Trouble doing searchView within main activity (NOT actionbar) - android

I have a main activity that, among other elements, has a search view on screen. When a client clicks on the search box (and makes an entry) I need to invoke an activity that will provide results to populate other places on that activity screen.
I've looked at a ton of StackOverflow (and other) threads about implementing search view (am using the widget) - most either refer to using the action bar or a separate search activity window. Neither are options in this case.
Without lectures on why I should use the action bar, does anyone have the very basics on using search? In effect, when they enter info in it and click the search icon (magnifying glass) I want to listen for a click/search on that item, call a function to get the contents of that (as in intent.getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY);), do some work and go from there. However, I'm not successful in hooking in to when the search icon on the keyboard is pressed and getting the user's search line. Any ideas?

Okay, finally figured it out. Oh so often I'll look at something for hours, finally post a question, then figure it out 20 minutes later. Oh, well. Hopefully this helps someone else:
What I've got is an embedded search view in another activity and I just want to hook into it like I would a button. I found lots of stuff regarding action bars and xml intents and all that crap, but what I really wanted turned out to be this:
Make sure to import the listener:
import android.widget.SearchView.OnQueryTextListener;
Say that you implement it:
public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnQueryTextListener {
Then just stick in the functions:
public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String myQuery) {
// "myQuery" represents query as submitted. Go ahead
// and do your searchy stuff here
return (false);
} /* on query text submit */
public boolean onQueryTextChange(String change)
// "change" represents current text string as being typed
} /* on query text change */
That's all I wanted :)


Programmatically show Layout to preface an activity

What I want to do:
I want to have multiple activities each prefaced with a page explaining to the user what the activity is about.
What I'm currently doing:
So my main class BaseModuleActivity extends Activity and I am trying to write a function called showTutorial() which will explain the next steps to the users.
Here is my attempt in doing so:
public void showTutorial(String title, String explanation){
TextView tv1 = (TextView)findViewById(;
TextView tv2 = (TextView)findViewById(;
findViewById( View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// Perform action on click
//remove the tutorial's view
And this method is called in the following:
public class myFirstActivity extends BaseModuleActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//First show tuto
//TODO then actually do the activity stuff
(findViewById( View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
I think the problem is mainly conceptual. I don't know the best approach to do this and the approach I'm taking is not working.
What I'm doing is not working because the view just become empty. I thought setting the visibility of the linearLayout to gone would make it disappear and the actual activity will able to take place.
What I need:
I need to understand if I can do what I want with my approach or not? Or what approach should I take.
I found some similar questions. However, the answer to these questions didn't seem to fit my problem.
I also looked into layout inflater and fragment, but layout inflater seem to be more for listView and fragment uses layout inflater.
Well, there are some approaches to show a guide for your activity (or application).
First one, and probably the easiest, is to show a dialog/TextView when user enters an activity and explain the activity guide in that dialog/TextView using plain text. From your explanation, I think this one is what your are trying to do.
Second one is to use something like slides with pictures to explain about your activity (like Google Sheets application).
Third one is to explain each control in your activity separatly by highlighting them (similar to how Go Launcher explains its feature on first launch)
You can find more info in below links:
How to implement first launch tutorial like Android Lollipop apps: Like Sheets, Slides app?
Android - first launch interactive tutorial
Seems that what you want is actually an introduction. Take a look at this project:
From each introduction page you can launch the correspondent activity.

How to structure this Fragment / RecyclerView

I know this is somewhat of a design question but I do have specific questions for it. I'm trying to understand how to handle a situation like this one:
Let's say I have a RecyclerViewFragment which loads a RecyclerView containing a bunch of Toy objects.
In one situation: Maybe this RecyclerViewFragment is part of a ViewPager on main display. There is a FloatingActionButton add-button present over this RecyclerView. You click the + button and you can add a new Toy to the list. Or you can click a Toy from the list directly and a floating menu pops up with Edit/Delete buttons, and pressing Edit lets you edit the Toy's details in a DialogFragment, or clicking Delete removes it from the RecyclerView.
In another situation: Now I am in a separate part of the app where I want to choose toys to use. So I press a button and a DialogFragment appears with a RecyclerView of Toys. I can click a Toy and it'll be added to my cart.
It seems like I should be re-using the same RecyclerView code in both situations, since they both involve a list of the same Toys. The only difference is that in one situation, I can add Toys and edit Toy details, and in the other situation, there is no Add button and clicking on a toy does something different (adding to a cart as opposed to bringing up an Edit/Delete dialog).
Is this the correct way to handle this:
Communication from Fragment to Activity: Interfaces? Have the RecyclerViewFragment, in the onAttach method, assign a listener of my design to the context. Then when a row of the RecyclerView is pressed, the callback is triggered. Now the underlying Activity can decide what to do with that press -- show the Edit/Delete dialog in one situation, add the Toy to a Cart in the other situation. Either way, the click item sends the Toy to the calling Activity so it can decide what to do with it.
Communication from Activity to Fragment: Now what about the situation with the Add button? This Add button would not be intrinsically part of the RecyclerViewFragment, so when I click Add, it would bring up the details dialog box where I can give the Toy details, and then press OK to add it. So somehow I have to transfer this new Toy to the Fragment to have it added to the RecyclerView. Would I simply do something like this:
RecyclerViewFragment recyclerViewFragment = (RecyclerViewFragment ) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("TOY_RECYCLERVIEW");
and then in the RecyclerViewFragment:
public void getNewToyAndRefreshList(Toy newToy) {
Collections.sort(toyList); //Toy has Comparable implemented, sort by name
Am I on the right track? Is there a different way to fix this situation?
That's certainly a design question, but IMHO there's a very specific issue on it and I believe it's a good question (reason I'm answering), but that also means other developers might have other approaches to solve the issue.
1. that is a totally fair and acceptable approach to it. You let the fragment be simple UI element and let someone else (the activity) implement the click behavior.
For this approach remember to code it only against the interface. That means, don't cast it to your activity. For example:
// do this
// don't do this
That way you keep the "simple UI element" be completely unaware of who is implementing the behavior.
2. IMO for this kind of scenario (specially on RecyclerView.Adapter) the best thing to do is to forget the UI and only focus on the data. And how speciafically you implement this, will vary on what is your data source.
But the base idea is that you have somewhere a data repo (DB?) and anyone using data from there, should subscribe to changes to it.
So you override RecyclerView.Adapter.registerAdapterDataObserver and unregisterAdapterDataObserver add the subscription/listener code, something like that:
#Override registerAdapterDataObserver(RecyclerView.AdapterDataObserver observer) {
db.subscribe(this, toyList);
#Override unregisterAdapterDataObserver(RecyclerView.AdapterDataObserver observer) {
#Override public void onDbDataUpdate(new Data comes here){
update the data, and call .notifyDataSetChanged();
that way once the FAB + and then dialog is clicked the new Toy gets added to the DB and the adapter gets "automatically" notified.
So if this data comes from a SQLite you can call on the cursor registerContentObserver if it's a RealmDB you'll use addChangeListener, even Android databinding libraries have a ObservableList

How to show "up" / "back" button in Xamarin.Forms?

I am trying to work out how to show the "up" arrow in Xamarin.Forms without a pushing a page onto the stack. I.E. I just want to perform an action when the back button is pressed. I am completely stuck on this so any help would be appreciated.
I have tried creating a custom renderer which handles a view property called DisplayHomeAsBack. Which in the renderer calls the following:
FormsAppCompatActivity context = ((FormsAppCompatActivity)Forms.Context);
Android.Support.V7.App.ActionBar actionBar = context.SupportActionBar;
if (actionBar != null)
Unfortunately it seems this does absolutely nothing, even though all online tutorials and stackoverflow question for android suggest this method.
The plan is that I can then use the "OnBackButtonPressed" override in MasterDetailPage, which should allow me to perform this action. Unfortunately displaying the back button has been the larger hurdle so far!
Any idea of a better way to do this or how I can get the current mechanism to work?
I have created a project and uploaded it to this question on the Xamarin support forums, if it helps.
Sorry to keep you waiting so long!
Warning that I did not actually run this code and changed it from my own so I would be surprised if it worked perfectly without some changes.
So below should add a back button where there was not one before (so like when there is not really a page to go back to) and then we will add a custom action to perform when it gets pressed.
I would suggest you push a new page onto the stack without using animation so it is transparent to the user and also makes all of this much simpler, but if you absolutely do not want to do that, the below method should work.
//Use this to subscribe to the event which will create the back button
public override bool OnCreateOptionsMenu(IMenu menu) {
if(menu != null && App.AppMasterPage != null) { //You will need this to make sure you are on your MasterDetailPage, just store a global reference to it in the App class or where ever
Xamarin.Forms.MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe<string>(this, "CreateBackButton");
Xamarin.Forms.MessagingCenter.Subscribe<string>(this, "CreateBackButton", stringWeWillNotUse => { //Use this to subscribe to the event that creates the back button, then when you want the back button to show you just run Xamarin.Forms.MessagingCenter.Send<string>(this, "CreateBackButton")
ActionBar.DisplayOptions = ActionBarDisplayOptions.ShowTitle | ActionBarDisplayOptions.ShowHome | ActionBarDisplayOptions.UseLogo | ActionBarDisplayOptions.HomeAsUp; //You may need to play with these options to get it working but the important one is 'HomeAsUp' which should add the back button
} else {
Xamarin.Forms.MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe<string>(this, "CreateBackButton");
return base.OnCreateOptionsMenu(menu);
Now the next step is do do a custom action when it is pressed. I think you can either override OnBackPressed() or OnOptionsItemSelected() in MainActivity or maybe you can override the MasterDetailPage method. I am not sure.
Which ever one works for you, inside of that override, I would simply check to see if you are on your App.AppMasterPage like we did above, and if so, send a MessagingCenter message which your App.AppMasterPage has already subscribed to in order for it to handle the custom action.
If you get stuck let me know!
I know it sounds like a bit of a hack, but the best "solution" I have found so far is to add a page behind the current page (behind the root) so it is not visible. Then when the user presses the back button, handle it by removing that page.

Talk Back annoucing spinner content description even when editText has focus

I have a Layout,
that has a form .. about five items down in the form is a spinner, and everytime my activity loads Talkback seems to read this spinners content description even though the focus and flashing cursor are on the first edittext view.
I can't seem to stop it.. any ideas?
Accessibility Focus and Input Focus are tracked separately in Android. I would need more details about your specific scenario to provide a 100% answer. However, my guess is that your EditText field is requesting input focus when the view loads, so the cursor is being moved there, and potentially the keyboard is popped up (depending on Android version). However, due to tab ordering, or some other mechanism, the spinner is the first item on the page to get Accessibility Focus.
There are two solutions to this, depending on the behavior that you want.
Solution 1 (recommended): Don't have your EditText box request input focus. Allow the user to force input focus into the box on interaction. For capable users, this is just a simple tap into the EditText box.
Solution 2 (less accessibile, but perhaps more usable): Shift accessibility focus to the EditText in your onResume method (or onCreate, or wherever you deem most appropriate). A method like this would be best:
public void resetFocus() {
I would recommend calling the above method in onResume, so that every time this particular view loads input and accessibility focus will be in a predictable place. Otherwise, you've created additional accessibility issues.
I solved it simply like this:
This custom Spinner has the purpose of making sure that there are no accessibility events fired after
a selection is made
public class SilentSpinner<T> extends SimpleSpinner<T> {
//region constructors
//region public methods
public void sendAccessibilityEvent(int eventType) {
if (eventType != AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_SELECTED) {

CAB "check" button

How can we handle the check button in the CAB menu?
Is the item associated to some internal id like
I've read that it could be handled in SherlockActionBar CAB, but could it be the same with the native ActionBar CAB?
Is there any way to detect the interaction of this item? onActionModeFinished() is not sufficient since I'm calling it multiple times since the CAB needs to be present due to previous changes that happened.
Ok, finally found a solution after trying some things.
Place the code you want for the checkbox or onbackpressed in the method below
public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode)
//place the code you want for the checkbox or back icon here. If you don't want
// this code run if other selections are used, then just create a boolean value that
//you earlier on and check the value in this section before implementing the code

