = ImageSize.is1024x1024
} catch (e: Exception) {
println("error is here:"+e)
As can be seen, it wants a path from me, but it does not succeed even though I give the path.
I would suggest updating to version 3 of openai-kotlin, and use Okio's Source to provide files.
Assuming the images are in the res/raw folder, your example would be something like this:
val request = ImageEdit(
image = FileSource(
name = "image.png",
source = resources.openRawResource(R.raw.image).source()
mask = FileSource(
name = "mask.png",
source = resources.openRawResource(R.raw.mask).source()
prompt = "a sunlit indoor lounge area with a pool containing a flamingo",
n = 1,
size = ImageSize.is1024x1024,
val response = client.imageURL(request)

Output file using FFmpeg in Xamarin Android

I'm building an android app using Xamarin. The requirement of the app is to capture video from the camera and encode the video to send it across to a server.
Initially, I was using an encoder library on the server-side to encode recorded video but it was proving to be extremely unreliable and inefficient especially for large-sized video files. I have posted my issues on another thread here
I then decided to encode the video on the client-side and then send it to the server. I've found encoding to be a bit complicated and there isn't much information available on how this can be done. So, I searched for the only way I knew how to encode a video that is by using FFmpeg codec. I've found some solutions. There's a project on GitHub that demonstrates how FFmpeg is used inside a Xamarin android project. However, running the solution doesn't give any output. The project has a binary FFmpeg file which is installed to the phone directory using the code below:
_ffmpegBin = InstallBinary(XamarinAndroidFFmpeg.Resource.Raw.ffmpeg, "ffmpeg", false);
Below is the example code for encoding video into a different set of outputs:
_workingDirectory = Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory.AbsolutePath;
var sourceMp4 = "cat1.mp4";
var destinationPathAndFilename = System.IO.Path.Combine (_workingDirectory, "cat1_out.mp4");
var destinationPathAndFilename2 = System.IO.Path.Combine (_workingDirectory, "cat1_out2.mp4");
var destinationPathAndFilename4 = System.IO.Path.Combine (_workingDirectory, "cat1_out4.wav");
if (File.Exists (destinationPathAndFilename))
File.Delete (destinationPathAndFilename);
CreateSampleFile(Resource.Raw.cat1, _workingDirectory, sourceMp4);
var ffmpeg = new FFMpeg (this, _workingDirectory);
var sourceClip = new Clip (System.IO.Path.Combine(_workingDirectory, sourceMp4));
var result = ffmpeg.GetInfo (sourceClip);
var br = System.Environment.NewLine;
// There are callbacks based on Standard Output and Standard Error when ffmpeg binary is running as a process:
var onComplete = new MyCommand ((_) => {
RunOnUiThread(() =>_logView.Append("DONE!" + br + br));
var onMessage = new MyCommand ((message) => {
RunOnUiThread(() =>_logView.Append(message + br + br));
var callbacks = new FFMpegCallbacks (onComplete, onMessage);
// 1. The idea of this first test is to show that video editing is possible via FFmpeg:
// It results in a 150x150 movie that eventually zooms on a cat ear. This is desaturated, and there's a fade-in.
var filters = new List<VideoFilter> ();
filters.Add (new FadeVideoFilter ("in", 0, 100));
filters.Add(new CropVideoFilter("150","150","0","0"));
filters.Add(new ColorVideoFilter(1.0m, 1.0m, 0.0m, 0.5m, 1.0m, 1.0m, 1.0m, 1.0m));
var outputClip = new Clip (destinationPathAndFilename) { videoFilter = VideoFilter.Build (filters) };
outputClip.H264_CRF = "18"; // It's the quality coefficient for H264 - Default is 28. I think 18 is pretty good.
ffmpeg.ProcessVideo(sourceClip, outputClip, true, new FFMpegCallbacks(onComplete, onMessage));
//2. This is a similar version in command line only:
string[] cmds = new string[] {
ffmpeg.Execute (cmds, callbacks);
// 3. This lists codecs:
string[] cmds3 = new string[] {
ffmpeg.Execute (cmds, callbacks);
// 4. This convers to WAV
// Note that the cat movie just has some silent house noise.
ffmpeg.ConvertToWaveAudio(sourceClip, destinationPathAndFilename4, 44100, 2, callbacks, true);
I have tried different commands but no output file is generated. I have tried to use another project found here but this one has the same issue. I don't get any errors but no output file is generated. I'm really hoping someone can help me find a way I can manage to use FFmpeg in my project or some way to compress video to transport it to the server.
I will really appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction.
Just figure how to get the output by adding the permission in AndroidManifest file.
Please read the update on the repository, it says that there is a second package, Xamarin.Android.MP4Transcoder for Android 6.0 onwards.
Install NuGet
await Xamarin.MP4Transcoder.Transcoder
.ConvertAsync(inputFile, ouputFile, f => {
onProgress?.Invoke((int)(f * (double)100), 100);
return ouputFile;
For Previous Android versions
Soruce Code
Install-Package Xamarin.Android.FFmpeg
Use this as template, this lets you log output as well as calculates progress.
You can take a look at source, this one downloads ffmpeg and verifies sha1 hash on first use.
public class VideoConverter
public VideoConverter()
public File ConvertFile(Context contex,
File inputFile,
Action<string> logger = null,
Action<int,int> onProgress = null)
File ouputFile = new File(inputFile.CanonicalPath + ".mpg");
List<string> cmd = new List<string>();
MediaMetadataRetriever m = new MediaMetadataRetriever();
string rotate = m.ExtractMetadata(Android.Media.MetadataKey.VideoRotation);
int r = 0;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rotate)) {
r = int.Parse(rotate);
switch (r)
case 270:
cmd.Add("-vf scale=-1:480,transpose=cclock");
case 180:
cmd.Add("-vf scale=-1:480,transpose=cclock,transpose=cclock");
case 90:
cmd.Add("-vf scale=480:-1,transpose=clock");
case 0:
cmd.Add("-vf scale=-1:480");
string cmdParams = string.Join(" ", cmd);
int total = 0;
int current = 0;
await FFMpeg.Xamarin.FFMpegLibrary.Run(
, (s) => {
int n = Extract(s, "Duration:", ",");
if (n != -1) {
total = n;
n = Extract(s, "time=", " bitrate=");
if (n != -1) {
current = n;
onProgress?.Invoke(current, total);
return ouputFile;
int Extract(String text, String start, String end)
int i = text.IndexOf(start);
if (i != -1)
text = text.Substring(i + start.Length);
i = text.IndexOf(end);
if (i != -1)
text = text.Substring(0, i);
return parseTime(text);
return -1;
public static int parseTime(String time)
time = time.Trim();
String[] tokens = time.Split(':');
int hours = int.Parse(tokens[0]);
int minutes = int.Parse(tokens[1]);
float seconds = float.Parse(tokens[2]);
int s = (int)seconds * 100;
return hours * 360000 + minutes * 60100 + s;

Web Audio Api biquadFilter in Android needs extra configuration?

Here says the Web audio API works in Chrome for Android, and here I have tested CM Browser, Chrome and CyanogenMod default Android 5.1.1 browsers, and all pass the tests (specially the biquadNode one).
But When I open this codepen with an eq (biquadNode), I can hear the music but not the eq working.
Does biquadNode works in android? any special implementation is needed?
*Code pen required to post
var context = new AudioContext();
var mediaElement = document.getElementById('player');
var sourceNode = context.createMediaElementSource(mediaElement);
// EQ Properties
var gainDb = -40.0;
var bandSplit = [360,3600];
var hBand = context.createBiquadFilter();
hBand.type = "lowshelf";
hBand.frequency.value = bandSplit[0];
hBand.gain.value = gainDb;
var hInvert = context.createGain();
hInvert.gain.value = -1.0;
var mBand = context.createGain();
var lBand = context.createBiquadFilter();
lBand.type = "highshelf";
lBand.frequency.value = bandSplit[1];
lBand.gain.value = gainDb;
var lInvert = context.createGain();
lInvert.gain.value = -1.0;
var lGain = context.createGain();
var mGain = context.createGain();
var hGain = context.createGain();
var sum = context.createGain();
// Input
function changeGain(string,type)
var value = parseFloat(string) / 100.0;
case 'lowGain': lGain.gain.value = value; break;
case 'midGain': mGain.gain.value = value; break;
case 'highGain': hGain.gain.value = value; break;
createMediaElementSource in Chrome on Android doesn't work in general. But if you have a recent build of Chrome (49 and later?), you can go to chrome://flags and enable the unified media pipeline option. That will make createMediaElementSource work like on desktop.

Adjust user agent in Android with Volley

I am wondering how to adjust the standard user agent in my http requests. I am using the Volley library and I KNOW how to
set a new user agent
retrieve the default user agent as a string (e.g. "Dalvik/1.6.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.0.2; sdk Build/ICS_MR0") => System.getProperty("http.agent")
What I DON'T know is:
how to get the single elements this user agent is build of, so I can replace only the string "Dalvik/1.6.0" with a custom string.
Is that possible, or do I have to make a string replacement?
In order to set the user agent globally for all requests sent via volley, here is my solution:
When you are initializing the volley request queue, instead of using the convenient method Volley.newRequestQueue(Context);, use the following snippet:
private RequestQueue makeRequestQueue(Context context) {
DiskBasedCache cache = new DiskBasedCache(new File(context.getCacheDir(), DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR), DISK_CACHE_SIZE);
BasicNetwork network = new BasicNetwork(new MyHurlStack());
RequestQueue queue = new RequestQueue(cache, network);
return queue;
public static class MyHurlStack extends HurlStack {
public HttpResponse executeRequest(Request<?> request, Map<String, String> additionalHeaders) throws IOException, AuthFailureError {
if (additionalHeaders == null || Collections.emptyMap().equals(additionalHeaders) {
additionalHeaders = new HashMap<>();
additionalHeaders.put("User-Agent", "test_user_agent_in_volley");
return super.executeRequest(request, additionalHeaders);
This solution assumes you are targeting api level >= 9, so we use the HurlStack
The reason why this works is because in HurlStack.executeRequest(Request<?> request, Map<String, String> additionalHeaders) method, the stuff you add to the additionalHeaders would later be added to an HttpUrlConnection request property as in connection.addRequestProperty(headerName, map.get(headerName));
Build.FINGERPRINT contains all the information you need,
To get the individual parts, use the individual constant strings,
For detailed OS Version information use Build.VERSION
import android.util.Log;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Build;
public class MainActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Log.i("Build","BOARD = "+Build.BOARD);
Log.i("Build","BOOTLOADER = "+Build.BOOTLOADER);
Log.i("Build","BRAND = "+Build.BRAND);
Log.i("Build","CPU_ABI = "+Build.CPU_ABI);
Log.i("Build","CPU_ABI2 = "+Build.CPU_ABI2);
Log.i("Build","DEVICE = "+Build.DEVICE);
Log.i("Build","DISPLAY = "+Build.DISPLAY);
Log.i("Build","FINGERPRINT = "+Build.FINGERPRINT);
Log.i("Build","HARDWARE = "+Build.HARDWARE);
Log.i("Build","HOST = "+Build.HOST);
Log.i("Build","ID = "+Build.ID);
Log.i("Build","MODEL = "+Build.MODEL);
Log.i("Build","PRODUCT = "+Build.PRODUCT);
Log.i("Build","RADIO = "+Build.RADIO);
Log.i("Build","SERIAL = "+Build.SERIAL);
Log.i("Build","TAGS = "+Build.TAGS);
Log.i("Build","TYPE = "+Build.TYPE);
Log.i("Build","USER = "+Build.USER);
Log.i("Build","BASE_OS = "+Build.VERSION.BASE_OS);
Log.i("Build","CODENAME = "+ Build.VERSION.CODENAME);
Log.i("Build","RELEASE = "+ Build.VERSION.RELEASE);
Log.i("Build","SDK = "+ Build.VERSION.SDK);
System.getProperty("http.agent") returns something like:
Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 9; Android SDK built for x86 Build/PSR1.180720.075)
It's possible to build all the parts of this using a combination of android.os.Build and java.lang.System.getProperty().
This is an example of what's in android.os.Build running on an emulator:
Build.BOARD = "goldfish_x86"
Build.BOOTLOADER = "unknown"
Build.BRAND = "google"
Build.DEVICE = "generic_x86"
Build.DISPLAY = "sdk_gphone_x86-userdebug 9 PSR1.180720.075 5124027 dev-keys"
Build.FINGERPRINT = "google/sdk_gphone_x86/generic_x86:9/PSR1.180720.075/5124027:userdebug/dev-keys"
Build.HARDWARE = "ranchu"
Build.HOST = "abfarm904"
Build.ID = "PSR1.180720.075"
Build.MANUFACTURER = "Google"
Build.MODEL = "Android SDK built for x86"
Build.PRODUCT = "sdk_gphone_x86"
Build.SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS = {"x86"}
Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS = {"x86"}
Build.TAGS = "dev-keys"
Build.TIME = 1541887073000
Build.TYPE = "userdebug"
Build.USER = "android-build"
Build.UNKNOWN = "unknown"
Build.VERSION.SECURITY_PATCH = "2018-09-05"
These properties are always provided by the Dalvik VM, according to Google's documentation:
file.separator = /
java.class.path = .
java.class.version = 50.0
java.compiler = Empty
java.ext.dirs = Empty
java.home = /system = /sdcard
java.library.path = /vendor/lib:/system/lib
java.vendor = The Android Project
java.vendor.url =
java.version = 0
java.specification.version = 0.9
java.specification.vendor = The Android Project = Dalvik Core Library
java.vm.version = 1.2.0
java.vm.vendor = The Android Project = Dalvik
java.vm.specification.version = 0.9
java.vm.specification.vendor = The Android Project = Dalvik Virtual Machine Specification
line.separator = \n
os.arch = armv7l = Linux
os.version =
path.separator = :
user.dir = /
user.home = Empty = Empty
So, the default user agent appears to be composed of:
System.getProperty("") // Dalvik
System.getProperty("java.vm.version") // 2.1.0
System.getProperty("") // Linux
"U" // not sure where to get this
"Android" // or this, probably safe to hard code though
Build.MODEL // Android SDK built for x86
Build.ID // PSR1.180720.075

Using "execve" to run the process of android emulator in Linux, but the "avd" path is wrong?

I meet a question about running android emulator, here is the details below. Thanks a lot!
I need to run android emulator automatically, so tend to use execve in Linux, the source code shown below:
/*initailize passed command line\*/
char *binary = (char*)malloc(8*sizeof(char));
char **newargv = (char **)malloc(16*sizeof(char *));
newargv[0] = "/media/career/android/source/out/host/linux-x86/sdk/android-sdk_eng.corey_linux-x86/tools/emulator";
newargv[1] = "-avd";
newargv[2] = "new1";
newargv[3] = "-system";
newargv[4] = "/media/career/android/source/out/target/product/generic/system.img";
newargv[5] = "-ramdisk";
newargv[6] = "/media/career/android/source/out/target/product/generic/ramdisk.img";
newargv[7] = "-data";
newargv[8] = "/media/career/android/source/out/target/product/generic/userdata.img";
newargv[9] = NULL;
/*initialize the env value of new process(emulator) */
const char *temp = getenv("ANDROID_AVD_HOME");
envp[0] = temp;
envp[1] = getenv("PATH");
envp[2] = NULL;
/*main function*/
if (execve (binary, (char **)newargv, (char **)envp) < 0 )
environment variable:
declare -x ANDROID_AVD_HOME="/home/corey/.android/avd"
declare -x PATH="/media/career/android/source/out/host/linux-x86/sdk/android-sdk_eng.corey_linux-x86/platform-tools:/media/career/android/source/out/host/linux-x86/sdk/android-sdk_eng.corey_linux-x86/tools:
The console shows: PANIC: Could not open: /tmp/.android/avd/new1.ini
My avd stored path is ~/.android/avd by default.
But the new process only find the root filesystem's path for reading avd files with bad portability. Actually the process of emulator has run. I focus on setting env variables, but failed.
May I ask how should I set my environment variables?
You have passed wrong envp
const char *temp = getenv("ANDROID_AVD_HOME");
envp[0] = "ANDROID_AVD_HOME=" + temp;
envp[1] = "PATH=" + getenv("PATH");
envp[2] = NULL;
replace + with safety strcat

