Gesture onSingleTapConfirmed strange behaviour - android

I believe in your bright mind and strong android skills. I am little bit stuck.
I have the following situation. I've created app for learning how to work with Gestures and canvas.
Idea is simple when I single time tap on the screen and where I've tapped should appear bubble (R.drawable.bubble). If there is already some bubble application should delete it (clear space).
But, I have some difficulties with this. Place where I've tapped and where bubble actually appears have some significantly different in position.
Please give some advice where I should look. What I missed ?
Thanks in advance. Below I provide my code.
public class BubbleActivity extends Activity {
// Main view
RelativeLayout mFrame;
// Bubble image
private Bitmap mBitmap;
// gesture detector
GestureDetector mGestureDetector;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// setup user interface
mFrame = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(;
// load basic bubble Bitmap
mBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.b128);
protected void onResume() {
// init gesture detector
private void setupGestureDetector() {
mGestureDetector = new GestureDetector(this,
new GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener() {
public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent e) {
if(mFrame.getChildCount() == 0) {
BubbleView bubble = new BubbleView(getApplicationContext(),
} else {
for(int i=0; i < mFrame.getChildCount(); i++) {
BubbleView bubble = (BubbleView) mFrame.getChildAt(i);
if(bubble.intersect(e.getX(), e.getY())) {
} else {
BubbleView newBubble = new BubbleView(getApplicationContext(),
return true;
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
return false;
private class BubbleView extends View {
private static final int BITMAP_SIZE = 64;
private float mXPos;
private float mYPos;
private Bitmap mScaledBitmap;
private int mScaledBitmapWidth;
public BubbleView(Context context, float x, float y) {
mXPos = x;
mYPos = y;
Random r = new Random();
private void createScaledBitmap(Random r) {
mScaledBitmapWidth = (r.nextInt(3) + 1) * BITMAP_SIZE;
mScaledBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(mBitmap,
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
Paint mPaint = new Paint();
public boolean intersect(float x, float y) {
if(Math.abs(this.mXPos - x) < mScaledBitmapWidth
|| Math.abs(this.mYPos - y) < mScaledBitmapWidth) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
return true;

One thing I have seen is that you should create the new BubbleView object outside your for loop.
I would use a boolean and if you don't find anyone inside the loop, then you could create one.
public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent e) {
boolean found = false;
if(mFrame.getChildCount() == 0) {
BubbleView bubble = new BubbleView(getApplicationContext(),
} else {
for(int i=0; i < mFrame.getChildCount(); i++) {
BubbleView bubble = (BubbleView) mFrame.getChildAt(i);
if(bubble.intersect(e.getX(), e.getY())) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
BubbleView newBubble = new BubbleView(getApplicationContext(),

It is part of the code of a course in coursera!
I would recommend you using other options to find the solution (for example by reviewing the videos and the example code gived)

Use following lines in BubbleView Constructor to set the position of your scaled bitmap.
// Adjust position to center the bubble under user's finger
mXPos = x - mScaledBitmapWidth / 2;
mYPos = y - mScaledBitmapWidth / 2;
This will center the bubble view bitmap under user's finger. Coursera's skeleton project already includes these line.
Also, you need one more correction in your code -
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
return this.mGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event);
//return false;

I agree with Ignacio Rubio's suggestion to create the new bubble outside of the for loop however, in this particular scenario where the default value for found is false, the first click will create two bubbles: (1) to satisfy the condition of if(mFrame.getChildCount() == 0) and (2) if(!found)
To resolve this issue you can use an int in place of a boolean
public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent event) {
int found = 0;
if(mFrame.getChildCount() == 0) {
Log.v(TAG, "Make First Bubble");
BubbleView bubble = new BubbleView(getApplicationContext(),
} else {
for(int i=0; i < mFrame.getChildCount(); i++) {
BubbleView bubble = (BubbleView) mFrame.getChildAt(i);
if(bubble.intersects(event.getX(), event.getY())) {
found = 1;
found = 2;
if (found == 2) {
BubbleView newBubble = new BubbleView(getApplicationContext(),
return true;
Also, double check you View.intersect(). The touch will have to intersect the x AND y position of the bubble rather than the x OR y position.


Get View position

I am developing a simple app that produced bubbles on screen on touch. Bubble move around on the screen and get popped when it reaches the border of screen or if a user touches it. I have successfully coded a bubble to pop when reaches borders of the screen but can't figure out a way to detect if the user touched it.
I want to detect if the user touched any bubble on the screen.
Note:- The bubbles are created using custom view. Also I have included some important functions only but can include whole code if you want. Here's the code
public class BubbleActivity extends Activity {
// These variables are for testing purposes, do not modify
private final static int RANDOM = 0;
private final static int SINGLE = 1;
private final static int STILL = 2;
private static int speedMode = RANDOM;
private static final int MENU_STILL = Menu.FIRST;
private static final int MENU_SINGLE_SPEED = Menu.FIRST + 1;
private static final int MENU_RANDOM_SPEED = Menu.FIRST + 2;
private static final String TAG = "Lab-Graphics";
// Main view
private RelativeLayout mFrame;
// Bubble image
private Bitmap mBitmap;
// Display dimensions
private int mDisplayWidth, mDisplayHeight;
// Sound variables
// AudioManager
private AudioManager mAudioManager;
// SoundPool
private SoundPool mSoundPool;
// ID for the bubble popping sound
private int mSoundID;
// Audio volume
private float mStreamVolume;
// Gesture Detector
private GestureDetector mGestureDetector;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Set up user interface
mFrame = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(;
// Load basic bubble Bitmap
mBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.b64);
protected void onResume() {
// Manage bubble popping sound
public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus) {
if (hasFocus) {
// Get the size of the display so this view knows where borders are
mDisplayWidth = mFrame.getWidth();
mDisplayHeight = mFrame.getHeight();
// Set up GestureDetector
private void setupGestureDetector() {
mGestureDetector = new GestureDetector(this,
new GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener() {
// Detecting if user touched bubble here
public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent event) {
// Trying to get bubble position but can't just get x=0, y=0 tried
// many things
for(int i=0; i<((ViewGroup)mFrame).getChildCount(); ++i) {
View nextChild = ((ViewGroup)mFrame).getChildAt(i);
Rect rect = new Rect();
int[] location = new int[2];
Log.d(TAG, "X = " + location[0] + " Y = " + location[1]);
if(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN){
BubbleView bubbleView = new BubbleView(getApplicationContext(), event.getX(),event.getY());
return true;
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
// TODO - delegate the touch to the gestureDetector
return mGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event);
protected void onPause() {
// TODO - Release all SoundPool resources
// BubbleView is a View that displays a bubble.
// This class handles animating, drawing, popping amongst other actions.
// A new BubbleView is created for each bubble on the display
private class BubbleView extends View {
private static final int BITMAP_SIZE = 64;
private static final int REFRESH_RATE = 40;
private final Paint mPainter = new Paint();
private ScheduledFuture<?> mMoverFuture;
private int mScaledBitmapWidth;
private Bitmap mScaledBitmap;
// location, speed and direction of the bubble
private float mXPos, mYPos, mDx, mDy;
private long mRotate, mDRotate;
public BubbleView(Context context, float x, float y) {
log("Creating Bubble at: x:" + x + " y:" + y);
// Create a new random number generator to
// randomize size, rotation, speed and direction
Random r = new Random();
// Creates the bubble bitmap for this BubbleView
// Adjust position to center the bubble under user's finger
mXPos = x - mScaledBitmapWidth / 2;
mYPos = y - mScaledBitmapWidth / 2;
// Set the BubbleView's speed and direction
// Set the BubbleView's rotation
// Start moving the BubbleView & updating the display
private void start() {
// Creates a WorkerThread
ScheduledExecutorService executor = Executors
// Execute the run() in Worker Thread every REFRESH_RATE
// milliseconds
// Save reference to this job in mMoverFuture
mMoverFuture = executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// TODO - implement movement logic.
// Each time this method is run the BubbleView should
// move one step. If the BubbleView exits the display,
// stop the BubbleView's Worker Thread.
// Otherwise, request that the BubbleView be redrawn.
private synchronized boolean intersects(float x, float y) {
// TODO - Return true if the BubbleView intersects position (x,y)
return false;
// Cancel the Bubble's movement
// Remove Bubble from mFrame
// Play pop sound if the BubbleView was popped
private void stop(final boolean popped) {
if (null != mMoverFuture && mMoverFuture.cancel(true)) {
// This work will be performed on the UI Thread Runnable() {
public void run() {
// TODO - Remove the BubbleView from mFrame
if (popped) {
// TODO - If the bubble was popped by user,
// play the popping sound
//mMoverFuture.cancel(true);, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1);
log("Bubble removed from view!");
// Change the Bubble's speed and direction
private synchronized void deflect(float velocityX, float velocityY) {
log("velocity X:" + velocityX + " velocity Y:" + velocityY);
//TODO - set mDx and mDy to be the new velocities divided by the REFRESH_RATE
mDx = velocityX/REFRESH_RATE;
mDy = velocityY/REFRESH_RATE;
// Draw the Bubble at its current location
protected synchronized void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
// TODO - save the canvas;
// TODO - increase the rotation of the original image by mDRotate
mRotate = mRotate + mDRotate;
// TODO Rotate the canvas by current rotation
canvas.rotate(mRotate, mXPos + mScaledBitmapWidth/2, mYPos + mScaledBitmapWidth/2);
// TODO - draw the bitmap at it's new location
canvas.drawBitmap(mScaledBitmap, mXPos, mYPos,mPainter);
// TODO - restore the canvas
private synchronized boolean moveWhileOnScreen() {
// TODO - Move the BubbleView
// Returns true if the BubbleView has exited the screen
mXPos = mDx+mXPos;
mYPos = mDy+mYPos;
return false;
private boolean isOutOfView() {
// TODO - Return true if the BubbleView has exited the screen
if(mXPos + mScaledBitmapWidth/2 >= mDisplayWidth - mScaledBitmapWidth/2 || mXPos <0
||mYPos + mScaledBitmapWidth/2 >= mDisplayHeight - mScaledBitmapWidth/2 || mYPos <0){
return true;
return false;
Update :-
To clarify a bit, I want to get the location of all the bubbles on the screen and then compare them to event.getX() and event.getY() to detect if i tapped on any bubble. II have to check bubble tap in onSingleTapConfirmed(). I am correctly able to get the total number of bubbles but can't detect their location on the screen.
for(int i=0; i<((ViewGroup)mFrame).getChildCount(); ++i) {
View nextChild = ((ViewGroup)mFrame).getChildAt(i);
Rect rect = new Rect();
int[] location = new int[2];
Log.d(TAG, "X = " + location[0] + " Y = " + location[1]);
Above code gives the correct number of bubbles but return their coordinates as 0,0.
In your onSingleTapConfirmed function, try the following to iterate through your BubbleViews and pass the Event X and Y coordinates on.
for(int i=0;i<mFrame.getChildCount();i++){
BubbleView bubbleThis = (BubbleView) mFrame.getChildAt(i);
if (bubbleThis.intersects(event.getX(),event.getY())){
return true;
The function in BubbleView should then return true if the X and Y fall inside its boundaries. I will add the function inside intersects function in BubbleView as clarification:
private synchronized boolean intersects(float x, float y) {
if ( (x>mXPos && x<(mXPos+mScaledBitmapWidth)) && (y>mYPos && y<(mYPos+mScaledBitmapWidth)) ) {
return true;
return false;
If you want to know if a user tapped a bubble, set its onClickListener. If you want to know if the user just touched it, override its onTouchEvent and look for ACTION_DOWN.
How are you implementing the onDown() method of your SimpleOnGestureListener?
Please take a look at these answers:
Gesture Detector not working
Android GestureDetector with SimpleOnGestureListener within SurfaceView
Detect which View was tapped in the onSingleTapConfirmed method
Bubble is circle in shape, so you just need to compare its radius with the distance between bubble center and the position.
mRadius = radius of the bubble
mDistance = distance between (event.getX(), event.getY()) and bubble center (mXPos + mRadius, mYPos + mRadius)

How to add ScrollView in Android cocos 2d?

I am Working on Android cocos 2d and i have 8-10 CCSprites which has to scroll horizontally by click of each sprite their is next CCLayer to load so need to Add ScrollView in CCLayer but i am not getting how to do this i am using cocos2d-android.jar
i am using this code but not working :-
final Activity mActivity=CCDirector.sharedDirector().getActivity();
final View view= LayoutInflater.from(mActivity).inflate(R.layout.level_scroll,null);
mActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
mActivity.addContentView(view, new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT));
This is the layer to which you have to add all sprites:
public class ItemScrollLayer extends CCLayer{
ArrayList<ExtraProjectileData> spirtes;
float scaleX,scaleY;
public ItemScrollLayer(float scaleX,float scaleY,ArrayList<ExtraProjectileData> sprites,float screensize)
this.scaleX = scaleX;
this.scaleY = scaleY;
this.spirtes = sprites;
float horizontal_distance = 140*scaleX;
for(int i = 0;i<sprites.size();i++)
CCSprite indi_sprite = sprites.get(i).getProjectile();
indi_sprite.setScale(GameActivity.aspect_Scale(indi_sprite, scaleX, scaleY));
the code to move layer placed in on Touch of my MainLayer:
public boolean ccTouchesMoved(MotionEvent event)
System.out.println("Touches Moved Called for UpgradeMenu");
CGPoint LocationMoved = CCDirector.sharedDirector().convertToGL(CGPoint.make(event.getX(), event.getY()));
float difference = LocationMoved.x - PrevTouchLocation.x;
float posX = scroll_layer.getPosition().x + difference;
scroll_layer.setPosition(CGPoint.make(posX, 0));
if(posX > 0){
else if(posX < (-size.width)*(sprites.size()-1)){
System.out.println("Right Limit Exceeded");
if(difference < -5*GameActivity.VEL_FACTOR){
direction = -1;
else if(difference > 5*GameActivity.VEL_FACTOR){
direction = 1;
PrevTouchLocation = LocationMoved;
return true;
public boolean ccTouchesEnded(MotionEvent event)
endLocation = CCDirector.sharedDirector().convertToGL(CGPoint.make(event.getX(), event.getY()));
float total = startLocation.x-endLocation.x;
if(direction == 1 && !(counter <=0))
CGPoint move_pos = CGPoint.make(size.width+total, 0);
CCMoveBy go_left = CCMoveBy.action(0.5f, move_pos);
CCCallFuncN regulator = CCCallFuncN.action(this, "regulator");
CCSequence seq = CCSequence.actions(go_left, regulator);
moving = true;
else if(direction == -1 && !(counter >= sprites.size()-1))
CGPoint move_pos = CGPoint.make(-size.width+total, 0);
CCMoveBy go_right = CCMoveBy.action(0.5f, move_pos);
CCCallFuncN regulator = CCCallFuncN.action(this, "regulator");
CCSequence seq = CCSequence.actions(go_right, regulator);
moving = true;
PrevTouchLocation =;
return true;
you can edit as per your requirement
Check this, its for vertical scrolling. You just need to change little to achieve.
Let me know if you can't get any idea from this I will provide code.
You can do by adding all sprites to a parent layer then move this parent layer by using MoveBy modifier in ccTouchesMoved
sorry for delay. You have to initialize PrevTouchLocation before you use that as mention below.
CGPoint PrevTouchLocation =;

Android transfer touch event between views

Here is my issue.
I have about 7 buttons inside a linear layout and i am trying to "slide" between them highlighting each one as the finger passes over.
So far i have seen that the view that receives the action down event is locked in and receives every following motion event untill action up.
here is what i was trying:
public class LinearRoot extends LinearLayout {
private static final String TAG = LinearRoot.class.getSimpleName();
public LinearRoot(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
private LinearRoot(Context context) {
private void init() {
getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
public void onGlobalLayout() {
for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
Rect r = new Rect();
Log.e(TAG, r.flattenToString());
map.put(r, getChildAt(i));
/* (non-Javadoc)
* #see android.view.ViewGroup#onInterceptTouchEvent(android.view.MotionEvent)
View lastView;
private final HashMap<Rect, View> map = new HashMap<Rect, View>();
public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
if (ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
return false;
Rect rect = new Rect();
if (lastView != null) {
if (dispatchTouchToSpecificView(rect, ev)) {
return false;
} else {
Iterator<Rect> iterator = map.keySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
rect =;
if (dispatchTouchToSpecificView(rect, ev)) {
lastView = map.get(rect);
return false;
return false;
private boolean dispatchTouchToSpecificView(Rect r, MotionEvent ev) {
Log.e(TAG, "X: " + (int) ev.getX() + " Y" + (int) ev.getY());
Log.e(TAG, r.flattenToString());
return r.contains((int) ev.getRawX(), (int) ev.getRawY());
This is the root layout for all the buttons, which delegates the touch events to the appropriate button by getting its global hit rectangle and seeing if the touch event is inside.
Right now this works only partially, and i am not satisfied with the solution, please provide some comments or possibilities to try.
What i am trying to achieve is a layout that has a large number of buttons which are pretty small and i want to highlight the touched ones before the release so the user can adjust his click.

Jumping ImageView when dragging in Android [duplicate]

I'm not a programmer, but I'm trying to learn android development, and having a blast.
Lately I've hit a fork in the road, and I don't know that any of the directions I can identify will meet all my needs. This is where you (the experts) can help ;)
Endpoint: I want to have the user touch a ball, and drag it to any location on the screen. I would also like to animate this ball when it gets drawn, and when it gets dropped.
I can accomplish the dragging part using a custom class (that doesn't extend anything... just a class like is found in this tutorial: basic drag & drop, however, I don't know how to apply the tween animation to it since it's not a view.
I have also developed an animated version of an ImageView with my image in it, however, I can't manage to apply the same drag & drop functionality without using AbsoluteLayout, which I know is a no-no.
So... how do I move an ImageView around a ??? layout using MotionEvents, or how do I animate (using tweens defined in XML) a non-view based custom class?
Please ask questions if this is not clear. I don't know all the terminology as well as most of you might.
There is also a copy of this question on the forums, so I'll keep this post updated with any responses I get over there.
Why can't you extend View? Then, you have complete control over how it draws because you can override the OnDraw() method. Just make the ColorBall class extend View. Change its position when you move and then invalidate just that one view and have it draw itself instead of having the DrawView class draw it.
Edit - Here is an example class
public class Card extends View
private Bitmap mImage;
private final Paint mPaint = new Paint();
private final Point mSize = new Point();
private final Point mStartPosition = new Point();
public Card(Context context)
public final Bitmap getImage() { return mCardImage; }
public final void setImage(Bitmap image)
mImage = image;
setSize(mCardImage.getWidth(), mCardImage.getHeight());
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
Point position = getPosition();
canvas.drawBitmap(mCardImage, position.x, position.y, mPaint);
public final void setPosition(final Point position)
mRegion.set(position.x, position.y, position.x + mSize.x, position.y + mSize.y);
public final Point getPosition()
Rect bounds = mRegion.getBounds();
return new Point(bounds.left,;
public final void setSize(int width, int height)
mSize.x = width;
mSize.y = height;
Rect bounds = mRegion.getBounds();
mRegion.set(bounds.left,, bounds.left + width, + height);
public final Point getSize() { return mSize; }
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)
// Is the event inside of this view?
if(!mRegion.contains((int)event.getX(), (int)event.getY()))
return super.onTouchEvent(event);
if(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN)
mStartPosition.x = (int)event.getX();
mStartPosition.y = (int)event.getY();
return true;
else if(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE)
int x = 0, y = 0;
if(mLock == DirectionLock.FREE || mLock == DirectionLock.HORIZONTAL_ONLY)
x = (int)event.getX() - mStartPosition.x;
if(mLock == DirectionLock.FREE || mLock == DirectionLock.VERTICAL_ONLY)
y = (int)event.getY() - mStartPosition.y;
mRegion.translate(x, y);
mStartPosition.x = (int)event.getX();
mStartPosition.y = (int)event.getY();
return true;
return super.onTouchEvent(event);

Android Drag/Animation of Views

I'm not a programmer, but I'm trying to learn android development, and having a blast.
Lately I've hit a fork in the road, and I don't know that any of the directions I can identify will meet all my needs. This is where you (the experts) can help ;)
Endpoint: I want to have the user touch a ball, and drag it to any location on the screen. I would also like to animate this ball when it gets drawn, and when it gets dropped.
I can accomplish the dragging part using a custom class (that doesn't extend anything... just a class like is found in this tutorial: basic drag & drop, however, I don't know how to apply the tween animation to it since it's not a view.
I have also developed an animated version of an ImageView with my image in it, however, I can't manage to apply the same drag & drop functionality without using AbsoluteLayout, which I know is a no-no.
So... how do I move an ImageView around a ??? layout using MotionEvents, or how do I animate (using tweens defined in XML) a non-view based custom class?
Please ask questions if this is not clear. I don't know all the terminology as well as most of you might.
There is also a copy of this question on the forums, so I'll keep this post updated with any responses I get over there.
Why can't you extend View? Then, you have complete control over how it draws because you can override the OnDraw() method. Just make the ColorBall class extend View. Change its position when you move and then invalidate just that one view and have it draw itself instead of having the DrawView class draw it.
Edit - Here is an example class
public class Card extends View
private Bitmap mImage;
private final Paint mPaint = new Paint();
private final Point mSize = new Point();
private final Point mStartPosition = new Point();
public Card(Context context)
public final Bitmap getImage() { return mCardImage; }
public final void setImage(Bitmap image)
mImage = image;
setSize(mCardImage.getWidth(), mCardImage.getHeight());
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
Point position = getPosition();
canvas.drawBitmap(mCardImage, position.x, position.y, mPaint);
public final void setPosition(final Point position)
mRegion.set(position.x, position.y, position.x + mSize.x, position.y + mSize.y);
public final Point getPosition()
Rect bounds = mRegion.getBounds();
return new Point(bounds.left,;
public final void setSize(int width, int height)
mSize.x = width;
mSize.y = height;
Rect bounds = mRegion.getBounds();
mRegion.set(bounds.left,, bounds.left + width, + height);
public final Point getSize() { return mSize; }
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)
// Is the event inside of this view?
if(!mRegion.contains((int)event.getX(), (int)event.getY()))
return super.onTouchEvent(event);
if(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN)
mStartPosition.x = (int)event.getX();
mStartPosition.y = (int)event.getY();
return true;
else if(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE)
int x = 0, y = 0;
if(mLock == DirectionLock.FREE || mLock == DirectionLock.HORIZONTAL_ONLY)
x = (int)event.getX() - mStartPosition.x;
if(mLock == DirectionLock.FREE || mLock == DirectionLock.VERTICAL_ONLY)
y = (int)event.getY() - mStartPosition.y;
mRegion.translate(x, y);
mStartPosition.x = (int)event.getX();
mStartPosition.y = (int)event.getY();
return true;
return super.onTouchEvent(event);

