Android dropping tcp connection when screen is off - android

My Android app starts and keeps a TCP connection going within a Foreground service. The activity uses StartService() to start the service. Also the service is started in it's own process.
Here is the services OnStartCommand:
// Code is in C# using Xamarin but regular Java/Android answers are acceptable
public override StartCommandResult OnStartCommand (Intent intent, StartCommandFlags flags, int startId)
base.OnStartCommand (intent, flags, startId);
var ongoingNotification = new Notification (Resource.Drawable.icon, "Service running");
var pendingIntent = PendingIntent.GetActivity (this, 0, new Intent (this, typeof(MainActivity)), 0);
ongoingNotification.SetLatestEventInfo (this, "Service", "The service is running.", pendingIntent);
StartForeground ((int)NotificationFlags.ForegroundService, ongoingNotification);
return StartCommandResult.RedeliverIntent;
The connection is fine when the phone's screen is on, whether or not an activity from my app is open or not. However less than 30 seconds after I turn the screen off I always lose tcp connection. My app reconnects automatically so I get the connection back, but it will continually disconnect when the screen is off. I turn it back on and it's fine, even if an activity from my app isn't open.
It could be connected to the Android Lifecycle but I just don't see how. Based on debug messages I write to a text file on the phone (the issue doesn't happen when a debugger from an IDE is attached), the service seems to be operating as it's supposed to but the connection just isn't being stable.
I've also tested this with and without the "Don't Keep Activities" in Developer options selected to no change. So it shouldn't have anything to do with the Activity Lifecycle at least.
Why is Android dropping my tcp connection, but only when the screen is off?

I solved the problem by acquiring a Partial WakeLock while my service is running.
private PowerManager.WakeLock mWakeLock;
public override void OnCreate ()
PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) GetSystemService(Context.PowerService);
mWakeLock = pm.NewWakeLock (WakeLockFlags.Partial, "PartialWakeLockTag");
public override void OnDestroy ()
If I implement something more power efficient in the future, I'll update this answer.


How can I make my app running also in Doze mode without Partial_Wakelock? [duplicate]

One of my peer developer has written an intent service that makes an API call and then sleeps for 2 mins. After waking up, it sends again.
Below is the code:
public class GpsTrackingService extends IntentService {
protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
//make API call here
//then go to sleep for 2 mins
} catch(InterruptedException ex){
} while (preferences.shouldSendGps()); //till the user can send gps.
<service android:name=".commons.GpsTrackingService" />
This is working fine when the phone is active. However, whenever the phone goes into doze mode it fails to wake.
Will using alarm manager with WAKE permission solve this?
I have just got the code base and need to fix this within today. It'll be great if someone can help.
As the documentation says:
In Doze mode, the system attempts to conserve battery by restricting
apps' access to network and CPU-intensive services. It also prevents
apps from accessing the network and defers their jobs, syncs, and
standard alarms.
Periodically, the system exits Doze for a brief time to let apps
complete their deferred activities. During this maintenance window,
the system runs all pending syncs, jobs, and alarms, and lets apps
access the network.
In few words, while in Doze mode the system suspends network accesses, ignores Wake Locks, stops acquiring data from sensors, defers AlarmManager jobs to the next Doze maintenance window (which are progressively less frequently called), also WiFi scans, JobScheduler jobs and Sync adapters do not run.
Neither setAndAllowWhileIdle() nor setExactAndAllowWhileIdle() can fire alarms more than once per 9 (?) minutes, per app.
And it seems that the Foreground Services are also involved into this "Doze Drama", at least in MarshMellow (M).
To survive in this situation, tons of applications need to be at least rewiewed. Can you imagine a simple mp3 player which stops playing music when the device enters in Doze Mode?
Doze mode starts automatically, when the device is unplugged from the power supply and left on the table for about 1 hour or so, or even earlier when the user clicks the power button to power down the screen, but I think this could depend by the device manufacturer too.
I tried a lot of countermeasures, some of them really hilarious.
At the end of my tests I reached a possible solution:
One possible (and maybe the only) way to have your app running even when the host device is in Doze mode, is basically to have a ForegroundService (even a fake one, doing no jobs at all) running in another process with an acquired partial WakeLock.
What you need to do is basically the following (you could create a simple project to test it):
1 - In your new project, create a new class which extends Application (myApp), or use the
main activity of the new project.
2 - In myApp onCreate() start a Service (myAntiDozeService)
3 - In myAntiDozeService onStartCommand(), create the Notification
needed to start the service as a foreground service, start the
service with startForeground(id, notification) and acquire the
partial WakeLock.
REMEMBER! This will work, but it is just a starting point, because you have to be careful with the "Side Effects" this approach will generate:
1 - Battery drain: The CPU will work for your app forever if you
don't use some strategy and leave the WakeLock always active.
2 - One notification will be always shown, even in the lockscreen,
and this notification cannot be removed by simply swiping it out, it
will be always there until you'll stop the foreground service.
OK, let's do it.
public class myApp extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
// start foreground service
private void stopForeService() {
Intent service = new Intent(this, myAntiDozeService.class);
private void startForeService(){
Intent service = new Intent(this, myAntiDozeService.class);
public void onTerminate() {
public class myAntiDozeService extends Service {
private static final String TAG = myAntiDozeService.class.getName();
private static boolean is_service_running = false;
private Context mContext;
private PowerManager.WakeLock mWakeLock;
private static final int NOTIFICATION_ID = 12345678;
public void onCreate() {
mContext = getApplicationContext();
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
if (!is_service_running && STARTFOREGROUND_ACTION.equals(intent.getAction())) {
Log.i(TAG, "Received Start Foreground Intent ");
is_service_running = true;
} else if (is_service_running && STOPFOREGROUND_ACTION.equals(intent.getAction())) {
Log.i(TAG, "Received Stop Foreground Intent");
is_service_running = false;
public void onDestroy() {
private void showNotification(){
Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(mContext, ActivityMain.class);
notificationIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK);
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(mContext, 0, notificationIntent, 0);
Notification notification = new NotificationCompat.Builder(mContext)
.setContentText("Application is running")
// starts this service as foreground
startForeground(NOTIFICATION_ID, notification);
public void acquireWakeLock() {
final PowerManager powerManager = (PowerManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
//Acquire new wake lock
mWakeLock = powerManager.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, TAG+"PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK");
public void releaseWakeLock() {
if (mWakeLock != null && mWakeLock.isHeld()) {
mWakeLock = null;
public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
return null;
AndroidManifest.xml changes.
In the AndroidManifest.xml add this permission:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
Don't forget to add the name of your app in the <application> tag:
And finally add your foreground service running into another process:
A couple of notes.
In the previous example, the notification created, when clicked,
opens the ActivityMain activity of your test project.
Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(mContext, ActivityMain.class);
but you can use another kind of intent too.
To test it, you have to add some job to be performed into your, for example some repeating alarm (which was
normally stopped when the device falls in Doze Mode), or a ripetitive
network access, or a timed tone played, or.... whatever you want.
Remember that the job performed by the main activity has to run
forever because to test this AntiDoze you need to wait at least 1
hour to be sure the device enters in Doze Mode.
To enter in Doze mode, the device has to be quiet and unplugged, so
you can't test it while you are debugging. Debug your app first,
check that everything is running then stop it, unplug, restart the
app again and leave the device alone and quiet on your desk.
The adb commands suggested by the documentation to simulate Doze
and StandBy modes could and could not give you the right results
(it depends, I suppose, by the device manufacturer, drivers, bla
bla). Please make your tests in the REAL behaviour.
In my first test, I used an AlarmManager and a tone generator to play a tone every 10 minutes just to understand that my app was still active.
And it is still running from about 18 hours, breaking my ears with a loud tone exactly every 10 minutes. :-)
Happy coding!
One of my peer developer has written an intent service that makes an API call and then sleeps for 2 mins. After waking up, it sends again.
Only have a service running while it is actively delivering value to the user. Sitting around for two minutes, watching the clock tick, is not actively delivering value to the user.
Will using alarm manager with WAKE permission solve this?
That depends on what you mean by "solve this". You can use AlarmManager to request to get control every two minutes so that you can do work. While the device is in Doze mode, you will not actually get control every two minutes, but once per maintenance window.

BroadcastReceiver dies with app

If i let the phone sit for a long time like 15 minutes i lose my receiver but i thought it was to persist like a service after being killed for memory.
<action android:name="com.example.johnbravado.MESSAGE_PROCESSED"/>
In Activity to start receiver
ComponentName component = new ComponentName(CounterActivity.this, WearableReceiver.class);
The receiver
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
// TODO: This method is called when the BroadcastReceiver is receiving
// an Intent broadcast.
//MyConstants.getInstance().showToast("Message Rcvd");
PowerManager powerManager = (PowerManager) context.getSystemService(POWER_SERVICE);
PowerManager.WakeLock wakeLock = powerManager.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK,
// Do Work
MyConstants.getInstance().msgReqAction(intent.getIntExtra(MyConstants.BROADCAST_DATA_REQ, 0));
The broadcast sender
String BROADCAST_ACTION_RESP = "com.example.johnbravado.MESSAGE_PROCESSED"
public void onMessageReceived(final MessageEvent messageEvent) {
nodeId = messageEvent.getSourceNodeId();
String incomingPath = messageEvent.getPath();
int incomingReq = Integer.parseInt(new String(messageEvent.getData()));
if(incomingPath.equalsIgnoreCase(MyConstants.MSG_COUNTER_REQ_PATH)) {
Intent broadcastIntent = new Intent();
broadcastIntent.putExtra(MyConstants.BROADCAST_DATA_REQ, incomingReq);
}else if(incomingPath.equalsIgnoreCase(MyConstants.MSG_DEFAULT_PATH)){
only way I get this to persist for long periods of time is to invoke a service
wearableReceiverIntent = new Intent(this, WearableReceiverService.class);
the service
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
// Let it continue running until it is stopped.
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(MyConstants.BROADCAST_ACTION_RESP);
receiver = new WearableReceiver();
registerReceiver(receiver, filter);
Notification notification = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this)
startForeground(MyConstants.NOTIF_COUNTING_SERVICE, notification);
isRunning = true;
If I run the service it persists for long periods of time but it drains the battery unnecessarily considering I interact only once every 10 minutes. I was under impression Broadcast receiver would work like service except for short bursts of work. invoke the service if you need to do long actions.
A BroadcastReceiver handles an intent and then stops again. This handling of an intent should be fast. If you want to do a lot of stuff, you should start an Service from the BroadcastReceiver and handle it from there.
A BroadcastReceiver object is only valid for the duration of the call
to onReceive(Context, Intent). Once your code returns from this
function, the system considers the object to be finished and no longer
A BroadcastReceiver is started using the sendBroadcast intent.
So remove android:enabled="false" and use sendBroadcast, which will startup the Receiver by Android.
Greenify was killing my app when the screen went off. I was battling something I had no hope of defending against with code. After I explicitly told Greenify to not kill my app, I never told it to kill my app to begin with, everything worked as intended.
I had the same problem due on my Asus ZenPad due to the Asus Mobile Manager app, specifically the "Auto start manager" was blocking the intent to my app.
Deactivating the app (uninstall is not possible) worth nothing, the solution has been to leave the app installed but whitelist my developing app so it can receive broadcast like PACKAGE_REPLACE. (Pay attention that the switches are confusing, you actually have to touch on "blocked" so it turns on into "allowed" to enable it.
I think another option is to update or change the ROM (choosing one without all that bloatware).
If your BroadcastReceiver is setup in your manifest, there is no need to try and adjust the PackageManager component information for your package. As long as you remove the enabled="false" part.
Your BroadcastReceiver should be very short with what it does: typically update some internal data or start another component which can do the heavy lifting of your app's operation. You can use it to trigger a Service to do this type of thing in the background. But, note that "background" in this case means without user-interaction. It does not mean a background context of execution, such as a secondary thread. It is up to you do manage the thread(s) in your Service. Your BroadcastReceiver and Service callback entry points (onReceive() and onStartIntent()) run in the context of the main thread of your app.
Power management definitely plays a roll in all of this. Is your broadcast Intent actually being sent and done in a way which will wake the device? If it does wake the device and send the Intent, the device will only stay awake long enough for the BroadcastReceiver to run its onReceive(); after that returns there are no guarantees. The device will aggressively sleep, which is why wakelocks are a thing. However, use of wakelocks can cause excessive battery drain, unless used properly. If you are running on Marshmallow or newer, the Doze functionality can also wreck havoc on your plans. Wakelocks are ignored when in Doze mode and won't be considered until the user brings the device out of doze.
I had the same issue and it was resolved by granting auto launch permission for the app.
Go to
Settings->Permissions->Manage Auto Launch
and allow auto launch for your app.

Foreground service gets killed on performing internet related operations

UPDATE: Previously I couldn't find a well defined pattern as to when my foreground service was being killed. After more debugging with the devices (doesn't happen on all) on which this was happening I found.
1.) A lot of times when I open chrome to load a website the foreground service gets killed. Sometimes even when I am using whatsapp this happens.
2.) There are no exceptions and the stacktrace doesn't show anything useful.
Original Question below:
There are many such questions on StackOverflow but the answers so far that I have read mostly say that it is upto Android and we don't have 100% guarantee that a foreground service will not be killed. Some answers suggest START_STICKY but that is not much helpful in my case.
In my case I have a music player app which has a foreground service. This service gets killed on certain devices, mostly some versions of Xiomi (Android version was 5.1.1). Now I understand that android might be short on memory and so my foreground service is being killed, but then why do other music player apps never go through such termination. What is it that they are doing right that I am not?
I made my service foreground service by using startForeground. Also I return START_STICKY in onStartCommand although that doesn't help because the service is restarted after a period of 4-5 sec if killed. To bind my service with my activity I use
bindService(playIntent, musicConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE | Context.BIND_IMPORTANT );
So what exactly can I improve/change in my app to prevent this from happening, if other apps are working right there must be something that is wrong in my case. Can someone please help. Thanks in advance !!
This is how I call startForeground()
public void sendNotification() {
Intent notIntent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);
PendingIntent pendInt = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0,
notIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
Bitmap bitmap = null;
if (!notificationShowing || !forwarded) {
Log.i(TAG, "present");
String title = CommonUtils.getSongFromID(songIndex, this);
bigView.setTextViewText(, title);
bigView.setImageViewBitmap(, bitmap);
smallView.setTextViewText(, title);
smallView.setImageViewBitmap(, bitmap);
if (pauseButton == 1) {
bigView.setImageViewResource(, R.drawable.pause_noti);
smallView.setImageViewResource(, R.drawable.pause_noti);
} else {
bigView.setImageViewResource(, R.drawable.play_noti);
smallView.setImageViewResource(, R.drawable.play_noti);
musicNotification = builder.setContentIntent(pendInt)
.setStyle(new Notification.BigTextStyle().bigText("Song App"))
musicNotification.contentView = smallView;
musicNotification.bigContentView = bigView;
musicNotification.contentIntent = pendInt;
Intent switchIntent = new Intent("pause");
switchIntent.putExtra("button", "pause");
PendingIntent pendingSwitchIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 100, switchIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
bigView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, pendingSwitchIntent);
smallView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, pendingSwitchIntent);
Intent switchIntent1 = new Intent("forward");
switchIntent1.putExtra("button", "forward");
PendingIntent pendingSwitchIntent2 = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 100, switchIntent1, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
bigView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, pendingSwitchIntent2);
smallView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, pendingSwitchIntent2);
Intent switchIntent2 = new Intent("previous");
switchIntent2.putExtra("button", "previous");
PendingIntent pendingSwitchIntent3 = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 100, switchIntent2, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
bigView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, pendingSwitchIntent3);
smallView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, pendingSwitchIntent3);
Intent switchIntent3 = new Intent("end");
switchIntent3.putExtra("button", "end");
PendingIntent pendingSwitchIntent4 = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 100, switchIntent3, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
bigView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, pendingSwitchIntent4);
smallView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, pendingSwitchIntent4);
startForeground(NOTIFY_ID, musicNotification);
notificationShowing = true;
forwarded = false;
This happened in Xiomi phone due to below reason.
Solution for MIUI 7.0 => Security => Autostart => select Apps that you want to run in background => Reboot
After reboot your device should able to run your application services in background like other android devices do.
MIUI 4.0 settings
MIUI AutoStart Detailed Description
And if you looking for other phone then check here is service structure.It automatically restart but when you restart phone call BootReceiver.
public class AppService extends Service {
private class LocalBinder extends Binder {
public AppService getServerInstance() {
return AppService.this;
public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
return mBinder;
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
// If we get killed, after returning from here, restart
return Service.START_STICKY;
public void onCreate() {
public void onDestroy() {
Thanks hope this will help you.
This service gets killed on certain devices, mostly some versions of
Xiomi (Android version was 5.1.1)
Not sure about this, but as per my understanding this might be because of
Bug in os customization from the vendor.
Bugs in Android with respect to prioritizing foreground services, that are triggered by various combinations of service binding flags(i.e. BIND_AUTO_CREATE, BIND_IMPORTANT etc).Read this answer by Robin Davies.
I don't know whether you use startService() or not. But if you don't then as per this documentation:
You can create a service that is both started and bound. That is, the
service can be started by calling startService(), which allows the
service to run indefinitely, and also allow a client to bind to the
service by calling bindService().(This is called Binding to a Started Service)
If you do allow your service to be started and bound, then when the
service has been started, the system does not destroy the service when
all clients unbind. Instead, you must explicitly stop the service, by
calling stopSelf() or stopService().
Although you should usually implement either onBind() or
onStartCommand(), it's sometimes necessary to implement both. For
example, a music player might find it useful to allow its service to
run indefinitely and also provide binding. This way, an activity can
start the service to play some music and the music continues to play
even if the user leaves the application. Then, when the user returns
to the application, the activity can bind to the service to regain
control of playback.
Be sure to read the section about Managing the Lifecycle of a Bound Service, for more information about the service lifecycle when adding binding to a started service.
onStartCommand will be called in case of started service so START_STICKY will work in case of startService() only.
Update on process logs
Proc # 5: prcp F/S/IF trm: 0
In your process log your player service running in foreground with adj setting prcp (visible foreground service) which means it's virtually indestructible. Still your service destroyed by OS than there might be very low memory available to run newly launch app. As per this documentation,
There will only ever be a few foreground processes in the system, and these
will only be killed as a last resort if memory is so low that not even
these processes can continue to run. Generally, at this point, the
device has reached a memory paging state, so this action is required
in order to keep the user interface responsive.
So I think you are doing nothing wrong. I just want to suggest you to read this official Android developer documentation and try to run your service in separate process(Documentation suggests this approach for music player app). Be careful to implement this as it can easily increase—rather than decrease—your RAM footprint if done incorrectly.

Service stops when application is closed

I need a service to run in background and calculate every minute distance between two locations. I used Thread in order to execute a method every minute, then I understood that when the application is closed, the service stops too since application and service use the same thread.
How can i create a simple method that is invoked every 1 minute, in background even when the application is closed?
You can run the Service in a separate process by modifying the manifest:
android:process=":myBackgroundServiceProcess" >
But that might not really bring any benefit. And most of the time it may even be a bad idea.
Of course the main thing is that if the Service gets shut down it's then re-started.
The Service's onStartCommand() can return the START_STICKY flag:
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
// Other code goes here...
This (and the other) options are explained in the documentation. Basically START_STICKY means "Hey Android! If you really really have to shut down my precious Service because of running low on memory, then please please try to start it again."
Whereas START_NOT_STICKY would mean "Nahh...don't bother. I'll call startService() again myself if I really need my Service running."
This (start sticky) is probably fine most of time. Your Service will just start from scratch again. You could try if that's suitable for your use case.
Then there are "foreground services" which are less likely to get shut down by Android as they are treated more like visible apps. And in fact they show up in the notification drawer with an icon and (if you make it so) a status text. So they are visible to the user like e.g. SportsTracker, Beddit and such apps.
This involves modifying your Service's onStartCommand():
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
// Tapping the notification will open the specified Activity.
Intent activityIntent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(getApplicationContext(), 0,
activityIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
// This always shows up in the notifications area when this Service is running.
// TODO: String localization
Notification not = new Notification.Builder(this).
setContentInfo("Doing stuff in the background...").setSmallIcon(R.mipmap.ic_launcher).
startForeground(1, not);
// Other code goes here...
return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);
The Service is started as usual and you can get out of the foreground mode with:
The boolean parameters defines if the notification should also be dismissed or not.
You have to use thread for this and set a flag on starting the service. And check that flag for stoping the service.
In addition to the previous solutions provided by our friends...
See the picture: In the Battery section

Service of an app stops when phone is not being charged

My Activity starts a service by calling startservice(). To simplify my problem lets say the service will be a counter, and the counter will be increased in every 10 sec.
Timer t_counter;
int counter = 0;
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
t_counter = new Timer();
t_counter.schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
Log.d("counter: ",Integer.toString(counter));
}}, 0, 10000);
return Service.START_STICKY;
When the phone is being charged, (or in debug mode - since I can see the the Logcat) the service works as expected. In around every 10 sec Logcat shows the debug info, whenever the app is in background or not. But when I have unplugged the phone, the service stops running after a while. Event when the app (Activity which started the service) is active. Note that service not destroyed, just put on hold, or something like this.
Because when I plug in the mobile again, the timer continues and the value of the counter is being increased from the value where I just unplugged the phone. So if the service has been destroyed then value would have been zero again. (also I debugging the lifecycle of the service, and cannot see onStartCOmmand(), onDestroy() would have been called )
I have searched solutions for it, but I think I have not het the right answer for this behavior.
I know that I should use AlarmManager instead of Timer. Or it would also work if I put the service foreground by startForeground(), or maybe separate process would solve this problem. But I would like to know why my solution is working with charging. Also where can I find infos about this "idle" state of a service. (not executing timer schedules, but not destroyed) Thanks!
You need to hold lock if your service has to be running in the background
PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
PowerManager.WakeLock wl =
pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, "My Tag");
// when you done
Better way is to use AlarmManager because keep the service running all the time will drain the battery and waste the system resources.

