How to kill a child thread in C (Android NDK)? - android

Before you tell me that I should not kill threads and instead send a signal/set a flag for them to react, let me explain the scenario:
I'm developing an audio player in Android NDK with OpenSL API (play a local mp3 file), but the Android implementation has a bug where If I perform repeatedly a seek operation on the file, the thread sadly hangs in a kind of internal deadlock when I try to free resources (SLObjectItf->Destroy).
So I moved the destroy routine to a child thread and wait for a fixed amount of time for it to finish, if it doesn't, I consider the thread as hanged and continue execution leaking some resources, which is preferable than having to go to the system settings and manually kill the app.
I tried to kill the child thread with pthread_kill using the signals SIGTERM and SIGKILL, but it seems both are terminating my whole application and Android restarts it. I cannot use pthread_cancel because the thread is hanged and also that method is not supported on Android NDK.
Is there any way to kill the child thread without killing the entire app?
EDIT: Here is the thread and the code starting it
static void *destroyDecoderInBackground(void *ignoredArgument)
if (decoderObject != NULL)
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "OpenSLES", "Destroying decoder object");
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "OpenSLES", "Decoder object destroyed");
decoderObject = NULL;
decoderPlay = NULL;
decoderSeek = NULL;
decoderBufferQueue = NULL;
static void destroyDecoder(JNIEnv* env)
logJava("Trying to destroy decoder");
struct timespec timeToWait;
struct timeval now;
// get absolute future time to wait
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &timeToWait);
timeToWait.tv_nsec = timeToWait.tv_nsec + (500 * 1000000);
// wait for destroy decoder thread to complete
pthread_create(&destroyDecoderThread, NULL, &destroyDecoderInBackground, NULL);
logJava("Starting waiting");
pthread_cond_timedwait(&destroyDecoderCond, &destroyDecoderLock, &timeToWait);
logJava("Finished waiting");
if(decoderObject != NULL)
logJava("Destroy decoder hanged, killing thread, resources will leak!!!");
pthread_kill(destroyDecoderThread, SIGTERM);
decoderObject = NULL;
decoderPlay = NULL;
decoderSeek = NULL;
decoderBufferQueue = NULL;

From the pthread_kill man page:
Signal dispositions are process-wide: if a signal handler is
installed, the handler will be invoked in the thread thread, but if
the disposition of the signal is "stop", "continue", or "terminate",
this action will affect the whole process.
In Dalvik the signals used for special handling (e.g SIGQUIT dumps the stacks, SIGUSR1 causes a GC) are blocked before any threads are created, and then unblocked in the SignalCatcher thread using sigwait(). You can't alter the block status for the threads you don't control, so this won't work for you.
What you can do instead is install a signal handler for an otherwise unused signal (e.g. I don't think SIGUSR2 is used by shipping versions of Dalvik), and have it call pthread_exit(). As noted in the man page for that function:
When a thread terminates, process-shared resources (e.g., mutexes,
condition variables, semaphores, and file descriptors) are not
released, and functions registered using atexit(3) are not called.
This sounds like the "desired" behavior.
Having said all that, please don't give up on the hope of not doing this. :-) It sounds like you recognize part of the problem (resource leaks), but you also have to consider the possibility of inconsistent state, e.g. mutexes that think they're held by the thread that exited. You can end up in a state where other threads will now hang or act strangely.


How to add a delay inside the Executor bound to CameraX's analyzer?

Inside my overridden analyze() I need to add some kind of throttle before performing an IO operation. Without the throttle, this operation gets executed immediately at each call of analyze() and it actually completes quickly, but apparently the calls are too fast and after a while the camera preview freezes for eternity (the app is still running because Logcat keeps displaying new messages).
I'm currently investigating if it has something to do with my code, like forgetting to call imageProxy.close(). So far everything seems fine and I'm afraid the device that performs the IO operation is raising too many interrupts for the CPU to handle, or something along the lines.
I've tried the good old Thread.sleep() but obviously it blocks the main thread and freezes the UI; I've seen some examples with Handler#postDelayed() but I don't think it does what I want; I've tried wrapping the IO call in a coroutine with a delay() at the beginning but again I don't think it does what I want. Basically I'd like to call some form of sleep() on the Executor thread itself, from within the code executed by it.
after a while the camera preview freezes for eternity
I've seen this issue occur many times, and it's usually due to an image that the Analyzer doesn't close. Are you seeing the issue even when the image analysis use case isn't used?
I've tried the good old Thread.sleep() but obviously it blocks the main thread and freezes the UI
Why's that? This shouldn't be the case if you're adding the call to Thread.sleep() inside Analyzer.analyze(), since it'll block the thread of the Executor you provided when calling ImageAnalysis.setAnalyzer(), which shouldn't be tied to the main thread.
One option to perform analysis fewer times is to drop images inside the Analyzer, something like the following:
private static final int ANALYSIS_DELAY_MS = 1_000;
private static final int INVALID_TIME = -1;
private long lastAnalysisTime = INVALID_TIME;
public void analyze (ImageProxy image) {
final long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
// Drop frame if an image has been analyzed less than ANALYSIS_DELAY_MS ms ago
if (lastAnalysisTime != INVALID_TIME && (now - lastAnalysisTime < ANALYSIS_DELAY_MS)) {
lastAnalysisTime = now;
// Analyze image
There is one more way, This is how I am doing it in a local project. So in my Image Analyzer, I am rebinding the camera using Handler#PostDelayed and this gives a small black screen in preview, but it won't process the next image that quickly.
My use case was that I had to continuously scan barcodes, but the scanning was too fast and it kept on scanning one code many times. So, I just needed 100ms wait. So this works out for me.
try {
this, CameraSelector.DEFAULT_BACK_CAMERA,
}, 100)
catch(exc: Exception) {
Log.e(TAG, "Use case binding failed", exc)

Android close FileInputStream

I am using a FileInputStream in a thread in Android java to read from a serial interface file. blocks if there is not data waiting right now, if new data comes in again is continues. Data arrives every now and then, whenever something comes in the thread continues running. That's perfect!
But when I want to terminate the thread it seems I stumble upon a long known bug. thread.interrupt() does not cancel
There are lots of questions about that. The only thing that should work is to close the underlying stream. But if I close my FileInputStream in my receiver thread still keeps waiting. It only stops after receiving the next bunch of data - that of course then goes a wrong way.
What else can I do to really close or shutdown the FileInputStream?
After discussing my solution looks like this. It's not best performance and uses available() which is not advised in the docs but it works.
The thread that listens to the file:
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
while (!isInterrupted())
if (stream.available() == 0)
// now read only executes if there is something to read, it will not block indefinitely.
// let's hope available() always returns > 0 if there is something to read.
int size =;
now do whatever you want with buffer, then repeat the while loop
The sleep duration is a tradeoff between not looping all the time and getting data in an acceptable interval. The Mainthread terminates this with
stream.close(); // which has no effect to the thread but is clean
I guess there is nothing you can do with that blocking read operation. Try the available to check if there is available data before reading.
while(!isInterrupted()) {
int len = 0;
if(len = inputStream.available() > 0)
// read your data
Here is another option: How to stop a thread waiting in a blocking read operation in Java?
I also meet the same question, But I didn't find the official solution.
So I implemented a method according to my own business scenario.
class ReadThread extends Thread {
pubulic void run() {
while(flag) {
int size =;
if(flag) {
// do something
when I want to exit this thread, I will set flag = false. Even this thread is not really exit, suppose the inputStread read someting, I will not handle it.

Android with Nexus 6 -- how to avoid decreased OpenSL audio thread priority relating to app focus?

I'm encountering a strange problem when trying to implement low-latency streaming audio playback on a Nexus 6 running Android 6.0.1 using OpenSL ES.
My initial attempt seemed to be suffering from starvation issues, so I added some basic timing benchmarks in the buffer completion callback function. What I've found is that audio plays back fine if I continually tap the screen while my app is open, but if I leave it alone for a few seconds, the callback starts to take much longer. I'm able to reproduce this behavior consistently. A couple of things to note:
"a few seconds" ~= 3-5 seconds, not long enough to trigger a screen change
My application's activity sets FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON, so no screen changes should occur anyway
I have taken no action to try to increase the audio callback thread's priority, since I was under the impression that Android reserves high priority for these threads already
The behavior occurs on my Nexus 6 (Android 6.0.1), but not on a Galaxy S6 I also have available (Android 5.1.1).
The symptoms I'm seeing really seem like the OS kicks down the audio thread priority after a few seconds of non-interaction with the phone. Is this right? Is there any way I can avoid this behavior?
While watching the latest Google I/O 2016 audio presentation, I finally found the cause and the (ugly) solution for this problem.
Just watch the around one minute of this you tube clip (starting at 8m56s):
It explains why this is happening and how you can get rid of it.
In fact, Android slows the CPU down after a few seconds of touch inactivity to reduce the battery usage. The guy in the video promises a proper solution for this soon, but for now the only way to get rid of it is to send fake touches (that's the official recommendation).
Instrumentation instr = new Instrumentation();
instr.sendKeyDownUpSync(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACKSLASH); // or whatever event you prefer
Repeat this with a timer every 1.5 seconds and the problem will vanish.
I know, this is an ugly hack, and it might have ugly side effects which must be handled. But for now, it is simply the only solution.
Regarding your latest comment ... here's my solution.
I'm using a regular MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN at a location outside of the screen bounds. Everything else interfered in an unwanted way with the UI. To avoid the SecurityException, initialize the timer in the onStart() handler of the main activity and terminate it in the onStop() handler. There are still situations when the app goes to the background (depending on the CPU load) in which you might run into a SecurityException, therefore you must surround the fake touch call with a try catch block.
Please note, that I'm using my own timer framework, so you have to transform the code to use whatever timer you want to use.
Also, I cannot ensure yet that the code is 100% bulletproof. My apps have that hack applied, but are currently in beta state, therefore I cannot give you any guarantee if this is working correctly on all devices and Android versions.
Timer fakeTouchTimer = null;
Instrumentation instr;
void initFakeTouchTimer()
if (this.fakeTouchTimer != null)
if (this.instr == null)
this.instr = new Instrumentation();
if (this.instr == null)
this.instr = new Instrumentation();
this.fakeTouchTimer = new Timer(1500, Thread.MIN_PRIORITY, new TimerTask()
public void execute()
if (instr != null && fakeTouchTimer != null && hasWindowFocus())
long downTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
MotionEvent event = MotionEvent.obtain(downTime, downTime, MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN, -100, -100, 0);
catch (Exception e)
}, true/*isInfinite*/);
void killFakeTouchTimer()
if (this.fakeTouchTimer != null)
this.fakeTouchTimer = null;
this.instr = null;
protected void onStop()
protected void onStart()
It is well known that the audio pipeline in Android 6 has been completely rewritten. While this improved latency-related issues in most cases, it is not impossible that it generated a number of undesirable side-effects, as is usually the case with such large-scale changes.
While your issue does not seem to be a common one, there are a few things you might be able to try:
Increase the audio thread priority. The default priority for audio threads in Android is -16, with the maximum being -20, usually only available to system services. While you can't assign this value to you audio thread, you can assign the next best thing: -19 by using the ANDROID_PRIORITY_URGENT_AUDIO flag when setting the thread's priority.
Increase the number of buffers to prevent any kind of jitter or latency (you can even go up to 16). However on some devices the callback to fill a new buffer isn’t always called when it should.
This SO post has several suggestions to improve audio latency on Anrdoid. Of particular interest are points 3, 4 and 5 in the accepted answer.
Check whether the current Android system is low-latency-enabled by querying whether hasSystemFeature(FEATURE_AUDIO_LOW_LATENCY) or hasSystemFeature(FEATURE_AUDIO_PRO).
Additionally, this academic paper discusses strategies for improving audio latency-related issues in Android/OpenSL, including buffer- and callback interval-related approaches.
Force resampling to native device sample rate on Android 6.
Use the device's native sample rate of 48000. For example:
SLDataFormat_PCM dataFormat;
dataFormat.samplesPerSec = 48000;

Android heap corruption on USB receive

I'm trying to write a service that communicates with a USB device using USB Interrupt transfer. Basically I'm blocking on UsbConnection.requestWait() in a thread to wait for interrupts transfers in, then pass those to the activity using an intent.
I seem to be having problems when the USB devices sends me a largish number of interrupt packets in a row (about 50). It sometimes works but usually the app crash with a message of that flavor:
02-23 01:55:53.387: A/libc(8460): ### ABORTING: heap corruption detected by tmalloc_small
02-23 01:55:53.387: A/libc(8460): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 8460 (pf.mustangtamer)
it's not always a malloc call that fails, I have seen several flavors of malloc (dlmalloc, malloc_small) as well as dlfree. In every instance I get a Fatal Signal 11 and a reference to 0xdeadbaad so somehow I am corrupting the heap.
It's not obvious from the heap dump what is causing the corruption.
Here is what I believe is the offending code (the problem only occurs when receiving many packets back to back to back):
private class ReceiverThread extends Thread {
public ReceiverThread(String string) {
public void run() {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(BUFFER_SIZE);
UsbRequest inRequest = new UsbRequest();
inRequest.initialize(mUsbConnection, mUsbEndpointIn);
while(mUsbDevice != null ) {
if (inRequest.queue(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE) == true) {
// (mUsbConnection.requestWait() is blocking
if (mUsbConnection.requestWait() == inRequest){
byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.remaining()];
//TODO: use explicit intent, not broadcast
Intent intent = new Intent(RECEIVED_INTENT);
intent.putExtra(DATA_EXTRA, bytes);
} else{
Log.d(TAG, "mConnection.requestWait() returned for a different request (likely a send operation)");
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "failed to queue USB request");
Log.d(TAG, "RX thread terminating.");
Right now the activity is not consuming the intents, I'm trying to get the USB communication to stop crashing before I implement that side.
I'm not seeing how the code above can corrupt the heap, possibly through some non-thread safe behavior. Only one request is queued at a time so I think "buffer" is safe.
My target is a tablet running JB 4.3.1 if that makes a difference.
I'm not seeing anything wrong with this either. You may want to try removing code from your loop and see if it still corrupts the heap to help you zoom on the offending area.
Remember that heap operations are usually delayed, the garbage collector doesn't run immediately, so you could be corrupting it somewhere else, and it's only showing up in this loop because it is very heap intensive.
try to use a larger heap size by setting android:largeHeap="true" in your application manifest.
I would have asked these questions in a comment, but alas, not enough rep.
I see nothing directly wrong with the code above, but I would check the following:
What is BUFFER_SIZE? crazily, I've had very strange problems with UsbRequest.queue() for sizes greater than 15KB. I'm pretty sure that this wouldn't cause your heap corruption, but it could lead to weirdness later. I had to break my requests into multiple calls to queue() to do large reads.
Are you using a bulk USB endpoint? I don't know what your application is, so I cant say for sure if you should be using a bulk endpoint or not, but its the type of endpoint intended for large transfers.
Lastly, when I encountered this 0xdeadbaad problem (detected by tmalloc_large), it had nothing to do with the code I thought was at fault (the code near the malloc) - it was of course a threading issue in which I had JNI native code reading/writing the same buffers on multiple separate threads! Its only that it gets detected when malloc is called, as user3343927 mentioned.

Catch C++ signal in Android NDK and still print crash dump

I'm catching C++ signals so I print some debugging information. But doing so I am unable to get the crash dump that the NDK prints when you crash.
Can you manually print the crash dump. I see debuggerd.c ( does the work but not sure how I would use it. Otherwise is there some way to rethrow the signal without my signal handler catching it and get the crash dump still.
Here is what I currently do:
struct sigaction psa, oldPsa;
void CESignalHandler::init() {
CELogI("Crash handler started");
psa.sa_sigaction = handleCrash;
psa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
//sigaction(SIGBUS, &psa, &oldPsa);
sigaction(SIGSEGV, &psa, &oldPsa);
//sigaction(SIGSYS, &psa, &oldPsa);
//sigaction(SIGFPE, &psa, &oldPsa);
//sigaction(SIGILL, &psa, &oldPsa);
//sigaction(SIGHUP, &psa, &oldPsa);
void CESignalHandler::handleCrash(int signalNumber, siginfo_t *sigInfo, void *context) {
static volatile sig_atomic_t fatal_error_in_progress = 0;
if (fatal_error_in_progress) //Stop a signal loop.
fatal_error_in_progress = 1;
char* j;
asprintf(&j, "Crash Signal: %d, crashed on: %x, UID: %ld\n", signalNumber, (long) sigInfo->si_addr, (long) sigInfo->si_uid); //%x prints out the faulty memory address in hex
sigaction(signalNumber, &oldPsa, NULL);
You need to reset the signal handler(s) to the previous function, and then crash again -- ideally at the point where the signal was originally thrown. You can do this by passing a struct sigaction in as the 3rd argument to sigaction(), and using the saved value to restore the original behavior in the signal handler.
This can be a bit tricky because of the way debuggerd works (and because the way it works has changed over time). For a "hard" failure like a segmentation fault, returning from the signal handler just causes the same signal to be re-thrown. The Android crash handler uses this to its advantage by contacting debuggerd, waiting for it to attach with ptrace, and then resuming. debuggerd then gets to watch the process as it crashes (for the second time).
This doesn't work for "soft" failures, e.g. somebody manually sends your process a SIGABRT or gets a SIGPIPE from a write(). If the signal handler contacts debuggerd and resumes, the process just clears the signal and continues on, leaving debuggerd to wait indefinitely for a second crash that never happens. This was partially fixed a couple of releases back; now the debug code re-issues the signal itself (which doesn't actually do anything until the signal handler returns, because the signal is blocked while the handler runs). This usually works, and when it doesn't, debuggerd will time out and drop the connection.
So. If you receive a segmentation fault or bus error, you can just restore the original signal handler and then return from yours, and when the process crashes again the debuggerd handler will deal with it. If somebody sent you a SIGHUP, you should handle it entirely yourself, because debuggerd doesn't care about that signal at all.
Things get weird with SIGFPE. This is a "soft" failure, because most ARM CPUs don't have a hardware integer divide instruction, and the signal is actually being sent explicitly from the libgcc __div0 function. You can restore the signal handler, and then re-send the signal yourself; but depending on what version of Android you're running you might have to send it twice. Ideally you'd like to be doing this from the code that encountered the arithmetic problem, rather than the signal handler, but that's tricky unless you can replace __div0. You would need to send the signal with tgkill(), not kill(), as the latter will result in the signal being sent to the main thread of the process, which would cause debuggerd to dump the stack for the wrong thread.
You might be tempted to copy the handler out of bionic/linker/debugger.cpp, but that's a bad idea -- the protocol used to communicate between bionic and debuggerd has changed in the past and will likely change again.
You need call oldPsa manually like this
oldPsa(signalNumber, sigInfo, context)

