Authenticated access to WebAPI via Facebook token from Android App - android

I'm trying to make my Android Application to log into my WebAPI services. I want to share my ideas in order to verify them.
If the access to WebAPI is performed via WebSite the steps are:
1- Call WebAPI method for logging in
2- WebAPI redirect client to facebook
3- Facebook login and returns a Token
4- If I use that token in the next calls I'll be authenticated as the right user.
And this works.
If the access to WebAPI is performed via Android APP, how can I get the access token?
Actually I'm doing something like:
1- Contact Facebook via Login Button
2- Getting logged id to Facebook receiving a Token
3- Trying to perform WebAPI calls adding the Authentication: Bearer CODE to my calls
At that point I'm wandering..
How can my application now that I'm THAT particular user? If I perform something like
Authentication: Bearer CODE
How can it knows that the CODE is me if the Android Application never told him? Does the application automatically contact Facebook in order to receive an answer like "yeah! I release that token, it is related to..."
Or I'm misunderstanding everything?
The other way I can figure it out is that I must use an "hybrid approach" like:
1- Call WebAPI (as via browser)
2- Get Redirect link to Facebook
3- Get the token
But.. At that point, how can I swith between Facebook App / Facebook Site to my Android application again?
Sorry for the mess, I'm trying to find out the logic beside this auth process.

Ok, I think I've got it!
when WebAPI receives the Facebook Token doesn't know anything about user and authorizations. BUT, due to the token, can access to Facebook "as the caller".
By this way the application could perform something like:
Android -> Facebook Login -> Get FBToken
Android -> Web API -> Send FBToken
Web API -> Facebook -> /me Sending FBToken
Facebook -> Web API -> Identity
Web API -> Andoid -> This is the token for you Identity
Android -> Web API -> Give me Auth Method, Authorization: Bearer WebAPIToken
I found out a useful class online: (based on WebApi ASP.NET Identity Facebook login)
private async Task<FacebookUserViewModel> VerifyFacebookAccessToken(string accessToken)
FacebookUserViewModel fbUser = null;
var path = "" + accessToken;
var client = new HttpClient();
var uri = new Uri(path);
var response = await client.GetAsync(uri);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
fbUser = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FacebookUserViewModel> (content);
return fbUser;
public class FacebookUserViewModel
public string ID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
So, you could have a WebAPI like:
public async Task<string> GetTokenFromFacebook(string accessToken)
var user = await VerifyFacebookAccessToken(accessToken);
//Search on your DB for the user ID or email
//Get token for user
return token;
A complete and perfect explanation is here:
Example of token creation
var tokenExpirationTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(14);
var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(Startup.OAuthBearerOptions.AuthenticationType);
identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, UserName, null, "Facebook"));
identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, user.ToString(), null, "LOCAL_AUTHORITY"));
AuthenticationTicket ticket = new AuthenticationTicket(identity, new AuthenticationProperties());
var currentUtc = new Microsoft.Owin.Infrastructure.SystemClock().UtcNow;
ticket.Properties.IssuedUtc = currentUtc;
ticket.Properties.ExpiresUtc = currentUtc.Add(tokenExpirationTimeSpan);
var accesstoken = Startup.OAuthBearerOptions.AccessTokenFormat.Protect(ticket);
I hope it helps!


How multiple users use google cloud speech at the same time

I'm building an app that uses Google Cloud Speech.
I have a Google Service account key in my app, and I use it to call the API.
It works well when used by one user, but does not work when multiple users use it at the same time.
For example, only one user is available or all are unavailable.
The rights of the service account key are project owner.
I think it's a service account key issue...
How do I fix it?
private class AccessTokenTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, AccessToken> {
protected AccessToken doInBackground(Void... voids) {
final SharedPreferences prefs = mContext.getSharedPreferences(PREFS, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
String tokenValue = prefs.getString(PREF_ACCESS_TOKEN_VALUE, null);
long expirationTime = prefs.getLong(PREF_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME, -1);
// Check if the current token is still valid for a while
if (tokenValue != null && expirationTime > 0) {
if (expirationTime > System.currentTimeMillis() + ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TOLERANCE) {
return new AccessToken(tokenValue, new Date(expirationTime));
final InputStream stream = mContext.getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.credential);
try {
final GoogleCredentials credentials = GoogleCredentials.fromStream(stream).createScoped(SCOPE);
final AccessToken token = credentials.refreshAccessToken();
.putString(PREF_ACCESS_TOKEN_VALUE, token.getTokenValue())
.putLong(PREF_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME, token.getExpirationTime().getTime())
return token;
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to obtain access token.", e);
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(AccessToken accessToken) {
mAccessTokenTask = null;
final ManagedChannel channel = new OkHttpChannelProvider()
.nameResolverFactory(new DnsNameResolverProvider())
.intercept(new GoogleCredentialsInterceptor(new GoogleCredentials(accessToken)
mApi = SpeechGrpc.newStub(channel);
// Schedule access token refresh before it expires
if (mHandler != null) {
Math.max(accessToken.getExpirationTime().getTime() - System.currentTimeMillis() - ACCESS_TOKEN_FETCH_MARGIN, ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TOLERANCE));
This code is the code that calls 'credential.json' file on Android and gets 'Access token'.
The server for this app is python and communicates via http.
The description in the link above tells you to delegate the authentication to the server.
I want to write that part with python code.
What should I do?
In the link you provided in the description, they suggest you to read first the basic authentication concepts document. In your case, use a service account for the Android application.
I understand that you have already been able to provide end user credentials to a Google Cloud Platform API, as for example Cloud Speech API.
If you want to authenticate multiple users to your application you should use instead Firebase authentication. The link contains a brief explanation and a tutorial.
There are several Python client libraries for GCP that you can use, depending on what operations do you want to perform on the server. And regarding Python authentication on the server side, this documentation shows how the authentication for Google Cloud Storage works (have this example in mind as a reference).

aws cognito user get id token android

I'm trying to get the current logged in user's id token for aws cognito in android.
I found this example:
where session is a CognitoUserSession object
I can't seem to figure out a way to get the current cognitousersession after the login call has been made.
I'm using the default authenticator activity from the notes tutorial:
It says that the tokens are stored in the shared preferences, but I can't figure out how to retrieve them on future activities so that I can make calls to the api gateway using the id token.
The AWS Android SDK will return the JWT token without a network call when the token is not/will not expire.
The threshold for when a token should be refreshed can be set with the CognitoIdentityProviderClientConfig.setRefreshThreshold(long) method.
If you are stil curious how to retrieve the token yourself, then the code can be found in readCachedTokens() method
As nobody has answered yet, this might help you out, be aware this is JS code:
This is my routine to receive the session from an already logged in user.
after this, i'm able to access tokens.
var user_data = {
UserPoolId: AWSConfiguration.UserPoolId,
ClientId: AWSConfiguration.ClientAppId
var userPool = new AWSCognito.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.CognitoUserPool(user_data);
if (userPool.getCurrentUser() != null) {
userPool.getCurrentUser().getSession(function (err, session) {
if (err) {
window.location.href = "login.html";
var user_params = {
IdentityPoolId: AWSConfiguration.IdPoolId,
Logins: {
AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials(user_params);
AWS.config.region = AWSConfiguration.region;
AWS.config.credentials.refresh((error) => {
if (error) {
else {

Can you get a current users friendlist with facebook API? [duplicate]

I am trying to get my friend name and ids with Graph API v2.0, but data returns empty:
"data": [
When I was using v1.0, everything was OK with the following request:
FBRequest* friendsRequest = [FBRequest requestForMyFriends];
[friendsRequest startWithCompletionHandler: ^(FBRequestConnection *connection,
NSDictionary* result,
NSError *error) {
NSArray* friends = [result objectForKey:#"data"];
NSLog(#"Found: %i friends", friends.count);
for (NSDictionary<FBGraphUser>* friend in friends) {
NSLog(#"I have a friend named %# with id %#",,;
But now I cannot get friends!
In v2.0 of the Graph API, calling /me/friends returns the person's friends who also use the app.
In addition, in v2.0, you must request the user_friends permission from each user. user_friends is no longer included by default in every login. Each user must grant the user_friends permission in order to appear in the response to /me/friends. See the Facebook upgrade guide for more detailed information, or review the summary below.
If you want to access a list of non-app-using friends, there are two options:
If you want to let your people tag their friends in stories that they publish to Facebook using your App, you can use the /me/taggable_friends API. Use of this endpoint requires review by Facebook and should only be used for the case where you're rendering a list of friends in order to let the user tag them in a post.
If your App is a Game AND your Game supports Facebook Canvas, you can use the /me/invitable_friends endpoint in order to render a custom invite dialog, then pass the tokens returned by this API to the standard Requests Dialog.
In other cases, apps are no longer able to retrieve the full list of a user's friends (only those friends who have specifically authorized your app using the user_friends permission). This has been confirmed by Facebook as 'by design'.
For apps wanting allow people to invite friends to use an app, you can still use the Send Dialog on Web or the new Message Dialog on iOS and Android.
UPDATE: Facebook have published an FAQ on these changes here: which explain all the options available to developers in order to invite friends etc.
Although Simon Cross's answer is accepted and correct, I thought I would beef it up a bit with an example (Android) of what needs to be done. I'll keep it as general as I can and focus on just the question. Personally I wound up storing things in a database so the loading was smooth, but that requires a CursorAdapter and ContentProvider which is a bit out of scope here.
I came here myself and then thought, now what?!
The Issue
Just like user3594351, I was noticing the friend data was blank. I found this out by using the FriendPickerFragment. What worked three months ago, no longer works. Even Facebook's examples broke. So my issue was 'How Do I create FriendPickerFragment by hand?
What Did Not Work
Option #1 from Simon Cross was not strong enough to invite friends to the app. Simon Cross also recommended the Requests Dialog, but that would only allow five requests at a time. The requests dialog also showed the same friends during any given Facebook logged in session. Not useful.
What Worked (Summary)
Option #2 with some hard work. You must make sure you fulfill Facebook's new rules: 1.) You're a game 2.) You have a Canvas app (Web Presence) 3.) Your app is registered with Facebook. It is all done on the Facebook developer website under Settings.
To emulate the friend picker by hand inside my app I did the following:
Create a tab activity that shows two fragments. Each fragment shows a list. One fragment for available friend (/me/friends) and another for invitable friends (/me/invitable_friends). Use the same fragment code to render both tabs.
Create an AsyncTask that will get the friend data from Facebook. Once that data is loaded, toss it to the adapter which will render the values to the screen.
The AsynchTask
private class DownloadFacebookFriendsTask extends AsyncTask<FacebookFriend.Type, Boolean, Boolean> {
private final String TAG = DownloadFacebookFriendsTask.class.getSimpleName();
GraphObject graphObject;
ArrayList<FacebookFriend> myList = new ArrayList<FacebookFriend>();
protected Boolean doInBackground(FacebookFriend.Type... pickType) {
// Determine Type
String facebookRequest;
if (pickType[0] == FacebookFriend.Type.AVAILABLE) {
facebookRequest = "/me/friends";
} else {
facebookRequest = "/me/invitable_friends";
// Launch Facebook request and WAIT.
new Request(
new Request.Callback() {
public void onCompleted(Response response) {
FacebookRequestError error = response.getError();
if (error != null && response != null) {
Log.e(TAG, error.toString());
} else {
graphObject = response.getGraphObject();
// Process Facebook response
if (graphObject == null) {
return false;
int numberOfRecords = 0;
JSONArray dataArray = (JSONArray) graphObject.getProperty("data");
if (dataArray.length() > 0) {
// Ensure the user has at least one friend ...
for (int i = 0; i < dataArray.length(); i++) {
JSONObject jsonObject = dataArray.optJSONObject(i);
FacebookFriend facebookFriend = new FacebookFriend(jsonObject, pickType[0]);
if (facebookFriend.isValid()) {
// Make sure there are records to process
if (numberOfRecords > 0){
return true;
} else {
return false;
protected void onProgressUpdate(Boolean... booleans) {
// No need to update this, wait until the whole thread finishes.
protected void onPostExecute(Boolean result) {
if (result) {
User the array "myList" to create the adapter which will control showing items in the list.
} else {
Log.i(TAG, "Facebook Thread unable to Get/Parse friend data. Type = " + pickType);
The FacebookFriend class I created
public class FacebookFriend {
String facebookId;
String name;
String pictureUrl;
boolean invitable;
boolean available;
boolean isValid;
public enum Type {AVAILABLE, INVITABLE};
public FacebookFriend(JSONObject jsonObject, Type type) {
//Parse the Facebook Data from the JSON object.
try {
if (type == Type.INVITABLE) {
//parse /me/invitable_friend
this.facebookId = jsonObject.getString("id"); = jsonObject.getString("name");
// Handle the picture data.
JSONObject pictureJsonObject = jsonObject.getJSONObject("picture").getJSONObject("data");
boolean isSilhouette = pictureJsonObject.getBoolean("is_silhouette");
if (!isSilhouette) {
this.pictureUrl = pictureJsonObject.getString("url");
} else {
this.pictureUrl = "";
this.invitable = true;
} else {
// Parse /me/friends
this.facebookId = jsonObject.getString("id"); = jsonObject.getString("name");
this.available = true;
this.pictureUrl = "";
isValid = true;
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.w("#", "Warnings - unable to process Facebook JSON: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
Facebook has revised their policies now. You can’t get the whole friendlist anyway if your app does not have a Canvas implementation and if your app is not a game. Of course there’s also taggable_friends, but that one is for tagging only.
You will be able to pull the list of friends who have authorised the app only.
The apps that are using Graph API 1.0 will be working till April 30th, 2015 and after that it will be deprecated.
See the following to get more details on this:
User Friends
Facebook Application Development FAQ
In Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10.1:
If you want to get the friends list from Facebook, you need to submit your app for review in Facebook. See some of the Login Permissions:
Login Permissions
Here are the two steps:
1) First your app status is must be in Live
2) Get required permissions form Facebook.
1) Enable our app status live:
Go to the apps page and select your app
Select status in the top right in Dashboard.
Submit privacy policy URL
Select category
Now our app is in Live status.
One step is completed.
2) Submit our app for review:
First send required requests.
Example: user_friends, user_videos, user_posts, etc.
Second, go to the Current Request page
Example: user_events
Submit all details
Like this submit for all requests (user_friends , user_events, user_videos, user_posts, etc.).
Finally submit your app for review.
If your review is accepted from Facebook's side, you are now eligible to read contacts, etc.
As Simon mentioned, this is not possible in the new Facebook API. Pure technically speaking you can do it via browser automation.
this is against Facebook policy, so depending on the country where you live, this may not be legal
you'll have to use your credentials / ask user for credentials and possibly store them (storing passwords even symmetrically encrypted is not a good idea)
when Facebook changes their API, you'll have to update the browser automation code as well (if you can't force updates of your application, you should put browser automation piece out as a webservice)
this is bypassing the OAuth concept
on the other hand, my feeling is that I'm owning my data including the list of my friends and Facebook shouldn't restrict me from accessing those via the API
Sample implementation using WatiN:
class FacebookUser
public string Name { get; set; }
public long Id { get; set; }
public IList<FacebookUser> GetFacebookFriends(string email, string password, int? maxTimeoutInMilliseconds)
var users = new List<FacebookUser>();
Settings.Instance.MakeNewIeInstanceVisible = false;
using (var browser = new IE(""))
browser.TextField(Find.ByName("email")).Value = email;
browser.TextField(Find.ByName("pass")).Value = password;
catch (ElementNotFoundException)
// We're already logged in
var watch = new Stopwatch();
Link previousLastLink = null;
while (maxTimeoutInMilliseconds.HasValue && watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds < maxTimeoutInMilliseconds.Value)
var lastLink = browser.Links.Where(l => l.GetAttributeValue("data-hovercard") != null
&& l.GetAttributeValue("data-hovercard").Contains("user.php")
&& l.Text != null
if (lastLink == null || previousLastLink == lastLink)
var ieElement = lastLink.NativeElement as IEElement;
if (ieElement != null)
var htmlElement = ieElement.AsHtmlElement;
previousLastLink = lastLink;
var links = browser.Links.Where(l => l.GetAttributeValue("data-hovercard") != null
&& l.GetAttributeValue("data-hovercard").Contains("user.php")
&& l.Text != null
var idRegex = new Regex("id=(?<id>([0-9]+))");
foreach (var link in links)
string hovercard = link.GetAttributeValue("data-hovercard");
var match = idRegex.Match(hovercard);
long id = 0;
if (match.Success)
id = long.Parse(match.Groups["id"].Value);
users.Add(new FacebookUser
Name = link.Text,
Id = id
return users;
Prototype with implementation of this approach (using C#/WatiN) see It is also allowing dynamic update of Facebook connector that is retrieving a list of your contacts.
Try /me/taggable_friends?limit=5000 using your JavaScript code
try the Graph API:
If you are still struggling with this issue on a development mode.
Follow the same process as mentioned below:
create a test app of your main app,
create test users, automatically install app for test users and assign them 'user_friend' permission.
Add your test users as a friend with each other.
I followed the same process after going through alot of research and finally it worked.
In the Facebook SDK Graph API v2.0 or above, you must request the user_friends permission from each user in the time of Facebook login since user_friends is no longer included by default in every login; we have to add that.
Each user must grant the user_friends permission in order to appear in the response to /me/friends.
let fbLoginManager : FBSDKLoginManager = FBSDKLoginManager()
fbLoginManager.loginBehavior = FBSDKLoginBehavior.web
fbLoginManager.logIn(withReadPermissions: ["email","user_friends","public_profile"], from: self) { (result, error) in
if (error == nil) {
let fbloginresult : FBSDKLoginManagerLoginResult = result!
if fbloginresult.grantedPermissions != nil {
if (fbloginresult.grantedPermissions.contains("email")) {
// Do the stuff
else {
else {
So at the time of Facebook login, it prompts with a screen which contain all the permissions:
If the user presses the Continue button, the permissions will be set. When you access the friends list using Graph API, your friends who logged into the application as above will be listed
if ((FBSDKAccessToken.current()) != nil) {
FBSDKGraphRequest(graphPath: "/me/friends", parameters: ["fields" : "id,name"]).start(completionHandler: { (connection, result, error) -> Void in
if (error == nil) {
The output will contain the users who granted the user_friends permission at the time of login to your application through Facebook.
data = (
id = xxxxxxxxxx;
name = "xxxxxxxx";
paging = {
cursors = {
after = xxxxxx;
before = xxxxxxx;
summary = {
"total_count" = 8;

Authentication - Xamarin.Forms, Azure Mobile Apps

I've got a Xamarin.Forms app (iOS, Android, UWP) connected to Azure Mobile Apps' authentication service. From what I read, it seemed pretty straightforward to implement. I'm testing in a UWP project, and Android, both get the same result.
When logging in, I get this lovely "can't connect to the service you need right now." I don't see anything wrong in my code. What might be going on here?
Windows UWP:
public async Task<bool> Authenticate()
string message = string.Empty;
var success = false;
// Sign in with Facebook login using a server-managed flow.
if (user == null)
user = await TaskService.DefaultService.CurrentClient.LoginAsync(MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.Facebook);
if (user != null)
success = true;
message = string.Format("You are now signed-in as {0}.", user.UserId);
catch (Exception ex)
message = string.Format("Authentication Failed: {0}", ex.Message);
// Display the success or failure message.
await new MessageDialog(message, "Sign-in result").ShowAsync();
return success;
public async Task<bool> Authenticate()
var success = false;
var message = string.Empty;
// Sign in with Facebook login using a server-managed flow.
user = await TaskService.DefaultService.CurrentClient.LoginAsync(this,
if (user != null)
message = string.Format("you are now signed-in as {0}.",
success = true;
catch (Exception ex)
message = ex.Message;
// Display the success or failure message.
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
builder.SetTitle("Sign-in result");
return success;
Can't connect to service error:
The settings on Facebook for the app:
I've tried moving the client code to App.cs:
private static MobileServiceClient _Client;
public static MobileServiceClient Client
if(_Client == null) _Client = new MobileServiceClient(AppConstants.AzureMobileServiceURL);
return _Client;
set { _Client = value; }
And the new call in MainPage.xaml.cs:
uesr = await Slated.App.Client.LoginAsync(MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.Facebook);
Same result!
Another note: My Azure Mobile Services URL does include https://
Code below for logging on backend, looks to be an issue when redirecting to /login/facebook, the rest of the authentication appears to proceed OK. FYI - replaced the sensitive data with ____
2016-07-29T18:38:43 PID[6684] Verbose Received request: GET
2016-07-29T18:38:43 PID[6684] Information Redirecting:
2016-07-29T18:38:50 PID[6684] Verbose Received request: GET
2016-07-29T18:38:50 PID[6684] Verbose Calling into external HTTP endpoint GET
2016-07-29T18:38:51 PID[6684] Verbose Calling into external HTTP endpoint GET
2016-07-29T18:38:51 PID[6684] Verbose Calling into external HTTP endpoint GET
2016-07-29T18:38:51 PID[6684] Information Login completed for 'Thomas Gardner'. Provider: 'facebook'.
2016-07-29T18:38:51 PID[6684] Verbose Writing 'AppServiceAuthSession' cookie for site ''. Length: 512.
2016-07-29T18:38:51 PID[6684] Information Redirecting:
2016-07-29T18:38:51 PID[6684] Verbose Received request: GET
2016-07-29T18:38:51 PID[6684] Verbose Found 'AppServiceAuthSession' cookie for site ''. Length: 512.
2016-07-29T18:38:51 PID[6684] Verbose Authenticated Thomas Gardner successfully using 'Session Cookie' authentication.
2016-07-29T18:38:52 PID[6684] Verbose Received request: GET
2016-07-29T18:38:52 PID[6684] Verbose Found 'AppServiceAuthSession' cookie for site ''. Length: 512.
2016-07-29T18:38:52 PID[6684] Verbose Authenticated __________ successfully using 'Session Cookie' authentication.
2016-07-29T18:38:52 PID[6684] Information Request, Method=GET, Url=, Message=''
2016-07-29T18:38:52 PID[6684] Information Message='Will use same 'JsonMediaTypeFormatter' formatter', Operation=JsonMediaTypeFormatter.GetPerRequestFormatterInstance
2016-07-29T18:38:52 PID[6684] Information Message='Selected formatter='JsonMediaTypeFormatter', content-type='application/json; charset=utf-8'', Operation=DefaultContentNegotiator.Negotiate
2016-07-29T18:38:52 PID[6684] Information Response, Status=404 (NotFound), Method=GET, Url=, Message='Content-type='application/json; charset=utf-8', content-length=unknown'
Backend Code: It is copied from MSFT's template code. Not much has been done to the startup.
public partial class Startup
public static void ConfigureMobileApp(IAppBuilder app)
HttpConfiguration config = new HttpConfiguration();
//For more information on Web API tracing, see
new MobileAppConfiguration()
// Use Entity Framework Code First to create database tables based on your DbContext
Database.SetInitializer(new SlatedInitializer());
// To prevent Entity Framework from modifying your database schema, use a null database initializer
// Database.SetInitializer<SlatedContext>(null);
MobileAppSettingsDictionary settings = config.GetMobileAppSettingsProvider().GetMobileAppSettings();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.HostName))
// This middleware is intended to be used locally for debugging. By default, HostName will
// only have a value when running in an App Service application.
app.UseAppServiceAuthentication(new AppServiceAuthenticationOptions
SigningKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SigningKey"],
ValidAudiences = new[] { ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ValidAudience"] },
ValidIssuers = new[] { ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ValidIssuer"] },
TokenHandler = config.GetAppServiceTokenHandler()
public class SlatedInitializer : CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<SlatedContext>
protected override void Seed(SlatedContext context)
/*List<Tasks> todoItems = new List<Tasks>
new Tasks { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Text = "First item", Complete = false },
new Tasks { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Text = "Second item", Complete = false },
foreach (Tasks todoItem in todoItems)
From the URIs that are being used, it looks like you are mixing packages between Mobile Services and Mobile Apps. The two are not compatible.
To learn more, see Client and server versioning in Mobile Apps and Mobile Services.
On the server, you should be using Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server.*. Make sure you have no packages in the form WindowsAzure.MobileServices.Backend.
On the client, you must use the package Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client.
user = await App.MobileService .LoginAsync(MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.Facebook);
try this line of code.This should work and for the user id
you can simply do it like that :
var userId = user.Id;
Well here how I do it : in the app.xaml.cs
public static MobileServiceClient MobileService = new MobileServiceClient("");
then in your code behind:
user = await App.MobileService.LoginAsync(MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.Facebook);
and it works like a charm for me,And make sure that in azure portal in the
Authentication tab that under advanced settings that Token store is on.

The Facebook login doesn't work anymore since I upgraded the Firebase app to the new Console (only)

I had a working app with Facebook & Email Login feature, since I upgrade the Firebase console (only, the sdk has not been update).
The app release before the Firebase 3.0 was working before, but it is not anymore able to sign/log with Facebook after the console has been upgraded.
What I have done:
1 - Upgraded the Firebase console
Because of Firebase & Facebook console update, I also had to put the Oauth Callback to the Facebook App
2 - Pasted the Firebase Facebook OAuth Callback to the Facebook console (before it was void) ```
The Exception:
The firebase Auth listener trigger a Firebase Error :
Invalid authentication credentials provided. and Facebook :
{"providerErrorInfo":{"code":400,"message":"Unsuccessful debug_token
response from Facebook: {\"error\":{\"message\":\"(#100) You must
provide an app access token or a user access token that is an owner or
developer of the
The FirebaseError Code:
In the decompiled code of the FirebaseAndroidSdk, the error object is:
0 = {java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedEntry#22680} "code" ->
1 = {java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedEntry#22681}
"message" -> "Invalid authentication credentials provided."
2 = {java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedEntry#22682} "details" ->
"{"providerErrorInfo":{"code":400,"message":"Unsuccessful debug_token
response from Facebook: {\"error\":{\"message\":\"(#100) You must
provide an app access token or a user access token that is an owner or
developer of the app\",\"type\":\"OAuthException\",\"code\":100,\"fbtrace_id\":\"BtB3JF2qmku\"}}"}}"
with the decompiled code:
private void makeAuthenticationRequest(String urlPath, Map<String, String> params, AuthResultHandler handler) {
final AuthenticationManager.AuthAttempt attempt = this.newAuthAttempt(handler);
this.makeRequest(urlPath, HttpRequestType.GET, params, Collections.emptyMap(), new RequestHandler() {
public void onResult(Map<String, Object> result) {
Object errorResponse = result.get("error");
String token = (String)Utilities.getOrNull(result, "token", String.class);
if(errorResponse == null && token != null) {
if(!AuthenticationManager.this.attemptHasBeenPreempted(attempt)) {
AuthenticationManager.this.authWithCredential(token, result, attempt);
} else {
FirebaseError error = AuthenticationManager.this.decodeErrorResponse(errorResponse);
AuthenticationManager.this.fireAuthErrorIfNotPreempted(error, attempt);
public void onError(IOException e) {
FirebaseError error = new FirebaseError(-24, "There was an exception while connecting to the authentication server: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
AuthenticationManager.this.fireAuthErrorIfNotPreempted(error, attempt);
At AuthListener level, the firebaseError code : -20
The specified authentication credentials are invalid.
The Facebook Error Code:
code 400
Nothing relevant found here :
The code for Authing:
public void authWithFirebase(final String provider, Map<String, String> options) {
if (options.containsKey(AUTH_OPTIONS_ERROR)) {
EventBus.getDefault().post(new MessageToDisplayEvent(options.get(AUTH_OPTIONS_ERROR), true));
} else {
if (provider.equalsIgnoreCase(AUTH_PROVIDER_TWITTER)) {
// if the provider is twitter, we must pass in additional options, so use the options endpoint
ref.authWithOAuthToken(provider, options, new AuthResultHandler(provider));
} else {
// if the provider is not twitter, we just need to pass in the oauth_token
ref.authWithOAuthToken(provider, options.get(AUTH_OPTIONS_TOKEN), new AuthResultHandler(provider));
TOKEN Validity:
From the code above, the Token is confirmed valid since : return a valid JSON
And the Facebook Tool AccessToken return a still valid TOKEN
What changed from user point of view:
Now, When I click on the FacebookLoginButton, I have a new dialog that ask "connection as %FacebookUserName", with 2 buttons ("Unconnect" & "Cancel")
I posted a bug report at Firebase, but I even do not know if this is Facebook or Firebase, any help, advise for exploring new issue surface or solution is welcome.
In Facebook Developper Console, switch-off the option about the "app key that is integrated in the client".
For me this changed the behavior. I will give more information as far I get from Firebase/Facebook
Here is a French Screenshot to help you setting up Facebook:

