GAE Android Connected Project JDO Primary key - android

I have been trying to create a GAE to get and insert data into my Android Application. I used the Eclipse wizard to create both projects (app engine connected android project). I am using JDO and trying to create unique primary keys but it doesn't seem to be doing it for me and I think that it should although i'm probably wrong. The server keeps popping out messages that the primary key should not be 0. Im new to this and was testing it out. Here is the code I feel is relevant (please let me know if more is needed). As to my understanding, it should be getting its key when the server calls makepersistant().
#ApiMethod(name = "insertTrack")
public Track insertTrack(Track track) {
PersistenceManager mgr = getPersistenceManager();
try {
if (containsTrack(track)) {
throw new EntityExistsException("Object already exists");
} finally {
return track;
This is what my app is calling:
public class EndpointsTask extends AsyncTask<Context, Integer, Long> {
protected Long doInBackground(Context... contexts) {
Trackendpoint.Builder endpointBuilder = new Trackendpoint.Builder(
new JacksonFactory(),
new HttpRequestInitializer() {
public void initialize(HttpRequest httpRequest) { }
Trackendpoint endpoint = CloudEndpointUtils.updateBuilder(
try {
Track track = new Track();
track.setDesc("First Track on Server");
Track result = endpoint.insertTrack(track).execute();
} catch (IOException e) {
return (long) 0;
And the JDO
public class Track {
#Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
private long trackID;
private String name;
private String desc;
Any help leading me in the right direction would be awesome. Thanks in advance!


How do I send data from an android wearable device to a phone in the form of a a simple text file containing data?

I have a wearable app. The app after it finishes has data like time/date, UUID, Geo location, parameters selected displayed in front of me like a Data Report or Log in several TextViews underneath each other. Like a list. I want this data to be transferred from my wearable device to my android phone.
Now I have to ask does the WearOS app the pairs the phone with the watch enables such a thing? Like can the data be sent through it? OR what exactly can I do? I read about Sync data items with the Data Layer API in the documentation, but I'm not sure if the code snippets provided would help achieve what I want.
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
private static final String COUNT_KEY = "com.example.key.count";
private DataClient dataClient;
private int count = 0;
// Create a data map and put data in it
private void increaseCounter() {
PutDataMapRequest putDataMapReq = PutDataMapRequest.create("/count");
putDataMapReq.getDataMap().putInt(COUNT_KEY, count++);
PutDataRequest putDataReq = putDataMapReq.asPutDataRequest();
Task<DataItem> putDataTask = dataClient.putDataItem(putDataReq);
The data I display in the textviews are called through methods that I call things like: getLocation, getUUID, getDateTime, getSelections, etc... when I click a button I call them in the setOnClickListener. I want this data in the TextViews to be placed in a file or something like that and send them over to the mobile phone from the watch when they're generated.
private void getDateTime()
SimpleDateFormat sdf_date = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
SimpleDateFormat sdf_time = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss z");
String currentDate= sdf_date.format(new Date());
String currentTime= sdf_time.format(new Date());
textView_date_time.setText("Date: "+currentDate+"\n"+"Time: "+currentTime);
private void getUUID()
// Retrieving the value using its keys the file name
// must be same in both saving and retrieving the data
#SuppressLint("WrongConstant") SharedPreferences sh = getSharedPreferences("UUID_File", MODE_APPEND);
// The value will be default as empty string because for
// the very first time when the app is opened, there is nothing to show
String theUUID = sh.getString(PREF_UNIQUE_ID, uniqueID);
// We can then use the data
textView_UUID.setText("UUID: "+theUUID);
private void getSelections()
textView_data_selected.setText("Tool No.: "+c.getToolNo()+
"\nTool Size: " +c.getToolSizeStr()+
"\nFrom Mode: " +c.getCurrentModeStr()+
"\nGoto Mode: " +c.getModeStr()+
"\nMethod: " +c.getMethodStr()+
"\nBit Duration: " +c.getBitDuration()+
"\nUpper bound" +c.getUpStageValue()+
"\nLower bound: "+c.getDownStageValue());
The above are examples of the methods I use to get the data. then I call them here:
gps_btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
//ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(get_location.this, new String[]{Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION}, 1);
Toast.makeText(get_location.this,"Build SDK too low",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
Now how do I take all this and send it over from my device to the the phone?
Note: The data report I want to send as a file, I want it done subtly like something done in the background. I don't know what else to do or where to look.
You have two options if you want to use the Data Layer, one is to use the MessageClient API to bundle your data up in a message and send it directly to the handheld. The easiest here would be to create an arbitrary JSONObject and serialize your data as a JSON string you can stuff into a message. For example:
try {
final JSONObject object = new JSONObject();
object.put("heart_rate", (int) event.values[0]);
new MessageSender("/MessageChannel", object.toString(), getApplicationContext()).start();
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to create JSON object");
In my case, I do this in my onSensorChanged implementation, but you can insert this wherever you are updating your text.
MessageSender is just a threaded wrapper around the MessageClient:
import java.util.List;
class MessageSender extends Thread {
private static final String TAG = "MessageSender";
String path;
String message;
Context context;
MessageSender(String path, String message, Context context) {
this.path = path;
this.message = message;
this.context = context;
public void run() {
try {
Task<List<Node>> nodeListTask = Wearable.getNodeClient(context.getApplicationContext()).getConnectedNodes();
List<Node> nodes = Tasks.await(nodeListTask);
byte[] payload = message.getBytes();
for (Node node : nodes) {
String nodeId = node.getId();
Task<Integer> sendMessageTask = Wearable.getMessageClient(context).sendMessage(nodeId, this.path, payload);
try {
} catch (Exception exception) {
// TODO: Implement exception handling
Log.e(TAG, "Exception thrown");
} catch (Exception exception) {
Log.e(TAG, exception.getMessage());
The other option is to create a nested hierarchy of data items in the Data Layer and implement DataClient.OnDataChangedListener on both sides, such that changes that are written in on one side are automatically synchronized with the other. You can find a good walkthrough on how to do that here.
For your specific case, just packing it in a JSON object would probably be the simplest. The writing out to your preferred file format you can then implement on the handheld side without needing to involve the wear side.

Error while processing request on Azure

I have an app connected with Azure backend. I created a login and some api calls 2 months ago. They worked fine until a few days ago and then it starts to fail "sometimes".
The login log onFailure says: Error while authenticating user
The callback log onFailure says: Error while processing request
And the cause of both says : stream was reset: PROTOCOL_ERROR
This post is to similar to this but didn't work.
Some code here:
private void login(String email, String password){
try {
JsonObject params = new JsonObject();
params.addProperty("Username", email);
params.addProperty("Password", password);
ListenableFuture<MobileServiceUser> listenable = Client.logIn(getContext(), params);
Futures.addCallback(listenable, new FutureCallback<MobileServiceUser>() {
public void onSuccess(MobileServiceUser mobileServiceUser) {
SharedPreferences settings = getActivity().getSharedPreferences(Client.MS_USER,0);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = settings.edit();
Client.clientId = mobileServiceUser.getUserId();
Client.token = mobileServiceUser.getAuthenticationToken();
editor.putString(Client.MS_USER_ID, Client.clientId);
editor.putString(Client.MS_AUTH_TOKEN, Client.token);
Intent i = new Intent(getContext(), MainActivity.class);
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
Throwable t2 = t.getCause();
Throwable t3 = t2.getCause();
Log.e("LoginFail", t.getMessage());
Log.e("LoginFail", t2.getMessage());
if(t3 != null){
Log.e("LoginFail", t3.getMessage());
Toast.makeText(getContext(), getResources().getString(R.string.bad_login), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
}, MoreExecutors.directExecutor());
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
public class Client {
public static final String MS_USER = "MS_USER";
public static final String MS_USER_ID = "MS_USER_ID";
public static final String MS_AUTH_TOKEN = "MS_AUTH_TOKEN";
public static String clientId;
public static String token;
private static MobileServiceClient instance = null;
public static MobileServiceClient getInstance(Context context) {
if (instance ==null){
try {
instance = new MobileServiceClient(Env.AZURE_URL, context);
instance.setAndroidHttpClientFactory(() -> {
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
client.setReadTimeout(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
client.setWriteTimeout(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
return client;
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
} else{
return instance;
public static ListenableFuture<MobileServiceUser> logIn(Context context, JsonObject parameters) throws MalformedURLException {
String deviceID = "gcm:" + Settings.Secure.getString(context.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID);
parameters.addProperty("device_id", deviceID);
parameters.addProperty("device_dateTime", Env.DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date()));
parameters.addProperty("device_timeZone", API.getTimezone());
parameters.addProperty("device_language", Env.LANGUAGE);
parameters.addProperty("app", Env.APP_NAME);
return getInstance(context).login("auth", parameters);
public static ListenableFuture<JsonElement> callApi(Context context, String apiName, JsonObject parameters, String httpMethod){
String deviceID = "gcm:" + Settings.Secure.getString(context.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID);
parameters.addProperty("user_id", Client.clientId);
parameters.addProperty("device_id", deviceID);
parameters.addProperty("device_dateTime", Env.DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date()));
parameters.addProperty("device_timeZone", API.getTimezone());
parameters.addProperty("device_language", Env.LANGUAGE);
parameters.addProperty("app", Env.APP_NAME);
parameters.addProperty("role", "Patient");
return getInstance(context).invokeApi(apiName, parameters, httpMethod, null);
} else {
return getInstance(context).invokeApi(apiName, null, httpMethod, null);
This is probably related to an issue in Azure App Service that is weirdly enough not reported on the public Azure status page.
The message that affected Azure client received was (quoted from the link above):
Starting at 02:00 UTC on 3 Apr 2018, you have been identified as a
customer using App Services who may have received connection failure
notifications when using Android apps with older HTTP clients or
desktop browsers using cross-site scripting calls. Engineers have
identified an issue with a recent deployment and are investigating
mitigation options. Customers experiencing this issue can
self-mitigate by updating the site config setting "http20Enabled" to
false via Instructions on how to update site
config can be found here:
Go to
Make sure you are in Read/Write mode by clicking in the option to the
left of your name.
Find the affected site and browse to Config > Web:
Change the property: "http20Enabled": from true to false by clicking
in Edit properties, Update to “false” and then clicking PUT to save
If you have tried these steps and are continuing to experience issues
with your App Service, please create a technical support ticket to
further troubleshoot: This message will be closed in 7

Error using Amazon DynamoDB in Android application (ResourceNotFoundException)

I'm trying to follow along this guide without much success. I have created the appropriate IAM role and attached the proper role policy to that role, and I have created a DyanmoDB table called "TaskShareGroups" with Primary Partition key "Group Name" (a String).
I have set up my class as follows:
#DynamoDBTable(tableName = "TaskShareGroups")
public class Group implements Parcelable {
String name;
public Group(String name) { = name;
public String toString() {
return name;
#DynamoDBHashKey(attributeName = "Group Name")
public String getName() {
return name;
Here is my code trying to write a Group object to the database.
Runnable saveGroup = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {;
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider credentials =
new CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider(
ddbClient = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(credentials);
mapper = new DynamoDBMapper(ddbClient);
g = new Group(gName);
Thread mythread = new Thread(saveGroup);
The error I get when I run this:
Requested resource not found (Service: AmazonDynamoDB; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ResourceNotFoundException; Request ID: NPBOR9KLFA7T5RLQOID7F7T3KNVV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG)
I am not quite sure what is going on. I'm not entirely sure I set up my unauthenticated role correctly; my exception seems to indicate that it's having trouble finding the correct table but I can clearly see the table through the console.
Android Studio is also telling me that the constructor I am using for my DynamoDBMapper is depreciated; however this is the approach suggested by the guide above. Could this be the issue?
Let me know if there is any other pertinent information I should add to this document.
You should set your region correctly using the setRegion API on the AmazonDynamoDBClient client. The following is the link to the API reference:
Make sure you set the region correctly to where your table is.

Pusher for Android Implementation

I'm trying to implement a pusher service in my Android app, doesn't have access to the server just copying from an iOS app previous implementation. Everything works fine in connection process but when subscribe to a private channel the authentication fails with:
"com.pusher.client.AuthorizationFailureException: https://authorization_url"
The implementation goes like this:
HttpAuthorizer authorizer = new HttpAuthorizer(PUSHER_AUTH_URL);
PusherOptions options = new PusherOptions().setEncrypted(true).setWssPort(443).setAuthorizer(authorizer);
pusher = new Pusher(PUSHER_KEY, options);
pusher.connect(new com.pusher.client.connection.ConnectionEventListener() {
public void onConnectionStateChange(ConnectionStateChange change) {
if (change.getCurrentState() == ConnectionState.CONNECTED) {
Channel channel = pusher.subscribePrivate(PUSH_CHANNEL, new PrivateChannelEventListener() {
public void onAuthenticationFailure(String s, Exception e) {
Log.w("PUSHER", "Channel subscription authorization failed");
public void onSubscriptionSucceeded(String s) {
Log.w("PUSHER", "Channel subscription authorization succeeded");
public void onEvent(String s, String s2, String s3) {
Log.w("PUSHER", "An event with name " + s2 + " was delivered!!");
}, "my-event");
public void onError(String message, String code, Exception e) {
Log.w("PUSHER", "There was a problem connecting with code " + code + " and message " + message);
}, ConnectionState.ALL);
I'm sure that the problem is with the authentication, there is a function call in iOS version that set some headers to the channel subscription or something like that:
(void)pusher:(PTPusher *)pusher willAuthorizeChannel:(PTPusherChannel *)channel withRequest:(NSMutableURLRequest *)request;
[request addAuthorizationHeadersForUser:self.credentials.user];
Im trying to figure out where to add the headers in android, try to add it to the authorizer but nothing change:
Any idea of what is the equivalent in Android of that iOS function: willAuthorizeChannel??
Ok solved, it was what I thought, the HttpAuthorizer needed a set of headers that you can set directly when creating it like:
HttpAuthorizer authorizer = new HttpAuthorizer(PUSHER_AUTH_URL);
authorizer.setHeaders(MY_AUTH_HEADERS); //a HashMap with the headers
PusherOptions options = new PusherOptions().setEncrypted(true).setWssPort(443).setAuthorizer(authorizer);
pusher = new Pusher(PUSHER_KEY, options);
And with that works fine, in case somebody have a similar problem.
this is how to set the authorization headers. It's a Map set to "Key" "Value" pair for example:
public static HashMap<String, String> getMapAuthorizationHeaders() {
try {
HashMap<String, String> authHeader = new HashMap<>();
authHeader.put("HeaderKey1", "HeaderValue1");
authHeader.put("HeaderKey2", "HeaderValue2");
return authHeader;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
So the pusher config will be like:
I've been struggling with this as well... the solution is simple.
First check this out:
Then implement the abstract interface Authorizer and override the authorize method with your own code and that's it, you get the same thing as on the iOS.
Some snippet to get you started (with a custom constructor):
CustomSocketHttpAuthorizer authorizer = new CustomSocketHttpAuthorizer(ServerComm.API_MAIN_LINK + ServerComm.API_LINK_PUSHER_AUTH, pusherServerAuthTimeStamp, MessageActivity.this);
PusherOptions options = new PusherOptions().setAuthorizer(authorizer).setEncrypted(true);;
clientPusher = new Pusher(ServerComm.PUSHER_CLIENT_KEY, options);
clientPusher.connect(new ConnectionEventListener() .....

Android - Simple XML Framework. #Convert interferes with #Attribute - How to solve this?

I was working on capturing the order of elements contained in tag. Here is all the code:
#Convert(value = LeagueConverter.class)
public class League
private String name;
#Element(name="headlines", required = false)
private Headlines headlines;
#Element(name="scores", required = false)
private Scores scores;
#Element(name="standings", required = false)
private Standing standings;
#Element(name="statistics", required = false)
private LeagueStatistics statistics;
public List<String> order = new ArrayList<String>();
// get methods for all variables
public class LeagueConverter implements Converter<League>
public League read(InputNode node) throws Exception
League league = new League();
InputNode next = node.getNext();
while( next != null )
String tag = next.getName();
else if(tag.equalsIgnoreCase("scores"))
else if(tag.equalsIgnoreCase("statistics"))
else if(tag.equalsIgnoreCase("standings"))
next = node.getNext();
return league;
public void write(OutputNode arg0, League arg1) throws Exception
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
Exampe of XML:
<league name ="A">
<league name ="B">...</league>
How I'm calling it and expecting it to behave: (Snippet)
Android android = null;
Serializer serial = new Persister(new AnnotationStrategy());
android =, source);
Log.i("Number of leagues found ",tsnAndroid.getLeagueCount() + ""); // prints fine
League nhl = tsnAndroid.getLeagues().get(0); // works fine
// DOES NOT WORK throws NullPointerEx
League nhl2 = tsnAndroid.getLeagueByName("A");
// DOES NOT WORK throws NullPointerEx
for(String s : nhl.getOrder())
Log.i("ORDER>>>>>", s);
The problem:
android.getLeagueByName() (Works with #Attribute name) suddenly stops working when I have the converter set, so its like the following from, never gets set.
private String name; // not being set
However, when I comment out the converter declaration in - Every league has an attribute called name and android.getLeagueByName() starts working fine...
Does #Convert for League somehow interfere with #Attribute in League?
Even though this question is outrageously old (as is the SimpleXML library), I will give my two cents.
#Convert annotation works only with #Element, but it does not have any effect on #Attribute. I'm not sure if that's a bug or a feature, but there is another way of handling custom serialized objects - called Transform with Matcher, and it works both with Attributes and with Elements. Instead of using the Converters, you define a Transform class that handles serialization and deserialization:
import java.util.UUID;
import org.simpleframework.xml.transform.Transform;
public class UUIDTransform implements Transform<UUID> {
public UUID read(String value) throws Exception {
return value != null ? UUID.fromString(value) : null;
public String write(UUID value) throws Exception {
return value != null ? value.toString() : null;
As you can see, it is more straight-forward than implementing the Convert interface!
Create a similar class for all your objects that require custom de/serialization.
Now instantiate a RegistryMatcher object and register there your custom classes with their corresponding Transform classes. This is a thread-safe object that internally uses a cache, so it might be a good idea to keep it as a singleton.
private static final RegistryMatcher REGISTRY_MATCHER = new RegistryMatcher();
static {
try {
REGISTRY_MATCHER.bind(UUID.class, UUIDTransform.class);
// register all your Transform classes here...
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Finally, you can create a Persister class each time before a conversion and pass it the AnnotationStrategy together with your RegistryMatcher instance. In this factory method below, we will also use an indenting formatter:
private static Persister createPersister(int indent) {
return new Persister(new AnnotationStrategy(), REGISTRY_MATCHER, new Format(indent));
Now you can make your serialization/deserialization methods:
public static String objectToXml(Object object, int indent) throws MyObjectConversionException {
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Persister p = createPersister(indent);
try {
p.write(object, out, "UTF-8");
return out.toString("UTF-8");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MyObjectConversionException("Cannot serialize object " + object + " to XML: " + e.getMessage(), e);
public static <T> T xmlToObject(String xml, final Class<T> clazz) throws MyObjectConversionException {
Persister p = createPersister(0);
try {
return (T), xml);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MyObjectConversionException(
"Cannot deserialize XML to object of type " + clazz + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
The only issue with this approach is when you want to have different formatting for the same object - e.g. once you want the java.util.Date to have just the date component, while later on you also want to have the time component. Then just extend the Date class, calling it DateWithTime, and make a different Transform for it.
#ElementListUnion will capture the order of elements
The #Convert annotation works only on #Element fields. I am struggling against converting #Attribute fields too but with no success for now...

