Does OpenGL ES drain more battery than standard 2D graphics? - android

I'm contemplating writing an app which does a lot of moving 2D graphics. I'm not very familiar with the standard android 2D graphics API, and I'm a lot more comfortable with OpenGL so I'm naturally considering using OpenGL instead.
My consideration right now is this, if I make sure to reduce my frame rate and not do any continuous updates unless I need to animate stuff, is there a significant difference in power consumption/battery life with using OpenGL ES compared to standard graphics?
Note that I'm not making a game, and I will not need continuous updates except when animating UI elements.

OpenGL-ES on most devices leverages the device's GPU, and therefore likely has a slightly higher battery usage than non-OpenGL-ES display systems, however I believe that this is a negligible difference. Usually battery strain considerations circle areas such as networking or GPS tracking. For graphics, the best approach to minimizing battery consumption would be minimizing the overall usage of the device's CPU.
OpenGL-ES is optimized to be as efficient as possible for heavy graphic rendering, and has a bonus advantage of running outside the sandbox Android allocates to each running app, granting it a much larger pool of memory, along with access to the GPU making it optimal when considering a graphic rich presentation layer in your app.
Barring OpenGL-ES, you would probably either want to work with Bitmaps & Canvases or work with Views nested inside ViewGroups and move them around by altering their LayoutParams, or manipulating their Matrices in order to animate objects around the screen. Performance-wise, animations which are done like this are rarely impressive when compared with animations performed by OpenGL based platforms.
On the other hand, managing a structured app entirely in OpenGL-ES could be a nightmare as well. Using Fragments and Views are always the method of choice when building a non-graphic rich app, simply because they make everything so much simpler, and they were built and optimized for exactly this purpose.
At the end, it really depends on the requirements of the app you're building. You could also consider developing certain segments which have higher graphical requirements in OpenGL-ES and others which do not in more conventional methods such as Fragments.
Battery-wise, utilizing the GPU via OpenGL-ES definitely has some overhead, but if you overclock the CPU using conventional animation methods, you may end up putting even more strain on the battery, and even damaging your app's user experience with low frame rates.


Starling for IOS & Android: Very low FPS in a static situation

I created an application with Starling, on the new mobile devices it performs amazingly well, however on the older devices (e.g. iPhone 4) I encounter a very odd lag.
I have as far as I can tell a completely static situation:
There are quite a few display objects added to stage, many of them are buttons in case it matters, their properties are not changed at all after initialization (x, y, rotation, etc...).
There are no enterframes / timeouts / intervals / requests of any kind in the background.
I'm not allocating / deallocating any memory.
In this situation, there's an average of 10 FPS out of 30, which is very odd.
Since Starling is a well established framework, I imagine it's me who's doing something wrong / not understanding something / not aware of something.
Any idea what might be causing it?
Has anyone else experienced this sort of problem?
After reading a little I've made great optimizations in every possible way according to this thread:
I reduced the draw calls from around 90 to 12, flattened sprites and set blendmode to none in specific cases to ease on CPU, and so on...
To my surprise when I tested again, the FPS was unaffected:
fps: 6 / 60
mem: 19
drw: 12
Is it even possible to get normal fps with Starling on mobile? What am I missing?
I am using big textures that are scaled down to the size of the device, is it possible that such a thing affects the fps that much?
Regarding "Load textures from files/URLs", I'm downloading different piles of assets for different situations, therefore I assumed compiling each pile into a SWF would be way faster than sending a separate request for each file. The problem is, for that I can only use embed, which apparently uses twice the memory. Do you have any solution in mind to enjoy the best of both worlds?
Instead of downloading 'over-the-wire' your assets and manually caching them for re-use, you can embed the assets into your app bundle vs. embedding them and then use the Starling AssetManager to load the textures at the resolution/scale that you need for the device:
appDir.resolvePath(formatString("fonts/{0}x", scaleFactor)),
appDir.resolvePath(formatString("textures/{0}x", scaleFactor))
Your application bundle gets bigger of course, but you do not take the 2x ram hit of using 'embed'.
Misc perf ideas from my comment:
Testing FPS with "Release" mode correct?
Are you using textures that are scaled down to match the resolution of the device before loading them?
Are you mixing BLEND modes that are causing additional draw calls?
Ref: The Performance Optimization is great reading to optimize your usage of Starling.
Starling is not a miracle solution for mobile device. There's quite a lot of code running in the background in order to make the GPU display anything. You the coder has to make sure the amount of draw call is kept to a minimum. The weaker the device and the less draw call you should force. It's not rare to see people using Starling and not pay any attention to their draw calls.
The size of graphics used is only relevant for the GPU upload time and not that much for the GPU display time. So of course all relevant texture need to be uploaded prior to displaying any scenes. You simply cannot try to upload any new texture while any given scene is playing. Even a small texture uploading will cause idling.
Displaying everything using Starling is not always a smart choice. In render mode the GPU gets a lot of power but the CPU still has some remaining. You can reduce the amount of GPU uploading and GPU charge by simply displaying static UI elements using the classic display list (which is where the Staling framework design is failing). Starling was originally made to make it very difficult to use both display system together that's one of the downsides of using this framework. Most professional I know including myself don't use Starling for that reason.
Your system must be flexible and you should embed your assets for mobile and not use any external swf as much as possible and be able to switch to another system for the web. If you expect to use one system of asset for mobile/desktop/web version of your app you are setting yourself up for failure. Embedding on mobile is critical for memory management as the AIR platform internally manages the cache of those embedded assets. Thx to that when creating new instances of those assets the memory consumption stays under control, if you don't embed then you are on your own.
Regarding overall performance a very weak Android device will probably never be able to go passed 10 fps when using Starling or any Stage3D framework because of the amount of code those framework need to run (draw calls) in the background. On weak device that amount of code is already enough to completely overload the CPU. On the other hand on weak device you can still get a good performance and user experience by using GPU mode instead of render mode (so no Stage3D) and displaying mostly raster graphic.
12 draw calls is very good (90 was pretty high).
That you still get low FPS on some device is not that surprising. Especially low end Android device will always have low FPS in render mode with Stage3D framework because of the amount of code that those framework have to run to render one frame. Now the size of the texture you are using should not affect the FPS that much (that's the point of Stage3D). It would help with the GPU uploading time if you reduce the size of those graphics.
Now optimization is the key and optimizing on low end device with low FPS is the best way to go since whatever you do will have great effect on better device as well. Start by running tests and only displaying static graphics with no or very little code on your part just to see how far the Stage3D framework can go on its own on those weak device without losing any FPS and then optimize from there. The amount of object displayed on screen + the amount of draw calls is what affects FPS with those Stage3D framework so keep a count of those and always seek ways to reduce it. On some low end device it's not practical to try to keep a 60fps so try to switch to 30 and adjust your rendering accordingly.

Android Hardware Acceleration - to use or not to use?

I'm developing an app that it functionality very similar to Facebook Android native app: social network that most of the time the user will spend in an endless ListView displaying lot's of images, entering an image gallery, and so on.
let's say for the discussion that I'm doing all the right things and best android practices to achieve smooth scroll (recycling views as it should, using different view types when needed, loading to memory only scaled bitmaps in the needed size, caching bitmaps, using ViewHolder design pattern, not blocking th UI thread when its possible and so on...)
let's say also that every thing else in my app written in the best way and following best practices (for the discussion... :->)
my app working not bad at all in that stage, but when
turning on the hardware acceleration, as described and promised in Android Developers documentation it making my app much much more smooth and fast.
let's say that it does not affect in any nagative way on the UI as can happened, and I'm not performing any of the Unsupported Operations
according to Google's document on the subject, only reason I can see not to use this feature (besides all other reasons I already mentioned above) is that it can cause my app to use more RAM. but how much RAM? a lot more? I know that when my app consumes lot's of RAM - it becoming good candidate to be destroyed by the OS when it need to free some memory.
my question is basically -
is it "ok" under my circumstances to use this feature?
what other problems can raise from using it?
To use or not to use
It is advised to use hardware acceleration only if you have complex custom computations for scaling, rotating and translating of images, but do not use it for drawing lines or curves (and other trivial operations) (source).
If you plan on having common transitions and also given that you have already considered scaling, recycling, caching etc, than it may not make sense to burden your project anymore. Also, any efforts spent reworking your code to support hardware acceleration will not effect users on versions below 3.0, which are ~36% of the market as of May 8, 2013.
Regarding memory usage (according to this article), by including Android Hardware the application loads up the OpenGL drivers for each process, takes memory usage of roughly 2MB, and boosts it to 8MB.
Other issues
Apart from API versions, I presume it will also affect battery life. Unfortunately there aren't any benchmarks on different use cases online in order to draw a line on this one. Some argue that in given cases because of multiple gpu cores, using acceleration may save battery life. Overall, I think it would be safe that the effect won't be too dramatic (or Google would have made this a major point).
Hardware acceleration is enabled by default if your Target API level
is >=14
I would say yes in your situation, use hardware acceleration.
Seeing that you aren't using any resource intensive controls in your app it should not be a problem to enable Hardware acceleration. As you said your app is working quite well without hardware acceleration.
When you enable hardware acceleration Android will start using your GPU and because of the increased resources required to enable hardware acceleration, your app will consume more RAM.
A frequently asked question is Will the amount of ram increase by a really big amount?
The answer to that will all be determined by :
1. Your programming ability ie. management of the recycling list, scaling of the Images ect.
2. The Device
I wrote a app a while ago that was used to edit really high res bitmaps. I ran into the same problem. I found that on different devices the max amount of ram allocated by the OS when hardware acceleration is enabled varies by device. If your device has more ram the OS will allocate more ram to your app, so you will never find a consistent amount of ram used for your app. The bigger more expensive devices will always run your app on a larger amount of ram.
What other problems can raise by using hardware acceleration?
Hardware acceleration might cause problems for some 2D drawing operations. If you experience this you can enable Hardware Acceleration for only specific activities in your app like stated on the Hardware Acceleration post in the android Developer Docs
The easiest way to enable hardware acceleration is to turn it on globally for your entire application. If your application uses only standard views and Drawables, turning it on globally should not cause any adverse drawing effects. However, because hardware acceleration is not supported for all of the 2D drawing operations, turning it on might affect some of your applications that use custom views or drawing calls. Problems usually manifest themselves as invisible elements, exceptions, or wrongly rendered pixels. To remedy this, Android gives you the option to enable or disable hardware acceleration at the following levels:
This way you can also limit the hardware acceleration in your app but by the sound of it you will need it for most of your apps functions.
Hope this helps

how to measure and improve battery use in iPhone/iPad game (Android also)

My game uses too much battery. I don't know exactly how much it uses as compared to comparable games, but it uses too much. Players complain that it uses a lot, and a number of them note that it makes their device "run hot". I'm just starting to investigate this and wanted to ask some theoretical and practical questions to narrow the search space. This is mainly about the iOS version of my game, but probably many of the same issues affect the Android version. Sorry to ask many sub-questions, but they all seemed so interrelated I thought it best to keep them together.
Side notes: My game doesn't do network access (called out in several places as a big battery drain) and doesn't consume a lot of battery in the background; it's the foreground running that is the problem.
(1) I know there are APIs to read the battery level, so I can do some automated testing. My question here is: About how long (or perhaps: about how much battery drain) do I need to let the thing run to get a reliable reading? For instance, if it runs for 10 minutes is that reliable? If it drains 10% of the battery, is that reliable? Or is it better to run for more like an hour (or, say, see how long it takes the battery to drain 50%)? What I'm asking here is how sensitive/reliable the battery meter is, so I know how long each test run needs to be.
(2) I'm trying to understand what are the likely causes of the high battery use. Below I list some possible factors. Please help me understand which ones are the most likely culprits:
(2a) As with a lot of games, my game needs to draw the full screen on each frame. It runs at about 30 fps. I know that Apple says to "only refresh the screen as much as you need to", but I pretty much need to draw every frame. Actually, I could put some work into only drawing the parts of the screen that had changed, but in my case that will still be most of the screen. And in any case, even if I can localize the drawing to only part of the screen, I'm still making an OpenGL swap buffers call 30 times per second, so does it really matter that I've worked hard to draw a bit less?
(2b) As I draw the screen elements, there is a certain amount of floating point math that goes on (e.g., in computing texture UV coordinates), and some (less) double precision math that goes on. I don't know how expensive these are, battery-wise, as compared to similar integer operations. I could probably cache a lot of these values to not have to repeatedly compute them, if that was a likely win.
(2c) I do a certain amount of texture switching when rendering the scene. I had previously only been worried about this making the game too slow (it doesn't), but now I also wonder whether reducing texture switching would reduce battery use.
(2d) I'm not sure if this would be practical for me but: I have been reading about shaders and OpenCL, and I want to understand if I were to unload some of the CPU processing to the GPU, whether that would likely save battery (in addition to presumably running faster for vector-type operations). Or would it perhaps use even more battery on the GPU than on the CPU?
I realize that I can narrow down which factors are at play by disabling certain parts of the game and doing iterative battery test runs (hence part (1) of the question). It's just that that disabling is not trivial and there are enough potential culprits that I thought I'd ask for general advice first.
Try reading this article:
Android Documents on optimization
What works well for me, is decreasing the use for garbage collection e.g. when programming for a desktop computer, you're (or i'm) used to defining variables inside loops when they are not needed out side of the loop, this causes a massive use of garbage collection (and i'm not talking about primitive vars, but big objects.
try avoiding things like that.
One little tip that really helped me get Battery usage (and warmth of the device!) down was to throttle FPS in my custom OpenGL Engine.
Especially while the scene is static (e.g. a turn-based game or the user tapped pause) throttle down FPS.
Or throttle if the user isn't responsive for more then 10 seconds, like a screensaver on a desktop pc. In the real world users often get distracted while using mobile devices. Don't let your app drain battery while your user figures out what subway-station he's in ;)
Also on the iPhone, sometimes 60FPS is the default, throttling this manually to 30 FPS is barely visible and safes you about half of the gpu cycles (and therefore a lot of battery!).

Tips regarding high performance drawing in Android

I'm writing a graphing library for an android application (yes yes, I know there are plenty out there but none that offer the customizability we need).
I want the graphs to zoomable and pan-able.
I want the experience to be smooth, leave a small CPU footprint.
Use View.onDraw(Canvas)
Use high resolution Bitmap
Use OpenGL
Some what easy to implement
Bad performance? (unless it uses OpenGL, does it?)
Really easy to implement
Great performance
Have to use scaling which is ugly
Probably good performance depending on my implementation
More work to implement
Final words
OpenGL would probably be the professional solution and would definitely offer more flexibility but it would require more work (how much is unclear).
One thing that is definitely easier in OpenGL is panning/zooming since I can just manipulate the matrix to get it right, the rest should be harder though I think.
I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty but I want to know I'm heading in the right direction before I start digging.
Have I missed any solutions? Are all my solutions sane?
Additional notes:
I can add that when a graph changes I want to animated the changes, this will perhaps be the most demanding task of all.
The problem with using Views is that you inherit from the overhead of the UI toolkit itself. While the toolkit is pretty well optimized, what it does it not necessarily what you want. The biggest drawback when you want to control your drawing is the invalidate/draw loop.
You can work around this "issue" by using a SurfaceView. A SurfaceView lets you render onto a window using your own rendering thread, thus bypassing the UI toolkit's overhead. And you can still use the Canvas 2D rendering API.
Canvas is however using a software rendering pipeline. Your performance will mostly depend on the speed of the CPU and the bandwidth available. In practice, it's rarely as fast as OpenGL. Android 3.0 offer a new hardware pipeline for Canvas but only when rendering through Views. You cannot at this time use the hardware pipeline to render directly onto a SurfaceView.
I would recommend you give SurfaceView a try first. If you write your code correctly (don't draw more than you need it, redraw only what has changed, etc.) you should be able to achieve the performance you seek. If that doesn't work, go with OpenGL.

Is OpenGL on Android a battery killer?

I'm currently implementing a software keyboard ( using some sophisticated prediction ), and drawing it using canvas is insufficient in terms of perfomance. I'm getting frame drawing times well above 100ms, which is clearly unacceptable.
The keyboard itself consists of about 33 keys, each of them drawn using drawRoundRect and a simple Text above that. No widgets whatsoever are used, so it's the plain perfomance. Also, almost all of Googles perfomance tips are in use, so thats not the reason for the speed either.
I've now reached a point where switching to opengl actually would make sense, but I'm still sceptical considering the impact an opengl-based keyboard might have on battery life.
As I've found no sufficient documentation on that topic, I hope someone here can point me to the right direction.
Regardless of how much it drains the battery, you probably don't want to do this because most existing devices don't support multiple OpenGL contexts at the same time, so your soft keyboard would be incompatible with any application that is using OpenGL for its own drawing. On these devices the OpenGL context is owned only by the foreground application; it can not be used in secondary parts of the UI like the soft keyboard.
Also as the previous poster said, you would probably be best off looking how to optimize your regular drawing. Drawing vectors is quite slow, so pre-rendering them into a bitmap to just do bitmap blits would help a lot. Also be careful to only draw the parts of the window that have changed. 100ms is a pretty insane amount of time to take to draw the UI, so there are almost certainly significant optimizations you can make. You might want to look at the KeyboardView code in the platform (which is used by the standard soft keyboard and sample IME); this already contains many similar drawing optimizations.
An aside: Have you considered rendering the keys once and then grabbing them as sprites and blitting these? It should be vastly superior to rendering vector graphics.
I cannot give you hard numbers (and as apphacker pointed out, this is device-specific), but even if OpenGL is hardware-accelerated and hence might use more battery, the operation should complete much faster and so use less power in total.
If it is not hardware-accelerated, it seems logical that it should only use more power if it takes longer to complete the operation, as you are only exchanging one drawing API for another.
All in all, as you only have to draw when external events happen it shouldn't matter much in the long run, as people are probably tiping only a few keys per minute.
You'll probably just have to implement it (maybe in a simplified test case) and make measurements.

