Execute task after another. doFirst, doLast Groovy/Gradle - android

I'm new in gradle. How can I run exec one task after another? I've got a problem that task test1 runs before android.applicationVariants.all, and property test is empty,how to change it?
project A
String test = ''
android {
android.applicationVariants.all.doFirst {
test = 'vasya'
task test1.doLast{
println "$test"
But I've got the following output:
* Where:
Build file '/home/build.gradle' line: 57
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating project ':ProjectA'.
> No signature of method: java.util.ArrayList.doFirst() is applicable for argument types: (build_6g09fl113rl613 iaq870b0hod0$_run_closure1_closure12_closure18) values: [build_6g09fl113rl613iaq870b0hod0$_run_closure1_closure12_closure18#5f81a4ab]
Possible solutions: first(), toList(), asList(), sort(), sort(groovy.lang.Closure), sort(boolean)

1) Use dependsOn to handle hierarchy:
task helloTask1 << {
println "hello task 1"
task helloTask2(dependsOn: helloTask1) {
println "hello task 2"
then, calling helloTask2 execustion will trigger helloTask1 first
2) Use mustRunAfter() if needed (this method is in incubating mode):
task helloTask1 {
println "hello task 1"
task helloTask2 {
mustRunAfter helloTask1
println "hello task 2"

Given two tasks defined:
task mainTask {
println "main"
task nextTask {
println "next task"
the following code
mainTask << {
executes nextTask after mainTask is run:
> gradle mainTask
next task

Have a look at task's mustRunAfter method.


can't run gradle task from other task

I have a Jenkins Job that is running some gradle task:
gradle clean -Pendpoint=qab assembleFromJenkinsJob
Here is the task itself:
task assembleFromJenkinsJob << {
logger.lifecycle("Value of 'endpoint': ${endpoint}")
if (String.valueOf(endpoint).equalsIgnoreCase('qab')) {
} else if (String.valueOf(endpoint).equalsIgnoreCase('prod')) {
The task assembleFromJenkinsJob is running:
Value of 'endpoint': qab
but assembleJenkinsQa or assembleRelease are not running.
I even tried to do it like this assembleRelease.execute()
but nothing is happening.
You should never call a task directly. Also you don't need to call a task but rather define a dependency. And, finally, in an action (<<) it's too late for running a task.
Let me know it this works:
task assembleFromJenkinsJob {
logger.lifecycle("Value of 'endpoint': ${endpoint}")
if (String.valueOf(endpoint).equalsIgnoreCase('qab')) {
dependsOn assembleJenkinsQa
} else if (String.valueOf(endpoint).equalsIgnoreCase('prod')) {
dependsOn assembleRelease
} else
dependsOn assembleJenkinsQa
I would advice the use of finalizedBy
task assembleFromJenkinsJob {
def ep = String.valueOf(endpoint).toLowerCase()
logger.lifecycle("Value of 'endpoint': ${ep}")
switch (ep) {
case 'qab':
finalizedBy 'assembleJenkinsQa'
case 'prod':
finalizedBy 'assembleRelease'
finalizedBy 'assembleJenkinsQa'

How to make a new dependency task executes first than all other existed dependency tasks of the base task

I writes a demo build.gradle below:
task a << {
println "this is task ${name}"
task b << {
println "this is task ${name}"
task c << {
println "this is task ${name}"
task d << {
println "this is task ${name}"
task e << {
println "this is task ${name}"
task f << {
println "this is task ${name}"
I run gradle e in cmd, the output is :
this is task b
this is task a
this is task d
this is task f
this is task e
The task e depends on task a and d, then I add task f to e's dependencies. Now the problem is how to make task f executes first. The expected output is like this:
this is task f
this is task b
this is task a
this is task d
this is task e
I know here I can add b.dependsOn(f) to make task f execuse first. But assume I don't know what task e actually depends on, I only know the task e itself, can I make task f execuse first just through e's methods?
I had refer the Task API document, but I still don't know how to do.
Resolved by myself.
add this block to the end of build.gradle
e.taskDependencies.getDependencies(e).each { task ->
if (task != f) {
task.mustRunAfter f

Gradle: Differences when define task with and without << operator

I'm using Gradle and I try to configure for my Android project. I read document and I see that there are two ways of defining a task.
Without << Operator
task SampleTask {
methodA param1 param2
With << Operator:
Task SampleTask <<{
methodA param1 param2
My question is: what is real differences between above 2 ways?
Thanks :)
you can define tasks like this :
task hello {
doLast {
println 'Hello world!'
here, the last thing that hello task does, is to print 'Hello World!'
I can use another syntax for defining my task like this :
task hello << {
println 'Hello world!'
these two tasks are same.
another example is :
task hello << {
println 'Hello Earth'
hello.doFirst {
println 'Hello Venus'
hello.doLast {
println 'Hello Mars'
hello << {
println 'Hello Jupiter'
now the output will be :
Hello Venus
Hello Earth
Hello Mars
Hello Jupiter
read documentation for more details.

gradle Exec block should not fail for non zero output in

I am writing a gradle task. The task it invokes returns 3 for successful run instead of 3. How do I go about doing this ?
task copyToBuildShare(){
def robocopySourceDir = "build\\outputs\\apk"
def cmd = "robocopy "+ robocopySourceDir + " C:\\TEST *.* /MIR /R:5 2>&1"
exec {
ignoreExitValue = true
workingDir '.'
commandLine "cmd", "/c", cmd
if (execResult.exitValue == 3) {
println("It probably succeeded")
It gives the error:
Could not find property 'execResult' on task
I don't want to create a separate task. I want it to be in the exec block. What am I doing wrong?
project.exec() has a return value typed ExecResult.
def result = exec {
ignoreExitValue true
executable "cmd"
args = ["/c", "exit", "1"]
println "exit value:"+result.getExitValue()
Reference here:
You're going to need to specify that this task is of type Exec. This is done by specifying the task type like so
task testExec(type: Exec) {
In your specific case, You'll also want to make sure you don't try to get the execResult until the exec has finished this can be done by wrapping the check in a doLast.
task testExec(type: Exec) {
doLast {
if (execResult.exitValue == 3) {
println("It probably succeeded")
Here's an example of executing ls and checking its return value
task printDirectoryContents(type: Exec) {
workingDir '.'
commandLine "sh", "-c", "ls"
if (execResult.exitValue == 0) {
println("It probably succeeded")

CommandLine inside a loop

I'm using a gradle task which executes the command-line inside a file collection loop:
collection.each { file ->
exec {
workingDir = file(props['WORKING_DIR']).getAbsolutePath()
commandLine "java", "-jar", file(props['SIGN_TOOL']).getAbsoluteFile(), file
Unfortunately, the gradle task ends up with this error:
Execution failed for task ':signFiles'.
No signature of method: java.io.File.call() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: Possible
solutions: wait(), any(), wait(long), each(groovy.lang.Closure),
any(groovy.lang.Closure), list()
How can i fix this issue?
You've called your loop var file and then it's trying to use that for the call to file()...
Try renaming your closure variable:
collection.each { aFile ->
exec {
workingDir = file(props['WORKING_DIR']).getAbsolutePath()
commandLine "java", "-jar", file(props['SIGN_TOOL']).getAbsoluteFile(), aFile

