I'm trying to add the android platform using this command "platform add android error" but I get this error: http://i.imgur.com/C3ShDqn.png
My user folder is "C:\Users\Cretu Eusebiu" but in that error it's says only "C:\Users\Cretu" so I guess is something wrong with the space ?
I've set all paths for npm, android, ant and java.
Thank you.
It was not because of my username with spaces, it was from the spaces of the path where I created the app "C:\Google Drive\Android Apps".
I have managed to connect a device ( I see logs and see the tree of React Native elements), but now I have an issue with connecting the app - "NO APPLICATION SELECTED" is what I see. Any ideas to fix it?
Ran into the same problem on both iOS and Android with Flipper 0.135.0. Managed to make both work by following the steps below.
This answer solved the issue for me.
brew update && brew upgrade idb-companion
Also make sure you are installing the correct Cocoapod of Flipper by specifying the exact version in your Podfile with (for version 0.135.0)
use_flipper!({ 'Flipper'=> '0.135.0' })
Ensure that ReactNativeFlipper.java is in the correct folder, as in this example project.
With for example the applicationId com.domain.appName, the correct path is
In my project this Java file was in the incorrect folder, which resulted in the Logcat error
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.domain.appName.ReactNativeFlipper
Ensure that you are running the latest version of Flipper (0.120.0 as of this message) and then:
For Android:
Bump the FLIPPER_VERSION variable in android/gradle.properties, for example: FLIPPER_VERSION=0.120.0.
Run ./gradlew clean in the android directory.
For iOS:
Call use_flipper with a specific version in ios/Podfile, for example: use_flipper!({ 'Flipper' => '0.120.0' }).
Run pod install in the ios directory.
Reference: https://fbflipper.com/docs/getting-started/react-native/#using-the-latest-flipper-sdk
Go to settings and check if the path for your Sdk is correct
In my case issue was with the Emulator OS and API.
I used following combination and it worked:
Device: Pixel 4a
OS: Android 12
API: (Release Name: S, API level: 31, ABI: arm64-v8a, Target: Android 12
I also faced this issue, I was not seeing android simulator and the app to select, but it was working fine for iOS without any config.
The problem with my setup was that in the Flipper settings, the android SDK's path was not correct, after updating the path and restarting Flipper, it automatically detected the simulator and the app.
Hope this helps.
I was able to solve that on Android, open ReactNativeFlipper.java file
In the first line package com.yourappname; change it to exactly your package name inside AndroidManifest.xml
In the MainApplication.java there is a line like
initializeFlipper(this, getReactNativeHost().getReactInstanceManager());
inside onCreate() function. In my project this line was commented. I removed the comment and run react-native run-android and flipper get connected to the app
I would like to extract my app in .apk format.
I add these script on my "package.json" page:
"build:development:android": "ionic cordova build android"
and "build:production:android": "ionic cordova build android --prod --release".
But, when I type the commands I have Errors.
What I should do to have my .apk file?
I am novice. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
aha! I can see the problem in your code !
you are generating pages from ionic generate command! but if you see the file structure you will find that the page folder has its own module file! first delete that and then go to yourPage.ts file and delete the import of ionicPage and also remove the Annotation of ionic page.... Repeat this step for all pages which have this module file in them!
after that make sure your pages are imported in your app.module.ts
here lemme show you an example how it is done! consider I have a class called testerClass. its page structure on using
ionic g page testerClass will be as
delete that tester-class.module.ts
Step 2: AFTER deleting that you have to go into tester-class.ts and
remove the annotation and import of ionic page like shown in picture
NOTE!!make sure you run the build commands using admin/root pre villages (if you are not using root account just in case). in simple words search your cmd in windows search option right click and open as administrator
I think you encounter 2 problems and I will try to refer to them based on the screenshots.
Screenshot #1: I believe this is a permissions error, if you run the same command as an admin do you have the same result? In order to run it as an admin you will:
type 'cmd' in your search bar bottom at the windows bar
when the results emerge, right click on the command line and hit 'run as administrator'
Screenshot #2: This is a code error but it is simple to fix.
It seems that you have added the Album page via ionic generate page AlbumPage but then added that to your app.module.ts.
The result is that AlbumPage is declared on both app.module.ts and album.module.ts.
Since AlbumPage is built to be an Ionic Page (if you navigate in album.ts, right above Component annotation, you will se the IonicPage() annotation) you can remove it from the app.module.ts, and wherever you are referring to this page you can use the string of the name e.g. this.setRoot('AlbumPage'), instead of this.setRoot(AlbumPage), which also means that you do not have to import it.
Hello I am new to mobile development and Angular 2. I am trying to request permission for reading contacts, however NativeScript is not recognizing "android".
For exmple I am not able to run the following code:
permissions.requestPermission(android.Manifest.permission.INTERNET, "I need these permissions because I'm cool");
Error: Cannot find name 'android'.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
At the top of your TS file just add:
declare var android: any;
TypeScript does not know what "android" is; so you have to tell it what it is
The other way to fix this is to download the platform typings
https://www.npmjs.com/package/tns-platform-declarations and then install them. Please note the Typings do typically slow down compilation as they add a lot of data that has to be parsed...
Disclaimer: I'm the author of the NativeScript-Permissions plugin you are using. ;-)
When running the command cordova platform add android, I get a bunch of errors popping up in the terminal.
Caelans-MBP:HiltonExtraordinaryFB Caelan$ cordova platform add android
Creating android project...
Creating Cordova project for the Android platform:
Path: platforms/android
Package: com.phonegap.hiltonsimplyfb
Name: Hilton F&B
Android target: android-19
Copying template files...
Project successfully created.
Error: Unexpected close tag
Line: 8
Column: 12
Char: >
at error (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/node_modules/elementtree/node_modules/sax/lib/sax.js:347:8)
at strictFail (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/node_modules/elementtree/node_modules/sax/lib/sax.js:364:22)
at closeTag (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/node_modules/elementtree/node_modules/sax/lib/sax.js:523:7)
at Object.write (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/node_modules/elementtree/node_modules/sax/lib/sax.js:948:29)
at XMLParser.feed (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/node_modules/elementtree/lib/parsers/sax.js:48:15)
at ElementTree.parse (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/node_modules/elementtree/lib/elementtree.js:263:10)
at Object.exports.XML (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/node_modules/elementtree/lib/elementtree.js:593:13)
at Object.module.exports.parseElementtreeSync (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/src/util/xml-helpers.js:126:38)
at android_parser.update_from_config (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/src/cordova/metadata/android_parser.js:221:23)
at android_parser.update_project (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/src/cordova/metadata/android_parser.js:349:14)
Caelans-MBP:HiltonExtraordinaryFB Caelan$
Is there any way I can resolve these errors so I can continue.
Without seeing your config.xml file it's hard to troubleshoot, but I'll bet it's the name of your app:
Name: Hilton F&B
Since config.xml must be valid XML, make sure you're using the & ampersand entity and not a raw ampersand, which has meaning in XML syntax.
I also had the same issue and wanted to share my experience. The problem was Unexpected close tag, in your config.xml file you forgot to close one or two tags, if you look at the line which is shown as error, there is not error even, but somewhre in your config.xml file there is tag not closed. Please, make sure all tags have closed correctly.
In my case, I was missing one closing tag in the string that I was parsing to XML. It had a starting tag not closing tag.
Make sure to check all the Tags have starting and closing tags.
If you have XML on runtime and cannot be checked manually, You can use an amazing npm package which provide validate method to check if XML is valid.
npm link: https://www.npmjs.com/package/fast-xml-parser
const { XMLValidator } = require('fast-xml-parser');
const result = XMLValidator.validate(
"<root>Run the , ...' >/etc/hosts.allow where each <net>/<mask> combination (for example, '') represents one network block in use by your organization that requires access to this system</root>",
allowBooleanAttributes: true,
Just sharing, might be helpful for someone.
I'm trying to get PhoneGap working. I've hit a hurdle getting started.
I've downloaded version 0.9.1. I've been following the instructions at http://phonegap.pbworks.com/Getting-started-with-Android-PhoneGap-in-Eclipse
Using MacOS 10.5.8. Android SDK is already installed and working with Eclipse.
My .bash_profile file looks like this:-
export PATH=${PATH}:/Applications/android-sdk-mac_86/tools
export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/phonegap-android/bin
(and I restarted my terminal window to make it take effect)
I've tried the following command:-
cd /Applications/phonegap-android/bin
ruby ./droidgap /Applications/android-sdk-mac_86 HelloPhoneGap com.myidentity.android /Users/myidentity/Documents/workspace/HelloPhoneGap/assets/www /Users/myidentity/Desktop
...and I get the following error:-
./droidgap:4:in `require': no such file to load -- /Applications/phonegap-android/bin/lib/generate.rb (LoadError)
from ./droidgap:4
I ran into this issue as well, move droidgap up one level into the phonegap base directory.
Or, you should mention the complete path:
export PATH=$path: /Applications/phonegap-android/bin/**droidgap**
I came across such issues too. go to https://github.com/jonathanstark/phonegap-android, search the generate.rb file in the lib folder there, download it, then you are good to go.