Android Programming Design for Netflix Movie Landing Style - android

I'm trying to develop something that has a similar concept to how Netflix is currently working on Android... But I need help with ideas for the implementation... Here is what I am trying to accomplish:
Naturally this screams to me:
ExpandableListView where the Category Names are the Groups and the movies in each category are the children. Now here is where it gets tricky; Netflix is currently using a paging theme for scrolling horizontally; and there is a little bit of a preview of the next page of movies (starred and outlined in yellow).
What do you think is a good way to code this?
I currently just have an ExpandableListView and each child is a horizontal scrollview with a linear layout; and I just add each "movie" to the linear layout inside the horizontal scrollview.. however I'd like to do something that reuses cells / is more efficient on system memory.
I'd like to use a ViewPager for each of the children and use a FragmentStatePagerAdapter as the adapter. Now here are my problems:
1) In this case the movies fill the screen proportionally; I will not know the width of the screen so how can I adjust the elements in the page so that it could look as nice as Netflix does
2) How can I setup a preview for the next page?
3) Should I be worried about the ExpandableListView stealing focus from the ViewPager children?
Am I thinking about this right or should I try something entirely different to Accomplish this?
Thanks for all of your help!

here are my findings from using uianimatorviewer as per request: #MinceMan


Xamarin Forms / Android ScrollView with Paging, same as UIScrollView.PagingEnabled

I want to create a scroll view with pages that can be scrolled vertically and horizontally as well.
The scroller should be just like a slideshow on a website, to slide between images (content). Something like ScrollView, but to stop at a certain point when scrolled.
I am using this in Xamarin.Forms, so I'll need to create a custom renderer (Android) and set the content of the pages from Forms.
I tried ViewPagers, but I want to be able to set the content from Forms page, not from predefined layouts...
I just couldn't find a clear example/tutorial so I can understand how to approach this problem. I also think about overriding some methods from ScrollViewRenderer class, to intercept and only slide to a certain point, but have no idea which methods and properties to change.
Something like CarouselPage on XF, which can be used inside a layout.
Any help or examples would really be appreciated. Thanks!
I'm searching for 2 days for a solution for this problem.

How to make layout like google play home?

How to make layout like this? Its looks like listview with many gridviews or listview of many different layouts. I have no idea how should i make this. On scrolling its get totally changed and also it have different more button colors. Please help me if anyone have solution.
This question is so straight forward! Don't post such kind of questions before you dig and analyze.
If I'm designing this then this how I do. (This is just a sample of static design). But Google did lot's of work here and its a dynamic content.
First the parent layout will be and there is ScrollView or NestedScrollView as child.
Then comes SearchBar. There is a separate documentation for that. Kindly go through.
Third TableLayout with 2 columns and 3 rows which holds Buttons
Fourth is custom ViewHolder with title, subtitle and button and custom CardView at bottom of the title contains ImageView and ToolBar below with Menu.
And all these cards will have its own components etc.,

Facebook Android App News Feed Layout

I am trying to implement a vertical listview with horizontal scroll on each item just like the facebook newsfeed. Suggested apps can be seen by scrolling to right and some part of next item is also visible.
here is the screenshot :
So I am just stuck here and don't know how to proceed.
You're probably going to need to write some custom code (which is a pretty good rule of thumb whenever you're trying to do something Facebook did on Android; they do some crazy stuff).
I don't believe you can nest ListViews in Android. There is "ExpandableListView", which lets you expand items to show more, although this isn't quite the same thing.
I would advise to just create a vertical ListView, and have the items be horizontal LinearLayouts that you can inflate yourself. You can also try making them horizontal ScrollViews (although I think this may have the same limitation as using nested ListViews).
Good luck!

Which View/Widget can be used to display images on the screen one at a time by swiping horizontally?

I have a list view in which I want each list item will contain images. But the images will be displayed one at a time. SO, at a time for every list item only one image will be displayed. To view other images in the list item,one has to swipe horizontally. Is there any inbuilt widget that handles this in android?
My List item not only has Image but it also contains other views like textview, seekbar etc. So each list item will contain Image, textview, seekbar etc but the majority of the space will be occupied by the Image. Now, for each list item, when the image is swiped horizontally, another image has to be downloaded from a ulr and displayed.
I did a bit of research on ViewPager but many references like the answers here and this blog seem to suggest that using ViewPager inside a listview is not a good idea. Why is that? If it is not a good idea, what is a good alternative?
This problem can be solved by using ViewPager.
ViewPager(for swiping between views) + UniversalImageLoader(for loading images from URLs, with caching etc)
If it is not, what is a good alternative?
I think you should use RecyclerView with LinearLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL. All things like recycling the views, view holder design pattern can be done easily with it and it is a new widget that google introduced and you can use it instead of ListView + ViewPager. because as you suggested it is not recommended to use viewpager inside listview. Although you can use horizontalScrollView but it dose not recycle the view. Other third party library like this exist but I recommend you use RecyclerView with LinearLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL because it is from google and it is normally tested more than people library. And another thing is you can use other layout manager like GridLayoutManager or having for example 3 rows that swiping horizontally or other good effects like adding animation and .... that google provided with RecyclerView.
For downloading the images you can use Picasso,Volley, Universal Image Loader or a lot of other libraries that exist.
Happy Coding :-)
Not sure I'm following you, but rather than a ListView wouldn't it be simpler to use ViewPager with simple Fragment that wraps a single image at a time. That way you get horizontal swiping "for free".
Do you just want swipe to change images? Or do you want the images to scroll as you swipe? For the former, you can just use a GestureDetector. For the latter you would probably use a ViewPager. See
I have achieved the same functionality by using ViewPager, you can either put the SeekBar and TextView in the Fragment class off which you are gonna make multiple instances for each item and add to the pageradapter,
You can also add the TextView and SeekBar above the ViewPager Layout in your main fragment layout file and change the text and data on seekbar on viewpager's on item change listener, this looks more neat and this is the approach i've used

What's the difference between HorizontalScrollView & ViewPager?

I'm new programming in Android and i have many doubts about what type of classes can i use in my first app.
I want to do a level menu like cut the rope or angry birds. Only a title and a slider menu.
I think that can do with the two classes, but I'm not sure which is better, can you tell me the difference and which is better to use?
Many thanks.
ViewPager allows you to flip between pages of data (between views). You supply an adapter to generate the pages that the view shows.
But HorizontalScrollView is a container for other views that you can scrolled through, allowing it to be larger than the physical display.
I would go with horizontal scroll view.
EDIT : See FoamyGuy's answer in Angry Birds like scrolling menu where he exactly explains how to achieve such effect.

