Getting near by places - android

As far as I know, I can get the near by places from user's current location i.e. from latitude and longitude by using google play web service. Can I get the following categorized places. Is there any api to get it? please suggest the solution. Thanks in advance
Tourist attractions
Restaurants Hangouts
Events this week
Weekend Getaways

My sad without some research posted the question. I found the answer to my question on this


Is there a way to get a list of places based on a specific location in Android Development?

I've been looking at the Places API from Google for this, but I don't know if this is the right direction to take. The project revolves around finding a list of places based on a specific location, other than the current location (for instance, what kind of restaurants are around your friend's house (based on longitude and latitude)). Most of what I've seen with the Places API involves using the user's current location. Is there a way to pass in a predetermined location? Or can I fool it into thinking that location is my current location?
I think still places is the best option for you, you have to really understand the api to get what you need from it. Look at how could you send a request to the places api with a given location (long, ltd) and it will return nearby places.

How to find the nearby users with my application?

I'm currently developing an android application and now the requirement is to identify the users that are near to me who's using this application. Can anyone help me with this ?
Anyone got any sample code or algorithm ???
You need to collect users Longitude and Latitude then compare users longitude and latitude over server and send result back to users.But the question you asked is vast topic it can't be explain like that but for the better result use Spatial Databse

finding nearby hotels in android

Hello I am new in making GPS based application so please help me
I am making an application which find the nearby hotels(say 1km )according to user location and show the list of them with phone no.
How to go next after detecting the user location?
and how will i get these hotels? is there any api or web service which provides this facility.
I found lots of similar questions there but they're still not clear to me.
if any one could explain this, it would be a great help.
Thank you in advance
For getting nearby famous places, you have to use Google's Places API. You will get complete information from the above link.
Also you can go through the discussion related to the same thing in Using Google Places API
Search by category, with over 100 different categories offered, and an Autocomplete service:
You can see complete list of supported categories here :
I also faced the same problem when i started my first location based app..:)try to reading this :
and this :
Hope it will help you...!!

I want to get the current weather update of my current location

i want to get the current weather update of my current location in android.
the weather update may b in C or F.
i dnt want any extended forecast values...
flow of my app is like:
it gets coodinates and from the coordinates it gets name of the location..based on that location it must return me the weather condition of that area.
kindly help me out in completing this module. m new to android :)
if possible plz give me code sample.
Thanks in advance :)
There are a number of ways to get that, mostly web services but you need to check the terms of service, a lot of them don't want you to embed them in a paying app
via Weather Underground and others via Msn and Google API National Weather Service REST
You probably just want to search for "[Android] Weather" in SO search bar and find something that fits. Googles Weather API seems to be the easiest Google Weather API Tutorial

Want near by location information within 1KM range

I am working on a application which gives me all near by places within 1km range from my current location. I am able to get longitude and latitute of the current location using LocationManager class in android. Using this information i want to get information (i.e. long/lati) of the nearby places. I have seen some of the webservices alos but couldn't get the answer. Please help me.
There is a Places API Application Form that you'll need to fill in in order to get access to the Google Places API. This application will be verified by Google and they'll provide you with the necessary access.
You'll also need a Google Adsense Publisher ID (
More info on the Places API can be found here :

