A Bluetooth low energy device is uniquely identified by it's address (in the Android API they call this the MAC address and denote it as colon separated hex values e.g. 11:aa:22:bb:33:cc).
But to uniquely identify a BLE address you need to know if it's a public or a private address. In essence, 49 bits are necessary to identify an address, not 48.
Random addresses can be either static random, non-resolvable private or resolvable private and these types are separated by a bit pattern in the two most significant bytes (11, 00 and 10 respectively).
But I don't see anywhere that you can separate public and random addresses just by looking at the 48 bits in the address.
So how does this work in the Android API? How do they know what device to connect to when they don't know if the address you've specified are public or random?
The API in question is for instance the getRemoteDevice function. It says:
Valid Bluetooth hardware addresses must be upper case, in a format such as
"00:11:22:33:AA:BB". The helper checkBluetoothAddress(String) is available
to validate a Bluetooth address.
A BluetoothDevice will always be returned for a valid hardware address,
even if this adapter has never seen that device.
So you give the function 48 bits of data and there is no way to tell it if the address is public or private. This means the device is not uniquely identified.
Since nobody else seems to have an answer to offer I started testing on my own.
I tried making an app that creates a device from a string representation of an address and tried setting up my device with the 48 bit address alternating the public or private bit to see what the Android stack does.
private final BluetoothGattCallback leGattCallback = new BluetoothGattCallback() {
public void onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status, int newState) {
if (newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED) {
Log.i("Fisken", "Gatt connected " + gatt.getDevice().getAddress() + " status " + status);
if (status != BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS) {
Log.w("Fisken", "Disconnect and close");
} else if (newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED) {
Log.i("Fisken", "Gatt disconnected " + gatt.getDevice().getAddress() + " status " + status);
if (status != BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS) {
Log.w("Fisken", "Disconnect and close");
BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter = ((BluetoothManager)getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE)).getAdapter();
BluetoothDevice d = mBluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice("FF:55:44:33:22:11");
d.connectGatt(this, false, leGattCallback);
With this code, if I start my BLE peripheral with a random address everything works as expected. However, if I try running it with the same address with the public bit set, logcat says "Gatt connected", but that's just not true. And I'm never able to disconnect.
Update: I did some more testing to figure this out. The onConnectionStateChange event I get is just the connection attempt timing out. The status is set to either 133 (if I get STATE_CONNECTED) or 257 (if I get a STATE_DISCONNECTED) and I've seen both. In either case I should (and now do in the sample code) cancel the connection attempt and close the client.
I've also found out that if I do a scan first, so that the device I'm trying to connect to have been seen recently and then do a connect based solely on the device mac address then I am able to connect to both random and public addresses without any trouble.
So this seems to be a bug/and or missing feature in the Android API. It does not allow you to connect to a public address without first having scanned for it. It does however work for random addresses.
It is possible to guess if the address is public or random, though it will not work in every case.
As you say above, in case of a random address, both MSB are either 00xx, 01xx or 11xx... so if it is 10xx, then it is a public address (from a company whose OUI starts with 8,9, A or B)
Also, the number of registered OUI is very limited compared to what is existing, so by searching the potential OUI in the IEEE database, a matching result will probably mean a public adress.
Registered OUI count: ~20500, so 0.12% out of 2^24 bits and 0.48% out of 2^22 bits.
Without the IEEE database, it is possible to rely on the fact that the first LSB of a OUI is always 0, and the second LSB is almost always 0 (actually, it should be always 0 as these addresses are universally administered).
Also, other statiscal analysis can be used: for instance, 60% of the OUI start with 00. On the other hand, a non resolvable private address, has only a probability of 1.66% to start with 00 (with uniform random generator).
I think your original 'need 49 bits to distinguish between public and random addresses' is correct. I cannot find anything in the encoding of an IEEE public address which restricts the MSB to be '10' which, if true, would solve the problem.
So the only thing one can use is the 'random address' bit setting in the advertisements of the peripheral or the equivalent bit setting in the connection initiation packet of the central. If these bits are not set, then the address the said endpoint exposes is public.
I will add:
From core spec Vol 6 Part B section 1.3 Device addresses:
Calling MS = most significant
Static random address: two MB bits of MS byte are 1 1 such that the MS byte is 11xxxxxx & with 0xC0
Non-resolvable private address: two MB bits of MS byte are 0 0 such that the MS byte is 00xxxxxx & with 0x00
Resolvable private address: two MB bits of MS byte are 0 1 such that the MS byte is 01xxxxxx & with 0x40
There is no way to distinguish a public address from one of the above types of addresses without also having the address type flag. Thus the need for the '49th' bit (the extra flag). The address alone does not do it!
Whether the advertising address is public or private is set in the header of the advertising message. Setting the address type in the application layer to public means that the BLE link layer will transmit the actual "MAC"address. Setting the address type to static/private resolvable, indicates that the BLE link layer will scramble the address with an identity resolving key (IRK).
You can differentiate between public and private addresses by looking at the 2 most significant bits. An address is 48 bits long, not 49. See Core Bluetooth Specification v4.2, Vol 6, Part B, Section 1.3.
This seems too obvious for everyone to have missed but from what I have seen the PDU Hdr bytes contain a TxAdd bit that indicates whether or not the MAC is public or private...
This is my first question ever asked on this board
The project explained short:
5 sensors, connected with an esp32 board are transmitting 1000 samples/second, each sample has 16 bit. Those values should be transmitted via BLE (With the BLE Arduino library and an ESP32). The connected device (Smartphone) should read those values and do something with them (Also via BLE, with the following library: https://github.com/RobotPajamas/Blueteeth). The ESP32 is the Server! Java is used in Android Studio!
The problem:
While testing the BLE connection a simple "hello world" was transmitted as the value for a characteristic. Every time i received the "hello world" on the android-device-side, a variable was incremented: The problem is, the variable only got incremented 4 times in one second. This means (assuming 1 char in a string equals 1 byte) 11byte*4(1/s)=44byte/s are being transmitted. -> This clearly is not enough (should not BLE transmit ~2MBit/s (minus the protocol-data))
Code Fragments
ESP32: BLE-Server that transmits value
#include <BLEDevice.h>
#include <BLEUtils.h>
#include <BLEServer.h>
#define SERVICE_UUID "4fafc201-1fb5-459e-8fcc-c5c9c331914b"
#define CHARACTERISTIC_UUID "beb5483e-36e1-4688-b7f5-ea07361b26a8"
class MyCallbacks: public BLECharacteristicCallbacks {
void onWrite(BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic) {
std::string value = pCharacteristic->getValue();
if (value.length() > 0) {
Serial.print("New value: ");
for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++)
void setup() {
BLEServer *pServer = BLEDevice::createServer();
BLEService *pService = pServer->createService(SERVICE_UUID);
BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic = pService->createCharacteristic(
BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_READ |
pCharacteristic->setCallbacks(new MyCallbacks());
pCharacteristic->setValue("Hello World");
BLEAdvertising *pAdvertising = pServer->getAdvertising();
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Android Studio Code (Snippet of the receiving source):
this.selectedDevice.readCharacteristic(MainActivity.characteristicUUID, MainActivity.serviceUUID, (response, data) ->
if (response != BlueteethResponse.NO_ERROR) {
Log.d("AUSGANG", new String(data) + "times: "+ i);
catch (Exception e)
The write on the ESP32 side is a blank example code of the Arduino IDE, the read on the Android-side is made by the BLE-Library publisher. Yes the Log.d effects the performance, but it does not drop it that much.
The variable "data" of the Android code is the received char-array. The bluetooth-reading runs on a background thread.
Question I ask myself now:
Is the Android-Studio library the problem or the Arduino library
Is this a normal behaviour, that if a value of a characteristic does not change, it is being transmitted quite slowly.
How fast can you update a value of a characteristic
Thank you in advance!
BLE can definitely transfer much more than 4 portions of 11 bytes per second.
Approach of reading:
Generally, continuos reading all the time is NOT the expected BLE way - it's better to subscribe to data changes, so ESP32 will notify only when needed (e.g. do selectedDevice.subscribeToCharacteristic once, instead of reading in a loop, but then ESP32 code should be changed accordingly)
I guess selectedDevice.readCharacteristic requests asynchronous BLE read, and when you call it in while(sampleBluetoothData), your Bluetooth library is adding more and more read requests. Maybe it would be wise to request new read only after the previous read is done - in read callback add if(sampleBluetoothData) { this.readAgain(); }
Consider making a testing prototype from this kickstart example: BLEProof on github - Android & ESP32, read, write, notify (but it uses just system API without Bluetooth library, you approach is better, it's easier and safer to use the library).
What else to check:
Android side: are you sure that your code doesn't go inside of if (response != BlueteethResponse.NO_ERROR) ?
Android side: to ensure Bluetooth library is not overloaded with read requests, try adding a delay 50 milliseconds in the reading loop (just to check, it's not a solution)
Android side: are you sure that you don't have other BLE read/writes while you read those data?
ESP32 side: use shorter BLE connection interval (BLE throughput article) - add pAdvertising->setMinPreferred(0x06); and pAdvertising->setMaxPreferred(0x20); before pAdvertising->start(); (but that sets only "preferred" interval, Android may ignore that)
Using read requests, you are mainly limited by the connection interval for transfer speeds - that is 2 intervals for request + response.
If for example your client has a connection interval of 50ms, you should expect to read a characteristic of up to 20 bytes 10 times per second.
If another client has a connection interval of 30ms, this rate improves to 16.6 reads per second.
The fastest negotiatiable connection interval is 7.5ms for a maximum of 66.6 reads per second (10.7kbps with 20 byte reads).
I was reading BLE wikipedia page and the minimum data rate is 125Kbit/s , so I think that in your case is viable, because you only will transmit 16Kbit/s. Take a look in BLE wikipedia.
I have spent much time trying to find out where is my mistakes while Im flashing the PIC16F688. The Pic has successfully flashed using PicKit2. Im using the Pic to convert analog pressure sensor to digital output and sending the data via Bluetooth, but the Bluetooth is not receiving stable numbers of data. The data is consist of 4 character decimal number that is between 0 and 1023.
The problem is that the Bluetooth can't wait at specific number and keep reading it, instead, it is reading the 4 digits in random.
I think my mistake is within the configuration of internal oscillator.
I'm attaching my code, the code is written to configure the flexiforce sensor circuit that outputs analog voltage up to 5v, and then the pic duty is to convert it to digital as I mentioned above.
it might be my wiring is not correct, please If you could help out with this one
and what configuration "at edit project" do I need to choose for Mikro PRO software?
I used "Bluetooth terminal" app to see my data asynchronous from Bluetooth.
Thank you.
char *temp = "0000";
unsigned int adc_value;
char uart_rd; int i;
void main()
OSCCON = 0x77;
ANSEL = 0b00000100;
CMCON0 = 0X07;
TRISA = 0b00001100;
while (1)
adc_value = ADC_Read(2);
temp[0] = adc_value/1000+48;
temp[1] = (adc_value/100)%10+48;
temp[2] = (adc_value/10)%10+48;
temp[3] = adc_value%10+48;
for (i=0;i<4; i++)
You can use itoa function to convert ADC integer value to characters for sending over UART. If there is error in calculation then you wont get appropriate value. Below code snippet for your reference :
while (1)
adc_value = ADC_Read(2);
itoa(adc_value, temp, 10);
for (i=0;i<4; i++)
Please check Baud Rate you have configured at both ends is same or not. If baudrate mismatches then you will get Random value at Bluetooth Terminal where you are reading values.
What i would suggest, if you have a logic analyser, hook it up. If you don't recalculate your oscillator speed with the datasheet. It could just be that the internal oscillator is not accurate enough. What also works, is to write a function in assembly that waits a known time (by copy-pasting a lot of NOPs and using this to blink a led. Then start a stopwatch and count, say, 100 blinks. This is what i used to do before i had a logic analyser. (They are quite cheep on ebay).
I currently have a HC-06 Bluetooth device connected to my Arduino Mega 2560 in order to receive strings sent from an Android device. With the HC-06 on Serial 0, I am receiving the data without error with the following code:
String inString = "";
int index = 0;
boolean stringComplete = false;
void setup() {
pinMode(pwmPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
if(stringComplete) {
ParseSerialData(); // Parse the received data
inString = ""; // Reset inString to empty
stringComplete = false; // Reset the system for further input of data
void serialEvent() {
while(Serial.available() && stringComplete == false) {
char inChar = Serial.read();
inData[index] = inChar; // Store it in char array
if (inChar == '\n') { // Check for termination character
index = 0; // Reset the index
stringComplete = true; // Set completion of read to true
} else {
inString += inChar; // Also store as string
When I try to replace "Serial" with "Serial1" and "serialEvent()" with "serialEvent1()" and move the Bluetooth device to the TX1 and RX1, this program no longer works.
I have read that some people had similar problems when using AVR-GCC 4.4.x and solved the issue by downgrading to 4.3.x, but I have 4.3.2 (on Windows 8.1, same problem has arisen with Arduino IDE 1.0.3, 1.0.5-r2, and 1.5.6-r2).
I added the following print statements (with Serial 0 to print to the monitor on my PC) to the code with the Bluetooth device still on Serial 1:
String inString = "";
int index = 0;
boolean stringComplete = false;
void setup() {
pinMode(pwmPin, OUTPUT);
Serial.println("Setting up...");
void loop() {
if(stringComplete) {
inString = "";
stringComplete = false;
void serialEvent1() {
Serial.println("In serialEvent1...");
while(Serial1.available() && stringComplete == false) {
Serial.println("Char in...");
char inChar = Serial1.read();
inData[index] = inChar;
if (inChar == '\n'){
Serial.println("Termination char read...");
index = 0;
stringComplete = true;
inString += inChar;
Doing this, on the monitor I get:
Setting up...
In serialEvent1...
Char in...
inChar typically prints as nothing, but during one test it was printing as an '#' character. The string sent is "s,1\n" from the Android device.
Based on the print out, the serial event is triggered by availability of serial data, but Serial1.available() remains true for only the first iteration, 's' is not read in (nor any of the other characters that do when Serial is used), and a termination character (newline char) is never read in so that I can begin parsing.
I also tried various baud rates with no difference in behavior. Based on reading Arduino documentation, serial port 1 should work just like serial port 0, and I did not miss substituting Serial for Serial1 in any part of the code.
What could be causing errors in communicating over Serial1 in the same way that has worked flawlessly on Serial0?
I also found a related Stack Overflow question, which was solved with something similar to my code (which works perfectly with Serial0 and is based on the Arduino documentation) using an expected termination character (the difference being that his code implements serial reading in the main loop, whereas mine is in a serialEvent). For some reason, it seems that both of us were having issues with Serial1 data not showing as available at the start of the next iteration. For some reason, serialEvent1 is not being called again for me. And I still don't understand why the first/only character read is not 's.' At first I was thinking that the stream was getting flushed before getting to the serial event again, but that still doesn't account for reading in an incorrect first character.
Also, I added the following Serial1 print statement to run multiple times in the Arduino setup and the Android device receives it each time with no errors, so sending data is working just fine:
Or even
Serial1.print("A long test message. A long test message.\n");
I'm fairly close to answering my own question now with further testing/debugging. I actually think the answer may end up being hardware-related rather than software. I wanted to find out if the problem was with the data sent from the HC-06 to port 1, or with the reading function of port 1. I basically had serial port 0 read in data, then send it serially to port 1, which would read that data, and send feedback over Bluetooth to the Android device. Serial port 1 read the data fine coming from port 0, so the issue is reading in data specifically from the HC-06. It may simply be a voltage level issue, so the answer may not belong with Stack Overflow. I will leave the question unanswered though until I definitively have found the root cause (allowing for the possibility that I might need some define statement for the HC-06 or serial port 1 for data to be read correctly, though I'm guessing a voltage level conversion may do the trick. I'm not sure why there would be such a difference between Serial0 and Serial1 though).
I solved the problem enabling the pull-up resistor of the RX1 pin:
pinMode(19, INPUT);
digitalWrite(19, HIGH);
Therefore the 3 V is "overridden" by Arduino's 5 V for logical HIGH and zero is pulled down by Bluetooth's TX for logical LOW.
I did it slightly differently by using the INPUT_PULLUP feature to pull the hardware Serial3 pin HIGH:
pinMode(15, INPUT_PULLUP); // Serial3 receive pin
It works a treat. Previously my serial communications between two Arduino Mega 2560s had been mainly corruption with the occasional correct transmission. Now it is mainly the correct transmission. Previously, the time taken to receive a valid serial value was up to 2.5 seconds (due to having to repeatedly retry to get a valid transmit). Now the time taken to get a valid transmit is 20 ms. (I use a twisted pair of single core wires about 35 cm length.)
After checking the serial data lines on my oscilloscope, I was able to come up with a solution to my issue. With the setup described about the related Stack Overflow question (Bluetooth TX → RX0, TX0 → RX1, TX1 → Bluetooth RX), I checked the signals sent by the Bluetooth device and by the Arduino's serial port 0.
The Bluetooth device's signal was low at 400 mV and high at 3.68 V, while the Arduino's port 0 sent low at 0V and high at 5 V. I knew the Bluetooth device was a 3.3V level device, but the Arduino should read anything above about 3V as high, so this should have not been an issue (and it obviously wasn't on Serial 0).
Anyway, I replaced the HC-06 Bluetooth device with a backup one I had purchased and everything works fine with the code using Serial1 that I posted in my question. This Bluetooth device was transmitting low at about 160 mV and high at 3.3 V.
It seems that my problem was rooted in the hardware (voltage levels) as expected, and that for some reason Serial1 is more sensitive to changes in digital levels than is Serial0.
I've got a simple iOS app which displays the proximity of the Bluetooth LE beacons it detects using such expressions as "immediate", "near" etc. and I need to write something similar on Android.
I've followed the tutorial at Android developer and I'm able to list detected devices and now want to estimate the distance/proximity - this is where it's become a problem. According to this SO thread it's just a handful of mathematical calculations. However, they require me to provide a txPower value.
According to this tutorial by Dave Smith (and cross-referencing with this Bluetooth SIG statement), it should be broadcast by the beacon devices as an "AD structure" of type 0x0A. So what I do is parse the AD structures and look for the payload of the one that matches the type.
Problem: I've got 4 beacons - 2 estimotes and 2 appflares. The estimotes don't broadcast the txPower at all and the appflares broadcast theirs as 0.
Is there anything I'm missing here? The iOS app seems to be handling it all without any problem, but using the iOS SDK it does it behind the scenes so I'm not sure how to produce the exact same or similar behaviour. Is there any other way I could solve my problem?
In case you'd like to take a look at the code I'm using to parse the AD structures, it's taken from the aforementioned Dave Smith's github and can be found here. The only change I did to that class was add the following method:
public byte[] getData() {
return mData;
And this is how I handle the callback from the scans:
// Prepare the callback for BLE device scan
this.leScanCallback = new BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback() {
public void onLeScan(final BluetoothDevice device, int rssi, byte[] scanRecord) {
if (!deviceList.contains(device)) {
Log.e("Test", "Device: " + device.getName());
List<AdRecord> adRecords = AdRecord.parseScanRecord(scanRecord);
for (AdRecord adRecord : adRecords) {
if (adRecord.getType() == AdRecord.TYPE_TRANSMITPOWER) {
Log.e("Test", "size of payload: " + adRecord.getData().length);
Log.e("Test", "payload: " + Byte.toString(adRecord.getData()[0]));
And what I see in the console is:
04-01 11:33:35.864: E/Test(15061): Device: estimote
04-01 11:33:36.304: E/Test(15061): Device: estimote
04-01 11:33:36.475: E/Test(15061): Device: n86
04-01 11:33:36.475: E/Test(15061): size of payload: 1
04-01 11:33:36.475: E/Test(15061): payload: 0
04-01 11:33:36.525: E/Test(15061): Device: f79
04-01 11:33:36.525: E/Test(15061): size of payload: 1
04-01 11:33:36.525: E/Test(15061): payload: 0
The txPower mentioned by #davidgyoung is given by the formula:
RSSI = -10 n log d + A
d = distance
A = txPower
n = signal propagation constant
RSSI = dBm
In free space n = 2, but it will vary based on local geometry – for example, a wall will reduce RSSI by ~3dBm and will affect n accordingly.
If you want the highest possible accuracy, it may be worthwhile to experimentally determine these values for your particular system.
Reference: see the paper Evaluation of the Reliability of RSSI for Indoor Localization by Qian Dong and Waltenegus Dargie for a more detailed explanation of the derivation and calibration.
double getDistance(int rssi, int txPower) {
* RSSI = TxPower - 10 * n * lg(d)
* n = 2 (in free space)
* d = 10 ^ ((TxPower - RSSI) / (10 * n))
return Math.pow(10d, ((double) txPower - rssi) / (10 * 2));
It is unclear whether your inability to read the "txPower" or "measuredPower" calibration constant is due to the AdRecord class or due to the information being missing from the advertisements you are trying to parse. It doesn't look to me like that class will parse a standard iBeacon advertisement. Either way, there is a solution:
SOLUTION 1: If your beacons send a standard iBeacon advertisement that includes the calibration constant, you can parse it out using code in the open source Android iBeacon Library's IBeacon class here.
SOLUTION 2: If your beacons DO NOT send a standard iBeacon advertisement or do not include a calibration constant:
You must hard-code a calibration constant in your app for each device type you might use. All you really need from the advertisement to estimate distance is the the RSSI measurement. The whole point of embedding a calibration constant in the transmission is to allow a wide variety of beacons with quite different transmitter output power to work with the same distance estimating algorithm.
The calibration constant, as defined by Apple, basically says what the RSSI should be if your device is exactly one meter away from the beacon. If the signal is stronger (less negative RSSI), then the device is less than one meter away. If the signal is weaker (more negative RSSI), then the device is over one meter away. You can use a formula to make a numerical estimate of distance. See here.
If you aren't dealing with advertisements that contain a "txPower" or "measuredPower" calibration constant, then you can hard-code a lookup table in your app that stores the known calibration constants for various transmitters. You will first need to measure the average RSSI of each transmitter at one meter away. You'll then need some kind of key to look up these calibration constants in the table. (Perhaps you can use the some part of the string from the AD structure, or the mac address?) So your table might look like this:
HashMap<String,Integer> txPowerLookupTable = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
txPowerLookupTable.put("a5:09:37:78:c3:22", new Integer(-65));
txPowerLookupTable.put("d2:32:33:5c:87:09", new Integer(-78));
Then after parsing an advertisement, you can look up the calibration constant in your onLeScan method like this:
String macAddress = device.getAddress();
Integer txPower = txPowerLookupTable.get(macAddress);
use the getAccuracy() method in the library, it gives you the distance of the beacon
I’m currently trying to design a controller that would communicate through Bluetooth to an android phone (Galaxy Nexus). I’m facing a few challenges. Also, I don’t have much practical programming experience.
At the core of the controller resides an Arduino microcontroller who scans the state of 8 digital pins and six analogue pins (10 bits) and sends the data through serial, to an HC-05 Bluetooth chip.
The android phone should then read the serial information sent through Bluetooth and either transmit the packet to another phone - That will take me a while to implement as I know very little of how the internet works - or analyse and interpret it for further action to be taken
What I’m asking for are insight as to the best way to go about doing this. Now what does best mean?
We’ll I want it to be real time so when I press a button or a combination of bottoms, boom, the android phone takes action fast enough for a human not to perceive a delay.
Then I want to be able to associate the information the phone reads in the serial buffer to the corresponding button or analogue pin. In case there is an error or to avoid that they fall out of sync
Here is what I have so far. I have not tested this code yet, partly because I’m still learning how to program the android part of this project, partly because I want some feedback as to whether I’m being silly or this is actually an effective way to go about doing this:
This Program has three functions:
1) Scan 8 digital pins and compile their state in a single byte ( 8 bits)
2) Scans 6 Analogue inputs corresponding to the joysticks and triggers
3) Send this info as packets through seril --> Bluetooth
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>// import the serial software library
#define A = 2
#define B = 3
#define X = 4
#define Y = 5
#define LB = 6
#define RB = 7
#define LJ = 8
#define RJ = 9
#define RX = 10
#define TX = 11
//Pin 12 and 13 are unused for now
SoftwareSerial Bluetooth(RX,TX); //Setup software serial using the defined constants
// declare other variables
byte state = B00000000
void setup() {
//Setup code here, to run once:
//Setup all digital pin inputs
//Setup all analogue pin inputs
//setup serial bus and send validation message
Bluetooth.println("The controller has successfuly connected to the phone")
void loop() {
//Main code here, to run repeatedly:
//Loop to sum digital inputs in a byte, left shift the byte every time by 1 and add that if the pin is high
for(byte pin = 2, b = B00000001; pin < 10; pin++, b = b << 1){ if (digitalRead(pin)== HIGH) state += b; }
//Send digital state byte to serial
//Loop to read analgue pin 0 to 5 and send it to serial
for( int pin = 0, testByte = 0x8000; pin < 6 ; pin++, testByte = testByte >> 1) { Bluetooth.write(analogRead(pin)+testByte); }
//Adding some validation would be wise. How would I go about doing that?
// Could add a binary value of 1000_0000_0000_0000, 0100_0000_0000_0000, 0010_0000_0000_0000 ... so on and then use a simple AND statement at the other end to veryfy what analogue reading the info came from
// so say the value for analgue is 1023 and came from analgue pin 1 I would have 0100_0011_1111_1111 now using an bitwise && I could check it against 0100_0000_0000_0000 if the result is 0100_0000_0000_0000 then I know this is the analogu reading from pin 1
//could easily implement a test loop with a shiting bit on the android side
Is it pointless for me to be doing bit shifts like this? Ultimately, if I’m not mistaken, all data is sent as bytes ( 8 bits packets) so will the Bluetooth.write(analogRead(pin)+testByte) actually send two bytes or will it truncate the int data? how will it be broken down and how can I recuperate it on the android end?
How would you go about implementing this? Any insights or words of advice?
It's great that you are learning this! Some suggestions:
Your code will be easier to read, understand and maintain if you space it out a bit, particularly by adding newlines...
void loop() {
//Main code here, to run repeatedly:
//Loop to sum digital inputs in a byte,
//left shift the byte every time by 1 and add that if the pin is high
for( byte pin = 2, b = B00000001; pin < 10; pin++, b = b << 1) {
if (digitalRead(pin)== HIGH)
state += b;
//Send digital state byte to serial
//Loop to read analgue pin 0 to 5 and send it to serial
for( int pin = 0, testByte = 0x8000; pin < 6 ; pin++, testByte = testByte >> 1) {
Also, you can use the shift operators with values other than one. so instead of keeping a shift mask that you then add in, you just use the a simple variable. A more classic way to do what you expressing in the first looop would be something like this:
#define PIN_OFFSET 2
for ( int i=0; i < 8; i++) {
if (digitalRead( i+PIN_OFFSET)== HIGH)
state += (1 << i);
The second loop could be done similarly:
for( int pin = 0; pin < 6; pin++) {
short testByte = 0x8000 >> pin;
short result = analogRead(pin) + testByte;
Bluetooth.write( result >> 8);
Bluetooth.write( result & 0xFF);
Note that the Bluetooth.write() call sends a byte, so this code sends first the most significant byte, then the least.
Lastly, you probably want to zero your state variable at be beginning of loop() -- otherwise, once a bit is set it will never get cleared.
You may want to think about what you are sending to the phone. It will be binary data, and that can be difficult to deal with -- how do you know the start and end, and often a value will be misinterpretted as a control character messing you up big time. Consider changing it into a formatted, human readable string, with a newline at the end.
I hope that helps.
The Arduino end of this is more than fast enough to do what you want to do and you need not worry in the slightest about minimising the number of bytes you send out from the micro to the phone when you're talking about such a tiny amount of data. I'm not quite clear what you're sending to the phone; are you wanting a different value for each button so when a button is pressed it sends out something like:
Button Was Pressed, Button Number (Two bytes)
And if it's an analogue value:
Analogue Value Read, Analogue Value MSB, Analogue Value LSB (assuming the analogue value is greater than eight bits
I don't know the Arduino code you're using, but my suspicion is that this line:
Would send one byte which is the addition of the analogue value and whatever testByte is.
Would you be able to post a link to the documentation for this API?
Any delay with all this will come at the phone end. Please don't concern yourself in the slightest about trying to save a byte or two at the Arduino end! (I'm currently doing a project with a Cortex M3 sending data via a Bluetooth module to Android phones and we're shipping several k of data around. I know from this experience the difference between two and twenty bytes is not of consequence in terms of delay.)
It may be good for you to opt for ready available bluetooth terminal apps for your android handset. On Google play, few apps are:
1) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=arduino.bluetooth.terminal&hl=en
2) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sena.bterm&hl=en
(and few more are availble on Google play).This will help you to focus only on controller side development.