It is possible to create this simple shape in Android XML? - android

I am trying to create the following simple shape in Android XML:
Just a rectangle combined with a triangle to form an arrow. The shape should be used as navigation button background.
On Windows Phone it would be no problem to create this shape in XAML but the XML drawing capabilities of Android seem to be much more limited.
I tried to create a layer-list drawable using a normal rectangle as "body" and rotated rectangle as triangle. Creating a triangle by rotating a rectangle works fine as long as the triangle is aligned with the border. As soon as I try to move/translate the triangle to the left (to the end of the body/box), the triangle is not triangle any more but of course just a rotated rectangle... Is there any way to clip off the one half of the rotated rectangle and move it to the end of the box in XML?
Of course this can be done in Code/Java, but I would like to know if it also possible XML.
I would need this kind of button in many different sizes and using a XML drawable would be much better (from my point of view) than using dozens of PNGs.

try this custom Shape:
Shape shape = new Shape() {
Path path = new Path();
protected void onResize(float width, float height) {
path.lineTo(width - height / 2, 0);
path.lineTo(width, height / 2);
path.lineTo(width - height / 2, height);
path.lineTo(0, height);
public void draw(Canvas canvas, Paint paint) {
canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
ShapeDrawable d = new ShapeDrawable(shape);

I can't comment so will answer.. I like the layerlist idea. example here:
Android custom shape
and triange example here:
combining those answers may work.


Android - Fill Path with color partially

I am trying to draw a heart shaped Canvas using Path in Android. The code is as follows :
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
// Fill the canvas with background color
// paint.setShader(null);
// Defining of the heart path starts
path.moveTo(left + WIDTH / 2, top + HEIGHT / 4); // Starting point
// Create a cubic Bezier cubic left path
left+WIDTH/2, top+HEIGHT);
// This is right Bezier cubic path
path.cubicTo(left + 3 * WIDTH / 4, top + 4 * HEIGHT / 5,
left + 4 * WIDTH / 5, top,
left + WIDTH / 2, top + HEIGHT / 4);
paint.setShader(new LinearGradient(0, canvas.getHeight()/4, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight()/4, new int[]{Color.RED, Color.YELLOW, Color.GREEN}, new float[]{0, 0.6f, 1}, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP));
canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
heart_outline_paint.setColor(getResources().getColor(R.color.heart_outline_color)); // Change the boundary color
canvas.drawPath(path, heart_outline_paint);
I am able to draw heart without any issue and I am able to fill color inside the heart using the Fill option in Paint. But I should be able to fill the heart dynamically according to some data and it cannot be filled fully all the time. What I have achieved so far is as follows :
I have made an extensive search and came across a lot of things similar to this. Some of which includes :
Android fill in part of a path?
filling a circle gradually from bottom to top android
I also came across the concept of converting the canvas to bitmap and filling color inside the bitmap using Flood Fill Algorithm which lets users to fill colors inside the bitmap. However, I do not want the bitmap to fill the color while touching inside the heart but to fill while a button click action.
I thought that filling a circle gradually from bottom to top android
would give help me but it makes use of a circle and I am not well-versed in Canvas which makes me very weak in adapting the circle code to such a shape.
If anybody has some ideas or any insights on how to achieve this, it will be really helpful. Cheers. Thanks in advance.
P.S : I also tried some tricks using setShader in Paint but nothing would give me what I want.
I just stumbled upon a idea of drawing a rectangle over the heart with another color same as the background of the canvas so that it will look like its half filled !! I am still working on the idea and not sure how accurate this is gonna be for me. If someone has a better idea, you're most welcome.
I used clipPath function available in Canvas to achieve what I needed. I draw the heart by above method and draw a rectangle over it, and I use the clipPathfunction to clip out the region that is outside the heart.
public static double filled_amount = .90;
path.moveTo(left_x_moveto, left_y_moveto);
path.cubicTo(left_x1, left_y1, left_x2, left_y2, left_x3, left_y3);
path.cubicTo(right_x2, right_y2, right_x1, right_y1, left_x_moveto, left_y_moveto);
Rect rect = new Rect((int)(canvas.getWidth()*.10),(int)(canvas.getHeight()*filled_amount),(int) canvas.getWidth(), (int) canvas.getHeight());
canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
canvas.drawRect(rect, rect_paint);
heart_outline_paint.setColor(getResources().getColor(R.color.heart_outline_color)); // Change the boundary color
canvas.drawPath(path, heart_outline_paint);
This will give me the desired result of filling the heart dynamically. Changing the value of filled_amount dynamically and calling invalidate() will make it look like the heart is being filled dynamically.
#Henry's answer might be a better one but this did the trick for me and I dont look deeply in to the edges so a bit of zig-zags here and there is all right.
You could use Bitmap Masking to get a partially filled Heart. What you ideally do here is use one bitmap to mask the other.
In your case you could have a filled rectangle in the canvas and you have then have the heart shape in a new bitmap to act as the mask. You could then dynamically change the filling of the heart by changing the height of the background rectangle.
Refer this: This contains the implementation of partially filling a Star. The idea is the same.

Beautiful Stroked Text in Android

I know how to stroke text using custom views(EditText or TextView) but I couldn't able to achieve something beautiful like this one, which is done using Photoshop. And yes, it has outer shadow too.
What I have done so far is adjusting stroke width and stroke join style. However, if I increase the stroke width, the stroke took place the whole text.
As far as I have searched, there is a library called MagicTextView but it also couldn't give the result like that above.
Update: I have tweaked things based on suggestion by #pskink. It works now. However I can't drag anymore. If I drag that EditText, there is some weird lines showed up like this.
Here is the code:
#Override public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
final int x = this.getLeft();
final int y = this.getBottom();
mText = this.getText().toString();
canvas.drawText(mText, x, y, p);
canvas.drawText(mText, x, y, p);
After a few hours of tweaking, I have fixed the weird line issue stated in updated question. I think I should post here as the answer.
#Override public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
mText = this.getText().toString();
p.setShadowLayer(10, 1, 1, 0xcfcccccc);
canvas.drawText(mText, 0, getLineHeight(), p);
canvas.drawText(mText, 0, getLineHeight(), p);
canvas.drawText(mText, 0, getLineHeight(), p);
canvas.translate(xPos, yPos);
xPos and yPos are x and y values from ACTION_MOVE onTouch event. And We need to add the line height as a Y for the canvas text.
However, if I increase the stroke width, the stroke took place the whole text.
If the problem is that the stroke is centered, and you want it outside the text, see: Android Paint stroke width positioning
You must precalculate the desired width and height according to your stroke.
I would suggest trying a very bold font. In the image below, the white stroke would be centered on the red line (which would be the outline of each black letter).
In response to your update:
If I drag that EditText, there is some weird lines showed up.
The line might be the result of focus on the EditText. You can remove the focus explicitly: Android: Force EditText to remove focus?
Alternatively, you can style the focus (perhaps to be invisible, if it doesn't adversely affect the rest of your UI): How to change the color of a focused EditText when using "android:Theme.Holo.Light"?

How to draw segmented circle like this with certain requirements

I can't just seem to figure it out. I am trying to draw a segmented circle (what looks like circle inside a circle). However I want the segments to have specific colors and to be transparent inside the smaller circle. Preferably , I would like to make the color of the segmented lines different than the circle
Here are the solutions I had in mind:
1- Draw arc with fill color for the bigger circle and draw a circle for the small circle. 2 problems with this. First one is that the inner circle area is no longer transparent as it takes the color from the bigger one. Second problem is that the segmentation lines of the outer circle is going all the way to the center (not only to the inner circle perimeter)
2) Draw arcs for the bigger outer circle and draw circle for the inner circle. Set it to be color filled but don't show strokes. Then draw another outer circle on top with no fill just to show strokes. And then draw lines between the inner and outer circle using the calculations ( angle and radius) to determine where the lines are... Very convoluted solution, there has to be another way. Even with this solution, still have problem with the color showing in the center but maybe playing with gradient can help.
I read so much on SO but I couldn't figure the right answer as many answers would remove the control of circle parameters
public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
float size = Math.min(getWidth(),getHeight());
final RectF oval = new RectF(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
Path redPath = new Path();
redPath.arcTo(oval, 0, 120, true);
canvas.drawPath(redPath, paint);
Path greenPath = new Path();
greenPath.arcTo(oval, 120, 120, true);
canvas.drawPath(greenPath, paint);
Path bluePath = new Path();
bluePath.arcTo(oval, 240, 120, true);
canvas.drawPath(bluePath, paint);
for(int i=0;i<360;i+=40){
final RectF ovalOuter = new RectF(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
final RectF ovalInner = new RectF(size/4, size/4, size*3/4,size*3/4);
I'm drawing arcs using the Path class and strokes. Style.STROKE gives arcs without filling. Stroke width is set to size/4 which is a quarter of the view. Half of that stroke width goes outside and the second half goes inside, like this:
xxxxxxxx outer border of the arc of width 5
------------ stroke
xxxxxxxx inner border of the arc
That's why I'm using insets - I need to offset the stroke a bit in order to fit it in the view. Without insets the arcs are cut by all four sides of the view.
And why canvas rotation? Because it's easier to rotate the canvas with built-in methods than calculate lines manually. Rotation uses trigonometric functions and quickly becomes quite complex, hard to read and error prone. Basically I'm rotating the paper and drawing straight lines.

Using a gradient along a path

I'm trying to create a 'glow' effect using the Android Path class. However, the gradient is not being warped to fit around the path. Instead, it is simply being display 'above' it and clipped to the path's stroke. Using a square path, the image below shows what I mean:
Instead, that should look more like this:
In other words, the gradient follows the path, and in particular wraps around the corners according to the radius set in the CornerPathEffect.
Here is the relevant part of the code:
paint = new Paint();
LinearGradient gradient = new LinearGradient(30, 0, 50, 0,
new int[] {0x00000000, 0xFF0000FF, 0x00000000}, null, Shader.TileMode.MIRROR);
PathEffect cornerEffect = new CornerPathEffect(10);
canvas.drawPath(boxPath, paint);
Any ideas?
Another alternative is to get a 'soft-edged brush' effect when defining the stroke width. I've experimented with BlurMaskFilters, but those give a uniform blur rather than a transition from opaque to transparent. Does anyone know if that's possible?
How about drawing with a soft brush bitmap? Make a soft circular brush with opacity decreasing radially outward using image editing software like Photoshop. Save as drawable, load it in a bitmap and draw it evenly spaced along your path. Make the bitmap with white coloured brush. This way you can simply multiply the given colour(Here blue) to your bitmap using PorterDuffColorFilter.
brush1=BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.brush_custom_one);
//This contains radially decreasing opacity brush
porter_paint.setColorFilter(new PorterDuffColorFilter(paint.getColor(), Mode.MULTIPLY));
for (int i=1;i<matrix.size();i++) {
//matrix contains evenly spaced points along path
Point point = matrix.get(matrix.get(i));
canvas.drawBitmap(brush1, point.x,point.y, porter_paint);}
The brush used is (It's there):
The final result is:
Turns out there was a stupidly obvious way of doing this. Simply re-use the same path, and adjust the stroke width and alpha on each drawing pass. Example code:
float numberOfPasses = 20;
float maxWidth = 15;
for (float i = 0; i <= numberOfPasses; i++){
int alpha = (int) (i / numberOfPasses * 255f);
float width = maxWidth * (1 - i / numberOfPasses);
paint.setARGB(alpha, 0, 0, 255);
canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
See below for an example of the result. The left path was drawn using this method, the right path, for comparison, is drawn in a single stroke with maxWidth and 255 alpha.
This mainly works. There are two problems:
The gradient isn't as smooth as it could be. This is because each pass being drawn over the previous one results in the alpha building up too quickly, reaching 255 before the final strokes. Experimenting a bit with the line int alpha = (int) (i / numberOfPasses * 125f); (note the change to 125f rather than 255f) helps.
The path looks like it has been 'cut' on the insides of the corners. Probably some result of the CornerPathEffect applied.
What you're wanting to do, if I understand it right, is to have the gradient effectively form a "brush" for the stroke.
This is exactly what I also was trying to achieve recently, but as far as I can tell the API doesn't provide any straightforward means to do it. I have recently created an SVG to Android Canvas converter class and so I am working a lot in Inkscape lately, too. So, when I was looking into it, I wondered if it's even possible to do it in Inkscape. However, even in Inkscape it's a very non-trivial thing to do. After some searching I eventually came across this image of a gradient being applied along the course of a path, together with a download link for a tutorial beneath:
What I was personally trying to do at the time was to create some semi-circles where the path is a kind of neon glow as opposed to a flat colour. Talking in terms of both the Android API and the SVG standard, it seems that the only way to to do this is to create a radial gradient that's centred perfectly on the circle, and position a series of color stops in exactly the right places. Pretty tricky to do, and I certainly don't know how you'd do it to a shape like a square.
Sorry that this is a bit of a 'I couldn't do it either' rather than a useful answer! I'll follow this with interest as I'm eager to know a solution for a kind of 'soft brush' effect too.
Can be very complicated to draw a gradient than follow a path.
So I suggest you to use some library already done than make it for you.
One can be Sc-Gauges.
Have some usefully classe than you can use for your goal.
For first include the library:
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.paroca72:sc-gauges:3.0.7'
After create an image or what you want with a canvas where draw:
Now the code:
// Dimensions
int padding = 24;
Rect drawArea = new Rect(padding, padding, 700 - padding, 500 - padding);
// Get the main layout
ImageView imageContainer = (ImageView) this.findViewById(;
assert imageContainer != null;
// Create a bitmap and link a canvas
Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(
drawArea.width() + padding * 2, drawArea.height() + padding * 2,
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
// Create the path building a bezier curve from the left-top to the right-bottom angles of
// the drawing area.
Path path = new Path();
path.quadTo(drawArea.centerX(),, drawArea.centerX(), drawArea.centerY());
path.quadTo(drawArea.centerX(), drawArea.bottom, drawArea.right, drawArea.bottom);
// Feature
ScCopier copier = new ScCopier();
copier.setColors(Color.RED, Color.GREEN, Color.BLUE);
// Add the bitmap to the container
And this the result:
The first part of the code is just for create a bitmap where draw.
What you interest is the second part where use ScCopier.
Just give the path, the color and the with.
Note than is you are inside a view you can use onDraw for draw directly on the view canvas.
This library can used to create gauge of every kind.
If you want take a look to this site ScComponents have some free and not gauges components.

Android Gauge Animation Question

Okay so i've been trying to do this for a couple of days and i am getting no where. So i have the following two images:
The First is a RPM Gauge
The Second image is a full white graphic representing rpm gauge being full:
I want to do the following:
ask the user for an RPM input, if for example they enter 1.2 the gauge will fill up as follows:
I have the user input working i need help with the animation. Here is what i have tried:
I have tried using PorterDuff but it also clips the gauge in the background not just the white bar
I've tried splitting the image into little bitmaps and store them into arrays so that i can recall parts but this was slow and often crashed
I made some progress by applying the Gauge first to the canvas then saving the canvas:; then clipping a path on the white image then restoring the canvas. However i do not know how to clip in a circular fashion starting from bottom left to a 180 degress to the bottom right (CW). Is this the best way?
I know there is probably an easier or more efficient way of doing this i just don't have a clue. Anyone with any good ideas?
*Note all images are PNG's
Thanks in advance!
As you already found, i would use clip:
draw background image
set clip
draw foreground image
I would use
with path looking like pie slice starting in the center of circle, like this:
To create clip path use something like:
public class PieView extends View {
private int width = 200;
private int angleStart = 135;
private int sweep = 270;
private Path p;
private Paint paint = new Paint();
public PieView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
p = new Path();
//move into center of the circle
p.setLastPoint(width/2, width/2);
//add line from the center to arc at specified angle
//add arc from start angle with specified sweep
p.addArc(new RectF(0, 0, width, width), angleStart, sweep);
//from end of arc return to the center of circle
p.lineTo(width/2, width/2);
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
canvas.drawRect(0,0,width,width, paint);
This is how to draw arcs, from Android ApiDemos:
Then you need to use xfermode to remove a part of the top image by using a canvas derived from a bitmap. You can see one example of this approach here: Make certain area of bitmap transparent on touch

