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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am a newbie in android programming. Now, I'm currently developing an android application. My application will show an image, but I don't want to use ImageView. Can anyone help me? or can anyone tell me other ways to show the image?? thank you....
you can use any of the view to show image..
for ex,.
you can set android:backgroud="#drawable/ur_img"
if any query then tell me.
I hope its useful to you...
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Closed 3 years ago.
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Hello since today I wonder how Instagram succeeded to introduce the most important color of the image in its background, I would like to add this kind of possibility in my application someone would know how I can do that? thanks for the help
Here a image of what I'm talking about
Take a look here:
Should work for you, implementation is easy
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Closed 3 years ago.
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How to do such a thing as the picture when you first start the application? Thanks for help.
You want to create an onboarding screen or slides to introduce the basic functions of your app. There are different ways to achieve this.
This Github Tutorial may help you.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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i need to create a image album.but i need to flip the image when we swipe for next . here is a link what exactly i want.can any one help me to get that code.i search for the code but i didn't get it.the above link shows the demo only .if the code is not available can any one help me with the page transformation animation like this for the viewPager . please help me.thanks in advance..
I think this is what you are looking for link
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Actually I am new android developer. I want to drag and drop,replace views with large views like app icons of home screen in android, but I could not get solution. Please help me to achieve that feature, Thanks for helping in advance.
Look at these libraries
these will help you.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have to show the rating of the users in an app like the following image. How I can show the progress in the circle ? Please suggest me. Thanks !
For this you have to use Circular seek bar.To show the exact progress.
So for that better to go with the following..
Hope this helps you.
Even the Todd-Davies library on Github may serve your purpose Todd-Davies