My application getting crashed due to Illegal Argument Exception (#Window Manager Global : find View Locked:425) {main}.
Please help me to resolve this issue
Crashlytics report for my android app shows that a considerable number of my users are getting the following null pointer exception. Most of my users who get this error are on Android 6. It happens only when the build is obfuscated.
The crash is caused by a call to,
org.stellar.sdk.Server(String uri)
How do I fix this? Any help would be appreciated.
Caused by java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method
'java.util.Enumeration' on a null object reference
at shadow.okhttp3.internal.platform.Platform.buildTrustRootIndex(
at shadow.okhttp3.internal.platform.Platform.afterHandshake(
at shadow.okhttp3.internal.tls.CertificateChainCleaner.get(
at shadow.okhttp3.OkHttpClient.<init>(
at shadow.okhttp3.OkHttpClient$
at org.stellar.sdk.Server.<init>(
at com.myapp.MyStellarManager.<clinit>(
at com.myapp.MainVM$observableData$1.invokeSuspend(
at kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.access$getCorePoolSize$p(
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.access$runSafely(
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$
We are getting the following exception when running the DexParser via Flank:
Exception in thread "main" com.linkedin.dex.spec.DexException: invalid LEB128 sequence
at com.linkedin.dex.spec.Leb128$Companion.readUnsignedLeb128(Leb128.kt:26)
at com.linkedin.dex.parser.DecodedValue$Companion.create(DecodedValue.kt:56)
at com.linkedin.dex.parser.AnnotationUtilsKt.getTestAnnotation(AnnotationUtils.kt:70)
at com.linkedin.dex.parser.AnnotationUtilsKt.getClassAnnotationValues(AnnotationUtils.kt:46)
at com.linkedin.dex.parser.TestMethodKt.createTestMethods(TestMethod.kt:42)
at com.linkedin.dex.parser.JUnit4ExtensionsKt.findAllJUnit4Tests(JUnit4Extensions.kt:35)
at com.linkedin.dex.parser.DexParser$Companion.findTestMethods(DexParser.kt:60)
at com.linkedin.dex.parser.DexParser$Companion.findTestNames(DexParser.kt:45)
at com.linkedin.dex.parser.DexParser$Companion.main(DexParser.kt:36)
at com.linkedin.dex.parser.DexParser.main(DexParser.kt)
A screenshot of the environment when this exception is hit is included below. How would I debug this exception/what would cause this issue?
Proguard in android application is throwing a Runtime error - Unable to locate the specified interface in the application's ClassLoader! A typo?
Could anyone please help to resolve the error.
My application is getting crashed due to the following error:
Illegal Argument Exception (#Window Manager Global : find View Locked:421) {main}
I tried to solve this issue. In my testing I didn't get any of the following error in my app. I got this issue from play store report. Can any help me to solve this problem?
When i run my android application it shows an exception "android runtime exception" with a message "Error: thread attach failed". it happens before the execution of "OnCreate" mathod of main class. what will be reason for that error?? anybody please help.