Sugar Orm multiple access issue [closed] - android

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am using Sugar ORM in my application.
There are insertion and deletion in almost every server call of each activity.
I am getting IllegalStateException when I switch the activities or fragments.
The reason behind this exception is: I am performing multiple save() or read() operations at the same time.
I am working to avoid multiple accesses at same time to avoid this issue, but not getting any success.
Please suggest me a good approach to avoid this issue.

Try using the 1.3 beta version. That fixed it for me.


How to connect mysql from android without web? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I making an App.
But when i connect to external DB problem occurred.
So I looked for a way to connect to mysql.
But, all post was explain only use a web servies.
How to connect MySql without web servies?
I don't know if connecting directly to MySQL DB is safe. if you want to use a local SQL database, you may consider using SQLite.
Read this. you can add your sqlite database file to the assets folder in your application project and then extend and implement SQLiteOpenHelper to perform CRUD operations in your database.
You may also want to take a look at this as well. retrieving data using PHP sever is more secure.

Database for Android? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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i created an Android application but to use it properly , I need to get the objects informations from a database .There are some SQLITE definitions but as far as i see , SQLITE is related to the device which already uploaded my app. But my intention is to send informations from just a server to the all devices. The app needs to get the objects informations from the database which will be in my computer as a server , Do you know how can i handle this ? For example if I download MySQL and create a row which is like ;
Product A: 20
Product B: 0
can i get these to the app and so the app make calculations thanks to these informations?
Please let me know if i wasn't clear about my problem
I used Couchbase for database needs. It is NOSQL. You use JSON objects instead of rows. It is super quick though.

The method runOnUpdateThread of AndEngine [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Do not know how to use the method runOnUpdateThread of AndEngine in the work and how to use well?Now I need some help because I do not find useful information for it.
That method is used when you want to remove sprites or other objects from a scene mostly. It carries out what ever is within the inner run()on each tick or loop of the game engine. According to the creator it is for 'safe removing of objects' which will not lock up the device during execution.
For example you have 37 object in your scene, if you remove 1 it will be removed right away, leaving 36 objects. When the game engine cycle loops it expects 37 objects to be updated but since you removed one before the cycle ran it crashes, as it expected to update the 37th object.

Which is better between XML and SQLite to store records in Android? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need to store about 100 rows records, I need to query , update, add or delete this record.
I don't know how to store the records. SQLite is a litter complex, and it seems it's a difficult to update and delete XML nodes.
BTW, I heard the xml file located in \res\xml\ folder can't be written and only can be read,right?
I would prefer SQLite. It isnt as complex as you think and not so hard to use. I think it does everything you need.
Search on Google for "Android SQLite tutorial", you will find a lot of sites with good help.
Good luck =).

Trying to prepopulate my android phonegap app with an sqlite db [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Been trying to populate my phonegap app with an sqlite database. I have confirmed the database with the SQLite Browser for windows. Have placed this in the assets folder. I have seen several plugins that claim to offer this functionality as standard, and they all haven't worked.
I am using the sqlitePlugin. How do i get this working simply.
Can you give a try to this.
If that don't work for you, check step - 4 & 5 over here
Please share your view if it don't work. :)

