how to get application's original logo icon? - android

Application's icon can be gotten by following code:
Drawable drawable = ResolveInfo.loadIcon(packageManager);
But it is the drawable that maybe modified by ROM (like: right-angle changed to round angle corner), so my question is how can I get original logo icon by program?
P.S. some launcher can do this, like MIUI launcher.

You can get application icon using PackageManager
PackageManager manager = context.getPackageManager();
Drawable appIcon = manager.getApplicationIcon(packagename);

public static Drawable getApplicationIcon(Context context, String packname){
PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
try {
PackageInfo pInfo = pm.getPackageInfo(packname, 0);
int resId = pInfo.applicationInfo.icon;
AssetManager assetManager = AssetManager.class.newInstance();
AssetManager.class.getMethod("addAssetPath", new Class[]{String.class}).invoke(assetManager, pInfo.applicationInfo.sourceDir);
Resources oRes = context.getResources();
Resources resources = new Resources(assetManager, oRes.getDisplayMetrics(), oRes.getConfiguration());
Drawable result = resources.getDrawable(resId);
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
return pm.getDefaultActivityIcon();

Sorry for the late reply. But I hope this will help someone new to android.
This method will get the icon associated with the Activity.
public static Drawable getOriginalActivityIcon(Context context,ResolveInfo resolveInfo){
PackageManager packageManager=context.getPackageManager();
try {
ActivityInfo info=resolveInfo.activityInfo;
Drawable drawable = packageManager.getDrawable(info.packageName,info.getIconResource(), packageManager.getApplicationInfo(info.packageName, 0));
return drawable;
}catch (Exception e){
return packageManager.getDefaultActivityIcon();

Use this code

Drawable icon = getPackageManager().getApplicationIcon(packageInfo.packageName);

The conclusion is that if a round icon exists and no adaptive icon exists, you can't get a square icon. Unless this system is customized with a different Android framework than AOSP, such as the MIUI.
At first I was just like you, looking around for a way to load the square icon. I've tried every answer including the ones here.
Finally I found that if both square and round icons are set, then the Android system framework returns the ResId of the round icon when you request the ResId of the icon. At last I went searching for the code of the Android system framework and verified this guess:
When a developer specifies an adaptive application icon, and a non-adaptive round application icon, create an alias from the round icon to the regular icon for v26 APIs and up. We do this because certain devices prefer android:roundIcon over android:icon regardless of the API levels of the drawables set for either. This auto-aliasing behaviour allows an app to prefer the android:roundIcon on API 25 devices, and prefer the adaptive icon on API 26 devices.
If the application contains adaptive icons and the API level >= 26, you can use it to draw out square icon. For example.


Subsequent Tints Not Working

I am adding backwards compatibility for an app and setTint is used on a Drawable retrieved from a LayerDrawable. Code is below.
Drawable background = layerDrawable.getDrawable(0);
background = DrawableCompat.wrap(background);
DrawableCompat.setTint(background.mutate(), color);
This works the first time but if I then try and change it again afterwards, it doesn't change. Please note, this is the case for Android SDK < 21. 21 and above it works.
So after reading the documentation like a good boy for the DrawableCompat.wrap method, I realised I needed to add the "wrapped" drawable back into the LayerDrawable.
int id = layerDrawable.getId(0);
Drawable background = layerDrawable.getDrawable(0);
background = DrawableCompat.wrap(background);
DrawableCompat.setTint(background.mutate(), color);

Android 5+ custom notification XML layout with RemoteViews, set correct icon tint for ImageButton

My app is using a custom Notification layout with RemoteViews.
To display text, the layout is using the following system styles:
This works fine.
However, the TextAppearance style can't be used to set the value of android:tint, so I had to hardcode the color.
To my best knowledge, there's no special system style for setting notification ImageButton tint.
Hardcoded colors work fine on the current Android 5+ systems, but some users install custom ROMs with custom dark themes, and the notification looks wrong, i.e. black icons on black background.
Is there any way to get the system notification icon / imagebutton color, and apply it from an XML layout?
Or maybe there's another way to achieve this?
Sorry, But as per my knowledge custom ROM's have separate system designs,configurations and that are not official as well.
So,supporting Custom ROM without knowledge about its design is not possible.
And android APIs are for supporting official ROM's.
Hope it Helps!!
Try this example :
Definition for notification :
// Declare variable
public static Bitmap icon;
// Assign value but this line can be different depends on current
// android sdk vesion ...
icon = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getApplicationContext().getResources(), R.drawable.YOUR_IMAGE);
mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this);
mBuilder.setSmallIcon(R.drawable.image1); // One way to load img
mBuilder.setContentText("this text not visible");
mBuilder.setLargeIcon(icon);// This is the line
mBuilder.setContent(contentNotifySmall); // ORI
I setup small and big variant for any case , this is important.
for background can you try these attributes...
You can take textColor from TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Title and add it as tint to an image programmatically like this
val remoteViews = RemoteViews(service.packageName, R.layout.notification_layout)
val icon = Icon.createWithResource(context, R.drawable.icon)
val attrs = intArrayOf(android.R.attr.textColor)
with(context.obtainStyledAttributes(, attrs)) {
val iconColor = getColor(0, Color.GRAY)
remoteViews.setImageViewIcon(, icon)
You can use a notificationlistenerservice to get an active notification. This returns a list of StatusBarNotifications, then just:
StatusBarNotifcation sBNotification = activeNotifications[0];
Notification notification = sBNotification.getNotification();
int argbColor = notification.color;
If you change ImageButton to ImageView in your layout you can update it with
RemoteViews remoteView = getRemoteViews(context);
// load base icon from res
Bitmap baseIcon = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), R.drawable.base_icon);
// edit Bitmap baseIcon any way for your choose
Bitmap editedBitmap = ...
// update notification view with edited Bitmap
remoteView.setImageViewBitmap(, edited);
P.S. you can edit Bitmap like this: or any other way
Hope it's help

making customized theme for android phone

I'm a new mobile developer and i know how to put theme on an application i was able to make 2 mobile application as of now but i wanted to try to make a customized theme for phones. I'm wondering if anyone out there has idea on the following. to make a customized theme for phone.
2.what is the format of the theme. it possible to make it in eclipse.
4.what are the things needed to consider to make a theme for phone. to implement customized theme on phone.
6.available tutorial on making a customized phone theme.
If you want to change theme of a specific theme application like GO Launcher or aHome you can find a link on their site, see this question for more information Themes in Android?
but you can also write your launcher application, if you want to do this, you can see this links: Build An Application Launcher For Android
But if you want to change theme of your application, so you can read these documents and tutorials:
Android Styles and Themes - Tutorial
Another way that i think you must know for building several themes is building an apk for every theme of your application, this solution make your app size smaller. like this function:
public static Resources getResource() {
resourcePackageName = "com.mine.MyApp";
PackageManager packageManager = mContext.getPackageManager();
Resources resources = null, resources2 = null;
try {
resources = mContext.getResources();
resources2 = packageManager
resourcePackageName = "com.mine.MyAppTheme";
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d("ss", e.toString());
if (resources2 != null)
mResource = resources2;
mResource = resources;
return mResource;
In this code, your app name is com.mine.MyApp and you have a app with all of resources in the com.mine.MyApp that is your theme, name of theme apk app is com.mine.MyAppTheme. you can use several apk as several theme. just put your resources on theme apk file. you can see this question:
Writing themed applications in Android

Capturing the Desktop wallpaper in the background of the Activity

I have a problem that I want to create an Android App which captures the current wallpaper of Device Desktop, in the background. Which is already done in an App which is shown below in images. as:
Desktop of Device:
And Background of an Clock App:
So, My problem is the same as above, how we set the background of an Activity as the current Desktop WallPaper. Please suggest me the right solution about the same.
Thanks in advance.
set for your activity in the manifest file :
it will work even if the wallpaper is a live one
To see if current system has wallpaper, you use peekDrawable():
WallpaperManager wallpaperManager1 = WallpaperManager
final Drawable wallpaperDrawable1 = wallpaperManager1.peekDrawable();
And Implement it like this:
if (wallpaperDrawable1==null)
Resources res = getResources();
Drawable drawable1=res.getDrawable(R.drawable.bg1);

Android: access "system"-drawables

I'm currently working on an app to display the battery status and I'd like to use Android-drawables instead of own images to reduce the app size.
I've found this page which lists available images and the availability for each SDK-version:
My question: How can I access the "system"-drawables? If you click on the link and choose the tab "Status", there are some battery-drawables like "stat_sys_battery_0", but I can't access it, Eclipse doesn't offer intellisense for it and won't compile the app if I use one of those drawables.
As those drawables are part of all SDK-versions, I'd think I should be able to use them, or are those "special" drawables protected in a way so they can only be used by system-functions (and not apps)?
Any idea is appreciated.
Hope this is what you were looking for:
private BroadcastReceiver mBatInfoReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver(){
public void onReceive(Context arg0, Intent intent) {
int level = intent.getIntExtra("level", 0);
int batteryIconId = intent.getIntExtra("icon-small", 0);
Button toolBarBattery = (Button) findViewById(;
LevelListDrawable batteryLevel = (LevelListDrawable) getResources().getDrawable(batteryIconId);
I've found another link with information that not all drawables are public. It doesn't say why some drawables would be private, but I guess I'll have to live with the fact and copy the needed images to my app.
NOTE: Some of the images in the Android jar are not public and therefore cannot be directly used (you can copy them to you own application, but can't reference them via the "android" package namespace).
There actually seems to be a way to access the system icons, but it's not really working as stated in the documentation, but I'll add it in case somebody is interested:
intent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_ICON_SMALL, -1)
Will get you the resource-ID of the icon that matches the current battery-status:
integer containing the resource ID of
a small status bar icon indicating the
current battery state.
However, it always returns the same icon, no matter what the actual battery level is. Finding the icon by just trying random numbers may work, but I don't know if the IDs are consistent throughout the SKD-levels as well as different machines, so I'd rather not rely in that.

