Set TextView style to strikethrough in XML only without using background - android

I'm trying to set a TextView's style to strikethrough for a smartwatch app. The ways to do this I've come across so far don't work:
1) Setting the background of the TextView to an image: This works, but only if the text is not wrapped, and I'm getting complaints from customers who have long items
2) Programatically setting the paint flag:
textview.setPaintFlags(textview.getPaintFlags() | Paint.STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG);
I can't do this, as I'm unable to get a reference to the TextView in code due to the way the smartwatch API works (you just send it the layout ID and then you have no control over it)
3) Using HTML tags in the string: Doesn't work, as I'm only allowed to send a string to the control, and it escapes the tags
4) Using a SpannableString: Doesn't work. If I send it using span.toString() then the tags are escaped, and if I use bundle.putCharSequence(span) instead then nothing is displayed.
It seems bizarre to me that you can set bold and italic in the XML, but nothing else. Can anyone suggest any other possible ideas?

When creating custom layouts with various effects we suggest to use showBitmap() instead showLayout(). You can inflate any layout and draw using Canvas into Bitmap. For more information, see the SampleControlExtension sample. Note, that the disadvantage of this approach will be, that you will need to use onTouch events instead onObjectClick events.


Text editor options with Kotlin

I was wondering how to make a text editor toolbar for an android app using Kotlin.
I've already implemented the view as you can see here. But I can't find a way to make it work propperly. I've tried to use Spannable String and Typeface but I think that they are not what I am looking for.
When using spannable, I need to put some string. But I can't put a string because there may be no text yet.
Maybe using the textchange listener of the EditText would work? I've tried it too but it doesn't seem to fit into my logic.
This is what I was thinking about: A listener for every button. Whenever a button is pressed, add that style to the future text that will come. To specify the start and the end of the text, maybe I could take the current position of the cursor to specify the start and the position of the cursor whenever the button is "unpressed" to specify the end. But I can't find something that fits my logic.
Maybe you could give me some ideas, another logic...Which is the proper way to do it?
Thank you very much :)

Set Text Customization in TextView

I have a text that is sometimes too high and at times one word.
How to put the text in this TextView so that the first two lines are located around the specified spacing?
Should this be done by 2 TextView?
If yes, how can I figure out how much text is placed on the top two lines?
You can use a Spannable to add customizations to a string inside a TextView.
The styling android blog has an excellent post about it:
But looking to your print, it seems that the first row will always have a style and the rest another. With this, using two TextViews and customizing the view directly is a better option for code and performance.

Android create Spannable which does not wrap

I have a following issue with laying out text on Android. I'm basically trying to have two lines of text with minimal spacing and each should be styled differently. I've had quite good working solution with two singlelined TextViews one placed below the other, but I've been still getting a little bit cropped text on certain devices..
So I decided to switch to just one TextView an use Spannables instead which should be generally a better solution in all circumstances.
That means I needed to remove the single line property from my TextView -> in order to be able to wrap the line before starting the second Spannable..But there is an issue when is the text displayed at the first line actually longer than it..TextView wraps Automaticaly which is an unwanted behavior. Below you can see several screenshots, which should you better tell what I'm trying to achieve and where I'm now.
The first image shows new layout with spannables and you can see there the wrapped line as well.
The second image is the initial version of the layout woth two textviews layed out verically in a LinearLayout.
There is also a problem it's actually an appwidget, that means I do not have an access to that textview instance directly. I have been thinking about ditching textviews at all and instead use just ImageView and render all manually on canvas..That seems like an overkill to me, so I'm looking for a better solution. Unfortunately I'm kind of out of ideas and knowledge:)
Thank you
If you want to prevent a multi-word string from wrapping, you can replace the spaces with non-breaking spaces ('\u00A0'). TextView treats these as word characters, but renders them as spaces.

How do I fix Html.fromHtml link focus visibility problems (in ICS and Honeycomb)?

To get a TextView to display (and act friendly with) Html strings my code looks something like:
// itemHtml is a String of HTML defined above
TextView itemContent = (TextView) findViewById(;
If the Html string has a link, TextView results in links that are clickable and focusable. When the user focuses on a specific link (e.g. by using the d-pad), the link text changes in some significant way to show that focus was obtained.
The problem is that when I test this same pattern using devices with a d-pad using Honeycomb (e.g. a Google TV) or Ice Cream Sandwich flavors of Android, the link in the text shows no noticeable indication that the link has focus.
I know it is getting focus, because when you then hit enter it does the specified action. You can even move around between various links in the text; you're just left guessing which link you're currently at, which results in a very bad user experience.
Is there something I'm doing wrong? Is there some way to fix this or work around this?
Edit: After going a bit nuts, I finally thought I found a solution. However, this solution only works for Honeycomb. ICS is still not solved!
As of API 11, Android has a new setting on TextViews for defining whether the text is selectable.
You can set it using setTextIsSelectable(true) on a TextView, or define it in the XML layout android:textIsSelectable="true"
It's probably best to define it in XML, so that keeping the app backwards-compatible is trivial. Just make sure you're targeting version >= 11, or you'll probably get an error.
The way HTML.fromHTML operates is by creating "spans" with varying effects throughout the various characters of the string. One workaround for this would be to use ClickableSpan coupled with another of the CharacterStyles to colorize the text as clickable. The previous span will allow you to register a callback, and this callback could be to broadcast an intent to view a url (which would open a browser).
The text colour state lists for Honeycomb+ might not set the focused state to a different colour, or you override the colour to be constant.
Check the colors + styles in your_android_sdk_directory/android-14/data/res/
Setting the text to android:autoLink="web" might also help?
The best way to do that is to add CSS styling to your html. I know Android supports :hover selector. So you might right something like this:
String myLink = "your link"
and find a way to include CSS data to it: (I'm not sure how but I think it's possible)
a :hover {
color: red;
I think the answer of your question is there.

EditText with non-selectable grayed out prefix

I'm looking for a way to have a grayed out text as prefix in an EditText. This text should be not selectable.
It's a bit like the To field when you're composing a message with Gmail. The only (visual) difference is that this text disappears when you start typing.
Is there any trick to achieve this in Android?
You can use an image of the part "EUR 2500". this you can display in your editbox without affecting the rest of the part. Follow the code:
Drawable editTextDrawable = context.getResources().getDrawable(imageId);
editTextDrawable.setBounds(0, 0, editTextDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth(),
The drawable can be used inside the edittext as follows:
ListViewConstants.editTextDrawable, null, null, null);
As an ultimate solution, you can rewrite the full EditText class by extending it and modifying it in a way that it has a custom Background set by you, and a predefined padding set by you.
Put the EUR as the background, positioning it in the left side, and then give the starting padding of the EditText in such a way that the text the user types, starts right after the EUR text.
This maybe regarded as an overkill or a poor-man's solution to this problem, but still its the ultimate option. Not the smartest one perhaps, and I also don't know if its gonna work for sure :P
All the best!

