I have Android APIs 14 through 19 installed and the androidmanifest reflects this. I ran cordova build android and my app is still not working on 4.0 or 4.1 (Only versions I can actively test).
Any recommendations?
I usually work in Android apps using Android Studio. But my apps are not working on devices which have Android 10 version. The target SDK and CompileSDK versions are 29. But the apps are not working and crashing.
I made this simple app with Apache Cordova. It must reproduce the sound of a sine wave at a certain frequency. The app is installed correctly on the device but does not play anything. It is as if he did not read the part of javascript. The code is correct. I do not know where the problem is.
I use these software versions:
Android 4.1.2
Cordova 8.0
API 27 26 16
This is the code:
Support of android version older than 4.4 has been removed in cordova android platform v7.1 so you should use older version if you want to use your app on smartphones runing android 4.1.2.
That said, on android before 4.4 the webview was not using chrome but the device's browser and I often had surprise with samsung's browser support of javasctipt/html 5.
I am trying to run my ionic app on an android device using SDK 15 (4.0.4). It installs, but when it opens there is a black screen and then it crashes.
The app runs in the emulator, so I think it has something to do with the fact that it is using an old OS. I have read in two places that it isn't possible to build/run on a phone lower than SDK 21. Is this true?
I am using:
4.0.4/SDK 15.
Samsung Galaxy Note I717
Ionic Framework
According to the official ionic blog ionic does only support Android versions >= 4.1 so your app crashing on 4.0.4 is quite expected.
GCM "requires devices running Android 2.2 or higher that also have the Google Play Store application installed" (developer.android.com/google/gcm/gcm.html)
"Cordova supports Android 2.3.x (Gingerbread, starting with Android API level 10) and 4.x." (cordova.apache.org/docs/en/4.0.0/guide_platforms_android_index.md.html#Android%20Platform%20Guide)
What Android version are supported by http://plugins.cordova.io/#/package/org.chromium.gcm ?
What Android versions are supported by other Cordova GCM plugins?
I am asking because I easily got it to work on 4.0, but testing same, very basic code on 2.3 and 4.4.2 I got various errors.
I have been trying to test my app it works which works fine with 4.4.4 and lower, but when I try to compile it with targetSdkVersion 'L', I am unable to run it on lower version, is there a work around to do achieve this on Eclipse. I am unable to copmile for lower sdk version of Android if I set the targetSdkVersion to 'L'. I have seen some work around using Android Studio but I still don't feel comfortable with the Android Studio.
L is a preview release of the SDK, and you can't use it to build apps that will run on previous, released versions of the Android platform. It's intended for testing your code against the L APIs and L emulator, not for building shipping apps. If you want to run on non-L devices, use a released version of the SDK (API 19 or 20).