APK checksum- Binary Code Protection - android

How can i calculate the CheckSum of my APK file in android? I want to calculate the APK checksum and compare it everytime my app. executes to see if some one has modified the binary code? How can i calculate check sum and achieve this?

Updated in 2020 - Google Play can now optimise, repackage and re-sign uploaded .apks (and add security meta data to the .apk) so it's unlikely this tamper check is still valid. Better to use the SafetyNet attestation API to verify the device and in turn your app - just ensure you're verifying the signature offline on your server.
Here's some code to checksum your APK. I wrote and article on adding tamper detections to your apps (which ironically didn't include apk checksum).
private static long getApkFileChecksum(Context context) {
String apkPath = context.getPackageCodePath();
Long chksum = null;
try {
// Open the file and build a CRC32 checksum.
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File(apkPath));
CRC32 chk = new CRC32();
CheckedInputStream cis = new CheckedInputStream(fis, chk);
byte[] buff = new byte[80];
while (cis.read(buff) >= 0) ;
chksum = chk.getValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
return chksum;
You could also use this to can the sha-256 of your apk...
public static String getApkFileDigest(Context context) {
String apkPath = context.getPackageCodePath();
try {
byte[] hashed= getDigest(new FileInputStream(apkPath), "SHA-256");
return Base64.encodeToString(hashed, Base64.DEFAULT);
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
return null;
public static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 2048;
public static byte[] getDigest(InputStream in, String algorithm) throws Throwable {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm);
try {
DigestInputStream dis = new DigestInputStream(in, md);
byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
while (dis.read(buffer) != -1) {
} finally {
return md.digest();


new BlobStoreManager read write on Android 11

I previously used external storage to store specific data that I would like to share between my applications (without having any contentprovider "host")
File folder = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "FOLDER_NAME");
File file = new File(folder, "FILE_NAME.dat");
FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file);
That is why I am trying to use BlobStoreManager, as suggested in google's recommendation for targeting 30 (https://developer.android.com/training/data-storage/shared/datasets)
The read & write are based on a BlobHandle with 4 parameters, one being MessageDigest based on a "content". BlobHandle must use the same 4 parameters, or read will fail (SecurityException).
I managed to write data, and to read it, but it makes no sense:
It seems that in order to write, I need to use the data I want to write to generate the BlobHandle.
Then, to read, as BlobHandle must use the same 4 parameters, I also need the data I wrote to be able to read.
Totally illogic, as I wanted to read this data, I don't have it!
I must miss something or just do not understand how it work. If someone can help :)
Here are my sample:
If I set the following:
createBlobHandle: content = "mydata"
write: data = "mydata"
Then write will success, and read will success too. But it I can not know the value before reading it in a normal usecase :(
If I set the following (which would be logic, at least to me):
createBlobHandle: content = "somekey"
write: data = "mydata"
Then write will fail :(
#RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.R)
private BlobHandle createBlobHandle() {
//Transfer object
String content = "SomeContentToWrite";
String label = "label123";
String tag = "test";
//Sha256 summary of the transmission object
try {
byte[] contentByte = content.getBytes("utf-8");
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("sha256");
byte[] contentHash = md.digest(contentByte);
return BlobHandle.createWithSha256(contentHash, label,0, tag);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return null;
private void write() {
String data = "SomeContentToWrite";
#SuppressLint("WrongConstant") final BlobStoreManager blobStoreManager = ((BlobStoreManager) applicationContext.getSystemService(Context.BLOB_STORE_SERVICE));
//Generate the session of this operation
try {
BlobHandle blobHandle = createBlobHandle();
if (blobHandle == null)
long sessionId = blobStoreManager.createSession(blobHandle);
try (BlobStoreManager.Session session = blobStoreManager.openSession(sessionId)) {
try (OutputStream pfd = new ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseOutputStream(session.openWrite(0, data.getBytes().length))) {
//The abstract of the written object must be consistent with the above, otherwise it will report SecurityException
Log.d(TAG, "writeFile: >>>>>>>>>>text = " + data);
//Allow public access
session.commit(applicationContext.getMainExecutor(), new Consumer<Integer>() {
public void accept(Integer integer) {
//0 success 1 failure
Log.d(TAG, "accept: >>>>>>>>" + integer);
} catch (IOException e) {
private String read() {
String data = "";
#SuppressLint("WrongConstant") final BlobStoreManager blobStoreManager = ((BlobStoreManager) applicationContext.getSystemService(Context.BLOB_STORE_SERVICE));
BlobHandle blobHandle = createBlobHandle();
if (blobHandle != null) {
try (InputStream pfd = new ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseInputStream(blobStoreManager.openBlob(createBlobHandle()))) {
//Read data
byte[] buffer = new byte[pfd.available()];
String text = new String(buffer, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
Log.d(TAG, "readFile: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" + text);
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (SecurityException e) {
return data;
According to the official training documentation linked in the question, the missing piece of information, at the time of the question having been asked, is that the four pieces of data contained in the BlobHandler need to be uploaded to a server owned by the client application then subsequently downloaded by which ever other application wants to access the blob via the BlobStorageManager.
So it would seem that on-device blob discovery is not supported. There could also be a solution possible using a Content Provider which could offer up the four required pieces of data, thus circumventing the need for the server infrastructure.

CryptoKit-ios and Android encrypting and decrypting

I am trying to encrypt in android and decrypt in ios.I am using AES.GCM encryption however when i try to decrypt the package in ios i get Aunthetication faliure message.Below is the code for ios decryption
func decryptData(decryptToData:Data,key:SymmetricKey)->String {
let combinedData = decryptToData // Previous sealed bo
let sealedBoxToOpen = try! AES.GCM.SealedBox(combined: decryptToData)
if let decryptedData = try? AES.GCM.open(sealedBoxToOpen, using: key) {
decryptedString = String(data: decryptedData, encoding: .utf8)!
print(decryptedString ?? "Failed")
} else {
print(CryptoKitError) // Ouch, doSomething() threw an error.
This is similar to iOS CryptoKit in Java but i am doing the other way around.
This is the android encryption code
public synchronized Map<String, String> encrypt(byte[] rawKey, byte[] rawData, #Nullable byte[] associatedData) throws StashDataEncryptionException {
byte[] rawEncryptionKey = null;
if (rawKey == null) {
SecureRandom secureRandom = new SecureRandom();
byte[] key = new byte[KEY_LENGTH_BYTE];
rawEncryptionKey = key;
} else {
rawEncryptionKey = rawKey;
byte[] iv = null;
byte[] encrypted = null;
try {
iv = new byte[IV_LENGTH_BYTE];
final Cipher cipherEnc = getCipher();
cipherEnc.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(rawEncryptionKey, "AES"), new GCMParameterSpec(TAG_LENGTH_BIT, iv));
if (associatedData != null) {
encrypted = cipherEnc.doFinal(rawData);
String base64Key = Base64.encodeToString(rawEncryptionKey, Base64.DEFAULT);
//concat all of it to a single message
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1 + iv.length + encrypted.length);
byteBuffer.put((byte) iv.length);
byte[] cipherMessage = byteBuffer.array();
Map map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put(MAP_KEY, base64Key);
map.put(MAP_Byte_CONTENT, cipherMessage);
return map;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new StashDataEncryptionException("could not encrypt data", e);
i checked the key,iv and tag lenght.Its same on the ios side as android
Hey there I played very long to day with this and I came up with a working Xcode playground demoing CryptoKit AES-GCM 256 encryption & decryption. I also had this error very often today but could solve it. You can clone my playgrounds repo and try it out, play with it:
Implementations will differ, enough to invalidate authenticated encryption.
Use an enterprise grade, cross platform compatible library like libsodium.

Xamarin.Android: Decrypted Files Randomly Being Corrupted

I have an application that encrypts files for storage purposes and decrypts them for uploading to our server. For the most part it works fine and the decrypted files we receive are good files.
However, on a semi-regular basis (one or two files out of a few hundred every few days) the decrypted files are corrupt. It's possible that the original files were corrupt as well and the issue was not in the encrypt/decrypt process, but this has occurred to different users who presumably would have made sure that the files weren't corrupt to begin with, but I don't know how to verify this as I do not have direct contact with our users.
I want to make sure that my code is not the source of the problem, or if there is something I can do to check that the files were safely encrypted/decrypted in the application to make sure all the files we receive are good.
What is strange is that I have an ExceptionManager class that sends me any exceptions that occur, and I do not receive any exceptions when these corrupt files get processed and uploaded, so I have no way of knowing what went wrong.
This is my Encrypt code:
static string aesTransform = "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"
public static bool EncryptFile(Context context, string fileLocation, ref string encryptedFileLocation)
bool success;
Log logger = new Log(context);
logger.Debug("starting encryption");
if (File.Exists(fileLocation))
encryptedFileLocation = (encryptedFileLocation ?? fileLocation) + ".aes";
using (FileStream fInput = File.Open(fileLocation, FileMode.Open))
using (FileStream fOutput = File.Open(encryptedFileLocation, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
byte[] keyBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(encryptKey);
SecretKeySpec key = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, 0, keyBytes.Length, "AES");
Cipher cipher = Cipher.GetInstance(aesTransform);
cipher.Init(CipherMode.EncryptMode, key, new IvParameterSpec(new byte[cipher.BlockSize]));
CipherOutputStream cos = new CipherOutputStream(fOutput, cipher);
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int numBytesWritten = 0;
while ((numBytesWritten = fInput.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
cos.Write(buffer, 0, numBytesWritten);
logger.WriteLog(Log.LogType.Misc, fileLocation + " encrypted");
Delete(context, fileLocation);
success = true;
catch(Exception ex)
if (File.Exists(fileLocation) && File.Exists(encryptedFileLocation))
Delete(context, encryptedFileLocation);
encryptedFileLocation = encryptedFileLocation.Remove(encryptedFileLocation.ToUpper().LastIndexOf(".AES"));
ex.Data.Add("fileLocation", fileLocation);
ex.Data.Add("encryptedFileLocation", encryptedFileLocation);
ExceptionManager.ManageException(context, ex);
success = false;
return success;
And this is my Decrypt Code:
static string aesTransform = "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"
public static bool DecryptFile(Context context, string fileLocation, ref string decryptedFileLocation)
bool decrypted = false;
if (File.Exists(fileLocation))
decryptedFileLocation = fileLocation.Remove(fileLocation.ToUpper().LastIndexOf(".AES"));
decryptedFileLocation = fileLocation;
using (FileStream fInput = File.Open(fileLocation, FileMode.Open))
using (FileStream fOutput = File.Open(decryptedFileLocation, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
FileInfo info = new FileInfo(fileLocation);
byte[] keyBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(encryptKey);
SecretKeySpec key = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, 0, keyBytes.Length, "AES");
Cipher cipher = Cipher.GetInstance(aesTransform);
cipher.Init(CipherMode.DecryptMode, key, new IvParameterSpec(new byte[cipher.BlockSize]));
CipherInputStream cis = new CipherInputStream(fInput, cipher);
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int numBytesWritten = 0;
while ((numBytesWritten = cis.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
fOutput.Write(buffer, 0, numBytesWritten);
decrypted = true;
Log logger = new Log(context);
logger.WriteLog(Log.LogType.Misc, fileLocation + " decrypted");
catch (Exception ex)
if (File.Exists(fileLocation) && File.Exists(decryptedFileLocation))
Delete(context, decryptedFileLocation);
decryptedFileLocation = fileLocation;
ex.Data.Add("fileLocation", fileLocation);
ExceptionManager.ManageException(context, ex);
decrypted = false;
return decrypted;
The encrypt key is identical for both Encrypt and Decrypt methods, both referencing a static string declared earlier in this class, so the keys match.

Android Play Encrypted Video with libmedia :java.io.FileNotFoundException: No content provider:

I have basic app which can play encrypted video using libmedia lib.
Video encryption method is working correctly.
But when playing the video it shows this error message
path is null
setDataSource IOException happend : java.io.FileNotFoundException: No content provider:
Here is my encryption method
public static void encrypt() throws Exception {
final byte[] buf = new byte[8192];
final Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CTR/NoPadding");
c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec("1234567890123456".getBytes(), "AES"), new IvParameterSpec(new byte[16]));
final InputStream is = new FileInputStream(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/AB/"+"a.mp4");
final OutputStream os = new CipherOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/AB/"+"b.mp4"), c);
while (true) {
int n = is.read(buf);
if (n == -1) break;
os.write(buf, 0, n);
os.close(); is.close();
Here is my Play button
PlayBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/AB/b.mp4");
try {
mServer = new LocalSingleHttpServer();
} catch (IOException e) {
String path = mServer.getURL(file.getPath());
try {
path = mServer.getURL(path);
}catch (Exception e){
GetCyper() method
private Cipher myGetCipher() throws NoSuchPaddingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException, InvalidKeyException {
// avoid the default security provider "AndroidOpenSSL" in Android 4.3+ (http://libeasy.alwaysdata.net/network/#provider)
Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("ARC4", "BC");
c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec("BrianIsInTheKitchen".getBytes(), "ARC4"));
return c;
Compiled with
compileSdkVersion 23
buildToolsVersion "23.0.3"
Error message
setDataSource IOException happend :
java.io.FileNotFoundException: No content provider:
at android.content.ContentResolver.openTypedAssetFileDescriptor(ContentResolver.java:1053)
at android.content.ContentResolver.openAssetFileDescriptor(ContentResolver.java:907)
at android.content.ContentResolver.openAssetFileDescriptor(ContentResolver.java:834)
at android.media.MediaPlayer.setDataSource(MediaPlayer.java:979)
at android.widget.VideoView.openVideo(VideoView.java:338)
at android.widget.VideoView.setVideoURI(VideoView.java:248)
at android.widget.VideoView.setVideoURI(VideoView.java:238)
at android.widget.VideoView.setVideoPath(VideoView.java:234)
at encrypt.amg.com.encryptiont2.MainActivity$2$override.onClick(MainActivity.java:89)
you call the getURL twice.
String path = mServer.getURL(file.getPath());
path = mServer.getURL(path);
The answer of sky is true: fixing the double call to getURL() is mandatory, anyway.
After that, the log entry java.io.FileNotFoundException: No content provider: is still normal. Note that the message level is not Error but Debug. This is the way the Android player component acts: whatever the path content is, it first tries it as a local resource and if it fails it will fallback to a remote resource. You see that on the next Debug message: Couldn't open file on client side, trying server side. At this point, the library is hit.
If the video doesn't play, there is something wrong elsewhere. For example, in your code samples, the cypher is different between the encryption and the decryption (AES/ARC4).
You probably need to set IVParameters at the decrytion end as well, just like you have done at the encryption end while initializing Cipher.
c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec("BrianIsInTheKitchen".getBytes(), "ARC4"), new IVParameterSpec(new byte[16]));

verify md5sum on android

I would like to offer a md5 verifier in my android app which compares the server md5 and the just created one on the device.
The output should be like correct or incorrect and not that the user has to compare the hashes.
I already found out that it's possible to get the hash on android via
/system/xbin/busybox md5sum /sdcard/Download/FILENAME
. Of cause I can print the output of the command to screen but that's not what I want.
Because I don't want to reinvent the wheel is something like that already available? SHA1 would be possible too, both hashes are available.
Please help!
I have used this method to calculate md5 inside of Android Application
private String getMD5(String file){
String md5 = "";
try {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
FileInputStream is = this.openFileInput(file);
DigestInputStream dis = new DigestInputStream(is, md);
byte data[] = new byte[1024];
int count;
while ((count = dis.read(data)) != -1) {
byte[] digest = md.digest();
for (int i=0; i < digest.length; i++) {
md5 += Integer.toString( ( digest[i] & 0xff ) + 0x100, 16).substring( 1 );
return md5;
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return md5;
With "the server md5" I guess you mean another file on the server containing an md5 hash.
So you could just download the md5 file, open it and compare the string inside with your calculated md5.

