I want to add dividers to listview with specific width, like the foursquare app on tips list:
I don't know the proper way to do it, i tried adding a line on bottom of each item view, but the last item have a divider too, i know its a wrong way.
Is there any way to make the divider width the same of the text content?
You can set any arbitrary Drawable as a divider by calling ListView's setDrawable() method. If you know the width of the content you intend to display you can use that knowledge to make an appropriate graphic.
Also be aware that you will need to call setDividerHeight() if the drawable does not have an intrinsic height.
I am trying to add a bar similar to the "Today" bar here, but I cannot figure out how to force the width to match the screen. I am just using a simple textview (if there is a better way.. that's awesome, please tell it to me, but i cant find anything for it)
Here is what is happening with match_parent or fill_parent I recolored the textview to show the margins (that I dont want)
match_parent should fill the entire screen.
Check your parent activity layout or your fragment layout and you should find your margins there.
BTW, if you have a list of items like the one in the picture and you want it to have sections (like 'today', 'yesterday', etc) you should probably use recyclerview with headers instead of text view. Check this library for this, it's pretty easy:
I'm using a custom Adapter to fill a ListView. ListView items contain a sort of icon strip - a various number of icons related to the item. My icon strip is a horizontal LinearLayout. What I would like to do is to stop adding icons to LinearLayout when they don't fit in it anymore and create a new LinearLayout instead and icons to it. So basically it's a multiline grid of icons. I'm using API lvl 8.
The problem is that in my Adapter's bindView function all layouts are not measured yet and report zeroes as width, height, measuredWidth and measuredHeight.
I do not know how to proceed so any help is welcome.
I'm working on my first Android application and I have a pretty good idea of what I want my application to look like, I'm just not sure how to create the view.
I have a Listview with several items, I then want users to click on an item then get a detail page. I want my detail page to look like this.
I know how to get the background. What I'm trying to figure out is what's the best way to create that rounded, see-through table with a border. Any ideas?
The easiest way would be to create a linear layout with vertical orientation and define a drawable shape resource and set the corners to have a radius to match what you like. Then add your 2 text views and an image view and lines for the separators.
I have ListView. I would like to fill each row of ListView with a background from left to x% ...
So what I want is:
Item - 50% of background is colored
Item - 20% of background is colored
Item - 90% of background is colored
Is it possible to this?
Thanks for the answer!
As far as I know this is not possible out of the box. But I think you can archive is with a little trick.
You have to define a custom view for you rows. This view has a RelativeLayout as root element on which you can set the background color you want to have.
You then add another view element to the root element which covers a part of the root element. The background color of this element should be set to black and should be aligned to the right. The RelativeLayout provides many attributed you can use to arrange the elements.
Furthermore you have to write a custom adapter which handles the creation of the single list items views. When you override the getView() method where the view elements for each single row are created and inflated to the ListView, you calculate and set the width of the "cover"-element in such a ways that it covers a part of the root element.
The difficult part will be to calculate the width of the cover-element so that the rest of the root element which is not covered and still visible correspond to the percentage you want it to have.
Here you find a short tutorial about how to implement a custom Adapter with a custom view for the list items.
It is possible by the concept of custom layouts. This is a good article for to learn more. Also, I think you need to go through the NotePad tutorial in Android official site.
I have three items in a ListView. The reason I have chosen the ListView is so I can use a Divider and a List Selector on these items.
However I do not need/want the scrolling aspect of the ListView. Ie. When I select/drag an item from the list, I dont want it to scroll..
Is it possible to disable this somehow? Or will I have to add the items using a LinearLayout and find another way of using a list divider and selector?
I'm not sure how well this will work for you, but you can disable overscroll (available in android-9 and above):
and then also hide the scroll bars:
After this, if your list does not exceed the screen size then it shouldn't be able to scroll.
If you dont need to scroll listview, you can add the list item to a linear layout as well you can design it also through xml file.
And for put a DIVIDER to it just take a "View" widget.
Put it height 1 dip and width fill_parent. You can give color to this view through background color.
Try it. i have done it many times.