How can I retrieve the name, message and time for any incoming notification on "whatsapp". Basically, I want to add up all incoming notification details in an array list. Please help me to get the explained code for the same.
You are trying to catch a 3rd party notification which requires a little more work. This SO question might help you to the right track.
How to get notified when a notification is notified
I was able to do this using Accessibility Service . Using this, you can listen to all notification on the notification bar. I listened to application-specification by adding the package name to the Accessibility Service service info , which in this case was com.whatsapp. I couldn't read the messages, but I get notified whenever a message arrives.
I am using voip sip for calling processing calls when Push-Notification received. I want to create top bar notification for missed call . I am already processing calls when Push-Notification receives. I already searched lot of things but nothing helped me.
My question is, i'm making calls after receiving Push-Notification, so likewise i want to display notification after receiving Push Notification, so for that how do I differentiate for which i am receiving Push-Notification.
The notification you are receiving it always contains extra information, all you have to do in compare both notification packets and identify the key using which you can differentiate both of notification. If you are not able to find such key ask API developer to provide it.
You can get something unique in notification response for deffrentiate means notifications you are getting extra data please check in notification response or check in voip sip's documentation (if not getting this extra information ask api developer to provide it) using it you can identify whether you are receiving missed call notification or call notification.
Hope this may helps you.
Call duration == 0, so call was missed
I'm a beginner. I have a problem about custom notification.
I want to read all information of normal notification and custom notification use RemoteView.
Example I want get all information about notification music(art cover, song, next, pause, back action)
I search very very much, but can't find the document I need.
If you know, please tell me.
Thank so much!
What you're looking for is a NotificationListenerService. From the docs:
A service that receives calls from the system when new notifications are posted or removed, or their ranking changed.
If you're specifically looking for ways to read Metadata and the music app is using a MediaSessionCompat, you can use MediaControllerCompat.getMetadata() to read the data off of the notification.
To display the actual content of the notification in your app, what you can do is get one of the many RemoteViews from the Notification object you received, then use this answer to display your notification.
I looking for a way to read notification message automatically, and displaying it, on receiving a message from the server, when the activity is on the foreground, just like a chat application.
I got GCM working, and i am able to create a notification when the client app receives a message from the server.
anyone guide me how to get this done?
If I understand your question when the server send the device a message and your application on foreground u want to get the message into your application and avoid from create a notification.
when you get a call to your GCM Receiver you should know if your application is on the foreground.
look here for know if the application in background/foreground.
now, if the application on background create notification else don't :)
hope it's help u.
Is it possible to invoke an ACTION programatically on a Notification from a NotificationListenerService?
I have written a Notification Listener service that reads out all the incoming notifications and dismisses when done. But I'm not sure if we can perform any ACTIONs on the incoming notifications.
For eg: On a WhatsApp message notification I can read the package name, sender and message details but is there a way to send a reply back to the sender?
Currently Android Wear is doing this so I'm wondering if it is following a generic approach of acting upon a Notification or it has a specific API to WhatsApp service.
When ever a whatsapp notification is received via notification listerner service there is one another notification thats received (hidden) which has a tag value something like this (xxxxxxx being the phonenumber), I think this somehow holds the key to sending a reply to this user.
I am working on other app logic, which does not require you to send back replies but I found this interesting but could not get enough time to check it myself.
Yes, you can do it by this function:
Yes, we can perform actions on notifications. Pushbullet app on Android has an ability to reply to WhatsApp, Hangouts, Facebook messenger etc when user enters the message form desktop which means that there is a way. I am still trying to figure out how to do it.
I am making an app in which i want to recieve notification(PUSH Notification) on recieve of incoming sms like gmail in the way that as we recieve any mail there is notification on launcher icon.Any help will be appreciated.
I guess you don't really need Push notification (in the sense what C2D means). What you need is to get notified if a SMS is received.
For C2D you would need a Cloud (as the name suggests) that receives your SMS and then notifies you. But if you just want to be notified on SMS reception that wouldn't be the solution.
For this, the solution would be the BroadcastReceiver. Simply register your own Broadcast receiver and check for SMS.
This Topic could help
After you have been notified by the BroadcastReceiver, you should notify the user using the Notification Manager
this is one of the most basic example which helped me a lot while implementing c2dm.have a try
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comment if u need further assistance
Have a look at the Android Cloud to Device Messaging Framework or this tutorial.
Another tutorial