I was planning on using the Youtube Android Player API, when I noticed it needs a YouTube Data API (v3), API key: https://developers.google.com/youtube/android/player/register
The Youtube Data API handles most youtube's interaction, like getRating, upload video's, rate video's , get playlists etc, and sets a quota based on those actions: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/getting-started#quota & https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/determine_quota_cost
None of these actions are video playback though, that's what the Android Player does. I also can't find anything about quotas on the Android Player API section.
So, my question is two-fold: Why does the player API need the Data API, and is there a quota on usage of the player API?
As far as I have researched on this.
The Google Developers Console allows creation of keys and then we restrict the key usage ourselves. This means that each key when created is a general key. It can be used for any Google API.
As far as YouTube player is concerned. As long as we don't make any calls to the YouTube API in our app, I don't think there is a quota limit. This is what I have concluded after reading this: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/getting-started#calculating-quota-usage
Also, since the player doesn't work until you have the YouTube app installed, it basically uses the app to play content. If you just show thumbnails, the thumbnails are already public and you can generate them this way: How do I get a YouTube video thumbnail from the YouTube API?
This API does not require an API key thus it does not affect the quota in any way.
This is an intuitive answer as per my research. I could not find any explanation anywhere so this is what I came up with.
I want to implement YouTube music in my app, I did some searches and I found out that there is a YouTube music api but I couldn't find any documentation about it.
My questions:
Does Youtube Music have an API or an SDK for android?
Does anyone have some ideas about it?
At this time there is no YouTube Music api. Anything you may have seen on the internet is probably third party hacked, and would most likely be against googles TOS.
If google ever does release one it will probably be listed here.
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I'm a beginner and I’m working on an android project in which I play youtube videos using Google YouTube data API.
Is it possible to play the video in the background even after the user has switched to another app or pressed the home button?
Is it possible to separate the audio from the video and stream that in the background?
I don't want to use web view.
It is possible to play the audio in the background.
However , you are not allowed to do so.
This violation of the Youtube API is cause for immidiate removal from the play store.
Official answer:
During review, we found that your app violates the Prohibited Actions provision of the Content Policy.
We have determined that your app enables background playing of YouTube videos, which is a violation of the YouTube API Terms of Service:
"Your API Client will not, and You will not encourage or create functionality for Your users or other third parties to: (8) separate, isolate, or modify the audio or video components of any YouTube audiovisual content made available through the YouTube API;"
youtube red users only they possible to play youtube videos in background (https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6308116?hl=en). You can check if they have this in the api,
its possible to play youtube videos in background if you open the desktop version of youtube in a browser.
Maybe you can make use of this by opening the correct link in a webview in background
Yes its possible and its easy. No installation, no root, no violations. Let me explain it.
Andriod 9 --> Settings --> Search Picture in Picture --> select YouTube --> Allow
Once Allow picture-in-picture is enabled. You can run YouTube in Background.
I got another idea, but not sure will it violate the rule.
You can build your own service base on youtube-dl. More explain step by step:
First you got the url of the video from Youtube
Second you extract the audio information from the origin video url, and you now get the audio source via youtube-dl
Play the audio source in the background
In this way you are not using the Youtube api directly, I think it's fine to only use the audio from the source and play it in the background.
So I am working on an android app, which will stream music videos from YouTube API. I will implement ads in activities other than the one, where YouTube videos will be streaming. Wondering is it legally fine to go with this idea?
The terms should make it quite clear.
You agree not to use the YouTube API for any of the following
commercial uses unless You obtain YouTube's prior written approval:
the sale of the YouTube API, API Data, YouTube audiovisual content or
related services, or access to any of the foregoing;
the sale of
advertising, sponsorships, or promotions placed on or within the
YouTube audiovisual content or player; or
the sale of advertising,
sponsorships, or promotions on any page of the API Client containing
YouTube audiovisual content, unless other content not obtained from
YouTube appears on the same page and is of sufficient value to be the
basis for such sales.
I'm writting an Android App and I'm using YouTube API V3 to let the user to search YouTube for videos and show it to him,
And I would like to NOT have commercials in the beginning of the video.
is there a way todo it? even pay google for it..
Ads are determined by the uploader of the video and are a cornerstone of Youtube's monetization model so it's doubtful that there's a flag somewhere to disable them. I also doubt you'd get far contacting google directly but you could give it a try.
There is a way to check for the existence of ads in a video, so you could try to filter out videos that contain ads.
Is there any way to know if a youtube video display ads? via API?
i want to display all the videos uploaded by a user, say cnn,
in my own android app, i will have a webview, and when user clicks on this video (cnn), it will play that particular youtube video in android's native video player, once video finishes, it will return to my app (webview where user lastly clicked)
my question is, which part of the google youtube data api should i feed to the intent? using the example below?
can someone give me a CONCRETE example, no abbreviation or whatsoever, a link i should put in the intent?
i am confused because examples i found has .mp4 extension etc, which android will understand the intent that a video is requested to play.
but in the link provided above, there is no link to the raw file, i.e. no URI ends with .mp4
please help
By going thorough the documentation about youtube api and testing the demo App i think in-order make a app using youtube-api need
1) Developer key
2)Phone installed with latest version of youtube application (i think Actually youtube-api use some supports of youtube app to play video)
3)By using this api video will stay inside your app. but it use support from youtube app to play video
Note:- if am wrong Correct me