Add local javadoc to local aar in Android-Studio - android

Is there a way to attach javadocs, provided in a jar, to a aar library?
There is no source code available and both files exist locally (not in a repository).
The aar is added through:
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs 'libs'
dependencies {
compile(name:'library', ext:'aar')
And works fine (besides the inability to add docs).
What I tried (and did not work):
navigate to a class contained in the aar and tried to attech the javadocs through "attach source"
add containing doc=docs/library-javadoc.jar
packed javadoc.jar into library.aar next to the classes.jar
Android-Studio 0.8.2
gradle plugin 0.12
It might not be possible ATM (see this bug: but any workaround would be appreciated.

It is possible now to attach locale javadocs to an aar in Android-Studio, there are still problems though.
This works with Android-Studio 1.3.2 and Android-Gradle-Plugin 1.3 and Gradle 2.5.
In the Project view -> select "Project" viewing style -> Expand "External Libraries" and right click on the desired library -> select "Library Properties..."
(The image just shows where to find the "Library Properties", i know that this is not necessary for appcompat)
In the upcoming dialog click the + Symbol and point to the location where the unpacked javadocs are stored.
The settings does currently not survive a gradle project sync.

there is a workaround, you can install your aar and source codes to local maven repo and import it from there.


importing an existing JAR or AAR as new project module

how to import JAR or AAR package as new project module in A new Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Canary 9 ?
please let me know.
This works on Android Studio Arctic Fox Beta 02
Step 1 : Navigate to, File -> Project Structure. You can also press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S
You will see a window just like below.
Step 2 : Click On app module as shown in image
Step 3 : Click on + icon as marked in image
Step 4 : You will see option to select jar/aar dependency. Click on it
You will see another window just like above asking you to specify path. Specify the path in which you kept the aar/jar file and hit Ok.
That should work
You can directly implement using JAR/ARR file path.
implementation files('/File Path/file.aar')
For Android Studio Bumblebee, original answer given here
I have followed steps suggested by the Android developer site:
Copy .aar file into the libs folder of the app
File -> Project Structure... -> Dependencies
Click on "+" icon and select JR/AAR Dependency and select app module
Add .aar file path in step 1.
Check your app’s build.gradle file to confirm a declaration.
Step 1: Put your aar file in the libs folder. And let’s take the file name is supernover.aar as an example.
Step 2: Put the following code in your Project level
build.gradle file,
allprojects {
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs 'libs'
and in the app level module write the below code,
dependencies {
Implementation(name:'supernover', ext:'aar')
Step 3: Then Click sync project with Gradle files.
If everything is working fine, then you will see library entry is made in build ->intermediates -> exploded-aar.
In my opinion, the best way to do this is to deploy the jar/aar to a local maven repository. if you install maven, you can use the mavenLocal() repository in gradle and read from there as with any other repo, regardless of the IDE you are using. All versions of Android Studio will work, all version of IntelliJ will work, VSCode will work, the command line will work, etc. Another advantage is, you'll be able to swap versions of the library as you do with all the others, just change the version in gradle (after deploying the new one), and will work for all your projects. Putting jars/aars manually into a project is just a bad practice, and reaaally outdated to top.
Once you installed maven, type this in your terminal:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=d:\mylibrary-{version}.aar -DgroupId=com.example -DartifactId=mylibrary -Dversion={version} -Dpackaging=aar
Where you swap aar and jar depending on the type. The package name, group ID and library name are up to you, anything will work. I would use the library's package and name, and version 1.0 if you don`t have a version.
Here's an example link. Is old, but the process is the same. mvn install, then consume from mavenLocal().
For anyone in search of a solution still.
Create a new android Application project.
Convert new project into a standalone Library module.
Add maven-publish plugin to the module-level build.gradle
Connect your project to your Github repository (or create a new one).
In the module-level build.gradle, implement the Github Packages authentication flow. I'm using 'zuko' as an example - replace every instance of that name with your Github login.
android {
publishing {
repositories {
maven {
name = "GitHubPackages"
url = uri("[git-repository]")
credentials {
username = 'zuko'
password = 'token' // this is a Git Personal Access Token
publications {
release(MavenPublication) {
groupId 'com.zuko.libraries'
artifactId 'choose-a-name'
version '1.0.0'
// you can actually put the artifact anywhere you want.
// This is the location of where you place your .aar file
If everything is connected properly, save your work, and run the the task: ./gradlew publish. The error logs are straightforward so just defer to the instructions and Google for more assistance.
To install a successfully published package into your desired project, use the same auth procedure for publishing.repositories, you don't need the second half, publishing.publications.
example: implementation 'com.zuko.libraries:choose-a-name:1.0.0'
You could configure a repository in you buildscript that looks for dependencies in a local directory
Use this to register a local directory as repository in your app module's build.gradle where libs is a directory under app module (<project>/app/libs/)
buildscript {
repositories {
flatDir { dirs 'libs' }
then declare your dependencies from the local file tree you registered earlier
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar', '*.aar'])
This will include all jar/aar artifacts present under libs directory to be included in your module's dependencies.
PS: Local jar/aar artifacts will expect any transitive dependencies to be on the classpath unless they are fat-jars (package all transitive dependencies within the artifact), so these need to be added explicitly as dependencies.

Error:(44, 13) Failed to resolve: org.achartengine:achartengine:1.2.0 [duplicate]

I have to create an application that makes extensive use of charts.
Reading the web I chose achartengine that seems to have everything I need.
I downloaded the jar file, I plugged in the libs folder, I selected "add to library" and I lunch the gradlew clean.
Result in the sources where I do the import of org.achartengine.xxxx I always returned the error that fails to resolve symbols .
Do you have suggestions?
Thank you
I am able to use this library in my Android Studio project, this topic explains how to add AChartEngine repo to your project.
What I did:
Added following to project-wide build.gradle (one from the project root):
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
For every module that uses the library, add this to its build.gradle (you may put this to the top-level build.gradle if it should be included in all modules):
dependencies {
compile group: 'org.achartengine', name: 'achartengine', version: '1.2.0'
Now I can use the library in the project, I see the classes in code assist popups and build runs as succeeds.
It seems like the new version (1.2.0) is not available for download anymore in the site. and that's why the gradle/maven method doesn't work (or the snapshot file was removed).
I succeeded using and adding it to my project by downloading the jar file from here:

Import library in Eclipse without jar

I'm using Eclipse for developing an Android application. I need to use a library that can be imported using gradle (from Maven repository), since the jar is not provided. How can I do this?
Have you try this link?
Create a new folder called basic-eclipse.
Inside the folder, create folders src/main/java.
Create the Gradle build file in the basic-eclipse folder with the following contents:
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
repositories {
targetCompatibility = 1.6
dependencies {
compile 'commons-lang:commons-lang:20030203.000129'
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.+'
From the command line, run gradle eclipse
Now, go into Eclipse and choose File -> Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace and choose the basic-eclipse folder that you created.
import-eclipse-project Notice that src/main/java is automatically configured to be the source directory. Also, the Commons-Lang and Junit jars have been downloaded and added to our build path automatically (in addition to Hamcrest, a jar that Junit depends on).
Unfortunately, the Android Development Toolkit (ADT) does not yet support AAR dependencies.
Please see here for more information:
There is an open ticket for the Android for Maven Eclipse project to bring AAR support to Eclipse:
Also, the Andmore project is looking to bring AAR support to Eclipse:
According to your questions,you want to import '.jar' and '.aar',I think you should chose AS.

AChartEngine And Android Studio

I have to create an application that makes extensive use of charts.
Reading the web I chose achartengine that seems to have everything I need.
I downloaded the jar file, I plugged in the libs folder, I selected "add to library" and I lunch the gradlew clean.
Result in the sources where I do the import of org.achartengine.xxxx I always returned the error that fails to resolve symbols .
Do you have suggestions?
Thank you
I am able to use this library in my Android Studio project, this topic explains how to add AChartEngine repo to your project.
What I did:
Added following to project-wide build.gradle (one from the project root):
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
For every module that uses the library, add this to its build.gradle (you may put this to the top-level build.gradle if it should be included in all modules):
dependencies {
compile group: 'org.achartengine', name: 'achartengine', version: '1.2.0'
Now I can use the library in the project, I see the classes in code assist popups and build runs as succeeds.
It seems like the new version (1.2.0) is not available for download anymore in the site. and that's why the gradle/maven method doesn't work (or the snapshot file was removed).
I succeeded using and adding it to my project by downloading the jar file from here:

The best way to integrate third party library in Android studio

We can find some very good open source libraries for android. I want to know what is the best way to integrate them to our own projects in Android studio. Here are some basic methods:
Copy the source code and resource files into our own project. We need to change a lot of codes (the package name, and the name in xml,etc)
If jar files is provided, I just create libs folder for my project and copy the jar files inside. And add the jar file in Module setting's dependencies. But unfortunately I got a lot of error messages like "Gradle: Package doesn't exist".
Is there a general rule to add third party source or jar files into an existing android studio project? Thanks
I prefer to use central repository for dependencies management. So for gson 2.3 dependency you should add to build.gradle file:
Specify that you want to use maven central repository for your dependency
repositories {jcenter()}
Add compile dependency to gson 2.6.2
dependencies {compile ''}
Android Studio as well as your CI server should easily build your project now. And you can continue app development.
I prefer to use central repository for dependencies management because:
easier scope management - some libraries are only for testing, some should be included to apk and some are part of running environment (like android.jar itself)
easier transitive dependencies management - it is quite hard to collect libraries dependencies and if you use "jar-with-dependencies" you could get error "class already added" during dexing
lighter repository and easier dependency upgrade
Robolectric jar should be used for unit testing only and shouldn't be part of apk itself
Repository is clean from different folders with jars, checkout takes much less. No needs to download and replace old jars with new jars
I should notice:
Not many libraries are in maven central and you should make some effort to use them such way in your project
You could much easier get to "class already added" error during dexing with central repository approach
You can mix usage of dependencies from central repository and from lib folder, but I prefer to use only one way for simplicity
Put the Gson jar (in my case, gson-2.2.4.jar) into the libs folder
Right click it and hit 'Add as library'
Ensure that compile files('libs/gson-2.2.4.jar') is in your build.gradle file
Do a clean build (you can probably do this fine in Android Studio, but to make sure I navigated in a terminal to the root folder of my app and typed gradlew clean. I'm on Mac OS X, the command might be different on your system
This series of steps was taken from Android Studio: Add jar as library? and is not my original answer. I am posting them here, again, because your question was the third in search results on Google when looking up this same topic. Hence, copying.
All credits to the one who wrote the steps.
Download & Copy Your .jar file in libs folder then adding one line to build.gradle:
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) ----> AS creates this
compile '' ----------> I added this one
Do not forget to click "Sync now"
I´m using Android Studio 1.1.0
Download and copy your jar to libs folder then add the following to your app.gradle file and SYNC.
dependencies {
compile '{version_you_need}'
dirs 'libs'

