I have a build path error I have not come across before:
Description Resource Path Location Type
Archive for required library: 'C:/Users/Grbrbby's/Desktop/biz.midl/DebtCalculator/libs/android-support-v4.jar' in project 'DebtCalculator' cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file DebtCalculator Build path Build Path Problem
I haven't done anything to my physical files and this just started today. I've been able to build this previously.
Any suggestions?
As a test, I did try and do a clean on it and it did not help.
Take the latest version of android-support-v4.jar. Inside your SDK go to this path. sdk/extras/android/support/v4/android-support-v4.jar and replace the one in your projects libs folder also if you have other dependencies make sure they have same android-support-v4.jar in their libs folder as well
Right click on this library, go to build path and select add to build path. It solved the problem in my case, hope its helpful for you too.
Replace your jar version by the most recent one.
Just select your project and click Android Tools > Add Support Library. This will update your jar to the most recent one.
I just got some kind of error when trying to using Action Bar Compat support library to my project, I don't know what's wrong, because I have followed the instructions from this link > http://developer.android.com/tools/support-library/setup.html
So, this is the screen shot of the error ..
I also encountered such problem. My error was:
The container 'Android Dependencies' references non existing library 'C:\development\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20140702\workspace\appcompat_v7\bin\appcompat_v7.jar'
To solve this, I went project>properties>java build path>libraries>add jars>appcompat_v7>libs>, then I selected android-support-v7-appcompat.jar. After this, I went to project>clean. This fixed the problem. Hope you find my hint helpful.
As in the instructions you mentioned, please make sure to follow this step to add .jar files instead of directly go to Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries to add them.
In the new library project, expand the libs/ folder, right-click each
.jar file and select Build Path > Add to Build Path. For example, when
creating the the v7 appcompat project, add both the
android-support-v4.jar and android-support-v7-appcompat.jar files to
the build path.
I just had this issue, when creating a new project. After following the instructions from the link you provided, close your project, then close Eclipse, restart Eclipse, open your project then clean and build your project. This did the trick for me.
These days I used the latest android support library 21 and got the same issue.
I followed the answer of #dazilli,but do not work.
Just now,I updated the JDK from 6 to 7,then it solved the problem.
First of all cleanup a library project and build project check library project has bin files after that clean your project its work for me
andriod platform must be android 5.0 and set 'target=21'
make sure download Extras
In my case the files were in appcombat_v7/lib folder, so what i did is right-click the .jar files (there will be two files select android-support-v4.jar) and then select Build Path>Add to Build Path. What it does is that it adds this file to the Build Path (i.e it will add this file to the "bin folder") which will solve the problem.
The "Android Private Libraries" item is missing from my project (it doesn't appear in the Project Explorer in Eclipse)...
It appears as though it isn't getting built into the project either, as I'm getting various errors regarding jar files in my "libs" folder...
It does appear in Java Build Path (yet it appears to be empty - no jar files appear under it in the Libraries tab), though, and I did make sure it is checked there.
If it is of any relevance, the project at hand has a lot of Android library project dependencies as well, and in those library projects the jar files under libs/ do appear under Android Private Libraries.
I found the problem - I just recently added a new library project as a dependency, and it had an earlier version of android-support-v4.jar in its Android Private Libraries than the one I was using, so that ended up causing the entire Android Private Libraries folder not to be generated in the end project.
Found this out by looking at the Android Console after trying to build.
May be try the following steps
Check and install Android SDK Build-tools in Android SDK Manager.
Package Explorer -> Right click the project -> Android Tools -> Fix Project Properties.
Project -> Clean
Check this Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22
Please update question with eclipse screen shot to get more clarity on problem you face :)
check console
you can find android-support-v4.jar in two paths
Go to those path manually and replace the android-support-v4.jar with larger size
thats it!!it works for me:-)
this question is duplicated with Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22
Firstly, you may need to check out our "Problems" view in eclipse for any useful information there. In my issue, it said that two versions of android-support-v4.jar were found in workspace. this error prevented the importation of private libraries. Issue was fixed after I removed one of the jar file.
I removed android-support-v4.jar from java build path in properties and it worked for me.
Remove the oldest jar file from the libs folder and replace it with the same jar file that's being referenced in the other project. If they both have the same version it should work and you should see your Android Private Libraries folder again.
I have import google-play-services_lib into my workspace and Add google project into MYProject it give mr error:
Description Resource Path Location Type
The container 'Android Dependencies' references non existing library 'D:\Android
Workspace\google-play-services_lib\bin\google-play-services_lib.jar' HBuddy Build
path Build Path Problem
Description Resource Path Location Type The project cannot be built
until build path errors are resolved HBuddy Unknown Java Problem
and I have already installed Google Play Service in Extras
I met this issue as well.
My solution is,
clean project google-play-services_lib firstly
then clean my project which depends on play service library
Hey i know what your problem is. I think it seems like you didn't built your google-play-services project... Try the following solution:
Import the google-play-services_lib "project" into your workspace
Add the freshly imported project to your applications build path
RIGHT-CLICK the google-play-services_lib project and select "Build Project"
Wait a few moments or "clean up" your project
Run your application and - Voila -
Please uncheck "Is Library" as follows ;
Your bin folder doesn't exist! You probably don't have permission to create a folder.
If you create a project from existing code make sure you check "Copy projects into workspace".
I found that the reference is looking at the wrong folder. It normally looks in <android-sdk>/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib/bin/ for the jar file and the file is actually inside the <android-sdk>/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib/libs folder. I couldn't find a way to change the reference link, so I just copied the jar file and the matching jar properties file from the /libs folder to the /bin folder.
I hope it helps.
My solution is,
clean project google-play-services_lib firstly
then clean my project which depends on play service library
There is another way to resolve this issue. Import google_play_services_lib project to your work space.
Then add the google-play-services.jar file externally.
right click on your_project -> properties ->java build path -> Libraries -> add External JARs -> select google-play-services.jar from work space ->clean ->build
It works for me.
I was facing the same issue and got it solved when I updated my eclipse Android SDK tools.
I was using version 22 and when I updated Android SDK tools to 22.0.1 the error vanished and I could build my project.
I hope this helps someone...
Check Read Only property of the Project folder.
If its checked, uncheck it and then try.
I'm testing the sample app for Mobile Express Checkout Library with Android.
I'm getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.paypal.android.pizza.ResultDelegate
The error is on this Pizza.java line: PayPal.fetchDeviceReferenceTokenWithAppID(this, appID, server, new ResultDelegate());
I'm confused, i didnt find any info about that error on google, and also on the faq on paypal and x.com, so i don't know how to solve it.
I simply opened the sample code project and executed it.
This is the link to the project and the library: https://www.x.com/sites/default/files/PayPal_MECL_1.0_Android-Developer-Package_0.zip
There are only three reasons you will ever get this error:
The class genuinely doesn't exist. If you are using code from an official example and getting this, make sure you have the latest build of the library
You have not added the jar to your build path. To fix this, right click on the jar in Eclipse, and do Build Path ► Add to Build Path.
Your jar is not in the /libs folder. This happens when you have added the jar to the build path, but newer versions of ADT need it to be in /libs. Put it there and it will automatically be added to the build path. If it isn't, try doing a Clean build via ant clean or Project ► Clean in eclipse.
Mostly, such errors occur because newer versions of the ADT require all external jars to be in the libs folder.
By looking at the project you linked to, I can see the paypal jar in the project root. Instead, try moving it into a /libs folder. This should solve your problem.
I think you have not exported library jar from the configure build path section of eclipse.
create libs directory in project's directory and add move PayPal_MECL.jar to /libs. goto project properties and remove existing PayPal_MECL entry from libraries
I'm trying to add ACRA to my project and I've followed these steps ACRA Basic Setup but Eclipse is not recognising the #ReportCrashes that it has you create with the class:
I made sure I created a "lib" folder and I added the jar file to it (by drag & drop from a windows explorer), I then right-clicked it and choose Add to Build Path. I even tried to remove the jar file and re-add it and do a Project --> Clean but still nothing.
Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?
Here's some screenshots of the Annotations from Eclipse:
I've had the same problem, and I think I've discovered the root of it: I was importing the jar inside SRC folder, instead of importing the one in BUILD folder. Just deleted the first one, reconfigured BUILDPATH to remove the wrong entry, did a clean, copied the right (BUILD FOLDER) jar into the libs folder in my project and then everything went OK
Maybe it helps?
OK I figured out the problem. I had the same issue as you and the problem for me was that I added the source jar and not the build jar from the ACRA archive. It now recognizes the classes from the jar. Rookie mistake :)
I updated to R20 of the Android SDK Tools today (Aug 15, 2012) and also upgraded to Eclipse Juno and had similar problems with ACRA and my other jar files.
The way I understand it R17 change the build process that any jar in the '/libs' folder is automatically added to the build path. Which means if you had a jar in the '/libs' folder you need to remove it from you java build path or you get the dreaded "Dalvik 1" build error.
Next, I noticed there is no way to add source or javadoc to jars in the lib folder. So I moved all my jars to a second folder, in my case '/external/jar'. When I moved ACRA-4.2.3.jar to '/external/jar' my project would crash with the same error as yours. So I moved it back to '/libs' and it worked, although I could not add javadoc or source to the ACRA jar.
The conclusion is to place the ACRA jar file in the '/libs' folder. Other jar files may be placed in '/libs' or elsewhere. Also, update Android SDK and Eclipse.
Hope this helps you are somebody,