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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to develop an application with the use of offline map,But i have no any idea for doing the same, can anybody explain me how to integrate offline map in android for a particular country?
You have the option of using OpenStreet Map via osmdroid.
osmdroid is a (almost) full/free replacement for Android's MapView (v1
API) class. It also includes a modular tile provider system with
support for numerous online and offline tile sources and overlay
support with built-in overlays for plotting icons, tracking location,
and drawing shapes.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking for a way to draw a route path on openstreetmap in my android app.
I only have the start and end points, however do not want just a straight line.
Any ideas on how I could do this?
For obtaining a route you can use one of the various online routers for OSM. Many of them offer a GPX export of the calculated route which you then can display in your application.
Have you looked at the Open Street Map wiki, including the Traveling Salesman example:
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Closed 9 years ago.
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Google recently released a bunch of demo games for google glass, including one called Matcher. On the GDK website, the only description given is:
We used the Photosphere camera mode to map the surrounding cards and the compact Min3D library on top of OpenGL to render the game.
Can anyone go into more details about how this (or something similar to this) is done. What confuses me the most is the reference to the Photosphere camera mode. Thanks. th
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I wonder if with the Google Maps API I can trace a route between two points, taking the distance and time to go, as well as Maps Android application, if anyone has an example of how to do, I am grateful.
Check this link: Android google maps APIs get directions programming
There are no official android API for google maps routing. If you want that, you should download the path from google maps web service and draw the path (polygon) manually.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am trying to create an application to show an indoor map of a building, and open the dialog box when anyone clicks on any part of that building. It's similar to IndoorGoogle Maps 6.0 for Android, but Indoor maps are currently available in selected locations in the U.S. and Japan only.
I don't know whether I should use a WebView (because it has scrolling and zoom features) or an ImageView. How to show a marker in the image of the map like Google Maps? How should I save the direction from one part to another part of the building?
ImageView can probably get you a quick-and-dirty version, but WebView would probably be better. Check out the mapping API from Micello, and this Google I/O talk on indoor mapping using the Google Maps API.
A few other reference apps to look at: PointInside, Aisle411, Meridian.
My startup, BuildingLayer, does some indoor map stuff as well. We use Leaflet out front, which is buttery smooth on iOS's Mobile Safari, but you lose pinch-zoom capabilities in the stock Android browser (looks like this issue is being resolved with Mobile Chrome & Android ICS).
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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is there any way to draw optimal route(considering traffic) between two geopoints using Android Google maps API?
Yes, but you'll need to do some work with the Google Maps API to get it going. Here's a link to a tutorial that explains how:
Alternatively you can just link from your app to the Maps app, and let Maps show the directions & route.
Launching Google Maps Directions via an intent on Android