Currently in my application I fetch all the contacts with the followign Cursor query.
String[] columnsToReturn = new String[] {
Cursor contactsCursor = getActivity().getContentResolver().query(ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI, columnsToReturn, null, null, null);
This returns all contacts, including Skype, WhatsApp etc. I don't want these. I only want the "normal" ones. Those that aren't for any apps, just those stored on your Google accounts. How do I do this?
Also, can I exclude the user's own entries? For example, my name appears multiple times on the list for all of my different email addresses.
The ContactsContract.Contacts table contains "consolidated" contacts.
... a record per aggregate of raw contacts representing the same
If you want to query contacts of a particular account or account type, you need to use RawContacts. For example, for Google contacts this would be:
Cursor c = getContentResolver().query(
new String[] { RawContacts.CONTACT_ID, RawContacts.DISPLAY_NAME_PRIMARY },
RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE + "= ?",
new String[] { "" },
ArrayList<String> myContacts = new ArrayList<String>();
int contactNameColumn = c.getColumnIndex(RawContacts.DISPLAY_NAME_PRIMARY);
while (c.moveToNext())
// You can also read RawContacts.CONTACT_ID to read the
// ContactsContract.Contacts table or any of the other related ones.
My issue is, when I'm fetching contacts from phone, it will get all the contacts (from phone, SIM, social accounts etc)
i want to know, if I can get contacts from social accounts separately?
As long as the contacts for the applications are synced, you can query the RawContacts (with the READ_CONTACTS permission in your manifest) and get them filtered by account type. For example:
Cursor c = getContentResolver().query(
new String[] { RawContacts.CONTACT_ID, RawContacts.DISPLAY_NAME_PRIMARY },
RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE + "= ?",
new String[] { <account type here> },
ArrayList<String> myContacts = new ArrayList<String>();
int contactNameColumn = c.getColumnIndex(RawContacts.DISPLAY_NAME_PRIMARY);
while (c.moveToNext())
// You can also read RawContacts.CONTACT_ID to read the
// ContactsContract.Contacts table or any of the other related ones.
It's just a matter of supplying the appropriate account type. For example:
"" for Gmail,
"com.whatsapp" for WhatsApp,
"" for Skype,
I have implemented Skype video/audio calling functionality using Intent in my application it is working fine. But now I want to get all contacts list from Skype account is it possible?.
Is there any alternate way to show list of contacts of Skype account please give any idea?
All contacts (provided they are synced) can be queried with the ContactsContract provider. The RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE column of the RawContacts table indicates the account type for each entry ("raw" means that it contains all entries, e.g. multiple rows for a single person with multiple aggregated contacts).
To read the Skype contacts, you can do something like this:
Cursor c = getContentResolver().query(
new String[] { RawContacts.CONTACT_ID, RawContacts.DISPLAY_NAME_PRIMARY },
RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE + "= ?",
new String[] { "" },
int contactNameColumn = c.getColumnIndex(RawContacts.DISPLAY_NAME_PRIMARY);
ArrayList<String> mySkypeContacts = new ArrayList<String>();
while (c.moveToNext())
/// You can also read RawContacts.CONTACT_ID to query the
// ContactsContract.Contacts table or any of the other related ones.
Be sure to also request the android.permission.READ_CONTACTS permission in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
I faced with problem while fetching phone numbers for linked contacts on HTC phone.
The problem only with contacts that have phone numbers in invisible group.
E.g. I have contact in addressbook that linked from Google and Facebook accounts.
Contact1 - Google account (contact name, email)
Contact1 - Facebook account (contact name, phone number)
In the Contacts settings Google group is active and Facebook group is hidden.
Here what I am doing in the code.
Preparing cursor for ListView that shows only contacts with phone numbers and in visible group.
Uri uri = ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI;
String[] projection = new String[] {
String[] selectionArgs = null;
String sortOrder = ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME + " COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC";
CursorLoader cursorLoader = new CursorLoader(AllContactsNewActivity.this,
uri, projection, ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER +" = 1 " +
" AND " + ContactsContract.Contacts.IN_VISIBLE_GROUP + " = '1'",
selectionArgs, sortOrder);
The Contact1 is presented in the list.
When user click on this contact I am fetching phone numbers from selected contact, but get empty list.
CursorLoader cursorLoader = new CursorLoader(
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTACT_ID + "=?",
new String[] { String.valueOf(contactId) }, null);
I have already tried to use RAW_CONTACT_ID, _ID, LOOKUP_KEY for fetching numbers but w/o luck.
Could some one give me piece of advice how I can fetch phone numbers for these contacts or just not show such contacts in the ListView.
I had this exact same problem and searched for hours to find a solution. This is probably too late for you, but if you use the following code the facebook contacts are not included in the listing.
Please note that this uses deprecated code. I suspect, however, that we are stuck using it until facebook gets their act together and stops violating every rule Google ever made regarding contacts.
Calling code:
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, Contacts.Phones.CONTENT_URI);
startActivityForResult(intent, SELECT_CONTACT);
Later in onActivityResult
Uri contactData = data.getData();
Cursor c = managedQuery(contactData, null, null, null, null);
if (c.moveToFirst()) {
String name = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(People.NAME));
String number = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(People.NUMBER));
Toast.makeText(this, name + " has number " + number, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
I use the contact picker in this way:
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, Contacts.CONTENT_URI);
this.startActivityForResult(intent, PICK_CONTACT_REQUEST);
My question is if somehow the contact list can be filtered? For example I want to see only those contacts in the contact list which have at least a phone number or an email address.
I would suggest to use your custom view for the contacts- it is not rather difficult and you can customize it however you want. I personally implemented that way the functionality you need.
See here:
+ " ASC";
List<PhoneContact> contacts = new ArrayList<PhoneContact>(); // I have defined the bean PhoneContact
String[] projection = { ContactsContract.Contacts._ID,
ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME }; //Choose the columns you need
Cursor cursor = this.getContentResolver().query(
ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI, projection, null/* the place for your where clause*/, null/* the place for your where args*/,
int contactIdIdx = cursor.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Contacts._ID);
int displayNameIdx = cursor
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
PhoneContact contact = new PhoneContact(); // This is a class i defined, use the data the way you like.
Sorry got distracted when writing the comment: the Contact id is actually the glue between the different content providers of the Contact related data. These are a few more providers you can use to see whether there are any associated phones or emails with the contact:
I currently use the old contacts API (that was deprecated on Android 2.0), and I am wondering if the is a way to get all contacts along with their's phone number, without making a separate query for each contact as was advised in a few sites I found.
for instance in the old API, I could do something like this:
String[] projection = new String[] { Phones._ID, Phones.NAME,
Phones.NUMBER };
Uri contacts = Phones.CONTENT_URI;
Cursor managedCursor = managedQuery(contacts,
projection, // Which columns to return
null, // Which rows to return (all rows)
null, // Selection arguments (none)
// Put the results in ascending order by name
Phones.NAME + " ASC");
I found what I was looking for, and using the new API is even simpler, here is the new way of querying all the contact along with their names and phone number:
Cursor managedCursor = getContentResolver()
new String[] {Phone._ID, Phone.DISPLAY_NAME, Phone.NUMBER}, null, null, Phone.DISPLAY_NAME + " ASC");