Is it possible to keep a Fragment running while I call replace from FragmentManager to open a new Fragment?
Basically I don't want to pause a Fragment when navigating (via replace method) to another Fragment.
Is it possible?
Or the correct approach is, always, instantiate a new Fragment every time I need to open it and restore its previous state?
FragmentManger replace method will destroy the previous fragment completely, So in each transaction onDestroyView(), onDestroy() and onDetach() will get called on previous fragment. If you want to keep your fragment running you can instead use FragmentManger hide() and show() methods! It hides and shows the fragments without destroying them.
so first add both fragments to fragment manager and also hide the second fragment.
.add(, FragmentA)
Note that you can only call show() on hidden fragment. So here you can't call show() on FragmentA but it's not a problem because by hiding and showing FragmentB you can get replacement effect you want.
And here is a method to go back and forth between your fragments.
public void showOtherFragment() {
} else {
Now if you put log message in fragment callback method you will see there is no destruction (except for screen orientation change!), even view will not get destroyed since onDistroyView doesn't get called.
There is only one problem and that is, first time when application starts onCreateView() method get called one time for each fragment (and it should be!) but when the orientation changes onCreateView() gets called twice for each fragment and that's because fragments once created as usual and once because of there attachment to FragmentManger (saved on bundle object) To avoid that you have two options 1) detach fragments in onSaveInstaneState() callback.
protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
It's working but view state will not get updated automatically, for example if you have a EditText its text will erase each time orientation change happens. of course you can fix this simply by saving states in the fragment but you don't have to if you use the second option!
first i save a Boolean value in onSaveInstaneState() method to remember witch fragment is shown.
protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
boolean isFragAVisible = true;
isFragAVisible = false;
now in activity onCreate method i check to see if savedInstanceState == null. if yes do as usual if not activity is created for second time. so fragment manager already contains the fragments. So instead i'm getting a reference to my fragments from fragment manager. also i make sure correct fragment is shown since its not recovered automatically.
fragmentManager = getFragmentManager();
if(savedInstanceState == null){
FragmentA = new FragmentA();
FragmentB = new FragmentB();
.add(, FragmentA, "fragA")
.add(, FragmentB, "fragB")
} else {
FragmentA = (FragmentA) fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag("fragA");
FragmentB = (FragmentB) fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag("fragB");
boolean isFragAVisible = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("isFragAVisible");
.hide(FragmetA) //only if using transaction animation
By now your fragment will work perfectly if are not using transaction animation. If you do, you also need to show and hide FragmentA. So when you want to show FragmentB first hide FragmentA then show FragmentB (in the same transaction) and when you want to hide FragmentB hide it first and also show FragmentA (again in the same transaction). Here is my code for card flip animation (downloaded from
public void flipCard(String direction) {
int animationEnter, animationLeave;
if(direction == "left"){
animationEnter = R.animator.card_flip_right_in;
animationLeave = R.animator.card_flip_right_out;
} else {
animationEnter = R.animator.card_flip_left_in;
animationLeave = R.animator.card_flip_left_out;
.setCustomAnimations(animationEnter, animationLeave)
} else {
My app contains one empty activity and a couple of fragments. The onCreate of the activity replaces the empty view in activity_main.xml with a MainFragment that contains some buttons. Each button launches a separate fragment, and user can navigate from one fragment to another, etc.
On the press of back key, the current fragment correctly gets replaced with the previous fragment, until you get to the MainFragment. When user presses back from MainFragment, it hides the main fragment and you see the white empty background of the main activity. But I want to exit from the activity at this point, as that would be the sensible behaviour.
I am able to achieve this by calling super.onBackPressed() for a second time from onBackPressed if there are no fragments left in the fragment manager.
public void onBackPressed() {
FragmentManager manager = getSupportFragmentManager();
List<Fragment> fragments = manager.getFragments();
if (fragments == null || fragments.size() == 0) {
Log.d(TAG, "No more fragments: exit");
Is this acceptable thing to do - would it create any issues in the activity workflow? Is there a better/standard way to handle this scenario?
There is no problem to do that, but probably it would be easier if when you add the main fragment to the activity you do NOT call .addToBackStack()
You don't really need to override onBackPressed in your Activity. I would suggest implementing a method for adding fragments in your Activity:
protected void addFragment(Fragment fragment, boolean addToBackStack) {
String tag = fragment.getClass().getName(); //It's optional, may be null
FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager()
.add(, fragment, tag);
if (addToBackStack) {
And modify your onCreate method of activity like in the following snippet:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (savedInstanceState == null) {
// Add your fragment only if it is a first launch,
// otherwise it will be restored by system
addFragment(new YourFirstFragment(), false);
For all other fragments use:
addFragment(new OtherFragment(), true);
I am working on an application and there is one specific thing that is bothering me. Let's just say I have one activity and 2 fragments.FragmentA and FragmentB and FragmentA gets attached when activity starts.
I want to save the fragment data and fragment state when orientation changes occur.I have successfully saved fragment data using OnSavedInstanceState method. Now I want to save fragment state in the activity so that if orientation change occurs I want to be on the fragment I was (in my case either FragmentA or FragmentB depends on which was showing before config changes occur).
This is how I am saving the fragment state in the Activity:
protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
// Save the values you need into "outState"
outState.putLong(SS_DATE, userDate.getTime()); manager = getSupportFragmentManager();
Fragment currentFragment = this.getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
manager.putFragment(outState, "currentFragment", currentFragment);
And this is how I am retrieving on which fragment I was when the orientation change occurred:
protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
FragmentManager manager = getSupportFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction transaction = manager.beginTransaction();
if (savedInstanceState != null) {
Fragment MyFragment = (Fragment) manager.getFragment(savedInstanceState, "currentFragment");
if (MyFragment instanceof FragListStudentsAttendance) {
Log.v("onRestore", FragListStudentsAttendance.TAG);
}else if (MyFragment instanceof FragGetClassesForAttendance){
Log.v("onRestore", FragGetClassesForAttendance.TAG);
if(MyFragment!=null) {
mFragGetClassesForAttendance = (FragGetClassesForAttendance) MyFragment;
mFragGetClassesForAttendance = new FragGetClassesForAttendance();
FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
// mFragGetClassesForAttendanceNew.setRetainInstance(true);
// transaction.replace(, mFragGetClassesForAttendanceNew, "FragGetClassesForAttendance").addToBackStack(null);
transaction.add(, mFragGetClassesForAttendance, FragGetClassesForAttendance.TAG);
//transaction.replace(, mFragNewEnrollmentResults).addToBackStack("FragNewEnrollments");
Scenario 1:
If I am on fragment A and I rotate the device every thing works fine as it should. Like fragment have web services which loads the data into listview so I check if data exist then there is no need to run the web service and that working for now
Scenario 2:
If I am on fragment B and orientation change occurs everything works fine as it is supposed to be on fragment B. Now When I press back button Fragment A gets called again and all the data also comes from service. I think this shouldn't happen because it was supposed to be in BackStack and it's data was saved. So what Should I do now here?
Scenario 3: On FragmentB I have noticed that when I rotates the device the saveInstanceState function of FragmentA also gets called. Why it is so? where as I was replacing the FragmentB with FragmentA ?
Some Confusions:
Let me talk about some of the confusions also , maybe someone clear it to me although I have searched and read a lot about fragment and activity life cycle,
Actually I want to save the data per activity and fragment on device rotation. I know how to do it with activity(how to save states) so I also know how to do it in the fragment (save state of fragment views) now I am confused how to tell activity which fragment was showing and which to go after config changes(rotation) ? also what happens to FragmentA if I am on FragmentB Does its get attach and detach again and again in background?
I got your problems and confusions. I think the life cycle of fragment is confusing you. and indeed it will confuse you.
You need to learn different situations.
1. Fragment Life cycle when it is in foreground (attaching and detaching with activity) . Please keenly observe all the methods that will call i.e OnSaveInstance,onCreateView,OnDestroyView,onDestroy
2. Fragment life cycle when it is in background (observe the methods stated above)
3. Fragment life cycle when it is added to backstack (and not in foreground)
I am quite sure you are confused with the point number 3. As when the fragment is added to backstack it never gets destroy. So rotating device twice will set the ffragment data to null. I think you are restoring data on ActivityCreated or on onViewCreated ,
Ill suggest you to restore the fragment data in the oncreate. this will work for you when your fragment is coming back to foreground from the backstack .
private List<String> mCountries;</pre>
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
if (savedInstanceState != null)
// Populate countries from bundle
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_countries, container, false);
if (mCountries == null)
// Populate countries by calling AsyncTask
return view;
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)
// Save countries into bundle
Hope this will clear your confusions.
I have one activity containing one container that will receive 2 fragments.
Once the activity initialises i start the first fragment with:
showFragment(new FragmentA());
private void showFragment(Fragment fragment) {
.replace(, fragment, fragment.getTag())
Then when the user clicks on FragmentA, I receive this click on Activity level and I call:
showFragment(new FragmentB());
Now when I press back button it returns to fragment A (thats correct) and when i press again back button it show empty screen (but stays in the same activity). I would like it to just close the app (since the activity has no parent).
There are a lot of posts related with Fragments and backstack, but i can't find a simple solution for this. I would like to avoid the case where I have to check if im doing back press on Fragment A or Fragment B, since i might extend the number of Fragments and I will need to maintain that method.
You are getting blank screen because when you add first fragment you are calling addToBackStack() due to which you are adding a blank screen unknowingly!
now what you can do is call the following method in onBackPressed() and your problem will be solved
public void moveBack()
//FM=fragment manager
if (FM != null && FM.getBackStackEntryCount() > 1)
}else {
just call the above method!
use it for fragment B only, not for fragment A
I think your fragment A is not popped out correctly, try to use add fragment rather replace to have proper back navigation, however You can check count of back stack using:
FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
int count = fragmentManager.getBackStackEntryCount();
and you can also directly call finish() in activity onBackPressed() when you want your activity to close on certain fragment count.
Given an Activity that acts as a Home page (it never closes) that launches various fragments, how to know when the Activity is visible to the user?
From what I have observed, when I open a fragment the lifecycle for the Activity never changes, onPause() is not called. And when I close the fragment, onResume() is not called on my Activity.
Here is how I am starting my fragments, I am using this method and passing the fragment I want to launch to it.
public void addFragment(int containerId, Fragment fragment, boolean addToBackStack) {
// Check if the fragment has been added already. If so, then
// don't add the fragment.
Fragment temp = mFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(fragment.getClass().getName());
if(temp != null && temp.isAdded()) {
FragmentTransaction ft = mFragmentManager.beginTransaction();
ft.add(containerId, fragment, fragment.getClass().getName());
What is the methodology for indicating that my Activity is visible again? Thanks in advance!
in the oncreate method of your home activity, call
mFragmentManager.addOnBackStackChangedListener(this) ;
and then define
public void onBackStackChanged() {
int backStackCount = mFragmentManager.getBackStackEntryCount();
if(backStackCount == 0) {} //back to home screen
Your Activity is always Visible even if thousand Fragments are showing at the same time, for the sake of understanding Fragments are just Custom-Views, and the Fragment gives a helping hand in handling your View, so onPause() on your activity does not need to called when a Fragment dies or is born,just like inflating a View.
Just like Sir #Tim Mutton said, you need to check your BackStack to know if you are back, or you can use the ViewGroup method ViewGroup.indexOfChild(View child) - this method will an int of value getChildCount()-1 which means its on top of its fellow sibblings..
Hope it helps
I have a fragment (say FragA) gets and another fragment (say FragB).
In FragA I set some values seekbar and put a check on checkbox
but now if click on FragB and then click on FragA then all set values are gone.
For fragments I have used a ListAdapter which set a fragment depending on position no. where I clicked. I don't want it on back button press but on clicking that fragment.
My Question is how can I restore a fragment to its previous state while setting parameter in other fragments and clicking to those fragments which I set before.
Make use of onSaveInstanceState(), below is the example how you need to implement it
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
outState.putInt("curChoice", mCurCheckPosition);
And later you can use it like this:
public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (savedInstanceState != null) {
// Restore last state for checked position.
mCurCheckPosition = savedInstanceState.getInt("curChoice", 0);
It will be a good idea if you go through fragments documentation
You can save each transaction to a back stack managed by the activity, allowing the user to navigate backward through the fragment changes (similar to navigating backward through activities).
FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();
Before you call commit(), however, you might want to call addToBackStack(), in order to add the transaction to a back stack of fragment transactions. This back stack is managed by the activity and allows the user to return to the previous fragment state, by pressing the Back button.