Program successfully installed but not displayed on device - android

I have just started programming on nexus 5 phone and sony smartwatch. I tired to install a sample program (HelloLayouts) on the device and it shows the following msg:
[HelloLayouts] Uploading HelloLayouts.apk onto device '.......'
[HelloLayouts] Installing HelloLayouts.apk... [HelloLayouts] Success!
[HelloLayouts] \HelloLayouts\bin\HelloLayouts.apk installed on device
[HelloLayouts] Done!
I checked applications from Smart connect but it doesn't show any installed program name hellolayoputs. I also checked the smartwatch, but didn't see any installed application. Not sure if I am missing anything.
any suggestion to solve this problem would be highly appreciated.

Just a few questions:
Did you modify the HelloLayouts sample file at all or did you just run the sample right after installing it? If you did modify it try creating a new sample from scratch and running it again.
Are you running your samples with Eclipse, or Android Studio, etc...?
Are you using the latest Android SDK v 23.0.2?
Also you may want to try restarting your phone and watch to see if you can at least see the app showing up in the SmartWatch 2 app.

May be Launcher Activity is missing or corresponding 'category' tag is missing from 'intent-filter' of launcher activity your Android Manifest file. Check it or post your AndroidManifest.xml file.


Android Studio signed app won't install on device - "Unfortunately, Package installer has stopped"

I've been trying to solve this problem for about 5 days.
I've created an app for my work place in Android Studio, and it works fine when I run it in debug mode with the ADB. But when I generate the signed apk and try to install it on my device (Samsung Galaxy S6, Marshmallow 6.0.1) it always shows "Unfortunatelly, Package installer has stopped".
I have already changed the Build Variant to "release", and checked the password for the key store several times, also uninstalled the previous app and looked for remaining data like in other questions tell you to fix this problem. I think the problem is not there.
This code is in my build.grade :
Code Pic
I've tried the same with other apps I have created along with the Udacity Beginners Course (I'm kind of new in Android developing) and they work just fine when I create and install the signed .apk.
Also, I noticed that inside my phone there are folders of every app installed, inside Android -> data; here I can find the folders for the apps form the Beginners Course, but even if I run the one I'm developing with the ADB, the folder doesn't appear. Is this normal?
Hope someone can help me!
I think I found the problem with your help, but I still don't know how to fix it. This is what appears in the Android Monitor.
Android Monitor Picture
Thanks again for your help!

See app changes in real time on real device

I have Eclipse with Android Development Kit (ADT) installed, and also SDK. I have connected my Venue7 tabled and enabled USB Debugging.
I've created a simple Hello World app and ran it on my Venue7.
Now is it possible to update the app via Eclipse and see the result #Venue7 in real time? Or do you I have to stop the app and start it again after each change?
When you install your program on your device you are doing just that - installing it. The .apk file you have there is an installation package (apk stands for android package) not an executable file. So yes you have to reinstall it each time you have made changes to the program.
On eclipse I believe you just click the run as android program as the other poster said.
If you are using for the first time, Just see the left side, in package explorer, right click on your package- Select Run As Android application.
You dont need to stop an app. Just Run it from eclipse
If you have made changes in source code and you want to see the effects, you no need to stop the app/device or emulator. But you need to re-run the package again.
You can do this by 2 ways:
Right-click project, run as Android application
CTRL+F11 is to run the application. But for this you have to apply pre-settings as below.
Windows>Preferences>Run/debug > Launching : Launch Operation; "Always launch the previously launched application"

Android Device Window Chooser not working after updating device

I've always used my android phone for development but after installing the last software update on my device (4.2.2) it suddenly stopped working and would appear offline in eclipse's Device Window Chooser.
I'm not able to send applications to it for testing or access it with the adb-shell. I have developer options turned on and debugging mode enabled. I'm using Eclipse Helios on Ubuntu linux.
When I launch Eclipse the following window will show up
and after clicking on the check for updates I get the following error:
Unable to read repository at jar:file:/home/matteo/Downloads/!/site.xml.
error in opening zip file</code>.
Last thing, if I open Window->Preferences and go on Android I see this:
This question is not a duplicate of Android device chooser - My device seems offline (of which I read every single line). It's a request for some rigorous solution from the community. In fact non of the proposed solutions helped me in getting my device to appear online, as you can see in the attached snapshot.
Please help me! Any suggestion will be very appreciated! ;D
Ok open sdk manager /sdk/tools/android now download the sdk for your new android version. In my case it was API 17. Once its done you should be ready.
If you still got some issue be sure that you have the last version of the ADT installed. Installing it again
Now you should be ready to go.

windows-7: could not run android apps on device

I'm trying to import android applications from other computers. after sometime they're running on emulator finally now but not on the device .
probably the reason is the driver I installed , because adb devices did not recognize the device so I installed this manually and still Bluetooth Peripheral Device not installed when I check in device manager!
at first it gave me this error : the app stopped running unexpectedly !
now the error is :
Re-installation failed due to different application signatures.
You must perform a full uninstall of the application. WARNING: This will remove the application data!
Please execute 'adb uninstall com.newboston.aida.android2' in a shell.
Launch canceled!
any idea how to solve this?
I just typed adb uninstall and then the name of the package in command prompt and it works !
Uninstall the application from android device or emulator, and try to re-run / install the application. Because debug.keystrore is different for every devices.
Try to create a new virtual device. Maybe it'll work when you install the driver first. It's possible, that your phone will be recognized then. And I don't think win7 is the problem.
If possible can you just Change the Package name of the current working project. And try to Build it. it might get other path and would run. This is a kind of Patch i know, but just try it out....
I get the same problem while moving the application from one system to another... some time the problem comes due libraries path and the api level.
So you can check the api level is the same in the application buildpath in the other system.
Hope this will help you.

parsing the package error

I'm new to Android development. I gone through the tutorial and managed to create Hello World program in my Eclipse. I managed to run it and viewed the output in Emulator. I export the project and saved in my local and later moved to my Samsung Galaxy Nexus. I used ASTRO file management to install the file, but I got an error saying 'Parse Error:There is a problem parsing the package'. I googled and most of them asking me to change the file manager to install the project in Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Hope someone can help me on this matter. The phone using and
You should install the apk in the phone and not the project.
Better connect your device to Pc and run your application to mobile. Before, connecting your mobile it needs some PC suite to support your device for Eclipse. Just download that also. Hope it helps. And, also see these links -
1) Parsing Error
2) Hello World program Parsing Error
Its version issue. My target was 4.0.3 mean while my phone was 4.0.2. I changed the target version in my project and its works fine. Thanks
Have you exported the signed application package and transferred it to your Google Nexus? If so, it should be installed.

