How I can add text without replace data ?
usually us, update and change the value, but is there any way to preserve the value + add another?
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(text, newText;
db.update(table, values,.... ", null);
You can't do it with db.update(). I can't give you an exact answer, since I don't know what you're trying to accomplish. If you want to keep your database schema as it is, you need to get the existing record, get the existing value from it, append the new value to the existing value, and then update the database with the resulting value.
To apend some text to all values in a column, execute an SQL command like this:
UPDATE MyTable SET Text = Text + 'new text'
The update function does not support SQL expressions; it always replaces values.
The above command must be executed with the execSQL function instead:
db.execSQL("UPDATE "+table+" SET "+text+" = "+text+" + ?",
new Object[] { newText });
I have a column in my SQLite table named 'img_name'. An example of data in that column: '/storage/extSdCard/img1.jpg /storage/extSdCard/img2.jpg /storage/extSdCard/pic3.jpg'. Lets say I wanted to delete an image. I would delete the corresponding word(path). Only problem is, I do not know how to delete a specific word(path) from that column.
Any help will be appreciated.
The way to "delete a specific word" is to update the existing value.
So you will need an UPDATE statement which selects the appropriate rows, and changes the value of the column. The new value will have to be "computed" from the old value, as you would do in a programming language, using string functions.
UPDATE column1
SET column1 = trim(replace(column1||' ','/storage/extSdCard/img2.jpg ',''))
WHERE column2 = 'example'
Note that this is an example only. The correct string manipulation required may be different. Your question does not specify your exact requirements.
Please consult the SQLite documentation and internet articles for details of string functions in SQLite.
Note that this would not be necessary if you didn't store more than one value in a column in each row.
You should get id of your string that you need to remove, and then pass it in to this:
public void deleteById(int id)
SQLiteDatabase db=getWritableDatabase();
String[] position =new String[]{id+""};
db.delete("img_name", "id=?", position );
Note: "id=?". Replace "id" in this statement by your id column
Could someone suggest me a way on how to update my apps SQLite database when the content of the parsed JSON file is changed?
I am having a hard time finding the right solution, now I have to clear the cache before the app starts, but the end user obviously won't do that.
I asume changing the table version is not suitable for frequent updates (hourly).
As #KenWolf mentioned this documentation in the comments.
Update a Database:
When you need to modify a subset of your database values, use the update() method.
Updating the table combines the content values syntax of insert() with the where syntax of delete().
SQLiteDatabase db = mDbHelper.getWritableDatabase();
// New value for one column
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(FeedEntry.COLUMN_NAME_TITLE, title);
// Which row to update, based on the title
String selection = FeedEntry.COLUMN_NAME_TITLE + " LIKE ?";
String[] selectionArgs = { "MyTitle" };
int count = db.update(
Change your database version by incrementing by 1 from current value.
It will make possible of updation.
In android, SQLiteDatabase has a update function
update(String table, ContentValues values, String whereClause, String[] whereArgs)
new values in put in values
If I want to update a column A by adding one to it, how should I prepare the ContentValues values variable? I don't think the following would work.
cv.put("A", "A" + 1);
I can sure run execSQL with raw sql, but it does not return num of row updated
If you'd execute a raw query, something like this should work to increment the current value in the column:
UPDATE table_name SET column_a = column_a + 1 WHERE _id = 1
(where 1 is just an example to illustrate how to apply it to a specific row)
The same probably wouldn't work with ContentValues, since (as the name indicates) it takes the values to set the column to. That means it needs to have been evaluated before building the ContentValues, whereas with a raw query the value isn't evaluated until the query actually runs on the database.
You can of course retrieve the current value first and then increment that accordingly when issuing an update; that requires a select query first. Quite commonly though, you're working with objects in Java, where the column value for a row is bound up to a member field of the object. If you've got a setup like that, then you probably already have the current value at the moment you want to run an update query.
As such, it would just look somewhat like:
SomeObject object = ...;
cv.put("column_a", object.getSomeValue() + 1);
(where I'm assuming object.getSomeValue() will return an int)
// edit: here's some more examples for the raw query approach:
SQLite - increase value by a certain number
// edit2: You've edited your original question and added:
I can sure run execSQL with raw sql, but it does not return num of
row updated
If knowing how many rows the query changed is a must, then you can potentially leverage the changes() function. It still means you're going to have to run a second query though.
SELECT changes() FROM table_name
The docs say:
The changes() function returns the number of database rows that were
changed or inserted or deleted by the most recently completed INSERT,
DELETE, or UPDATE statement, exclusive of statements in lower-level
triggers. The changes() SQL function is a wrapper around the
sqlite3_changes() C/C++ function and hence follows the same rules for
counting changes.
Alternatively, you could look into the rawQuery() method that takes an SQL statement and returns the result as a Cursor. Not sure if it that even works for an update query, or whether the result would be anything sensible, but if you're really lucky, you may find that Cursor.getCount() gives you the number of affected rows.
To expand upon #MH's solution, there actually is a way to do a raw update AND get back the number of rows updated (because I'm doing the same thing in one of my projects). You have to use a compiled SQLiteStatement and then call the method executeUpdateDelete(). From the documentation:
public int executeUpdateDelete ()
Execute this SQL statement, if the the number of rows affected by execution of this SQL statement is of any importance to the caller - for example, UPDATE / DELETE SQL statements.
the number of rows affected by this SQL statement execution.
See the following sample code where I add a new column to my table and then update each column similarly to how you were asking:
try {
String stmtString = "UPDATE " + TABLE_NAME + " SET "
+ COLUMN_NAME_TIME + "+ (" + tzOffset + ")";
SQLiteStatement sqlStmt = db.compileStatement(stmtString);
int rows = sqlStmt.executeUpdateDelete();
} finally {
I'm using a transaction here because in case I add the new column but CANNOT update the values, I want everything to rollback so I can attempt something else.
I've been trying to update on of my column in my database named COLUMN_NAME_PERIOD_END but it doesn't seem to be able to.
String[] endDate = new String[1];
endDate[0] = paraPeriodDetailsPojoObj.getPeriodEndDate();
Log.d("PeriodEnd.onClick()", "Date: " + endDate[0]);
/*UPDATE table_name
SET column1=value, column2=value2,...
WHERE some_column=some_value
sqliteDatabase.update(DBStorage.TABLE_NAME_PERIODSTART, contentValues, DBStorage.COLUMN_NAME_PERIOD_END+"=?", endDate);
No error messages were displayed so I suppose it is my update statement that is having errors. :(
From the docs:
update(String table, ContentValues values, String whereClause, String[] whereArgs)
So, you are putting the array of contentValues (which you don't show, so the problem could be there) into the table defined by TABLE_NAME_PERIODSTART, and selecting which record to update by searching the column defined by COLUMN_NAME_PERIOD_END which must equal endDate.
The way I read your question title I'm under the impression you actually want to update the COLUMN_NAME_PERIOD_END column with the endDate... if that's the case your SQL is incorrect.
Otherwise, some possibilities that leap to mind to look for are:
1) Constraints... do you have a not null field defined and you are trying to update with a null?
2) Your date format from the program is differing from the one in the database
3) There is no matching record for the endDate you are searching for in the DB
I have a listview and i am getting the data from sqlite database. My problem is to delete a row which user selected it from listview. I can delete all table by
dbConn.delete("Restobj", null,null);
But i cant delete a single row which is selected from listview.
Please Help
You essentially need to get the row id from the selected ListView item. Using the row id you can easily delete that row:
String where = "_id = " + _id;
db.delete(TABLE_NAME, where, null);
After deleting the row item make sure you get the ListView adapter cursor and do a requery. If you don't you will not see the updated table, hence updated ListView.
Make use of those other two parameters to the delete method. Take a look at the API documentation for more information.,%20java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String[]%29
Pass in something other than null.
Also, try searching on stackoverflow and/or Google for this topic. The answers are plentiful.
You need to supply the appropriate values to the database object. I'm assuming that dbConn is an instance of a database object. If that is the case, you can pass in dbConn.delete() with 3 arguments. The first argument is the table name. The second is the whereClause. This is something similar to:
"id = " + objectDatabaseId
The final variable in this case you can leave blank. The end result is something like:
String whereClause = "id = " + objectDatabaseId;
dbConn.delete("Restobj", whereClause, null);
As a side note, it's better to use constants when referring to table names and table columns as apposed to "Restobj" you should have something like RestObject.TABLE_NAME where the constant is defined as a static final String inside of the RestObject.