I am trying to create a map with locations marked with images. Users should be able to upload images and mark the locations using the gps co-ords in the images.
Any idea how to do it using google maps?
I came to the following conclusion after reading through google documentation.
All the information - the marker and image needs to be stored on your server. Google doesn't let users to host map data on their server. So if you have a server, you can save the geo lcoations and the uploaded image on it. When needed load those info when they are needed from the sever.
In my android app there are list of city with there geo location. When user in online then list of city display and app store all data in local db.
Is this possible to display google map of that city when user went offline, So i can display list of city and if user click on any city then app can display google map of that city.
I have no idea about this, searched a lot but nothing found related to it.
If any one of you have idea about it please provide me some suggestions.
Check this answer.
There is information about enterprise Maps API. You can pay for it.
And also you can check some other services like Google maps with offline access.
Hope it's helped.
I was trying to work on creating a shared map for all users by using the Google Maps API. I would like User A to be able to see User B on the map, assuming User B is sharing his location. How can this be accomplished using Google Maps API on Android or iOS? This would basically resemble the Uber application where the costumers can see the drivers on the map.
As far as I know this functionality isn't really available through the API. What you could do is check if the user's location is available for sharing. Then using your own backend, most likely a MBaaS, share the location data with people they allowed access to their location. Then you could just draw a marker on the map representing the user
I´m making an app that requires the locations of all users that are signed into it and displaying all of their locations to each other on a map.
What tool can you recommend me for the job?
You can use google maps api for android (here), and have your app ask for device's current location when user signed on, then post the geo location to a server, finally display the available info using maps marker.
For creating such an app you need to have a PHP server that would first store the geocoordinates of all the users who are currently signed in in a MySQL database. Once you have that part of information you have to convert that database data into JSON object and create your own API/URL which can be requested via an Android client using HTTP. This would populate the maps of all your users with markers displaying their current location.
For implementation details please take a look at the following tutorial.
I am developing small app which take list of co-ordinates(longitude and latitudes) and plots the same in map view.
I also want to add some message for each location. Could anyone let me know if there is tutorial to complete this?
I already got API tokens in order to access googple map api.
Android has with version (4+ ?) introduced offline maps where I can on the handset select an area to cache and then Google Maps downloads that map data on the handset.
As I got a comment: I want to use the data, that is already on my device (if the user has done the downloading for offline maps use before). And not open a new data connection to Google's servers (e.g. because data charges would apply).
Can I use that map data from within my app - e.g. by sending the maps app an intent do show an area (perhaps with overlays)?
Or use even the map widget inside my app?
I am not talking about downloading some tiles from the Google servers into my app
Can I use that map data from within my app - e.g. by sending the maps app an intent do show an area (perhaps with overlays)?
Well, you can invoke a map application using ACTION_VIEW and a geo: Intent. Whether that will view some cached area depends on what map app the user uses and whether or not the user cached the area around your specified latitude and longitude.
Or use even the map widget inside my app?
While you can integrate a MapView in your app, it will not use this cached data. Partially, that is because the MapView code predates any of this caching stuff. Partially, that is because the cached data is owned by another process (the Maps app) and therefore is inaccessible to you.