How to debug Firefox OS app on Firefox for Android? - android

I've successfully connected Firefox for Android to my desktop Firefox, I'm able to debug pages, and even install applications.
The problem is that installed applications do not start. And in result I can't debug them. Even worse, that now I'm unable to delete installed app from device, there is no such button, and my app is not listed among android apps like those which are installed from Firefox Marketplace.
Does anyone know how to deal with that, or it is now working yet?
Ubuntu 14.10 x64, Firefox 31.0, Firefox for Android 31.0 beta (used stable with the same result), Android 4.4.4 (CyanogenMod 11)

Unfortunetely you cannot debug installed Firefox OS apps on Android phone via Firefox for Android. You can only debug web pages in Firefox for Android via remote debugging. In case of Firefox OS app, you have better use App manager or simulator. Of course, if you have Firefox OS phone, you can do this via remote debugging between Firefox OS phone and your desktop.

Here are the generic instructions (after which I'll address your specific issues):
Install mozilla-apk-cli using NPM:
npm install -g mozilla-apk-cli
Use it to generate a "debuggable" APK for your app from either a source directory or a URL to the mini-manifest:
mozilla-apk-cli /path/to/source/dir/ arbitrary-name.apk
mozilla-apk-cli arbitrary-name.apk
(Context-click > Inspect Element on the "Free" button in Marketplace to discover the mini-manifest URL for an app in the Marketplace.)
Install the APK on your Android device:
adb install -r arbitrary-name.apk
Launch the app on the device. Look to the notification area for a notification about which port the remote debugger server is listening on. Forward that port on your desktop, f.e. if the port is 12345:
adb forward tcp:12345 tcp:12345
Go to Web Developer > Connect… in Firefox on your desktop and connect to localhost at the forwarded port. Commence debugging!
Use Nightly builds of Fennec for the best experience.
Bug 929382 tracks WebIDE (née App Manager) integration.
File bugs on problems you encounter!
Now, regarding your specific issues: It sounds like you've made it past app installation but are stuck on launching and running the app. How are you launching the app? For example, are you tapping the app's icon on Android's All Apps screen? And what do you mean when you say that apps "do not start"? Do you mean that nothing happens when you launch the app, or does something happen (f.e. a splash screen appears, perhaps followed by a white screen), but the app itself doesn't appear?
It would also be useful to know the manifest URL of the app you're testing, if it's a public hosted app; or get access to the source code, if it's a public packaged app!
Finally, note this related (identical?) question: How to install packaged app on Firefox for mobile?. I copied the generic part of this answer from it, but presumably they should be consolidated into a single answer (modulo the troubleshooting info, which is specific to the problem you're encountering).


Side Loading on IOS Device

I have a Question regarding side loading apps created with React Native (Expo).
I have build my app and uploaded it on the Expo Servers. I managed to side load the App on an Android Device without any problems. Even Over the Air updates run perfectly!
Now my question is if someone has ever managed to side load an app on an IOS Device? Is this even possible?
Its pretty simple on Android but as I know IOS it wont be easy on there because they always make your life extra hard :D
If someone has a guide or some reference on how to side load an Expo app I would really appreciate it.
Edit: I checked out this link: - which says that it can be done with XCode somehow.
As I dont have a Mac and I never want to own a Mac is it possible to do this via a VM maybe?
Thanks ~Faded
It's not hard if you have Xcode. There's a few steps here, but it's not difficult.
Do an archive build in Xcode.
Right click the build in Xcode->Archive and select "Show in Finder"
Right click the .xcarchive in Finder frand "Show Package Contents"
Navigate to Product->Applications. There will be a .app file in there.
Connect your phone to your Mac if you haven't already
Open Xcode->Devices & Simulators
Select your phone
Drag the .app from the Finder onto the "INSTALLED APPS". This will install the app on the device
Sorry, just reread the OP. I guess if you can get the xcarchive or .app from Expo you should be able to side load it using the last few steps
There are few options to load app but they require either macOS system or paid Apple developer account.
You can build in xcode if you have access to native sources, so it wouldn't work with expo managed workflow, but it's possible if you eject. (macOS required)
You can create simulator build expo build:ios -t simulator (it will work only on simulator) (macOS required)
You can create adhoc provisioning profile and use it for build, it will be possible to install that app only on devices registered on your apple account. (requires paid Apple developer account)
You can side-load builds if you have enterprise Apple account

I cannot install .apk which have geneteted from AndroidStudio on my phone

As I have stated in the title I'm struggling with .apk I cannot install application on my phone I'm getting app not installed. But when installing via usb I'm able to install application on the emulator phone. It’s always showing App Not Installed on mobile phone.
When I run application via AndroidStudio to USB the application has been installed. I do not know where I should looking for issues. May be someone had the similat issue.
There are two things you can try:
First of all build your apk by Build/Build Bundles/Build APK and not just by creating apk as a side effect of simply running the app under Android Studio
Make sure no other flavors are installed on your device - sometimes devices offer "Uninstall for all users" - that's what you should be looking for.

Install webextension on Firefox for Android from a website

I'm trying to install an unlisted webextension on Firefox for Android from a website but it keeps blocking it, even though it is signed (preliminarily reviewed).
I can only install it, by going to Mozilla's website, downloading it and installing it immediately. Not even if I run it from a file manager.
Do I need a custom certificate or something?
Thank you.

Is there a way to debug an android application on the phone without the USB connection?

Is there a way to install an application I'm in the middle of development on to my phone without going through all the steps of signing it, releasing it etc.? (Without the phone being connected by USB)
I'm still very much mid-development, but I need to demonstrate the progress I've made so far to other members of my team away from access to my development environment, so I need to install it on my phone.
Inside your project bin folder there is an apk file. If you copy that file to a device you can then install the app from it.
When I am in your situation I throw my apk into dropbox and send out links for people to download it.
You can try adb wireless
But i don't really see why you cannot export and install an unsigned app?
At&t (and possibly other carriers) set up the firmware to prohibit sideloading, so you need USB connection if that is your carrier. Otherwise, just put the apk on a web site and enable installation from unapproved sources.
See for the purpose of debugging you can use the adb-wireless which provides the same functionality as the use of a USB.
Also for installing it on the phone directly you can try this and see if this helps.
Go to Settings -> Applications
Select the Unknown sources option. This allows you to install apps on your phone even if the app is not released into the Android Market.
If you are using Eclipse or any other IDE just click on the project and run as android application. The app shall get installed directly. ( Installation shall not depend upon whether you are using adb-wireless or a USB)

Has anyone installed the JumpNote Android C2DM demo application on an unrooted Nexus 1?

Is it possible to run the JumpNote demo application for
Android Cloud to Device Messaging
on an unrooted Google Nexus1 phone?
Did anyone install and run JumpNote on an unrooted Nexus1?
(JumpNote works with Android 2.0+, it needs Android 2.2 for push-sync, but it can run and be sync-ed manually in Android 2.1)
It's possible to run the demo app on pre-2.2 devices (but not pre-2.0 devices). To do so:
Enable non-Market install of apps by enabling 'Unknown Sources' in Settings > Applications on your device.
Download the latest .apk file in the downloads section of the project from your device's web browser.
Once the download is complete, tap on the downloaded file (in the Downloads list in the phone's web browser) to install the app.
Note that you won't see the automatic synchronization until your Nexus One is updated to Android 2.2. Also note that JumpNote is just a demo, and shouldn't be used to store any important or sensitive data.

