I've got an issue I don't quite understand.
I've created an application for the past week, and decided do make some changes. So I started again from scratch. So I create my main activity, I feel it, I create a second activity which is supposed to contain tabs (I just add the add activity feature of Android Studio) and now I get errors like this:
Cannot resolve symbol FragmentPagerAdapter
on line: import android.support.v13.app.FragmentPagerAdapter;
or Cannot resolve symbol ViewPager
on import android.support.v4.view.ViewPager;
The project builds all right, and run on my phone, but I have all these errors which is really annoying and not helpful. I read somewhere that the Android Support Library should be installed, it is if I trust the SDK manager. And it's really weird since it's working in the other project.
What should I do?
[EDIT] typo
[EDIT2] Tried to restart the IDE, clean caches and clean/rebuild the project. Nothing worked :/
Apparently I finally solved it. I named my application with a ! at the end. Which means that when creating the project, the root folder got a ! in it, which apparently broke the IDE.
I created a new project, kept the app name but removed the ! from the folder's name, and it works again...
I have been using Eclipse for about 6 months now, and I noticed that I rarely can import someone else's project into Eclipse. I get so many errors in many files. For example, I tried to import a friend's project that I know works just fine, but I get a lot of "R" errors, like Eclipse can't recognize "R" as a field, and then other weird ones like ActionBarActivity is not recognized or an entire imports like android.support.v4.app.Fragment that visually are in the library but are not being recognized by Eclipse as being there, and I check them and they are definitely marked "Is library" and added properly to the project. Anyone know why this is or how to fix? It's frustrating because to learn, sometimes you need to see someone else's app run first, then look at their code, but you can't. Thanks in advance.
My usual way of importing a project is to do File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace. Also, I have tried cleaning the project, but it doesn't work.
try this File -> Import -> Android -> Existing Android Code into WorkSpace ->then browse-> select your project->make sure the checkBox"copy the project into workSpace" is marked
Check your Build Path. In the Android Section, try using some other API level click on Apply and after your project finishes with the building workspace, again revert back to the original API and click on OK.
Also check for any Build Path errors.
So thanks to the help of everyone of this post, and others on another post, the problem was finally fixed and took several steps.
Turns out that the ActionBarActivity error had a quick fix (hover over it, you get quick fix options) of importing the appcompat_v7 library. I never chose that before, because I thought it was already installed, hence the conflict with android-support-v4.jar (meaning there were doubles of that library), but I chose to import it anyway and that error went away.
But I discovered that android-support-v4.jar was actually a component of appcompat_v7, so that was causing the "Jar mismatch!" error in the console. So I deleted android-support-v4.jar from the libs folder, and the jar mismatch went away.
Lastly, my layout files were all not being recognized, even though I knew the variable names were all correct. So the error was from when I tried to refresh my imports in the very beginning of the problem (using shift+command+O), thinking it was an import problem (which it was), but at that time, refreshing did nothing. BUT... Eclipse took away import com.laurengariepy.android.gridimagesearch.R; and replaced it with android.R;, which is what was causing all the layout errors. So once I put that com.laurengariepy.android.gridimagesearch.R; back, then all errors went away.
So the take-away to this story, is be careful with Eclipse version 22.6. The auto-import of the appcompat_v7 library will cause a lot of trouble when you try to import other people's projects, because they were likely not created in an IDE with appcompat_v7 already there.
I've followed these instructions for adding OpenCV to a gradle project, and it seemed to go okay, however in my source I can't import the OpenCV classes.
org.opencv seems to import ok, but not any of the sub-packages or classes. In Android Studio it looks like this:
As I type out the package name, after org.opencv. the only suggestion is *.
What could I be doing wrong?
I have had this issue with Android Studio a couple of times
I find it is resolved by closing and reopening the project when the project reloads it has worked.
If that does not work try close and reopen Android studio.
The third thing you could try is |File|Invalidate Cache Restart| .
Yesterday I have created a simple android application using eclipse (ADT bundle) and when I run it, it works fine. Today, when I try to open it, it shows errors
Your project contains error(s), please fix it before running it
, and
cannot resolved variable.
After I go through my android application project, I found out that, all the import statement were gone. So I manually key in all the import statement and it works fine. This is second time I have encountered this kind of problem.Does anyone know why when I close the project and reopen it on next day, all the import statements are missing?
That shouldn't be the case usually. You can try the auto import of the library needed instead of manually inserting the library one by one by ctrl+shift+O. Another common problem is that you included the library but it still cannot reference it correctly. Something like cannot reference R.id.xxx, that can be solved by making sure that you don't have import android.R in your code.
Hope that helps :)
If I make a new Android project in Ecplipse and I try, to open one of the samples from android SDK, I have got an error, look like this:
R cannot be resolved
What can I do, to be able, to run these files? I tried to delete import android.R; but nothing changed.
First thing you might try is "clean" your project (option in the menu). If it persists:
There should be an error that stops R from being generated. Check the "problems" tab (?) in eclipse to see what that problem is, and solve that. It could be missing libs, or various other stuff.
You possibly got error in building resources.
Possible fixes:
-refresh your project (F5)
-clean you project and refresh
-see "Console" tab, sometimes the problem is shown there
-reload the Android SDK
-restart the Eclipse IDE
Check your XML-Layout files. The problem come here half a time.
If you are sure it is note your layout file, check in your java build path if the google librarys are well set. (Google APIs)
(sorry for my bad english)
I've downloaded the android source code for CallLog, Contacts, Dialing from here.
But now, when I try to import this package on Eclipse, imports like:
And many other imports, show errors saying it cannot be resolved.
So my question is, why it shows this errors? Why I cant implement it without this errors? I use the Google APIs, I've created the project from an existing source code, but I dont know why this happens.
If you're sure that you have set up the Android SDK correctly, you should try to 'clean' your Eclipse project.
This usually solves import related errors in Eclipse for me.
Try right clicking the solution / project in the project explorer and choose "fix" near the bottom.