Using the ViewPager view from the Android support library, the default setup shows one page at a time, with a large margin between each item - ie, if your view is about half the width of your activity there's space on either side, and as you swipe the next one in there's space there too.
ViewPagers have a method, setPageMargin(), that lets you specify an offset to adjust the margin size between pages, and I'm using it to specify a negative margin so that it pulls the pages closer together. However, obviously the amount you need to pull in these margins varies according to the screen dimensions.
So, I'm looking for a smarter way: is there a way to tell the ViewPager "I want no margins at all, making the views in my ViewPager butt up against each other"?
Thank you!
I don't know if there's a smarter way, but your way should work if all pages have the same width. Try something like this:
DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics();
// getActivity().getWindow... if inside a Fragment
yourViewPager.setPageMargin((yourPageWidth - dm.widthPixels) / 2);
Android - How can I create layout as per image attached for different screens?
You must make different designs and use the visibility attribute to change the designs:
RelativeLayout oneLayout = findViewById (;
RelativeLayout otherLayout = findViewById (;
oneLayout.setVisibility (View.GONE);
otherLayout.setVisibility (View.VISIBLE);
To know what design to use:
DisplayMetrics metrics = context.getResources().GetDisplayMetrics ();
int height = metrics.heightPixels;
int width = metrics.widthPixels;
int density = metrics.densityDpi;
This way you will know the width and height of the screen.
For the design you have chosen, you should read about RelativeLayout and ConstraintLayout.
So there is one option, which is way too sophisticated and going to be fun to implement but could take forever, you draw this on a Canvas with all sort of paths and whatnot.
Another option is not very clever, but I think will do the trick!
Step 1
Split your background into squares, so that your background is a grid. Split it horizontally and vertically, like the images below.
Place those into containers, namely ViewGroups that split the screen correctly .. maybe using weights or ConstraintLayout
Step 2
You can align your items to the edges of those backgrounds you constructed.
Just an idea :)
I am trying to show a dialog over my screen. And that dialog should have ViewPager in it with FragmentPagerAdapter. Each item in adapter has width set to .7f. What is important to me is that when some item is selected it should be snapped to center of the ViewPager with parts of next and previous fragments visible (exactly as image shows). Unfortunately the default behavior is snap to the left.
Is there any way of achieving it please?
Thank you
(Just if anybody asks: On that picture the ViewPager is not stretched over dialog. In real the dialog matches parent's width and is layouted the way so it doesn't look like it)
Just in case anyone is looking for the same thing, I've come to solution:
Simply set left and right padding to ViewPager and then set clipToPadding to false. That will result into one fragment to be centered and pieces of neighbor fragments in sides as it is in picture. Then to add space between fragments use viewPager.setPageMargin(); in code.
That's it :)
Here is some sample code
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
ClipToPadding=false ensures that fragments will be drawn even when they are positioned out of the viewPager's content area.
And then in code add spaces between viewPager's items:
Please note that setPageMargin takes number of pixels as parameter, not number of display points. You probably should convert some dp value to pixels to have correct spacing across all devices. This method should work fine:
public static float dipToPixels(Context context, float dipValue) {
DisplayMetrics metrics = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
return TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, dipValue, metrics);
I was facing a similar issue and no one tried to approach it this way, it might not be completely accurate but visually looks centered.
Use DisplayMetrics to get the device height dimension, and then set the padding for your viewpager as follows:
int height = Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().heightPixels;
Note that the layout of the items of the viewpager must be set to "wrap_content" and viewpager in the activity/fragment's height must be "match_parent".
In my case, height/6 as the top padding makes it look centered. Play around with this number for your best results.
I am using a relative layout with 4 buttons (in the center, one below the other).
My problem is to adjust the gap between all buttons so it will be the same between all buttons.
I want to do it dynamically according to the height of the screen (i use Display class to get the actual height).
what is the best way to do it?
You can do this via modifying the LayoutParams of your View
Button b;// your button
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp=(RelativeLayout.LayoutParams)b.getLayoutParams();
lp.leftMargin=10;//your left margin here
lp.topMargin=10;//your top margin here and do this for other 2 margins if you need to
sometimes you need to call
to have the changes applied
also i dont know how you get the screen dimensions, but this works at every API:
DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
is there a way to move the whole screen content outside the screen bounds, with titlebar and all, on the left for example, i tried
content = ((LinearLayout) act.findViewById(
to get the screen content and add a margin to it
FrameLayout.LayoutParams pr = (android.widget.FrameLayout.LayoutParams) content
pr.rightMargin = xOffset;
but it doesnt work, the margin appears but the content is not moved just resized to fit the screen, anyone know how to do this the simple way?
you can set the margin in negative(-) values.
for example if your want the layout to move upper use this:
android:marginTop = "-50dip or more u can put"
Are you trying to flip between views? As in, moving that layout off the screen to show another one? If so you should look at using a widget called ViewFlipper which will do exactly as you need. It can also be animated etc.
Hi I am trying yo get the screen size of screen minus the menu bar at the bottom.
I know I could just subtract a constant number according to the resolution of the device but it is a super ugly hack. I am sure google people are not dumb enough to forget to give the user a function to get the height of the bottom menu bar so I can subtract it from the full screen size
This is a similar post.
Size of android notification bar and title bar?
DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
what_i_need =metrics.heightPixels-buttomMenuHeight();
I need buttomMenuHeight();
i could not find it in the API. I don't really care about the backward comparability at this point
Why not use the height of the activity's top-level View? e.g. if your activity contains a full-height LinearLayout, use its height, so you don't have to know the menu height, or noticiation bar height.
I think you're treading a dangerous road doing this kind of calculation, as you don't know what the future layouts for Android might be, or how they might differ on Google TV, or whatever.
Try calling getHeight() after onLayout. The view is not sized on inflate.
Or since Activity does not have onLayout you might wait for onSizeChanged.
(Reference How to know when activity is laid out?)
I am drawing image in native code and I need to pass the size of the screen to C.
I tried to get the Height by getHeight() of the view but that returns 0 always even after setContentView is called.
RelativeLayout masterLayout = new RelativeLayout(this);
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT,LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT);
when I try masterLayout.getHeight(), it returns 0.
I expected to get the full screen height as I said fill_parent.