mupdf: how to open pdf file with openBuffer method? - android

Unfortunatelly, I haven't found any documentation on this point, so maybe I do something wrong.
I use mupdf sample for android and I have slightly modified the source code of MuPDFActivity this way:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mAlertBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
if (core == null) {
core = (MuPDFCore)getLastNonConfigurationInstance();
if (savedInstanceState != null && savedInstanceState.containsKey("FileName")) {
mFileName = savedInstanceState.getString("FileName");
if (core == null) {
Intent intent = getIntent();
byte buffer[] = null;
if (Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(intent.getAction())) {
Uri uri = intent.getData();
try {
InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(new File(uri.toString()));
int len = inputStream.available();
buffer = new byte[len];, 0, len);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
if (buffer != null) {
core = openBuffer(buffer);
} else {
core = openFile(Uri.decode(uri.getEncodedPath()));
The activity's openBuffer() method hasn't been changed:
private MuPDFCore openBuffer(byte buffer[]) {
System.out.println("Trying to open byte buffer");
try {
core = new MuPDFCore(this, buffer);
// New file: drop the old outline data
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return core;
After I try to open any pdf, app shows alert with message "Cannot open document". This is logs:
03-21 10:43:14.754 3601-3601/com.artifex.mupdfdemo.debug E/libmupdf﹕ Opening document...
03-21 10:43:14.754 3601-3601/com.artifex.mupdfdemo.debug E/libmupdf﹕ error: No document handlers registered
03-21 10:43:14.754 3601-3601/com.artifex.mupdfdemo.debug E/libmupdf﹕ error: Cannot open memory document
03-21 10:43:14.754 3601-3601/com.artifex.mupdfdemo.debug E/libmupdf﹕ Failed: Cannot open memory document
So, whether there is any way to open pdf file as a byte array and what is this way?

My guess is that you are using a version of the android jni file mupdf.c that is older than the version of the main library files. There was a change in the library API which necessitates fz_register_document_handlers(ctx) being called between creating the context and calling fz_open_document. The first error message you are seeing suggests that fz_register_document_handlers is not being called


Dropbox api v2 for Android: how to get media files details?

How to get media files and their details with Dropbox API v2 for Android(Java)? I have gone through the documentation for the FileMetadata , but I couldn't find the methods to get file details like file type(e.g. music, video, photo, text, ...) , file's URL and thumbnail.
this is my folders and files list Asyntask:
DbxClientV2 client = DropboxClient.getClient(accessToken);
// Get files and folder metadata from root directory
String path = "";
TreeMap<String, Metadata> children = new TreeMap<>();
try {
try {
result = client.files().listFolder(path);
arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
while (true) {
int i = 0;
for (Metadata md : result.getEntries()) {
if (md instanceof DeletedMetadata) {
} else {
String fileOrFolder = md.getPathLower();
children.put(fileOrFolder, md);
//if (!fileOrFolder.contains("."))//is a file
if (md instanceof FileMetadata) {
FileMetadata file = (FileMetadata) md;
//I need something like file.mineType, file.url, file.thumbnail
file.getSize();//in bytes
MediaInfo mInfo = file.getMediaInfo();//Additional information if the file is a photo or video, null if not present
MediaInfo.Tag tag;
if (mInfo != null) {
tag = mInfo.tag();}
if (!result.getHasMore()) break;
try {
result = client.files().listFolderContinue(result.getCursor());//what is this for ?
} catch (ListFolderContinueErrorException ex) {
} catch (ListFolderErrorException ex) {
} catch (DbxException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
return result;
If you want media information, you should use listFolderBuilder to get a ListFolderBuilder object. You can use call .withIncludeMediaInfo(true) to set the parameter for media information, and then .start() to make the API call. The results will then have the media information set, where available.
Dropbox API v2 doesn't offer mime types, but you can keep your own file extension to mime type mapping as desired.
To get an existing link for a file, use listSharedLinks. To create a new one, use createSharedLinkWithSettings.
To get a thumbnail for a file, use getThumbnail.

on android how to find the original file if got a hard link

in the app when receiving an intent which was created from other app and has a file path, it can access the file's content using the file path.
the question is if that path (call it as 'link-path') is a 'hard link' to the original file, is it possible to find the original file through this 'link-path'?
Searched and find some post like:
they show some unix shell command. Not sure if there is some android file system support for this, anyone having suggestion?
You can use this code I made, based on this post. It will return the target path of any path. If path is not a symbolic link, it will return itself. If path doesn't exist it returns null.
public static String findLinkTarget(String path) {
try {
Process findTarget = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("readlink -f " + path);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(findTarget.getInputStream()));
return br.readLine();
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't find target file for link: " + path, e);
The code wasn't tested, but I tested the command on Termux and it worked.
EDIT: Try calling getCanonicalPath() on your file, I think it resolves the symlink.
find a way by comparing the inode, in api >21 android has Os to get it, otherwise using the command "ls -i" to get the inode. One issue though, tested on api<=18 the "ls -i" does not return any thing (tested on emulator), in that case maybe fallback to compare the file's size and timestamp.
static String getFileInode(File file) {
String inode = "-1";
StructStat st = null;
try {
ParcelFileDescriptor pfd =,
st = Os.fstat (pfd.getFileDescriptor());
if (st != null) {
inode = ""+st.st_ino;
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "fstat() failed”+ e.getMessage());
} else {
BufferedReader reader = null;
try {
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(("ls -il " + path));
reader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
int read;
char[] buffer = new char[4096];
StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();
while ((read = > 0) {
output.append(buffer, 0, read);
String ret = output.toString();
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(ret)) {
ret = ret.trim();
String[] splitArr = ret.split("\\s+");
if (splitArr.length>0) {
inode = splitArr[0];
} catch(Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "!!! Runtime.getRuntime().exec() exception, cmd:”+cmd);
} finally {
if (reader != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {}
return inode;

0-byte files not detected when downloading files on Android

I have an app for Android which downloads hundreds of files from the Internet. Some files turn out to be 0-byte after download. The app attempts to detect such cases and delete such files after download but sometimes it fails. The problem is more frequent on Android 4.x devices.
Here is the method which does the downloading. I gets the number of actually read bytes from
public class Utils
public static class DownloadFileData
int nTotalSize;
int nDownloadedSize;
public interface ProgressCallback
void onProgress(long nCurrent, long nMax);
public static boolean downloadFile(String sFileURL, File whereToSave, DownloadFileData fileData, ProgressCallback progressCallback)
InputStream inputStream = null;
FileOutputStream fileOutput = null;
URL url = new URL(sFileURL);
URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
//set up some things on the connection
fileOutput = new FileOutputStream(whereToSave);
inputStream = connection.getInputStream();
fileData.nTotalSize = connection.getContentLength();
fileData.nDownloadedSize = 0;
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int bufferLength = 0; //used to store a temporary size of the buffer
// now, read through the input buffer and write the contents to the file
while ((bufferLength = > 0)
// if interrupted, don't download the file further and return
// also restore the interrupted flag so that the caller stopped also
if (Thread.interrupted())
return false;
// add the data in the buffer to the file in the file output stream
fileOutput.write(buffer, 0, bufferLength);
// add up the size so we know how much is downloaded
fileData.nDownloadedSize += bufferLength;
if (null != progressCallback && fileData.nTotalSize > 0)
progressCallback.onProgress(fileData.nDownloadedSize, fileData.nTotalSize);
return true;
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
return false; // swallow a 404
catch (IOException e)
return false; // swallow a 404
catch (Throwable e)
return false;
// in any case close input and output streams
if (null != inputStream)
inputStream = null;
catch (Exception e)
if (null != fileOutput)
fileOutput = null;
catch (Exception e)
Here is the piece of code which processes the downloads. Since sometimes the number of read bytes is incorrect (it is > 0 and the real file has the size 0 bytes) I check the size of the downloaded file with outputFile.length(). But this again gives a value > 0 even though the file is really 0 byte. I tried to also just create a new file and read its size with recheckSizeFile.length(). Still the size is determined as > 0 while it's really 0 byte.
Utils.DownloadFileData fileData = new Utils.DownloadFileData();
boolean bDownloadedSuccessully = Utils.downloadFile(app.sCurrenltyDownloadedFile, outputFile, fileData, new Utils.ProgressCallback()
... // progress bar is updated here
if (bDownloadedSuccessully)
boolean bIsGarbage = false;
File recheckSizeFile = new File(sFullPath);
long nDownloadedFileSize = Math.min(recheckSizeFile.length(), Math.min(outputFile.length(), fileData.nDownloadedSize));
// if the file is 0bytes, it's garbage
if (0 == nDownloadedFileSize)
bIsGarbage = true;
// if this is a video and if of suspiciously small size, it's
// garbage, too
else if (Utils.isStringEndingWith(app.sCurrenltyDownloadedFile, App.VIDEO_FILE_EXTENSIONS) && nDownloadedFileSize < Constants.MIN_NON_GARBAGE_VIDEO_FILE_SIZE)
bIsGarbage = true;
if (bIsGarbage)
app.updateLastMessageInDownloadLog("File is fake, deleting: " + app.sCurrenltyDownloadedFile);
// delete the garbage file
if (null != outputFile)
if (!outputFile.delete())
Log.e("MyService", "Failed to delete garbage file " + app.sCurrenltyDownloadedFile);
... // process the normally downloaded file
I am not sure but I think there is a bug in Android with reading file size. Has anyone seen a similar problem? Or am I maybe doing something wrong here?
EDIT: how i determine that the files are 0-byte:
all the files which get downloaded go thru the described routines. When I then later view the download folder with a file browser (Ghost Commander), some of the files (like maybe 10%) are 0-byte. They can't be played by a video player (shown as "broken file" icon).
It looks to me like your problem is that you only check for "garbage" files if the Utils.downloadFile call returns true. If the download fails in the getInputStream call or the first read, you will have created a file with zero length which will never be deleted.
You should call flush() on your FileOutputStream to ensure that all data is written to the file. This should make your issue with 0-byte files occur less often.
To check for 0 byte files using File.length() should work properly. Can you open a shell (adb shell) on the device and run ls -l to see the byte count displayed by it is 0 (maybe your file manager has some weird issues). Also please debug (or put some log statements) that sFullPath contains the correct file paths. I can't see where sFullPath gets set in your code above and why you don't just use outputFile but recreate another File object.

Need help debugging my code

I need some input about my code.
Basically, I have a method to load music from Class A
public void onListItemClick(ListView parent, View v, int position, long id){
musicIndex = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Audio.Media.DATA);
filePath = cursor.getString(musicIndex);
fileName = new File(filePath).getName();
playMusic();//Play the selected music
public void playMusic(){
BeatDetection beatDetect = new BeatDetection();
}catch (Exception e){
That method will call the init() method in Class B
public void init() throws Exception{
energy = 0;
variance = 0;
constant = 0;
isBeat = false;
sensitivity = 0;
dBuffer = new float[sampleRate / bufferSize];
eBuffer = new float[sampleRate / bufferSize];
timer = System.currentTimeMillis();
MusicLoad msc = new MusicLoad();
totalMs = 0;
seeking = true;
decode(msc.fileName, 25, 40);
In that method, it initializes everything and call the decode() method
public void decode(String path, int startMs, int maxMs)
throws IOException, javazoom.jl.decoder.DecoderException {
File in = new File(path);
InputStream inStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(in), 8 * 1024);
ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
try {
Bitstream bitstream = new Bitstream(inStream);
Decoder decoder = new Decoder();
boolean done = false;
while (! done) {
Header frameHeader = bitstream.readFrame();
if (frameHeader == null) {
done = true;
} else {
totalMs += frameHeader.ms_per_frame();
if (totalMs >= startMs) {
seeking = false;
if (! seeking) {
SampleBuffer output = (SampleBuffer) decoder.decodeFrame(frameHeader, bitstream);
if (output.getSampleFrequency() != 44100 || output.getChannelCount() != 2) {
throw new javazoom.jl.decoder.DecoderException("mono or non-44100 MP3 not supported", null);
short[] pcm = output.getBuffer();
for (short s : pcm) {
outStream.write(s & 0xff);
outStream.write((s >> 8 ) & 0xff);
if (totalMs >= (startMs + maxMs)) {
done = true;
byte[] abAudioData = outStream.toByteArray();
} catch (BitstreamException e) {
throw new IOException("Bitstream error: " + e);
} catch (DecoderException e) {
Log.w("Decoder error", e);
throw new javazoom.jl.decoder.DecoderException("Error",e);
} finally {
Don't mind reading all the code lines. If you guys notice I put debug() in the beginning to see whether the method is called or not. At this point, the debug() is properly called. However, if I put the debug() after the line File in = new File(path);, the debug() will not be called anymore. It seems like the code is stop running at that point.
The ultimate result is, I can load and play the song without any problem. However, the decode() is not called and there is no error whatsoever. I'm stuck at pointing out the problem at this point. So if there's any input please help me.
EDIT: After I tried tracing the "path" variable, it returns NULL so the error is NullPointerException. Seems like the "fileName" variable from Class A is not passed to Class B. Any suggestion?
If you are using Eclipse with ADT then it's very easy to debug your Android apps, just add a breakpoint (probably in the new File(...) line) and see what happens.
My guess here is that File in = new File(path); probably is throwing a IOException in your decode method, that exception is bubbling first to init() and then to playMusic(), where it is caught by try catch block. Your catch is empty so you are not seeing anything. Try debugging as I said or add some logging info in the catch block.
This is just something to look at, but from the doc page
"The actual file referenced by a File may or may not exist. It may also, despite the name File, be a directory or other non-regular file."
If you had the path wrong, it may be trying to create the file and you may not have the correct permission to do so. Perhaps: WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.
I know this post is old, but I just wanted to show how to get the file path to read/write files for others that come across this post as I have:
String filePath = myContext.getFilesDir().getPath().toString() + "/sysout.log";
File file = new File(filePath);
These two lines will create (open if it exists, and overwrite) a file named "sysout.log" in the folder /data/data/; myContext is just the current context. Using this technique alleviates problems with defining your own path name. Hope this helps someone.

Unzipping files in a faster way than using the in Android

I need unzip a .zip file of 2.5mb(1087 files - *.html, *.css and *.db) in android, i have used, it works fine, but i need improve the performance, the unzip process last 1.10 minutes, i need reduce this time.
I have followed some recomendations for improve the performance, for example :
Use BufferedInputStream, FileOutputStream and BufferedOutputStream.
Read the zip in blocks :
byte data[] = new byte[2048];
while ((counter =, 0, 2048)) != -1)
bosMediaFile.write(data, 0, counter);
Is there any way to improve my code?. I was searching third party zip programs to use programatically, for example i tried the 7ZipJBinding, but it looks like android doesn't support this, because i referenced the sevenzipjbinding.jar and sevenzipjbinding-AllPlatforms.jar but i get an error : "Native Libraries Detected in sevenzipjbinding-AllPlatforms". At 7zip homepage there are versions for MAC, Windows, Linux, but i didn't see anything about android.
Could you please recommend any other library to unzip files in android?
This is my all code :
public static void processZipFile(String strBinaryPath,String strExtractPath, String strDestinationDBPath) throws Exception
ZipFile zipInFile = null;
if (strExtractPath != null)
zipInFile = new ZipFile(strBinaryPath);
for (Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zipInFile.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements();)
ZipEntry zipMediaEntry = entries.nextElement();
if (zipMediaEntry.isDirectory())
File mediaDir = new File(String.format("%s\\%s", strExtractPath, zipMediaEntry.getName()));
BufferedInputStream bisMediaFile = null;
FileOutputStream fosMediaFile = null;
BufferedOutputStream bosMediaFile = null;
String strFileName = String.format("%s\\%s", strExtractPath, zipMediaEntry.getName());
File uncompressDir = new File(strFileName).getParentFile();
//if is a database file, extract to other path :
strFileName = String.format("%s\\%s", strDestinationDBPath, ExtractDBName(zipMediaEntry.getName()));
bisMediaFile = new BufferedInputStream(zipInFile.getInputStream(zipMediaEntry));
fosMediaFile = new FileOutputStream(strFileName);
bosMediaFile = new BufferedOutputStream(fosMediaFile);
int counter;
byte data[] = new byte[2048];
while ((counter =, 0, 2048)) != -1)
bosMediaFile.write(data, 0, counter);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
if (bosMediaFile != null)
if (bisMediaFile != null)
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
if (zipInFile != null)
File flZipToDelete = new File(strBinaryPath);
I'm sure you could find a C or C++ code snippet for unzipping files and run it through the Android NDK. That said, I'm not sure what performance gains you might get.

