Advice how to create a map out of images - android

I have to create and offline map using about 20 images (slices of the map),
I have to put the images together to create the total map,
I need to be able to zoom in and zoom out
and to add MARKERS on the map.
What kind of approach could I take to get the desired result?

I achieved creating offline maps by using :
The tiles for the map you can download from openstreet maps with the tool mobac :


Draw a Custom Tiled map in MapLibre android

I want to use MapLibre to display a Map in an android app, using a custom MapTiler map with raster Tiles from an URL with X Y Zoom format: "http://serverAddres:port/api/maps/style_satellite/%d/%d/%d.png"
Does map Libre Support this? and how do I tell it to consume that Tiles in getMapAsync? I tryed creating a style, or a source with no luck.
I didn't find any examples on the documentation or web search, only using map tilers own styles.

Draw custom images below markers in Kotlin using Maps SDK

I want to display a custom image below a marker in my Android App. I see no available documentation so that I can execute this.
Have a look at what I want to achieve here. It is like an indicator and should be anchored to the markers and the distance between markers and image should not vary.

Load a fake map on osmdroid map in android

I need overlay an map image on a MapView, which will hide the the real map from the user
when user offline i want to show fake map instead of
Thanks in advance
Besides photoshop, you can put a basic image view on top of the map, but it wouldn't react the same way the map does to touch inputs. Not sure what goal is. If you want offline maps, there's always this

How to make a TileOverlay cover the text of the covered map?

I have an app that use the old google map API and add a layer over the map to display a more precise map of my own over the map.
I'm trying to do this in the API v2 using the TileOverlay but the text of the google map are displayed over my tiles.
Here are 2 screenshots, one with the map, and one with the map with an overlay (just based on the API demo)
I tried to add a big Z-Index to the tiles without any results.
Is there any way to really cover the map with custom tiles ?
The reason why you keep seeing the labels, is that in google maps v2 the labels are rendered locally instead of being part of tile bitmaps. The benefit of this, is that you can rotate the map and still have the labels without rotation for easy reading.
The only solution I know so far is to disable the map base layer using setMapType(MAP_TYPE_NONE). However, this may have the undesireble effect of also disabling parts of the map that are not being covered by your overlay.

Creating custom tiles for open street map

I need to create some map tiles for open street map.
I want them based on OS maps but I want to edit a particular section of the map in photoshop.
I have looked at mobile atlas creator (MOBAC) and can generate tile from the OS maps, but what I want to do is update the main map image first, then generate the tiles with my updates.
I don't think it's possible to do this with MOBAC so can anyone point me in the right direction of what I need to do?
Thanks Bex
I have not heard about MOBAC, but there is a company called CloudMade.
They provide different services around OpenStreetMap data. One of their service is Style Editor:
You can create your own style of tiles, i.e. show/hide POIs, change colors for different types of roads, rivers and so on.
Is it what you need?
Finally found a way, use oziexplore to calibrate an image (or a map) and then load the .map file into Mapc2Mapc then generate the tiles in adnav format. Unfortunately then I need to rename all my tiles so they end in .tile rather than .adnav for the default version of OSMDroid.

