I have a large group of json objects received from web server. I want to get all the data from all the json objects. For that How do I iterate through the json object so, that all the values can be stored on arraylist..
This is a sample model of my json object received from server. I need all the data (name and city) in two arraylists. For that how do I loop through the json objects. There is no way of getting the data as json array from the server. That's why I asked here. If it was json array, It would have been easier for me. So please help me..
[{"Name":"abin","City":"aa"},{"Name":"alex","City":"bb"},....... a large collection of json objects...]
You could use Gson and parse the string to a java object.
For example you have a class.
public class Location{
private String name;
private String city;
//getters and setters
and in your class you could just parse it to Location class
Gson gson=new Gson();
Location[] locations=gson.fromJson(jsonString,Location[].class);
after that you could loop through the locations
for(int i=0;i<locations.length;i++){
if you need to separate the city from the name
ArrayList name=new ArrayList();
ArrayList city=new ArrayList();
for(int i=0;i<locations.length;i++){
If you know the structure of your JSON String, then use google's Gson() (add the JAR to your project) to deserialize, in 3 easy steps:
Create the Entity class (whatever your object is, I'm giving "Person" as example).
public class Person {
#Expose //this is a Gson annotation, tells Gson to serialize/deserialize the element
#SerializedName("name") //this tells Gson the name of the element as it appears in the JSON string, so it can be properly mapped in Java class
private String name;
private String lastName;
private String streetName;
//getters and setters follow
Create the class into which you deserialize the JSON string. In my example, the JSON string is actually an array of Persons.
public class PersonsList extends ArrayList<Person> implements Serializable{
//nothing else here
If the JSON string has a named key, then you don't have to extend ArrayList:
public class PersonsList implements Serializable{
private ArrayList<Person> persons;
//getters / setters
Do the actual deserialization:
String json = "[{person1},{person2},{person3}]";//your json here
Gson gson = new Gson();
PersonsList personsList = gson.fromJson(json, PersonsList.class);
//then, depending on how you build PersonsList class, you iterate:
for(Person p : personsList)//if you extended ArrayList
for(Person p : personsList.getPersons())//if it's the second option
I managed to insert only the outer JSON object. Couldn't find information on how to insert nested objects. Each object has primitive fields in it. These objects can be seen in the JSON sample below: "languages" and "currencies". I also wonder how to deal with the "latlng" array within the outer JSON object, but it's probably better to handle these issues one at a time.
The code I got for inserting a primitive value in the outer JSON object:
Gson gson = new Gson();
Type listType = new TypeToken<List<Country>>(){}.getType();
List<Country> countriesList = gson.fromJson(jsonString, listType);
for(Country country : countriesList) {
ContentValues insertValues = new ContentValues();
insertValues.put(Country.NAME, country.getName());
//more insertions
The original question
I parsed a nested JSON with GSON (probably incorrectly since it's my first time). Now I'm trying to insert it to SQLite. Couldn't find what needs to be written next. When I write the for loop for the insertion I get the error cannot find symbol class Country. Couldn't find relevant guidance online so I hope anyone can help in how to move forward.
That's where the issue begins:
Country[] countriesArray = gson.fromJson(jsonString, Country[].class);
for (int i = 0; i < countriesArray.length(); i++) {
countriesArray.length() is marked as an error: cannot find symbol class Country.
One object from the JSON:
"subregion":"Southern Asia",
"name":"Afghan afghani",
The model classes I wrote are only for the variables objects and arrays I needed.
The model class Country.Java
public class Country implements Parcelable {
private String name;
private String capital;
private String region;
private String subregion;
private int population;
private List<Double> latlng = new ArrayList<Double>();
private double area;
private double gini;
private List<String> timezones = new ArrayList<String>();
private List<Currency> currencies = new ArrayList<Currency>();
private List<Language> languages = new ArrayList<Language>();
private String flag;
public Country() {}
//getters, setters, toString() and Parcelable methods
The model class Currency.Java
public class Currency implements Parcelable {
private String name;
private String symbol;
//getters, setters, toString() and Parcelable methods
The model class Language.Java
public class Language implements Parcelable {
private String name;
private String nativeName;
//getters, setters, toString() and Parcelable methods
Create a typeToken and pass it to fromJson method like following
Type listType = new TypeToken<List<Country>>(){}.getType();
List<Country> countryList = gson.fromJson(jsonArray.toString(), listType);
Use Gson TypeToken to set the return object type during JSON parse
List<Country> countries = gson.fromJson(jsonString, new TypeToken<List<Country>>(){}.getType());
for(Country country : countries) {
//Do your DB operation here
I am pretty weak with JSON, and probably have a silly question, and was wondering how to parse a JSON object placed inside a JSON array.
So, as of now, I have
public Single<Profile> doProfileApiCall() {
return Rx2AndroidNetworking.post(ApiEndPoint.ENDPOINT_PROFILE)
To retrieve my profile params, but in my endpoints I have :
[{"Name": "this", "Email","that#gmail.com"}]
I have my endpoint set up as :
public static final String ENDPOINT_PROFILE =
+ "/linktojson";
which gives me the above JSON.
but the issue is the [], how do I modify this with :
public Single<Profile> doProfileApiCall() {
return Rx2AndroidNetworking.post(ApiEndPoint.ENDPOINT_PROFILE)
such that I can use my profile.java model class which has
public class Profile {
private String name;
private String email;
Any idea how to go about this?
In the doProfileApiCall() method instead of .getObjectSingle use
Now create a new class ProfileList.java with the following code.
List<Profile> profileList = new ArrayList<>();
public List<Profile> getProfileList() {
return profileList;
public void setProfileList(List<Profile> profileList) {
this.profileList = profileList;
Change the returntype of the doProfileApiCall method to
public Single<ProfileList> doProfileApiCall()
Whenever you want to access the data use it with the list position 0, when in future you get more data, you can index the data accordingly.
Generally, if JSON root object is an array you should use List on Java side. In your case you have array so use related method:
return Rx2AndroidNetworking.post(ApiEndPoint.ENDPOINT_PROFILE)
Rx2ANRequest source.
Like here json is the key and the value part is a json,
how to achieved this?
json:{"id": "1234","services": [{ "service_id": "123","name": "abc"},"service_id": "123","name": "abc"}] }
I might be missing something but I think following should be sufficient (assuming you have retrofit configured to use gson converter).
public class MyPojo {
private String id;
private List<Map<String, String>> services;
For sending request parameters in key value pairs use HashMap.
Here your HashMap would be like this.
HashMap< String,Object> hashMap = new HashMap<>();
public class YourPojo{
private String id;
private List<Services> services;
//other fields
//getters and setters
//Inner class
public class Services{
public String service_id;
public String name;
//Getters and setters
and then put your hashmap as a request parameter in retrofit.
Hope this helps!.
I have a trouble finding a way how to parse this JSON.
Plz,i need your hepl. I find atrouble with this "profiles":["User","PartnerUser"]
create a class that represent that json file and then parse it via GSon library:
Possible scenario:
public class Result{
String token;
List<String> profiles;
String status;
//getter and setter
to parse json:
Gson gson = new Gson();
Result result = gson.fromJson(json, Result.class);
ArrayList<String> profiles = new ArrayList();
profiles = result.getProfiles();
check this
Are you using some library to perform JSON parsing?
If not, you can use the getJSONArray(..) method passing "profiles" as name of the array
This is the JSON data I 'have to' use. Is there any easy way for me to reach, let's say the b values without having to go through a and a2?
You should create a class for that:
public class MyObject {
private A a;
private A a2;
// a and a2 getters here to check if it parses successfully
Class A
public class A {
private String b;
private String d;
private String f;
// getters
And somewhere where you want to parse:
Type listType = new TypeToken<ArrayList<MyObject >>() {}.getType();
Gson gson = new Gson();
List<MyObject> list = gson.fromJson(yourJsonStringHere, listType);