Draw GreatCircle using PathOverlay by OSMdroid - android

Can anyone, help me draw a circle or rather precisely an Arc with a given center point (GeoPoint) and the start and end points as well. So basically, it should help me draw a sector with given center point along with start and end points. I'm planning to use PathOverlay as my baseclass from OSMdroid, so that it would be easier for me to remove or add.
I understand the greatCircle provided in PathOverlay of OSMdroid, but not quit sure how to make use of it, I was wondering if any sample example be provided. Also How would I set the center of this GreatCircle.

Don't use a PathOverlay to draw filled polygons: as you noticed, this doesn't work properly when portions of the polygon are outside the screen.
for filled polygons, use an OSMBonusPack Polygon.
For setting the points of your arc, there is no ready-to-use API currently.

A "great circle" on a map represents the shortest "as the crow flies" path between two points. It is going to look like a straight line on your map. You need to think of the Earth as a sphere when considering the centre of the great circle; the centre is of course, the centre of the Earth.


How do I change polygons form without lag?

I have a Google map were I draw rectangles.
I have a draggable marker that makes the rectangle change is size as you move your finger.
I do polygon.remove and then create a new polygon with new points (one of the corners is the marker position and I calculate the others)
The resize is working, but the problem is that graphics are slow, you can see the polygon dissapear and reappear.
Is it because of a hardware limitation or there's another better approach?
From the documentation of Google Maps Android API, it is stated in the Polygon part here that to alter the shape of the polygon after it has been added, you can call Polygon.setPoints() and provide a new list of points for the outline of the polygon.
So you must update the shape by calling Polygon.setPoints() rather than adding/removing it.
For more information, just check the link above.

Optimal way to draw lines and polygons dynamically on Nutiteq map?

I have been working on nutiteq maps, and I need to draw a trace over map, as my location changes, but it should be with different width(5m, 10m) and need to calculate where its overlapping itself. I draw lines dinamicly with line.setVertexList(arr_lat_long), but I think that this isn't an good approach to do this job. Think to draw them like a polygons, because then will calculate overlapping with JTS. But it will be very slow operation :/. Is there an another way to draw over the map, some other paint tool or lib to help me. The purpose is to fill some area with these traces..

Calculate polygon area using Polylines

I need to calculate a polygon area on my mapView. I studied this case, and de Polylines shows the best way to make a area, with the points that the user was informed. But I didn't find the way to calculate his area! Can anyone help me please? Or suggest other alternative to draw polygons and calculate area/perimeter in android application.
convert lat/lon points to cartesian space
Use area of polygon formula you easily find in wiki.
ad 1) if polygons diameter are not more than some 10s of kilomters an EquiRectangular Projection makes sense and is very simple, using the center of the polygon as center of transofrmation (cos (centerLatitude)).
Otherwise task 1 is complex.

osmdroid draw polygon on map

I want to draw something like this:
gooogle maps example
but using osmdroid with OpenStreetMaps.
I have a set of GPS points prepared but I cannot find ay working example
Has anyone done this?
PathOverlay will not do the job properly: it has been optimized for drawing lines, and this is causing issues when using it for filled polygons (when the polygon is partly inside the view, and partly outside).
You can use the OSMBonusPack Polgon overlay.
A PathOverlay will give you the polygon. You may have to extend PathOverlay to create the fill color.

Google Maps - MapView - draw a nice flight route between 2 points

I wonder,
how can I draw a nice flight route between 2 points on a google map's
look at this:
this is exactly what I need.
Look at my reply to question
How to draw a path on a map using kml file?
and there especially into the RouteOverlay class / draw method.
Since you only want to draw a simple straight line, you probably won't need the rest of the complexity there.

