how to reduce chace on android application (using eclipse)? - android

I'm developing application for my android tablet that using many images.
in my activity, I use effect splash that show image (3840 x 2108 70 KB) for the opening theme.
I use another background image (3840 x 2108 69 KB).
but, when I test it on my tablet, this application's cache reached 80 MB!
For your information, I load the image from my xml file.
Can anyone help me to reduce it?
Is it wrong to load image from xml file?
Is it the size of my images that cause this problem?
at the end, i didn't found a really good way to my question. I'm using xml (I put at dawable) file to replace my big size image, and this method really reduce the cache alot. My conclusion is avoid using big image, instead, just replace the color image using color.
The advantage to use color is "faste to load", it reduce lag of my application.

Android default color model is ARGB_8888. It takes 4 byte for 1 pixel. So splash and background bitmap images in memory takes 3840*2108*4*2 = 61.76MB. You could resize the images for different device dpi and put them in proper drawable folder. For example, drawable-hdpi is suitable for 240 dpi, drawable-xxhdpi is suitable for 480 dpi.
In addition, you could manually load the images with java code. The following is a method to resolve the image safely:
protected Bitmap getBitmapSafely(Resources res, int id, int sampleSize) {
// res = youractivity.getResources, id = R.drawable.yourimageid
Bitmap bitmap = null;
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inPurgeable = true;
options.inSampleSize = sampleSize;
try {
bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res,
id, options);
} catch (OutOfMemoryError oom) {
Log.w("ImageView", "OOM with sampleSize " + sampleSize, oom);
bitmap = getBitmapSafely(res, id, sampleSize + 1);
return bitmap;
Your could use this method with sampleSize = 1 at first time. If there is not enough memory, it will catch OOM and increase the sampleSize until the image can be resolved.


BitmapFactory downsamples unexpectedly image

In my android application, I upload and download JPEG images. For some images BitmapFactory downsamples the downloaded image and I don't understand why and how to stop it from doing so.
I log the Bitmap object size when I upload and download the images:
Uploading image with size 3840x2160
Opening received image of size 2601584B degradation 0 decoded 384x216
So here my image width and height are divided by 10 after decoding by BitmapFactory.
For another image I go from 3480x4640 to 217x290, so a division by 16. I first thought it could be caused by image dpi metadata, so I tried to force it when opening the image with the following code:
BitmapFactory.Options opts = new BitmapFactory.Options();
opts.inSampleSize = 1 << degradation;
opts.inScaled = false;
opts.inDensity = 1;
opts.inTargetDensity = 1;
opts.inScreenDensity = 1;
final Bitmap original = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length, opts);
Log.d(Tags.IMAGES, "Opening received image of size " + data.length + " degradation " + degradation + " decoded " + original.getWidth() + "x" + original.getHeight());
As you can see the number of bytes (2MB) I give the BitmapFactory is consistent with a large image not with a 300x200px image. So my uploading code and downloading code are correct I have the right data before decoding.
I forced all the densities to avoid scaling and also disabled scaling and my sample size is 1 since my degradation is 0 so I don't force any subsampling. I still end with a very small image. And BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray quickly calls native code so I can't really debug that.
I tried:
settings all the density in the BitmapFactory.Options object to 0 but this didn't change a thing.
setting up the density of the bitmap before uploading, no effect (originally these two subsampled images had a density of 420).
reading the size of the bitmap before decoding it fully (via justDecodeBounds), and the size returned this way is also too small.
not pass any options to the decodeByteArray method, still the image is too small.
Ok after more investigation I found the issue and it was due to another part of the code. Due to a race condition in the application I was writing to the same file the image and a miniature of it concurrently. So I ended up with a large image file but its beginning was overridden with a small image, and this is why BitmapFactory creates this small image.
Sorry the issue was not in this part of the code so you couldn't find it.

90MB heap size when loading drawables

I want to show a preview of some images from the users device. For this purpose I search the external storage for image files and for every folder which contains some, I list the folder's name and an image from this folder in a listview.
On my Nexus there are 6 folders containing images, so I have 6 listview items.
I load all images using:
And cache the resulting drawable in a HashMap in order to prevent loading the same image multiple times.
However, the heap is growing from 20MB to >90MB. When the images are loaded the app response is delayed like 2 seconds. Pretty bad.
I have no idea how the heap can grow to 90MB from 6 images which are like 50KB but whatever. To fix this I tried to load subsampled bitmaps from the images - however whenever I load them I get an outofmemory exception.
I have verified multiple times that not more than those 6 images are loaded.
What can I do?
What you should do is analyze your app's memory usage using MAT tool, as described in this amazing article. This tool will help you identify potential memory leaks and see what exactly triggers the heap growth.
I have used the tool what Egor described and there were no memory leaks. The images took about 30MB heap. This amount can only be reduced by reducing the image size. My solution uses subsampling and takes about 3MB heap now.
private Drawable loadDrawable(Context context, File file) {
Drawable drawable = drawables.get(file);
if (drawable == null) {
final int targetSize = 500;
// get subsampling factor
Options opts = new Options();
opts.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file.getAbsolutePath(), opts);
int largest = opts.outWidth > opts.outHeight ? opts.outWidth : opts.outHeight;
float factor = largest / (float) targetSize;
factor = Math.round(factor);
// load bitmap with subsampling
opts = new Options();
opts.inSampleSize = (int) factor;
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file.getAbsolutePath(), opts);
drawable = new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), bitmap);
drawables.put(file, drawable);
return drawable;

How to speed up loading images as small previews?

I have 3 or 4 image paths that I use to load an image so I set it to an imageview. Why does it take long? Or better asking is there a way to make it faster? At the end of the day I am loading to fit an imageview of less than 60 dp hight and width
Uri mainImgeUri = Uri.parse(imagePath);
InputStream imageStream;
try {
imageStream = mActiviy.getContentResolver().openInputStream(mainImgeUri);
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inSampleSize = 8;
Bitmap yourSelectedImage = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(imageStream, null, options);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
What happens is that a user will add 5 images (and he get to choose them from Gallery which is mostly taken by phone camera). He hit save and my app stores the path to them in an sqlite database. Then when the user opens the app again to see them, my app query the db to get the paths to all the images and executes the code above x number of times so all the image views are loaded with the intended images
Take a look at
It explains how to calculate the correct inSampleSize based on the required dimensions of the output image. It also explains how to reference large bitmaps without having to load all their pixel data into memory.
The idea is that you resample bigger images and only load the smaller ones into memory making the whole process much more efficient. The example code is accessing a bitmap from resources, but this can easily be modified for your needs.
The important things to look out for in the example are inJustDecodeBounds and calculateInSampleSize.

android - out of memory exception when creating bitmap

This question already has answers here:
Strange OutOfMemory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object
(44 answers)
Closed yesterday.
I am getting the following error after creating bitmap second time around:
04-17 18:28:09.310: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3458): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget
this._profileBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(_profileBitmap, xCoor, yCoor, width, height);
From log:
04-17 18:27:57.500: INFO/CameraCropView(3458): Original Photo Size: W 1536 x H 2048
04-17 18:28:06.170: INFO/CameraCropView(3458): xCoor: 291
04-17 18:28:06.170: INFO/CameraCropView(3458): yCoor: 430
04-17 18:28:06.170: INFO/CameraCropView(3458): Width: 952
04-17 18:28:06.170: INFO/CameraCropView(3458): Height: 952
Since the image is huge I get the error. But the interesting thing is the error does not happen the first time, only when I take the picture the second time, which makes me believe this profileBitmap is NOT destroyed. How do I clean this up?
I had the same problem and fix it this way:
My app was ~18MB size, and when I see how much memory left free I was shocked - 654KB (on 1GB RAM!). So I just deleted almost all images from project and downloaded them from the internet on first start, and use pics from SD card when needed.
To check total/free memory for your app use:
EDIT: I forgot the main thing - add in your manifest, between application tag, this line:
There are many problems with memory exceptions with bitmaps on Android, many of which are discussed on stackoverflow. It would probably be best if you went through the existing questions to see if yours matches one of the existing ones, then if not, write up what makes your situation different.
Some examples:
Out of memory exception due to large bitmap size
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery
Android handling out of memory exception on image processing
I have explained it in this blog post: android bitmap processing tips
Now here are tips which you can follow and can avoid out of memory exception in your Android Application.
Always use Activity context instead of Application context. because Application context cannot be garbage collected. And release resources as your activity finishes. (life cycle of object should be
same as of activity).
2 . When Activity finishes. Check HEAP DUMP (memory analysis tool in Android studio).
If there are objects in HEAP DUMP from finished activity there is memory leak. review your
code and identify what is causing memory leak.
Always use inSampleSize
Now what is inSampleSize ?
with the help of inSampleSize you are actually telling the decoder not to grab every pixel in memory, instead sub sample image.
This will cause less number of pixels to be loaded in memory than the original image. you can tell decoder to grab every 4th pixel or every second pixel from original image.
if inSampleSize is 4. decoder will return an Image that is 1/16 the number of pixels in original image.
so how much memory you have saved ? calculate :)
Read Bitmap Dimensions before loading into memory.
How reading bitmap dimensions before loading image into memory can help you avoid out of
memory error ? Let's Learn
use inJustBounds = true
here is technique with the help of which you can get image dimension beore loading it in memory
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),, options);
int imageHeight = options.outHeight;
int imageWidth = options.outWidth;
String imageType = options.outMimeType;
Above code snippet will not give us any image/bitmap. it will return null for bitmap Object.
but it will definitely return width and height of that image. which is
Now you have width and height of Image. you can scale up or scale down image based on these factors:
ImageView size which will be used to display Image.
Available amount of memory. you can check available amount of memory using ActivityManager and getMemoryClass.
Screen size and density of device.
Use appropriate Bitmap Configuration
Bitmap configurations is color space/color depth of an Image. Default bitmap Configuration in Android is RGB_8888 which is 4 bytes per pixel.
If you use RGB_565 color channel which use 2 Bytes per pixel. half the memory allocation for same resolution :)
Use inBitmap property for recycling purpose.
Do not make static Drawable Object as it cannot be garbage collected.
Request large heap in in manifest file.
Use multiple processes if you are doing lot of image processing(memory intensive task) or use NDK (Native Development using c, c++)
You can try calling recycle() on the bitmap when you are done with it. This will clear all the image data and free up the memory. If anything tries to draw the bitmap after this then your app will crash. If you do get a crash it may help you find out what is still holding onto your bitmap.
This happens because you are loading the bitmap directly,which consumes a lot of memory.
Instead use a scaled down version of the picture in _profileBitmap.
This guy explains it pretty well.
With Larger images it can be avoided by sampling them into smaller size.
Use below example -
File f = new File(selectedImagePath);
// First decode with inJustDecodeBounds=true to check dimensions
final BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
BitmapFactory.decodeStream(new FileInputStream(f), null, options);
// Calculate inSampleSize
options.inSampleSize = calculateInSampleSize(options, 720, 1280); //My device pixel resolution
// Decode bitmap with inSampleSize set
options.inJustDecodeBounds = false;
Bitmap bmpPic = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(new FileInputStream(f), null, options);
Bitmap bmpPic1 = Bitmap.createBitmap(bmpPic, 0, 0, bmpPic.getWidth(), bmpPic.getHeight(), mat, true);
img.setImageBitmap(bmpPic1); //img is your ImageView
You could use a vector Drawable . It uses an xml file to describe your image , so it consumes less memory.
To do that you should use the SVG format for your images and then generate the xml file using one of these 2 solutions :
Solution 1 : Use the vector asset studio in Android Studio : right click on Drawable file in your project -> new -> vector asset
Solution 2 : Use the svg2android website :
Check out this link for further information:
I had the same issue when the phone was powered off and back on. Simply setting the bitmaps to null and calling System.gc(); fixed all the problems.
I had this issue because I was modifying a bitmap once, and then modifying the modified version a second time, resulting in three versions of the same bitmap (original, plus the two modified versions) being in memory at the same time.
I fixed it by changing my image-editing code to apply both modifications to the same bitmap as a kind of batch process, halving the number of modified versions that my app had to hold in memory.

Android load big images from external storage

I need to load lots of big images (500 .png files) from the SD card to my app. Do I always have to convert images to Bitmap and make Bitmap files? I don't want to resize the Heap.
Is there another way to read the images from SD card?
If you're displaying them in a view, then you have to load them into memory in their entirety.
You didn't mention how large your images will get, but what we do in our photo gallery is to keep a list of SoftReferences to these bitmaps, so that the garbage collector can throw them away when they're not visible (i.e. when the view displaying them gets discarded--make sure that this actually happens, e.g. by using AdapterView). Combine this with lazy loading of these bitmaps and you should be good.
The internal representation of the image in your app is a collection of bits and bytes - not an image of any specific format (png, bmp, etc).
The image is converted to this internal representation when the image is loaded by the BitmapFactory.
It is usually not a good idea to load all the bitmaps at once, you will quickly run out of memory...
If your image's dimension is very big, you must to resize them before loading in to ImageView. Otherwise, even one picture can easily cause out of memory problem. I don't know how many images you want to display concurrently and how big they are. But I suggest you to resize them before displaying them.
To resize image and show it, you can use this code:
BitmapFactory.Options bitmapOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options();
bitmapOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
BitmapFactory.decodeStream(fileInputStream, null, bitmapOptions);
//reduce the image size
int imageWidth = bitmapOptions.outWidth;
int imageHeight = bitmapOptions.outHeight;
int scale = 1;
while (imageWidth/scale >= screenWidth && imageHeight/scale >= screenHeight) {
imageWidth = imageWidth / 2;
imageHeight = imageHeight / 2;
scale = scale * 2;
//decode the image with necessary size
fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(cacheFile);
bitmapOptions.inSampleSize = scale;
bitmapOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = false;
imageBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(fileInputStream, null, bitmapOptions);
ImageView imageView = (ImageView)this.findViewById(;
In my android project, I am using this piece of code to resize my HD wallpaper to review it.
Android Save And Load Downloading File Locally

