Android project jar file missing after pushing to github - android

I added the Google Gson jar file to my Android project by copying and pasting the gson-2.2.4 jar file to the libs folder and then right clicked on the Jar file and then select Build Path > Add to Build Path(I followed this tutorial). Then everything worked fine for me with this jar file, but after pushing to github, when my friends pulling this project, they said that all code relevant to that Gson jar file shows errors. How could I fix this?

Problem 1 : Jar doesnt exist. You probably forgot to add, commit and push your changes to github after adding the jar.
Problem 2 : Jar exists but unrecognised. Ask your friends to remove the existing library from java build path using project properties and add again.

You can create a library project which contains the jar file, and then add this library to your project.
Create library project in eclipse:
File->New->Android application project->Next->Check Mark this porject as a library,
uncheck Create custom launcher icon and Create activity->Finish
Add the library to your project:
Right click your project->Properties->Android->Add->Select the library project you created
After finishing these two, you should be able to use Gson, and when pushing your project,
remember to push the library project as well.


Export Android Library as AAR file

I have created a library module in my project. Now, I want to share/publish this library with others. Sharing a .aar file would be fine for now.
I went through the article - and found the following options.
When you want to build the AAR file, select the library module in the Project window and then click Build > Build APK.
However, if you want to share your AAR file separately, you can find it in project-name/module-name/build/outputs/aar/ and you can regenerate it by clicking Build > Make Project.
I have tried these two options, but couldn't find /aar folder in the path project-name/module-name/build/outputs/
This is the first time I am building a library that needs to be shared with others.
Is there something else I need to do? Please share your thoughts.
You should do it using gradle. Just follow these steps and you will get .aar file:
1) At right side of your android studio there is a pane name Gradle. Open it and then do open library portion and run assemble. Like in the picture below.
2) When it is successfully ran just go to your library folder and you will find your .aar files there.
You can try manually create .aar from command line
./gradlew <moduleName>:assemble
output is located
[Read more]

Issue with importing slidingmenu into an existing eclipse project

I imported the library into eclipse by going to File>Import>Existing android Code> etc
and now i have an extra project called "library" in my workspace
Then I right clicked on the project i want to implement this library to and clicked properties, added the library project, as shown in the screenshot below. But when I click Apply/Ok i get a jar dependency error, does anyone know how I can properly use the slidingmenu library in my app? Thanks
Jar mismatches are usually due to the support v4 library jar file being in both your project and the library. To fix this, make sure the entire project and its libraries has 1 copy of the jar by deleting any others. Afterwards, reference that one copy by right clicking your project and adding that copy as an external archive.

How to add external libraries to my application in android

I have an application that I have to look at as a training exercise. It has used few external libraries such as SlidingMenu, ImageViewZoom and ActionbarSherlock.
I have downloaded and extracted those libraries but I have no idea how to add them to my existing project.
For those that are distributed as a simple JAR, do what Emil Adz indicates, and copy that JAR into your project's libs/ directory.
For those, like ActionBarSherlock, that are distribute as Android library projects, you will need to do a bit more work. In the case of Eclipse, you will need to import the library project into your workspace, then go into Project > Properties > Android for your application project and click the [Add] button to add the library project to the application project. For a command-line build, use android update lib-project to link the application and library project together.
You can read more about referencing an Android library project from Eclipse or the command line in the documentation.
You need to import those libraries as Android Project from existing source and mark them as "Is Library" by going into their properties.
Once you marked it as "Is Library" add it to your
project by going into Properties->Android->Library->Add (it will show the list of library you imported).
The Right Way:
What you need to do is to copy the external library (JAR file) to the /libs folder of your project.
That way those libraries will compile with your project and could be use on real device when you deploy your application.
Some times you will need to add a project to your workspace ( For example the Google Map library)
and then add the library reference using the properites -> Android window at the bottom.
You can get an idea of how it's done by reading the first 3 step of this Google Map API V2 guide I wrote. there I reference the android library project:
Google Map API V2 Guide
The Wrong Way:
any other way, like for example adding the files using the properties - > Java build path screen may result in a missing library when you run the project on a real device.
if they are jars the make a libs folder then paste the jar in it and then go to your project buildpath->configure build path->Add Jars-> ok and if it is a library project then go to your project Property->Android->Add(Your Lib Project)->Ok->Apply

Add *.jar file in folder named Android Dependencies

I want to use library from openCV named "opencv library -2.4.3" , I install all what it needs , and now openCV tutorials work. So I need add the same openCV library to my project for use.
How to add opencv "library -2.4.3" from another project to mine's folder named Android Dependencies
Thanks in advance
Create a libs folder (/libs) in your project's root folder.
Copy the wanted jar to it.
It will be added to Android dependencies.
You have to click on on the project properties (Right Click -> Properties) and add it as dependency there.
I just did this with a project, using eclipse 4.2.1. As with the other answerer, all I had to do was create a folder called "libs/" in my project, and it auto-updated the Android Dependencies list. Are you copying and pasting inside of eclipse?
I moved the file to that folder using the file system, outside of eclipse.
This link describes how the libs folder gets added to Android Dependencies:
Right click on project
Select Properties
Click on Android on left menu
Click on Add
Please select a Library Project
The jar will go into Android Dependencies.
If you add the jar directly to your project under libs or using build path, then it goes under Android Private Libraries.
Both methods works but referencing a library project can have benefits if you want to alter the code of the library during development.

Why can't android find

I'm trying to use GSON in my project, but my application is crashing, with logcat saying that cannot be found. I've put import on my class files, I have gson in my package explorer, and added it by Right click -> build path -> add libraries. It also shows up in Project->properties->java build path->libraries tab->gson. What have I done wrong?
What worked for me: Check the checkbox next to the lib (gson-2.0.jar) in: 'Project Properties' -> 'Java Build Path' -> 'Order and Export' tab. Then do a clean/build.
This adds the exported=true attribute to the classpath entry
<classpathentry exported="true" kind="lib" path="libs/gson-2.0.jar"/>
Have you put the jar file in the libs folder of the project? If not , try moving it there, creating the folder if required. Should be at the same level as the src folder.
I had a similar issue trying to get an app built and that solved it.
I'm using IntelliJ, not eclipse but here is how I did it:
Download the source files from
Unpack them
Copy them into the "libs" folder of your project. I did this manually by using the terminal but you can do it by going in your project folder located in your computer. Your Project_Name >app >Libs [paste them here]
Go to your editor (IntelliJ in my case) You should see the the following 3 files in the libs folder of the project structure:
Open your build.gradle file and insert the following line in the dependencies section:
compile files('libs/gson-2.2.4.jar', 'libs/gson-2.2.4-javadoc.jar', 'libs/gson-2.2.4-javadoc.jar')
Right click on each of the source files and select "Add as Library..."
Use the following options:
Name: name of the jar file
Level: Project Library
Add to Module: select project your adding to
Rebuild project
Build > Rebuild project
Import and use it!
I have observed today that it doesn't like when you add your library.
The solution that worked for me was to add it as an external jar only. I have observed it by doing the steps described by author of this post i.e. Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries -> Add External JARs and point to the downloaded gson library.
I ran into the same issue (when installed SDK 17) ...
The solution is, that you just put the pure jar files into the "libs" folder (without subfolders).
You also don't need to declare them, android wil find them itself. You may need to do a Project > Clean
I had similar problem, but I guess my requirement was more complicated as the GSON libarary was used by an Android Library Project that my main Android project depended on. I have tried both approaches above but none of them worked for me. If I add the GSON jar file directly to the main Android project it works, but that is not what I wanted.
With a bit of investigation I have realised that the GSON jar does not use any dependencies (third party libraries) itself. So my solution was to copy the source file of the GSON project to my Android Library project's src filder and it worked like a charm. so you can use the Source code rather then the binary code. The source code is part of the download in a jar file, just unzip it.
i'm sure you have copied the jar into "libs",
and also added property> Java Build Path >(tab) Libraries, right?
my issue was stupid...
please check other than Gson jar, if you have two stuffs at least in above tab:
android x.x
Android Dependencies (especially this one, i missed this, eclipse show me an error of "could not find class" )
simply do a project copy will solve this problem...
Do not edit .classpath file directly or even put files into lib folders out of Eclipse.
Instead use the Java Build Path->Order and Export tab to select libraries to be exported in the final deployment unit (eg war/apk)
To be on safer side, do a Project->Clean after you change the build path.
I faced the same thing.But the solution was quite easy,just Right-Click on your project->Properies->Libraries->Add external jars->OK and thats it.It solved my problem.hope it will solve yours as well
If Projct Properties -> Java build path -> Add external jars doesn't work and your project is a web project, try adding the gson jar directly to the server lib folder. Example: for apache Tomcat to apache-tomcat/lib.
I have been trying the same thing and read so many answers and tried so many things but to not vial, but i solved this problem by doing just one click and its simple.
1) Add your .jar file in libs folder make sure its libs not lib
2) Clean and Build your project you will see that file under libs folder
3) right click the file and go to build path and select add to build path
Run your project it will work fine. Hope this helps
I am using Android Studio
I had the same problem I had solve it by
select project press f4 from popup
click app and in dependencies
select file dependency and select the three folders which I had pasted in lib directory

