I am having a problem. I have looked through the tutorial and had no problems setting up push notifications on android and ios using titanium acs cloudPush.
In the tutorial all the code and functions are placed in app.js. My problem is I want to add push notifications into a more complex app which has a tabGroup and so on. No matter where I place the eventlistener for the notifications it is not being triggered and the app will crash when I try to send a notification to it.
Has anyone implemented push notifications in a more complex app than a single app.js and could you show where I should put the event listener for my push notifications?
This problem was only on the Android version of the app. I was using the newest Titanium SDK but my version of Titanium CLI was not up to date, updating that finally got my notifications working on Android again
I am working on one product using CRA, Service Worker and PWA. Everything is working fine in both iOS and Android devices. But I need push notification for my new functionalities launched in my pwa for end users.
In Android using firebase and push notification api its possible to implement but in iOS I am not able to implement as push notification is not supported in any of the iOS version.
Please suggest how to implement or is any way available for sending push notification in iOS devices also.
I just built an ecommerce app using ionic and wooCommerce as the backend. i send Push notifications with OneSignal and it's been excellent so far. What i would like to do is this:
How can I target a particular path/ page in an ionic app for android using Onesignal when the notification is tapped
Thanks all.
When using OneSignal with Ionic, to direct users to a specific location in your app, make sure to send all the relevant information as part of the additional data and handle launching the relevant page within the handleNotificationOpened event.
I set up push notifications to Android by onesignal. On Android 4.2 comes all right . But Android 5.0 notifications are not displayed. Device correctly register but dont show notifications.
I just dont know in what way search additional information. What can be reason of that issue? Thank you
how to create a notification in the status bar on android as shown below using phonegap?
This is the example of notification that i want. notfication example
What you need its called "push notifications".
PhoneGap has some plugins for that.
sample app
This might also be helpful:
Android notifications
Cordova local notifications plugin with instructions etc -> here you can see how the plugin is installed and used
Be warned, that using proper push notifications you'll have to register your app first - if your notifications are not only local of course.
To send push notifications, you will need to first register your app
with the push notification service (Apple APNs or Google GCM) that
corresponds to your app's platform.
I know this is old, but to anyone who is still looking, you're probably looking for this:
Push notifications allow your phone to receive on-demand notifications. What OP (and what I) was looking for was to actually put something in your notification drawer.
I using pubnub chat for android using titanium appcelerator platform, I had just crossed about the push notification to android via pubnub , It provides its own development kit for the chat clients but i tried to use it for android, I couldn't there is existing sample for ios but not for android actually.
Anybody had crossed this issue...let me know how to use this.
Pub nub help link for push notification....
When using PubNub in an Android app (Phonegap or Native), you do not need to use GCM because you can implement a subscribe at boot service that forwards incoming messages to the background app using Intents. See this example for more details:
That KB article has a link (hard to see in the article) that will lead you to the Subcrib-at-Boot example in the PubNub Andriod github repo here:
Android with Phonegap
You need to implement a Phonegap JavaScript/Java bridge which has a bit of work that can be implemented by following our Android Subscribe-at Boot (above) service solution and piece it together.
http://www.tipsfromsiliconvalley.com/2013/07/06/createaserviceonandroidwithphonegapap plication/
Actually it is pretty simple as i thought to create a pubnub notification. We have to simply run background service and in that do the following steps.,
Add background service using this BOOT_COMPLETED Titanium module ,
Before suscribe a new channel inside the background service code. (for eg.: MY_notify_channel),
Next go to your chat screen , Next to the line that you are publishing to your private dynamic channel, Publish once again to our MY_notify_channel .
That's it when ever you publishing you get a message received in your service box, you have segregate your message in that and then create a notification manually.
Titanium.Android.Notification link