Unable to access layout inflater as child view has not initialised - android

I have an Android activity that searches a web service for new content to display then either displays a NoResultFragment or a ResultFragment which represents a swipe stack for the user to swipe through the items returned. Because I need to manage the stack, retrieving more data in the background as the stack gets low etc from the Activity, all of the stack details are held at the activity level and the yes/no actions trigger methods on the activity. All good so far.
The problem is I am using the layout inflater in the ResultFragment class to generate dynamic child Views, each one of which represents an item on the stack. These then get returned to the Activity controller which manages them, sends them to the fragment to display, hides them, moves them around etc, so I need access to the child item Views from the activity to do all this. I need to generate the actual child views from within the ResultFragment though, as that is where they will be visually displayed.
I create the ResultFragment, set it to the content area and then try and generate the child views by calling into the fragment created. The error is that the onViewCreate() method has not yet been called on the ResultFragment class as it has only just been added to the content frame, so there is no layoutinflater and my method to return the child View fails. I get the feeling there is something off with my design here, can someone shed some light on how to do this? Is it as simple as just passing through the parent layoutinflater from the Activity class?
Child view creation method
public View getChildView(StorySeed seed, int seedIndex)
final View m_view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_item, null); // Code to populate the view
return m_view;
activity method
private void initialiseResults(ArrayList<StorySeed> storySeeds) {
resultsFragment = new ResultsFragment(storySeeds, getApplicationContext());
FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager();
.replace(R.id.content_frame, resultsFragment)
// load the first results to screen
seedIndex = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < seedsToDisplay; i++) {
It is the call to getNextToStack() that is going into the Fragment class and calling the getChildView() method

I would suggest that you create the views in the activity (the controller) and pass them to the fragment as needed. The fragment is your MVC "view" and it should only tell the controller what happened. The controller decides what to do after that.
The way you can have one fragment replace itself by another is to call a method on the activity. Here's a quick example:
interface IAppController {
void onResultsNotFound();
class MyActivity extends Activity implements IAppController{
public void onResultNotFound(){
//switch fragments
class MyFragment {
void myMethod(){
IAppController controller = (IAppController) getActivity();
Hope this helps


Loading Fragment UI on-demand

I am currently running into a problem where my app is trying to load too many fragments when it opens for the first time.
I have BottomNavigationView with ViewPager that loads 4 fragments - each one of the Fragment contains TabLayout with ViewPager to load at least 2 more fragments.
As you can imagine, that is a lot of UI rendering (10+ fragments) - especially when some of these fragments contain heavy components such as calendar, bar graphs, etc.
Currently proposed solution:
Control the UI loading when the fragment is required - so until the user goes to that fragment for the first time, there is no reason to load it.
It seems like it's definitely possible as many apps, including the Play Store, are doing it. Please see the example here
In the video example above - the UI component(s) are being loaded AFTER the navigation to the tab is completed. It even has an embedded loading symbol.
1) I am trying to figure out how to do exactly that - at what point would I know that this fragment UI need to be created vs it already is created?
2) Also, what is the fragment lifecycle callback where I would start the UI create process? onResume() means UI is visible to the user so loading the UI there will be laggy and delayed.
Hope this is clear enough.
I'm already using the FragmentStatePagerAdapter as ViewPager adapter. I noticed that the super(fm) method in the constructor is deprecated now:
ViewPagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm) {
super(fm); // this is deprecated
So I changed that to:
ViewPagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm) {
BEHAVIOR_RESUME_ONLY_CURRENT_FRAGMENT: Indicates that only the current fragment will be in the Lifecycle.State.RESUMED state. All other Fragments are capped at Lifecycle.State.STARTED.
This seems useful as the onResume() of the Fragment will only be called when the Fragment is visible to the user. Can I use this indication somehow to load the UI then?
The reason your app loads multiple Fragments at the startup is most probably, you're initializing them all at once. Instead, you can initialize them when you need them. Then use show\ hide to attach\ detach from window without re-inflating whole layout.
Simple explanation: You'll create your Fragment once user clicks on BottomNavigationView's item. On clicked item, you'll check if Fragment is not created and not added, then create it and add. If it's already created then use show() method to show already available Fragment and use hide() to hide all other fragments of BottomNavigationView.
As per your case show()/hide is better than add()/replace because as you said you don't want to re-inflate the Fragment when you want show them
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity{
FragmentOne frg1;
FragmentTwo frg2;
public boolean onNavigationItemSelected(MenuItem item){
case R.id.fragment_one:
if (frg2 != null && frg2.isAdded(){
if(frg1 != null && !frg1.isAdded){
frg1 = new FragmenOne();
fragmentManager.beginTransaction().add(R.id.container, frg1).commit();
}else if (frg1 != null && frg1.isAdded) {
return true;
case R.id.fragment_two:
// Reverse of what you did for FragmentOne
return true;
And for your ViewPager as you can see from the example you're referring to; PlayStore is using setOffscreenPageLimit. This will let you choose how many Views should be kept alive, otherwise will be destroyed and created from start passing through all lifecycle events of the Fragment (in case view is Fragment). In PlayStore app's case that's probably 4-5 that why it started loading again when you re-selected "editor's choice" tab. If you do the following only selected and neighboring (one in the right) Fragments will be alive other Fragments outside screen will be destroyed.
public class FragmentOne extends Fragment{
ViewPager viewPager;
public void onCreateView(){
viewPager = .... // Initialize
viewpAger.setOffscreenPageLimit(1); // This will keep only 2 Fragments "alive"
Answer to both questions
If you use show/hide you won't need to know when to inflate your view. It will be handled automatically and won't be laggy since it's just attaching/detaching views not inflating.
It depends upon how you initialize your fragment in your activity. May be you are initializing all your fragment in onCreate method of your activity instead of that you can initialize it when BottomNavigation item is selected like below :
Fragment one,two,three,four;
public boolean onNavigationItemSelected(MenuItem item){
Fragment fragment;
case R.id.menu_one:{
one = Fragment()
fragment = one;
case R.id.menu_two:{
two = Fragment()
fragment = two;
To decide how many page is load in you view pager at one time you can use :
To get the resume and pause functionality on fragments you can take an example from this link.
Please try this.
i was worked with the same kind of the Application, There were multiple tabs and also Tabs have multiple inner tabs.
i was used the concept of ViewPager method, In which there is one method of onPageSelected() for that method we were getting the page position.
By the Use of this position we are checking the current Fragment and called their custom method that we created inside that fragment like onPageSelected() defined inside that fragment.
With this custom method onPageSelected() inside the Fragment we checked that weather the list are available or not if list have data then we are not making the call of Api otherwise we are calling the Api and loading that list.
I think you have same kind of requirement to follow if your Tabs have inner Tab or viewpager you can follow same concept inside of that so if your current fragment of viewpager method onpageSelected called at that time your viewpager fragment initialized.
you have to call just initialization like data binding or view initialization need to be called in onCreate() method and other list attachment and api call to be managed by the custom method onPageSelected that will be called based on ViewPager onPageSelected.
let me Know if you need any help for same.
You can try to have Fragments with FrameLayouts only in ViewPager. The actual Fragments could be added to FrameLayout in onResume() (after checking if this Fragment isn't already attached). It should work if BEHAVIOR_RESUME_ONLY_CURRENT_FRAGMENT works as expected.
I would recommend you use BottomNavigationView.setOnNavigationItemSelectedListener to toggle between the fragment UI whenever it is needed.
navigationView.setOnNavigationItemSelectedListener(item -> {
switch(item.getItemId()) {
case R.id.item1:
// you can replace the code findFragmentById() with findFragmentByTag("dashboard");
// if you only have one framelayout to hold the fragment
fragment = getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(R.id.fragment_container);
if (fragment == null) {
fragment = new ExampleFragment();
// if the fragment is identified by tag, add another
// argument to this method:
// replace(R.id.fragment_container, fragment, "dashboard")
.replace(R.id.fragment_container, fragment)
The idea is simple, when the user swipes or selects a different tab, the fragment that was visible is replaced by the new fragment.
Just load fragments one by one. Create the main fragment layout with many placeholders and stubs and then just load them in the order you like.
Use FragmentTransaction.replace() from the main fragment after it loads.
Have you tried the setUserVisibleHint() method of a fragment
override fun setUserVisibleHint(isVisibleToUser: Boolean) {
// Do you stuff here
This will only get called when a fragment is visible to the user
How about you maintain just one ViewPager? Sounds crazy? In that case, you just change the dataset of PagerAdapter when you switch between the bottom tabs. Let's see how you can accomplish this,
As you mentioned, you have 4 fragments, which are assigned to each individual tabs of the bottom navigation view. Each performs some redundant work i.e. holding a viewPager with tab layout and setting the same kind of adapters. So, if we can combine these 4 redundant tasks into one then we will be able to get rid of 4 fragments. And as there will be just one viewPager with one single adapter then we will be able to reduce the fragment loading count from ~10 to 2 if we set offScreenPageLimit to 1. Let's see some example,
activity.xml should look like
<TabLayout />
<ViewPager />
<BottomNavigationView />
It's optional but I would recommend to create a base PagerFragment abstract class with abstract method getTabTitle()
public abstract class PagerFragment extends Fragment {
public abstract String getTabTitle();
Now it's time to make our PagerAdapter class
public class SectionsPagerAdapter extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter {
public Map<Integer, List<PagerFragment>> map = ...; // If you are concerned about memory then I could recommend to store DataObject instead of PagerFragment and instantiate fragment on demand using that data.
public int currentTabId = R.id.first_bottom_tab_id;
private List<PagerFragment> getCurrentFragments() {
return map.get(currentTabId);
public void setCurrentTabId(int tabId) {
this.currentTabId = tabId;
public SectionsPagerAdapter(FragmentManager manager) {
public Fragment getItem(int position) {
return getCurrentFragments().get(position);
public int getCount() {
return getCurrentFragments().size();
public int getItemPosition(#NonNull Object object) {
public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) {
return getCurrentFragments().get(position).getTabTitle();
And finally, in Activity
SectionsPagerAdapter pagerAdapter = new SectionsPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager());
bottomNavigationView.setOnNavigationItemSelectedListener(menuItem -> {
This is the basic idea. You can mix some of your own ideas with it to make a wonderful result. Let me know if it is useful?
Answer to your questions,
I think with my solution you can achieve exactly the same behavior of the video as I already did it in a project. In my solution, if you set offset page limit to 1 then only adjacent fragment's is created in advance. So, fragment creation will be handled by adapter and viewpager you don't need to worry about it.
In my above solution, you should create UI in onCreateView().

Android: Prevent fragment from becoming "active" while replacing another

I have the following invocations:
context.getSupportFragmentManager().popBackStack(tag.name(), 1);
context.getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(R.id.fragment_container, fragment, tag.name()).addToBackStack(tag.name()).commit();
...while I have at least 2 other fragments on the backstack that were opened before. When these two commands will be executed and the latest fragment has been popped off the backstack, for a very short period of time, the fragment before this fragment is going to be active before the popped fragment has been replace by the given one. And that's the problem, because this fragment fetches data from server and is displaying a progress dialog. Sometimes this leads to race conditions and strange behaviour.
How can I prevent the "non-active" fragments from becoming active while replacing another fragment?
Here is a short explanation of the situation:
MainActivity -> opens Fragment1 -> opens Fragment2a -> opens EditActivity -> after "save action", Fragment2a will be popped and a new Fragment2b will be added into the fragment_container of the MainActivity. While this happens, Fragment1 is doing things, but it must not do this. I want to prevent Fragment1 to do any tasks. It should somehow just stay in background and "sleep".
What about using observer pattern? You create an interface with a method to set fragments to busy starte or do some logic.
All fragments implement this interfac and you create a list that contains these interface inside Activity. If a fragment is registered add this fragments to list or remove them with unregister methods for example.
(MyActivity)getActivity.register(this); can be called to register a fragment. Or you can call a method like in active fragment if you wish to set other fragments except this one as busy (MyActivity)getActivity.setActive(this) and inside MyActivity you can declare this method as
public void setActive(IStateController fragment) {
for(IStateController f: listOfSubscribers) {
if(f == fragment) {
// This fragment called the method and should active
// other fragments can be set to busy or waiting state
I really can't say if it works for you but interacting with fragments without being aware of each other can be done this way, or you can check EventBus library.
Just check
if(getActivity() == null || !isAdded){
return; //don't do your code that touches UI if it is not active.
but make sure you have your onPause remove your busy indicator then if you don't plan to wait for completion or you will create a memory leak of window leaking.
I'm not sure if I misuse the fragment manager concept so that this situation can occur or if the fragment manager concept is a total crap (like a lot in Android), but I solved it by using some workaround. When I start or replace a new fragment, I store immediately an ID in the application context. When a Fragment is getting started, it checks if is has the correct id. If not, I return a null view and the fragment won't be created. The check looks like this:
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, #Nullable ViewGroup container, #Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState)
return FragmentCreationHelper.createFragmentView(inflater, container, TAG, getFragmentId(), R.layout.fragment_mycoolview);
The helper class...
public class FragmentCreationHelper
public static View createFragmentView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, String loggingTag, FragmentTag fragmentId, int template)
Log.d(loggingTag, "onCreateView()");
if (MyContext.getNextVisibleFragment() == null || fragmentId.equals(MyContext.getNextVisibleFragment()))
Log.d(loggingTag, "inflating view...");
return inflater.inflate(template, container, false);
Log.d(loggingTag, "Skipping view inflation. Fragment should not be displayed.");
return null;

Updating Parent Fragment from Child Fragment

In my android application, I have two Fragments. Parent Fragment contains list of available Filter Types and when a particular Filter Type is clicked (in Parent Fragment - Yellow Background) corresponding Child Fragment (Pink Background) opens with list of available options for selected filter type. My requirement is once User select/deselect an option in child fragment, it should reflect/update option count (Green color) in parent Fragment.
Please check attached wireframe.
You can use Otto Bus for comunications between Fragments, fragments-activities, services, etc.
Maybe, the first time you can be a little weird if you have not used before but it is very powerful and very easy to use. You can find the library and a tutorial here:
An example. In your adapter or where you have your item click event you cand send a Object by the Bus.
In your bus you invoque the post method and pass the object. (I recommended create a singleton for Bus).
The singleton Bus Provider.
* Canal de comunicacion
public class BusProvider {
private static final Bus REST_BUS = new Bus(ThreadEnforcer.ANY);
private static final Bus UI_BUS = new Bus();
private BusProvider() {};
public static Bus getRestBusInstance() {
return REST_BUS;
public static Bus getUIBusInstance () {
return UI_BUS;
You send a Object in the bus (in your child fragment) like this:
And in your parent fragment you subscribe for this event:
public void activitySelected(final Item itemSelected) {
Hope it helps you!!
Even though my answer might be late, I guess it still could help :
The solution is simple, in case you need to access a parent fragment from a child one, then use a specific tag for the parent when adding it to the stack, like in the following code example :
1) In the containing activity :
// We instanciate the parent fragment
ParentFragment parentFragment = new ParentFragment();
FragmentTransaction ft = fm.beginTransaction();
// We add the parent fragment with a tag, so we can use it later to fetch
// the current instance of the parent fragment from the child fragment
ft.replace(R.id.content_frame, parentFragment, "parent_fragment_tag");
// Commit transaction
2) In the child fragment, we get the current parent fragment instance like this :
Fragment parentFragment = getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("parent_fragment_tag");
I hope this answer can be of help.

Proper Replacement of Fragments

I have one Activity Called A. The activity has 1 Frame Layout in which Fragments are used. I have two Fragments, Fragment1 and Fragment2. When the Activity is launched, Fragment 1 fills the Frame Layout.
Fragment1 also contains a button that when clicked replaces it with Fragment2 within that same Frame Layout. My question is this, when I click that Button in Fragment1 should I implement that code so that
A) Activity A gets notified of the onClick in the Fragment through an interface using some type of Boolean value and then proceeds to replace it with Fragment2.
B)Implement the code that replaces Fragment1 with Fragment2 within Fragment1 itself For example:
private FragmentTransaction ft;
private Button registerButton, resetButton;
private Fragment fragment;
public LoginFragment() {
// Required empty public constructor
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_login, container, false);
registerButton = (Button)view.findViewById(R.id.register_button);
resetButton = (Button) view.findViewById(R.id.reset_button);
return view;
public void onClick(View v) {
switch (v.getId()) {
case R.id.register_button: {
fragment = new RegisterFragment();
ft = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
ft.replace(R.id.content_frame, fragment);
Could someone explain why one over the other? Thanks so much!
Generally, what I do is use an interface of some sort that lives in the fragment being replaced (in this case Fragment 1). Your parent activity then would implement this interface, and thus building a contract between the activities that are the parent of that particular fragment.
When you press your button (or whatever event happens to signal replace), you grab your activity casting it to that interface, and call the particular method.
e.g. Signaling event within the fragment
( (MyFragmentListener) getActivity()).onActionHappens();
Where MyFragmentListener is the inner class of your Fragment and onActionHappens() is the method that sends the signal. This effectively creates a contract between your fragment and any Activity that hosts the fragment. When your action happens, you let the activity know and the activity then overrides the appropriate method to handle the event.
There are other ways to do this, but at the simplest level this is how it can be done.
Why not option B
Option B creates a tight coupling between fragments, which you don't necessarily want. In practice you want the coupling to be between the fragment, and it's host (or parent) which is the Activity. Also, there could be many activities that use that fragment so you abstract away details about the particular activity that uses it by just calling getActivity(). In this case, coupling the fragment and the Activity is acceptable, since of course the two are coupled anyways. We know this because a fragment cannot live without an associated Activity, so it is okay to take advantage of the that tight coupling.
Pick option A. It is the cleanest route, and avoids assuming implementation details that you have to do in option B.
It is also the basic solution you have without any external libraries or details required. If you want a more advanced solution, checkout Otto (made by Square) Link to the library here

Preload some fragment when the app starts

I have an Android application with a navigation drawer. My problem is that some fragment takes few second to load (parser, Map API). I would like to load all my fragment when the app starts.
I'm not sure if it is possible or a good way to do it, but I was thinking of create an instance of each of my fragments in the onCreate method of the main activity. Then, when the user select a fragment in the navigation drawer, I use the existing instance instead of creating a new one.
The problem is that it does not prevent lag the first time I show a specific fragment. In my opinion, the reason is that the fragment constructor does not do a lot of operation.
After searching the web, I can't find an elegant way to "preload" fragment when the application starts (and not when the user select an item in the drawer).
Some post talks about AsyncTask, but it looks like MapFragment operation can't be executed except in the main thread (I got an exception when I try: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not on the main thread).
here is what I've tried so far:
mFragments = new Fragment[BasicFragment.FRAGMENT_NUMBER];
mFragments[BasicFragment.HOMEFRAGMENT_ID] = new HomeFragment();
mFragments[BasicFragment.CAFEFRAGMENT_ID] = new CafeFragment();
mFragments[BasicFragment.SERVICEFRAGMENT_ID] = new ServiceFragment();
mFragments[BasicFragment.GOOGLEMAPFRAGMENT_ID] = new GoogleMapFragment();
When an item is selected in the nav drawer:
private void selectItem(int position) {
Fragment fragment = mFragments[position];
// here, I check if the fragment is null and instanciate it if needed
FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction ft = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();
ft.replace(R.id.content_frame, fragment);
I also tried this solution; it allows to prevent a fragment from being loaded twice (or more), but it does not prevent my app from lag the first time I show it. That's why I try to load all fragments when the application starts (using a splash-screen or something) in order to prevent further lags.
Thanks for your help / suggestion.
You can put your fragments in ViewPager. It preloads 2 pages(fragments) by default. Also you can increase the number of preloaded pages(fragments)
mViewPager.setOffscreenPageLimit(int numberOfPreloadedPages);
However, you will need to rewrite your showFragment method and rewrite back stack logic.
One thing you can do is load the resources in a UI-less fragment by returning null in in Fragment#onCreateView(). You can also call Fragment#setRetainInstance(true) in order to prevent the fragment from being destroyed.
This can be added to the FragmentManager in Activity#onCreate(). From there, Fragments that you add can hook in to this resource fragment to get the resources they need.
So something like this:
public class ResourceFragment extends Fragment {
public static final String TAG = "resourceFragment";
private Bitmap mExtremelyLargeBitmap = null;
public View onCreateView(ViewInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
return null;
public void onStart() {
new BitmapLoader().execute();
public Bitmap getExtremelyLargeBitmap() {
return mExtremelyLargeBitmap;
private class BitmapLoader extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Bitmap> {
protected Bitmap doInBackground(Void... params) {
return decodeBitmapMethod();
protected void onPostExecute(Bitmap result) {
mExtremelyLargeBitmap = result;
Add it to the fragment manager in the Activity first thing. Then, whenever you load your other Fragments, they merely have to get the resource fragment from the fragment manager like so:
public class FakeFragment extends Fragment {
public View onCreateView(ViewInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
final ResourceFragment resFragment = getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(ResourceFragment.TAG);
Bitmap largeBitmap = resFragment.getBitmap();
if (largeBitmap != null) {
// Do something with it.
You will probably have to make a "register/unregister" listener set up because you will still need to wait until the resources are loaded, but you can start loading resources as soon as possible without creating a bunch of fragments at first.
To preload fragments, attach() can be used. So in OP's case it will be:
Make sure to store the fragment somewhere and use that one the next time ft.replace() is called.

