In the android displaying processes, SurfaceFlinger does an important role in that situation.
By the way, are there any methods to notice the SurfaceFlinger starting or stopping at the application level?
Or any other displaying processes to observe?
I want to know about the time difference between touching and displaying.
The SurfaceFlinger process does not start or stop while applications are running. If it does, the system restarts.
It sounds like you're interested in knowing the latency between when you touch the screen, and when the results of that touch are visible. You can use systrace to observe the various events, though this requires a fair understanding of the system. (Start with this doc.)
In general, an app can expect 2 to 2.5 frames of latency between cause and effect. On the N5, with the DispSync mechanism, this can be reduced to 1.5 - 2 frames.
There's no public API for 3rd party apps to access the surface flinger. If you are working at the platform level (your own device or custom ROM) then you'd have to add your own timing mechanism between the input subsystem and the surface flinger.
I am attempting to determine (to within 1 ms) when particular screen flips happen on Android. Choreographer fires every time a frame flips, but gives no way of determining which frame is actually being displayed. According to, there are several layers in the process: the user land buffer, which flips to a triple-buffered queue, which flips to the surface flinger, which flips to the hardware. Each of these layers can potentially drop a frame, but at this point I have only determined how to to monitor the user land buffer. Is there a way to monitor the other buffers/flips (in real time, on a non-rooted, non-custom phone)?
I have observed unexpected frame delays on the HTC M8 (about 1 every 5 minutes), but the Nexus 7 does not appear to have this problem. I measure the delays by using a Cedrus StimTracker ( with a photo sensor and the Lab Streaming Layer ( I have tried using eglPresentationTimeANDROID to control when screens are flipped, and that has not fixed the problem.
Note that I'm using the ndk, but I can usually use the JNI to get access to non-ndk features when I need to.
The reason I care is in order to use Android for psychological and neurological experiments, where 1 ms precision is highly desirable.
As far as accessible APIs go, it sounds like you've found the relevant bits and pieces. If you haven't yet, please read through this stackoverflow item.
Using Choreographer and extrapolation, you can guess at when the next display refresh will occur. Using eglPresentationTimeANDROID() on an Android 5.0+ device, you can tell SurfaceFlinger when you want a particular frame to be sent to the display. Assuming SurfaceFlinger is properly accounting for all latency (such as additional frames added by "smart" panels), that should get you reliable timing.
(Bear in mind that the timing is based on when the display latches the next frame, not when the next frame is fully visible on the display... the latency there will depend on the panel.)
Grafika's "scheduled swap" Activity uses this feature, but it sounds like you're already familiar.
The only way to get signaled by the display when it does the swap would be to dup() the display-retire fence fd from the previous frame, and wait on it. Some of the code in SurfaceFlinger does this, notably DispSync watches the retire fences to see if the software "VSYNC" is drifting. There is no public API for fences, and the user-space response time could certainly be more than 1ms anyway... it usually works out better to schedule ahead than it does to react. Your requirement for non-rooted non-custom devices makes this problematic.
If you're mostly seeing correct behavior, but occasionally seeing a miss, your best bet is to use systrace to track down the cause.
I want to modify the android scheduler "CFS" by myself.
I want to to assign a real-time priority to the user interactive task distinguished by heuristic or what so ever.
So, I just want to modify android kernel, build my modified kernel and research the performance.
How can I do this?
To modify the Android's kernel scheduling policy is unlikely to be allowed from a security point of view. But based various features of "realtime" you can always make your program meets these requirements:
a. Responsiveness: by ensure the input loop is as efficient as possible and always responding as fast to input as possible. In the Linux kernel this is done through "voluntary preemption".
b. Low latency: by piecing every jobs into as small a piece as possible so that control can be passed back to respond to input, or in the case of audio, control can be issued at a precise start of the clock (SCHED_DEADLINE scheduling). Android does have some API for this:
In general changing priority is not ideal to solve the realtime requirement (eg, giving higher priority to one process may end up having another process suffering in performance). What is actually done (eg, LynxOS, a realtime OS used in Missile system, and is not Linux, but some of its component like TCP/IP is from FreeBSD) is to tune the system so that it perform at the level with lots of spare hardware capacity. So in LynxOS a lot of the system threshold limits are very low, so the hardware is always free enough to respond quickly to input events.
Android Low latency Audio using SoundPool
Low-latency audio playback on Android
I'm trying to use the output of systrace to detect janky scrolling during automated tests: I want to notice it early, without having to sit there watching.
I spent some time trying to fathom the trace, and found this ebook very helpful:
The most promising hypothesis was checking whether VSYNC-sf ever stopped ticking on phones displaying VSYNC-sf.
On other machines, SurfaceFlinger seems to be started by either HW_SYNC_0 or VSYNC (sometimes one or both of those VSYNCs stop) but SurfaceFlinger also seems to be involved with VsyncOn, which sometimes appears to keep track of whether there are activity buffers outstanding, and sometimes whether there are input events that need delivering. Confusingly, sometimes input events are delivered during half-second pauses when there's no surface flinger activity, no application drawing, and when even the VSYNC and HW_VSYNC signals decide to pause.
Does anyone know what's going on there?
Should I simply expect to see Surface Flinger always busy - not alternately busy and idle with each tick - and always aligned with one or other of the VSYNCs?
I also sometimes see SurfaceFlinger taking longer than a tick to complete its processing - is that the application's fault for having a very complicated display, or is it just something that happens because some queue isn't empty enough?
I'd prefer to miss a possible jank than claim to have found one which isn't there.
Testing Display Performance Lists how to use the new framestats command from dumpsys to get this type of information. It will provide information on what frames you've missed, and how many of them you've missed.
It's also worth noting that SurfaceFlinger isn't always busy. It's only active when part of the screen needs to be updated. If nothing on the screen needs updating, then no new rendering occurs, and such, SurfaceFlinger should be idle.
You can get a bigger-picture view of the Android rendering pipeline with the Rendering Performance 101 video from Android Performance Patterns.
I'm trying to get a better understanding of the Android display subsystem, but one item that's still confusing to me is how VSYNC signals are handled, and why so many exist in the first place.
Android is designed to use VSYNC at its core, but there are multiple VSYNC signals that it employs. Via in the "VSYNC Offset" section, there is a flow diagram which diagrams three VSYNC signals: HW_VSYNC_0, VSYNC, and SF-VSYNC. I understand that HW_VSYNC is used to update the timing in DispSync, and that VSYNC and SF-VSYNC are used by the apps and surfaceflinger, but why are these individual signals necessary at all? Furthermore, how do the offsets impact these signals? Is there a timing diagram available anywhere which better explains this?
Thanks for any help you can offer.
To understand this stuff, it's best to start with the System-Level Graphics Architecture document, taking particular note of The Need for Triple-Buffering section and the associated diagram (which ideally would be an animated GIF). The sentence that begins, "If the app starts rendering halfway between VSYNC signals" is talking specifically about DispSync. Once you've read that, hopefully the DispSync section of the device graphics doc makes more sense.
Most devices don't have DispSync offsets configured, so there is really only one VSYNC signal. In what follows I'm assuming DispSync is enabled.
The hardware only provides one VSYNC signal, corresponding to the primary display refresh. The others are generated in software by the SurfaceFlinger DispSync code, firing at fixed offsets from the actual VSYNC. Some clever software is used to keep the timings from slipping out of phase.
The signals are used to trigger SurfaceFlinger composition and app rendering. If you follow the section in the architecture document, you can see that this establishes two frames of latency between when the app renders its content, and when the content appears on the screen. Think of it like this: given three occurrences of VSYNC, the app draws at V0, the system does composition at V1, and the composed frame is sent to the display at V2.
If you're trying to track touch input, perhaps moving a map around under the user's finger, any latency will be seen by the user as sluggish touch response. The goal is to minimize the latency to improve the user experience. Suppose we delayed the events slightly, so the app draws at V0.5, we composite at V1.2, and then swap to the display at V2. By offsetting the app and SF activity we reduce the total latency from 2 frames to 1.5, as shown below.
That's what DispSync is for. In the feedback diagram on the page you linked, HW_VSYNC_0 is the hardware refresh for the physical display, VSYNC causes the app to render, and SF_VSYNC causes SurfaceFlinger to perform composition. Referring to them as "VSYNC" is a bit of a misnomer, but on an LCD panel referring to anything as "VSYNC" is probably a misnomer.
The "retire fence timestamps" noted in the feedback loop diagram refers to a clever optimization. Since we're not doing any work on the actual hardware VSYNC, we can be slightly more efficient if we turn the refresh signal off. The DispSync code will instead use the timestamps from retire fences (which is a whole other discussion) to see if it is falling out of sync, and will temporarily re-enable the hardware signal until it's back on track.
Edit: you can see how the values are configured in the Nexus 5 boardconfig. Note the settings for VSYNC_EVENT_PHASE_OFFSET_NS and SF_VSYNC_EVENT_PHASE_OFFSET_NS.
I'd like to calculate FPS to detect performance issue of an application based on existing Android profiling tool .
I noted that on Systrace, it can record the length of performTraversals. As far as I know, performTraversals performs measure, layout and draw, which include most of jobs when updating a frame. So can performTraversals be representative enough to measure whether a frame will take 60 ms to update?
I also noted that Systrace record the time spending on SurfaceFlinger. I know SurfaceFlinger served for rendering purpose, but I don't know the exact beginning point and ending point of a frame. Should I also considering the time spent on SurfaceFlinger to the frame rate? (Though I do observe that SurfaceFlinger perform more frequently than performTraversals, which means SurfaceFlinger may not necessarily follow performTraversals. It will also be triggered in other scenarios.)
P.S. I'm aware of the sysdump gfxinfo, but it can only record 128 frames(~2 seconds), while what I want may last much longer.
Systrace is not useful for measuring FPS overall, but you can do that trivially with a frame counter and System.nanoTime(). If you're not hitting your target framerate, though, it can help you figure out why not.
The official docs provide some useful pointers, but there's a lot of information and the interactions can be complex. The key things to know are:
The device display panel generates a vsync signal. You can see that on the VSYNC line. Every time it transitions between 1 and 0 is a refresh.
The vsync wakes surfaceflinger, which gathers up the incoming buffers for the various windows and composites them (either itself using OpenGL ES, or through the Hardware Composer).
If your app was running faster than the panel refresh rate (usually 60fps), it will have blocked waiting for surfaceflinger (in, say, eglSwapBuffers()). Once surfaceflinger acquires the buffer, the app is free to continue and generate another frame.
Unless you're rendering offscreen, you can't go faster than surfaceflinger.
As of Android 4.3 (API 18) you can add your own events to the systrace output using the android.os.Trace class. Wrapping your draw method with trace markers can be extremely informative. You have to enable their tag with systrace to see them.
If you want to be running at 60fps, your rendering must finish in well under 16.7ms. If you see a single invocation of performTraversals taking longer than that, you're not going to hit maximum speed.