Android Test Project bigflake - android

I am trying to run the example code from the BigFlake Android samples, in specific this one example: CameraToMpegTest. I am new to Android development and I am not sure how I should treat this test suite. I try to create an Android Test Project in Eclipse but it doesn't run. Examples on the Internet seems to create an Android Test Project from a specific application project. Anybody tried to run these code and can give me some hint?

The bigflake samples were written as CTS tests, to be executed in the test harness (though some of them never actually turned into tests). If you're not set up with a full source tree it can be difficult to get them to work unmodified.
For a complete app example, see Grafika. The examples are a bit more involved, but you can get the code running more easily. In particular, "Continuous capture" and "Show + capture camera" will be of interest.


Android TensorFlow returns error "Object Tracking Support Not found"

I am trying to make TensorFlow work in my Android device.
I had followed this guide from TensorFlow on how to download and run the sample apps. TF Classify works well, but as I tried TF Detect, I hit an error. I then solved this by forcing CameraActivity.useCamera2API = true as per this GitHub Thread.
After running again, TF Detect and the other samples are now working too.
However when I open the TF Detect, a small toast appears:
Object tracking support not found. see tensorflow/examples/android/
What happens when I use the TF Detect App is that it can detect the objects, but as soon as it shifts to a new one, the previous detection it made would be lost, even if there was minimal to no movement at all. The tracking feature would be greatly helpful with the workflow we plan to build on top of this existing example.
I have checked the readme at the android examples from Tensorflow, but I don't think I've found anything that could help with my issue.
if you look at the file it says that you need to use cmake as the build system not java, to make the acquisition process fast enough to permit object tracking.

Simple Android Debug tool

I'm not a developer, so i apologize if I don't phrase the question effectively.
I'm looking for a tool that will help show me what code is being executed as I step through the program. i am not looking to much more than take look under the hood as I test new features & uncover bugs for the new Android app my company is making.
Are there any specific emulators or tools that I could use for this simplistic purpose?
Android Studio has a built-in debugger. See here
There are many ways for to make a debug inside Android Studio.
1-Debug using Logs
2-With logs lines and see on Logcat tool
3-With Breakpoints
and others.
This link its useful for you:

Google Cardboard Can't Call onNewFrame

I just bought a Google Cardboard Viewer and decided to take a shot at making an app. I have played around with OpenGL and have no problem with the basics of that.
I created a new project following the source from the only sample I could find "Treasure Hunt" linked to from the "Getting Started" for Cardboard.
I can run my own test application and the Treasure Hunt sample application from Google on my Nexus 7 tablet, but I get an error on my phone:
JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: can't call void$StereoRenderer.onNewFrame( on instance of
Since I get the same error from the sample from Google, I don't think I need to share any of my code specifically. This is a link to their code:
I have a T-Mobile Galaxy Note 3 running Android 5.0
Is this the final tipping point for me to upgrade my phone? lol
This seems to be a problem with your build in Android Studio.
Try moving the cardboard.jar file (that contains the binary) to a folder called /lib and point to it.
Upshot is, android cannot find in the delployed apk. The binary is a new addition to the jar, and the docs are older than that.
Or, just stick with Eclipse until Studio is a little more rattled in.
Just a headsup the learning curves around VR development are turbulent like the event horizon of a black hole ...

How does android source code work?

I have download a set of android source code, which has folders such as "bionic, bootable, build, dalvik, development, frameworks, hadware, packages, prebuilt" and so on. When I browse the whole code, wonder how "import android.preference.PreferenceActivity;" works in\android-srce\Google-source\packages\apps\Settings\src\com\android\settings\ I guess there is a android.jar file somewhere after compilation. But how does import PreferenceActivity correctly?? I'm a beginner in Android, please help me.
Sounds like you have downloaded the source code to the Android OS. If you want to build your own ROMS then you need to study about building the OS for a particular hardware platform. This is not trivial.
If you want to build an Android app that runs on an Android device then you want to download the SDK instead - start at Android SDK and follow your nose, buy a book, read the sample code.
There is not a lot of information how to change parts of Android. However, you can read information that is connected with the aosp tag. The first cite is After the installation of android build system you can see video from marakana group. You'll find a lot of valuable information there.

Can I install a visual basic application on android?

I have been trying to code and run the hello world application but am not able to get the emulator to boot all the way. Plan b is vb.
Do you mean VB or VB.NET?
The Mono project recently announced VB.NET support, though C# is the preferred language (do yourself a favor and switch!). Since Mono runs on Android (and just about everything else), it should get you going in the right direction.
Update Okay, downvoters: a little lesson in basic math: the transitive property of inequalities states that if a < b, and b < c, then a < c.
If VB.NET can be compiled by Mono,
and Android supports the Mono framework,
Then Vb.Net can be used to write an Android application.
We can get into a discussion about the available features, framework completeness, etc, but the OP asked about compiling "Hello world" in VB for Android.
Or, skip the above references and just consider this: The MS VB compiler produces MSIL/CIL.
Just take the CIL that the compiler produces and throw it into Mono. The Mono compiler will convert this to IR, optimize it and produce the appropriate binary for the target platform.
If you're going to downvote, cite your sources instead of arbitrarily throwing out acronym soup that is irrelevant to the topic at hand.
Unfortunately, you can not run a visual basic application on Android. Maybe if you provide some additional information about the problem you are having with the emulator we can help with that?
I'll guess at the emulator issue...
Sometimes the emulator can be quite slow. If you are impatient and start clicking on buttons in the emulator before it has finished, it doesn't seem to work properly. I did this when I first started and thought the emulator was broken - but it actually just took several minutes to launch. My clicking on buttons just made sure it never finished.
Try running your helloworld program, but be sure to wait until the emulator is fully ready to go before you interact with it.
The good news is, once you have launched the emulator once, you can keep the emulator running while you write and try out your code.

